Building Power: The Biotech tropicana Systems Development Model
Aboubakr YARI:1: Venus YARI1: And Myra YARI2:
- Biotech tropicana Systems
- Marketing Body, Biotech tropicana Corportion
Founded in 2000, aligned with the new millennium global development concept, in fifteen years of operation the Biotech Tropicana Systems build power to emerge as a technological super power. With the registration of the founding pillar of the system in Kandi, Benin republic, within the territory of the African Union, the last objective set in 2000 in the pillar setting agenda of the Biotech tropicana Systems is achieved. All power pillars in science, technology, administration and commercialization are now built to set the Biotech tropicana Systems as a major player in the global biotech tropicana market. With the registration act it is fair to say that the philosophy of immortality of the Biotech tropicana Systems is now immortalized. In “ from aid recipient to aid donor” we previously discussed innovative strategies made in the Biotech Tropicana Systems that underlie quick transfer status from aid recipient to aid donor, here we share some secrets of the immortality of the Biotech tropicana Systems.. From now, the Biotech tropicana Systems will just be further developing, to the end of time, over generations. The founder is fully satisfied to have achieved the last founding objective set in 2000.
Keywords: Biotech company: Development strategy: Aid recipient: Aid donor; Global biotech market; Immortality:
Founded in 2000, aligned with the new millennium global development concept, in fifteen years of operation the Biotech Tropicana Systems build power to emerge as a technological super power. With the registration of the founding pillar of the system in Kandi, Benin republic, within the territory of the African Union, the last objective set in 2000 in the pillar setting agenda of the Biotech tropicana Systems is achieved. All power pillars in science, technology, administration and commercialization are now built to set the Biotech tropicana Systems as a major player in the global biotech tropicana market. With the registration act it is fair to say that the philosophy of immortality of the Biotech tropicana Systems is now immortalized. In “ from aid recipient to aid donor” we previously discussed innovative strategies made in the Biotech Tropicana Systems that underlie quick transfer status from aid recipient to aid donor, here we share some secrets of the immortality of the Biotech tropicana Systems.. From now, the Biotech tropicana Systems will just be further developing, to the end of time, over generations. The founder is fully satisfied to have achieved the last founding objective set in 2000.
Keywords: Biotech company: Development strategy: Aid recipient: Aid donor; Global biotech market; Immortality:
- YARI, Venus YARI, and Myra YARI are founding members of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Founding members not excludable. Non founding members are excludable. Aboubajar YARI, and Venus YARI are owners of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Myra YARI is excluded from the owners group for committing a fault that meet the serious harm to the interest of the Biotech tropicana Systems or its member or members standard. Myra YARI is also barred from filing and managing any inter institutional document TO THE END OF TIME. Yet Myra YARI retains all founder status life time and post life time rights and privileges: including the right to file and manage intra institutional documents. Here, it is worth noting that household and family relations re not controlled by institutional regulations.
A dynamic of sustainable development:
Conceived in the late 1990s, founded in 2000, presidents come to go, governments are born to die, the Immortal Biotech tropicana Systems are always out there, growing bigger and stronger along a dynamics of sustainable development. The pro life pro development policy 33 of the Biotech tropicana Systems is designed to facilitate the implementation of our programs while avoiding conflicts with developing countries presidents and governments. Our programs are designed to advance common people of developing countries. It is common rethoric that developing countries presidents and governments are corrupted and iireesponsible. The Biotech tropicana Systems disagree. From analysis of data collected throughour activities in developing countries, we conclude that the majority of developing countries presidents anf governments love their country and their people. However, amny of these developing countries are not technologically advanced and cannot keep pace with global competition that relied heavily on the nmastering of new technologies. Many willtrade their good will to cover for the immediate needs of their people, to compromise long term developmet objectives of their country. Such unsustainable solution approaches make things worst. Sustainable technologies of the Biotech tropicana Systems are designed to helpwellgoverned developing countries keep pace with their long term development goals. Out technology systems are designed to be tailored to the resources and expertise of these settings with respect to cost and complexity. Of course good governace reuired our technologies not to be free. Instead our programs are designed to discourage the free aid mentality and helpwell governed developing countries to take control of their own destiny.
