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Biotech tropicana Journal:ccccc (1):(5):9, 2016

SATEC: The SMART African Technology Evaluation Centre.

A Search For An Implementation Strategy.


Aboubakar YARI1 ;Venus YARI1; and Myra YARI2



  1. Biotech tropicana,Inc
  2. Marketing Body, Biotech tropicana Corporation.



Implementation strategy is a key component factor that determines the success of a development program. The United Nations development programs operate through technical agencies such as the World Health Organization and the United Nations Population fund. A general secretary coordinates administrative functions. Similarly, the High Level African Panel On Modern Biotechnology operates through a technical agency, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) in Pretoria, South Africa, and a general secretary that coordinates administrative functions, the African Union Commission (AUC) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Both the United Nations system and the African Union Commission operate through the public sector. Our SATEC, technology evaluation system is designed to operate in our private integrated technology platform coordinated by the SABIC Consulting, Inc unit. We previously proposed an implementation model that relied on a four parties partnership model comprising NEPAD for public administration of technical aspects of the work, the independent Biotechnology panel for scientific supervision, and the SATEC platform for technical services; all coordinated from a centralized and specialized African Union office aided by country level African Union offices for data collection and processing. [1] A classical public private partnership model may provide a venue for SATEC to operate in a team of partners.  Our partnership model would transfer contracted private capacity to the African Union specialized technology monitoring unit.  A similar approach was proven very effective between the contracted private management of grant applications for the public United States government.  In the US model, an independent scientific body makes decisions on applicant qualification for grant. All partners, private, public and independent are placed under the authority of one office such as the US National Science Foundation (NSF) or the US National Institute of Health (NIH). Our model for Africa adds up a fifth legal capacity partner to supervise compliance with regulatory rules. We predict that the diversity of skills and origin of the partners will also provide additional indirect benefits to the African office of technology monitoring; indirect benefits include a debate platform for improvements  and adaptations to a fast changing technology market. The multiple partner design will also indirectly provide a shield against corruption that may diminish the effectiveness of the office. Implementation by a single and uniform body would make the office ore opened to destructive corruption by interest groups.  Alternative more efficient models may be designed. The Biotech tropicana,IncEXPLORER unit is the process of collecting data for the design of alternative  models. WORK IN PROGRESS .

SATEC is a technology evaluation platform innovated and owned by the Biotech tropicana Systems.

SATEC is placed under the supervision of Biotech tropicana,IncAU, an independent unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems that focuses on technology innovations aligned with development objectives of the African Union.

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator.

Biotech tropicana Systems




Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (09.18.2016)
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