July, 2016:
- Biotech tropicana Systems project to acquire the former journal ‘Le Beninois Libere’ initiated. The journal previously partnered with the Biotech tropicana,IncCOMMUNICATOR scientific journalism program before being closed. Upon acquisition ‘Le Beninois Libere’ to merged with Biotech tropicana,IncCOMMUNICATOR.
- First operational criteria of SASEP (the SMART African Stock Exchange Portfolio) to be set in the acquisition process, by assigning a stock value to the journal.
- Exchange rates of the Biotech tropicana Systems ‘Afro’ currency with other currencies to be set in the process of acquisition of the journal, including at initiation:
- The US dollar
- The EU Euro
- The UK pound
- The Japanese yen
- Additional currencies to follow.
July 15, 2016
Due to upgrades in other programs, including:
- Upgrade of the ‘Alternative Biotechnology’ program to ‘Biotechnology’
- Upgrade of the ENVIRONMENT program to set the DEAP SEA BIOTECH program as an independent program
- Upgrade of the scientific journalism program to phase 3
The Biotech tropicana,IncMicroFinancial program upgraded to ‘Biotech tropicana,IncFinancial’ to cover the financial programs of the system. The micro financial program is set a subprogram of the new FINANCIAL program.
July 4, 2016
- Exclusion process initiated against trainees of the Kandi unit of Biotech tropiana,IncCOMMUNITY and Tropicana General Technologies, Inc.
- Exclusion notification policy updated.
The update brought additional clarifications on exclusion notification procedures. Some confused exclude claim to have not been served properly. Specifically one exclude attempted to set the service method, requiring to be served by self designated service provider ‘huissier’. Here, the exclude demonstrated ignorance in institutional management with respect to jurisdiction. Under no circumstance, can a foreign institution set a rule on a property file of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Policy 17)d. Biotech tropicana Systems. The exclude shall be served in accordance with applicable controlling policies of the Biotech tropicana Systems. It is up to them to contact their ‘huissier’ upon reception of the document within their jurisdiction. But the exclusion, the founders would have recommended the exclude for admission in the Biotech tropicana Systems institutional management training program.
July 1, 2016:
- Priority project status shift:
With completion of the modelling phase 1 of the Biotech tropicana Systems HIV surveillance technologies program under the HEALTH unit, priority project status is shifted to digitalization and automation programs under the FACILITATOR unit.
Phase 2 of the HIV program will continue unpublished as a business secret file to patenting. Policy 12.d. Biotech tropicana Systems.
- Re-opening of the Biotech tropicana Systems scientific journalism program for upgrading.
The scientific journalism incubation program closed and transferred to the Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM after the lost of the journalism capacity subprogram as a result of closure of the partner journal ‘Le Beninois Libéré’ is re-opened for upgrading of the science subprogram supervised by the Biotech tropicana Systems. Policy 16.a. Biotech tropicana Systems.
The science section of the science-journalism interface will be upgraded while the search for a new journal partner is continued.
Numerous scientific journalism articles published in Benin Republic, under the collaboration program demonstrated the completion of the development phase 2 of the program.
The upgrade activities aim to establish the phase 3 conditions for submission for validation before competente authorities. Upon validation the program shall graduate and move to incorporation.
- Biotech program upgraded,
To fully benefit from the new capacities brought in the by the Biotech tropicana,IncFACILITATOR digitalization and automation programs, the Biotech tropicana Systems <ALTERNATIVE BIOTECHNOLOGY> program is upgraded to <BIOTECHNOLOGY> adapted to the needs of the developing world.
In addition to developing world oriented biotechnologies, the digitalization and automation capacities are favourable to the expansions to deep sea biotechnology and space biotechnology. With these new advancements, the <alternative> criterion does not hold anymore.
The Biotech tropicana Systems are a private Biotech Company dedicated to promoting, applying, and developing biotechnologies adapted to the needs of the developing world.
June, 2016
Biotech Program Modification:
Due to the growing in size of the ENVIRONMENT program, the DEAP SEA ENVIRONENT subprogram of the Biotech tropicana,IncENVIRONMENT unit is set as a separate program of the Biotech tropicana Systems BIOTECH PROGRAM.
The EARTH and SPACE Biotech program is modified to