October, 2015
OCTOBER 13, 2015
at http://bteducational.ucoz.com/index/education_news/0-2
As of October 17, 2015, partner Institution FAILED TO CHALLENGE IN WRITTEN the Biotech tropicana Systems findings of contracts and agreements violations as stated in the Sepyember 28, 2015 information letter.
The failure of partner institution to reply to the September 28, 2015, letter informing partner of its third contract and agreement violations, under POLICY 22, is a fourth contract and agreement violation.
When considered cumulatively the four violations amount to “ serious harm to the Biotech tropicana System”under POLICY 21.
- Institution now designated as (EXC 1) is excluded from partnership or any form collaboration with the Biotech tropicana Systems . POLICY 21b. Biotech tropicana Systems.
- Institution EXC 1 excluded under Policy 21, SHALL NOT associate in any manner with any activity of the Biotech tropicana Systems. POLICY 21.i. Biotech tropicana Systems.
Institution EXC 1 is barred from doing business with the Biotech tropicana Systems, to THE END OF TIME.
As part of the contribution of the Biotech tropicama Systems to the advancement of Biotechnology in the developing world, the founders at their own discretion recommends that any further request for assistance from institution EXC 1 be transferred to the BIOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FUND for further processing.
For any activity of the BIOTECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FUND in which institution EXC 1 participates,
- The representing member of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL submit all related documents to the Chief Executive Officer of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
- A copy of all related documents SHALL be transferred to the Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM for archiving, POLICY 9.a. Biotech tropicana Systems.
- A summary of the content of the documents SHALL be submitted to Biotech tropicana,IncLITIGATOR, Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS, and the Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY TASK FORCE.
- The documents SHALL be kept in a separate file marked in BOLD using the RED COLOR as “EXC 1”
The Founders
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI
Biotech tropicana Systems.