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Biotech tropicana Journal: xxx(1):(5):10, 2016

Rsatec: A Small Regulation For The Big SATEC.

Data Transfer Guidelines


Aboubakar YARI1 ; Venus YARI1 ; And Myra YARI2



  1. Biotech tropicana,IncAU
  1. Marketing Body, Biotech tropicana Corporation

SATEC: The SMART African Technology Evaluation Centre is a component of the Biotech tropicana Systems SMART African Biotechnology Information Centre (SABIC) design ed to monitor technology development in, entry in, and exit out of the territory of the African Union. SATEC is an internal capacity designed for internal applications in the Biotech tropicana Systems.  We previously discussed indirect benefits that may have applications for the African Union System, including security benefits, financial benefits in tax collection, integration benefits from its applications in all member states of the African Union. [1;2] Here we discuss some preliminary regulatory guidelines to maximize the benefits in applications for the African Union,.

The SMALL Regulations for the BIG SATEC are designed to maximize benefits for the African Union in areas of

  1. Security
  2. Competition and
  3. Development

The SATEC Harmonization Act

The SATEC Harmonization Act is designed to maximize benefits for all member states and to avoid that benefit gains for one member state do not result in benefit loss for another member state; particularly where the loss for one member state is superior to the gain for the other member state. thereby resulting in overall negative development gains for the Union.

Rsatec 1: Security Harmonization Act:

1.a)  Applicable only to data coded as security sensitive

1.b)  To maximize security benefits for all member countries of the African Union

1.c)   Transfer of data coded as Rsatec 1.a) out of the SATEC platform to any external system SHALL require approval of

  1. The Council of presidents of all member states
  2. The Chief of the African Union Commission
  3. The Coordinator of any SATEC originated data for the African Union
  4. The presidents of all countries in which the data is to be applied.

1,d)  the recipient of the data must sign an acknowledgement of obligation to secure data in external system and to use data only for the purpose for which  the data  was requested and any penalties for unauthorized use of the data.


Rsatec 2: Competition Harmonization Act:

2.a) Applicable only to data coded as competition sensitive

REPEAT Rsatec 1 by replacing the word “security” with the word “competition”.


Rsatec 3: Development Harmonization Act:

3.a Applicable only to data coded as development sensitive

REPEAT Rsatec 2 by replacing the word “competition” with the word “development”.

3.e data coded as long term development sensitive SHALL require approval of the Pan African Parliament



SATEC. BIG SATEC and Rsatec are private properties of the Biotech tropicana systems. All systems under are incubation in Biotech tropicana,IncAU. While all systems may have potential application benefits for the African Union, the Biotech tropicana systems have no binding contract with the African Union. During the incubation period all system components are designed to simulate a real life implementation context. All simulation contexts are the solo responsibility of the authors and does not necessary reflect the views of the African Union system.    


[1] A. YARI1; V. YARI1; and M. YARI2; SATEC: The SMART African Technology Evaluation Centre. An Analysis For Impact On Security, Economics, And Integration Of The African Union. Biotech tropicana Journal; (in process), 2016. At


 [2] A. YARI1; V. YARI1; and M. YARI2.BIG SATEC:  Going For Big; Taking The Small Techs, Big Solution Concept To Continental Level; Biotech tropicana Journal;(in process) , 2016. At

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