Pro aid versus anti aid
The Biotech tropicana Systems concept was conceived and implemented in the United States of America where aid does not exist. Our development plan therefore exclude aid as a development strategy. Further development plans still strictly exclude aid because of conditions in the form of lost sovereignty coming with aid.. We then expand the concept in Benin republic, a pro aid developing country, with incorporation of the EXPLORER unit in Parakpu, Benin. Interestingly, the major challenges we face do not ,originate from developing countries. Instead most developing countries accept our Biotech tropicana Systems concept with gratitude. The major challenges we face originate from traditional aid donors who ooperate in these settings before the introduction of the Biotech tropicana Systems concept. Where the traditional aid donors cannot overcome our sovereignty barriers by introducing their aid across our borders, the traditionalaid donors will donate the aid to corrupted officilas of developing countries, and use those corrupted officials as mercenaries to attack the Biotech tropicana Systems. We construe those attacks as despair in face of a superior competitor. Gere again our superior security capacity and smarter strategies will defeat the corrupted developing country officials. Learning from our developing country experiences, we conclude that traditional form aid is not donated with the intentt to help develp, butis is used as a mean to buy the sovereignty of weaker nations. Our findings are further supported by trecommendations of the United Nations sscinece for development task forces that emphasized science, technology, and innovation for development and transition from a public sector led to a private sector led development, for developing countries.The United States milleenium challenge corporation proposed globaldevelopment reforms are in line with the recommendations of the United Nations scientific task forces. Operating from the private sector, the Biotech tropicana Systems are at the forefront in implementing the new way global developmet reforms adopted at the dawn of the neww millennium. By the United Nations General assembly and the United States congress. We analyse and re-interpret the new way global development concepts in light of data collected on the ground by the EXPLORER unit, to innovate propeietary business strategies to make profit while advancing life and development in developing countries. Despite though resistance fromtraditionalists, the biotech tropicana Systems imposed its super5rioty as a world leader in biotechnology for the developinh world.
Successful and friendly partnerships:
Suicidal attacks by weaker competitors:
The power of the Biotech tropicana Systems resides in its ability to innovate solutions to existing problems. We invent new solutions and wealth and impose our conditions on wealth we create. In many developing countries, we encounter problems in the form of dirty competition from people who are not capable of inventing solutions to their problems but depend on solutions created by others . they are not capable of creating the wealth thry need to susrain their own lives. They will go foe aid. The aid donor will impose their conditions on the aid package. It is clear that the Biotech tropicana Systems will not deal with conditions on aid they on aid we don’t need. Cognizant of the fact that they have no chance to win in a direct confrontation with Biotech tropicana Systems , the weaker competittors will donate aid to a mass of poor aid recipients and use the population of poor to attack our system. In well coorfinated attacks that suggest the implication of corrupted local authorities in the mafias. The Biotech tropicana Systems propose through collaborations to help them learn to create the wealth they need, to free them from dependency on wealth created by others. Our proposal received mixed acceptance with proponents willing to learn create wealth and opponents not willing to work and going for aid with its conditions of lost of sovereignty. . After 16 years of hard and smart work the Biotech tropicana Systems emerge as a technological super power. Our question is whether the weaker competitor attacker have the WILL to attack the system. Our question is whether they ahave the MEAN to succeed. Our answer is clear cut. They cannot succeed because thaty simply lack the intellect and capacity to succeed against the Biotech tropicana Systems. We are clearly far superior.
A demo of real power: self offense and deterrence
Here, the biotech tropicana Security Task Force demonstrated its efficiency. and effectiveness in combat.
Operational site challenges:
The ‘ I don’t want to work; I want aid’ bogus strategy hides another objective: ‘ I don.t want to develop. I want to steal from the people’. Since the dawn of man, no country ever develops based on aid. All countries developed today were developed with workof their people. A logical justification of the people from the development process of their country is to prevent them from investing and managing their own resources. Those resources are then transferred and managed only by a small group of privilgedges who can steal the resources; and indeed steal from their own people. Programs of the Biotech tropicana Systems designed to include the majority of the people will get in conflict with the objectives of the small minority corrupted leaders who want to concentrate the resources within their small inner circle: Najority of the people led development or minority of corrupted leaders led development ? a potential source of conflict. Progrms of the Biotech tropicana Systems always receive support and acceptance in will governed poor countries that include the majority of people in the development process: and even in well governed sub regions of poorly governed poor countries.
Inter (Relations) with the African Union System
Biotech related activities focused on development interests of the African Union Systems are coordinated by Biotech tropicana,IncAY, a unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems in Kandi, Benin republic, African Union.
Biotechnology related science activities of Biotech tropicana, IncAU are guided by scientific guidelines ser forth by the Hifg Level African Panel On Modern Biotechnology operation from their site in Pretoria, South Africa; that is the office of the New Partnership For Africa’s Developmen 9nepad).
Scientific bodies not accredited by the NEPAD operating Biotechnology panel ARE NOT PERMITTED to operatein internal activities of Biotech tropicana,IncAU.).
Guidelines of the HIGH LEVEL AFRICAN PANEL ON MODERN BIOTECHNOLOGY recommend BIOTECHNOLOGY INNOVATION FOR AFRICA’S DEVELOPMENT to operate through the PRIVATE SECTOR. THEREFORE, Biotech tropicana,IncAU operate through the private sector. The guideline recommendations of the African Biotechnology Panel are consistent with the objectives of the African Union Commission to empower the private sector as expressed by the the chairperson of the African Union as ‘
"The rehabilitation of the African private sector, which is essential for the creation of wealth and jobs, will receive sustained attention".
H.E Mr Moussa Faki Mahamat
For The African Union Systems.
Here the chaiprperson of the African Union System is advovating in political terms, the scient5f5c guide35es estab35shed by the African scientific panel.
(Inter) Relations:
The Biotech tropicana Systems acting through Biotech tropicana,IncAU DO NOT directly inter act with acitivities of the African Union Systems,. Internal policies and the scientific methods command the Biotech tropicana Systems to apply not violate scientific guidelines set forth by the HIGH LEVEL AFRICAN PANEL ON MODERN BIOTECHNOLOGY, IN TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION ACTIVITIES. The leadership of the Africa Biotechnology Panel (inter) acts with the African Union Systems to collect data for the development of guidelines aligned with the development interests of the African Union. The Biotech tropicana Systems collect the guidelines from the panel and apply them. To innovate biotechnologies aligned with the development interests of the African Union.
The Biotech tropicana Systems operate in Science, Technology Innovation, and commerce. CROSS AUTHORITIES ARE NOT PERMITTED UNDER NO CIRCUMSATNCE. For example an authorityacting from a government will not be permitted to supervise a question relevant to pure sceive under no circumstance. Scientific questions are addressed by ONLY by accredited scientific panels. Opionsissed by individuaaal panelmembers are treated just as opions and are not controlling in internalactivities of the Biotech tropicana Systems. WHOLE PANEL DECISIONS CONTROLS.
Work in Biotech tropicana,IncAU is guided by scientific guidelines set forth by:
- The High Level African Panel On Modern Biotechnology
- The Uniited scientific task forces acting through the millennim projet
Both a and b support tech innovation and commercialization through the private sector for developing countries.
DECISIONS of the political and not scientific of the United Nations millennium development hoals are not applicable to science based activities of the Biotech tropicana Systems. The political millennium development golas and the scientific millennium project are two different and separate entities of the United Nations System.
P1 or P22
Programs of Biotech tropicana,IncAY operate through the P2 model in line with the dispora scientific and DEFINITIVELY NOT with the P1 cooperation-government model. See P1.P2, P3.P4. amd Pi5 deevlopment models in Biotech tropicana,IncLITIGATOR, publisher.
Direct contribution to an activity of Biotech tropicana,IncAU SHALL require demonstration of AU CITIENSHIP . Foreign nationals of African origin may be eligible for a special status under a special provision. A SPECIAL STATUS MUST be approved by the founders of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
Building Real Power:
For the Biotech tropicana Systems, knowledge driven economy, KNOE;DEGE IS POWER. Our power building strategy proved very successful:
BTS Strategy: Small building, Big knowledge
Our infrastructure building strategy is self sustainable. We establish knowledge in small infrastructures. We invest in knledge capacity aquistion to invrease knowledge capacity. We further apply the knowledge capacity to further increase iinfrastructural capacity. In a rolling circle model. More knowledge willtranslate into more infrastructural capacity. Applying our rolling circle model we demonstrate our capacity to jave our therories approved and accepted by scientific high level panels on all continents on planet earth. We reach out to the highest level scientific panels from a one building Biotech tropicana University Campus.
Competitor strategy in Africa: Big Buildings, Small Knowledge
Large multiple building university campuses emerge from nowhere. Entire many buildings biology and chemistry departments cannot properly describe the basic structure of DNA.
In Francophony of Africa, the best of the best of the competitors who very far, make it up to Burkina faso, while the biotech tropicana systems is demonstrating its knolw3edge *6wer accr6ss c6nt5nents.
Strength: Science and Technology
The Biotech tropicana Systems succeeded in getting recognition by international scientific panels.; where evaluation are made .based on scientific merit without bias. Many scientific supports of competitors in developing countries lack the scientific background to be accepted for membership in international scientific panels; therefore they have no means to control our work that operate far above their scientific curriculum the international scientific standing permit the Biotech tropicana Systems to succeed in deeply corrupted environment of dirty competition by operating far above the mess.
Corruption operates in the administrative sector. Here again power control bodies re effective enough to substantially dilute the corruption effect.
Biotech tropicana Systems: A black owned company opened to all races.
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI
For the Biotech tropicana Systems.