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Biotech tropicana Journal: xxxxxxxx(1):9, 2016

The Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES


Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator.

Biotech tropiana Systems.



Volume 21:


201) Anatomy of a fall

Volume 1: Valuable friends

Book Abstract:

Since  the failure of the great empire project and the subsequent death of its project initiator, the former super power has saved some power through friendships with valuable friends, too many valuable friends  translate into too many subjective powers; yet powers. How does it work?

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202) Anatomy of a fall

Volume 2: Losing friends

Book Abstract

Where power relied on friendship, lost of friends may translate into lost of power. When you loose friends on all continents, then you become a power in the past.  This is the story of the anatomy of a fall.

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203) Opened thumbs

The cement story.

Book Abstract

A new cement culture in home yards in the Circle republic of the tropics. It looks nice. It also has a power to destroy forensic evidences. It makes unauthorized intrusion hard to trace.  What’s behind the new home yard cement culture in the Circle republic of the tropics?

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204) Enemies in friend dresses

The friendly killers in the community.

Book Abstract

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205) National interest, personal interests, and origins

A conflict of values.

Book Abstract

They all gave one common country. They all have one citizenship. They all hold the same passport. The all have one national interest. So what about personal interests? They will align their personal interests with their country of origin or allies of their country of origin. In or out of the country, they will support noncitizens from their country of origin against fellow citizens of different origin,; a non written rule, but a very powerful rule. So when the rule is set, any one has two choices; either you challenge the non written rule; then in which court? or you play by the non written rule. The outcome is clear cut, play by the rule to rule by the play.    

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206) Death of the 3 deal

Volume 1: The 3V victorious: 2V-AM and 1 V-AF

Tale of the number game.

Book Abstract

They start small and end up big. They are the 3V victorious. In face of overwhelming evidences of injustice in the supporting process of an unfaithful friend, the holders of the 3 deal had to face public outcry or abandon the 3 deal. A long and unconditional support to a friend that is disregarding the interests of their helper friend and decimating the authority of their helper in blind face of the helper population, placed the holders of the deal in face of the wall. A continuous support of the 3 deal beyond reasonable to passionate will without doubt destroy self and own for non self and non own. The people that hold the supreme power will have to do something about it.  As expected the holders of the deal will demonstrate a maturity in deal holding. They will abandon the 3 deal along with their unfaithful friends.  The 3 deal is irreversibly dead for the 3 methodical victorious; the 3V across 2 continents that learned to transform their diversity into a strength. A diversity opened to more methodical diversity for more strength.  How was the deal born? How did the deal die? How did the 3V win?

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207) Death of the 3 deal

Volume 1: The 3B loosers

Tale of the number game.

Book Abstract

They start big and end up small. They are the big loosers. They have power, big power. They destroy their power with suicidal abuses of their own power. When they abuse the power their standing depends on, they destroy their standing. They start with big power. They progressively diminish their power through abuses of their power.  With small power their standing depends on , they end up small. This the story of the 3 small bigs.

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208) Death of the 3 deal

Volume 3: The post 3 deal era

Tale of the number game.

Book Abstract

Without the 3 the 5 and the 2 become obsolete, and the game is over. Then start anew era of objectivity against subjectivity, and reason against passion; the post 3 deal era. The era of constructive relations against destructive mis relations.  Without the 3,the 1, the 8. And all other numbers loose any value; like the number game itself. The 3V will stick on their no negotiation of rights and negotiations within rights principle. 

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20x) Ruling out

Book Abstract

No need for courts since no conflict will arise.

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210) Analphabets in office

In a 21st century globalizing world, read and write don’t make you an alphabet.

Book Abstract

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211) From dialog to monolog

Where different cells of the same unit engage in a monolog.

Book Abstract

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212) Clue less

Same name, different meaning.

Book Abstract-

When they steal project 1 governed by status 1, they think they can still steal project 2 governed by status 2, because both projects are named projects’; they are clue less.

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213) The 3C war

3 continents, 1 war

Book Abstract

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214) Circling the circlers

Breaking small circle for bigger ones

Book Abstract

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215) Fission: ethnic cleavage

Book Abstract;

Ethnic groups who for decades live in a harmony of poverty must now confront each other for quick win bags. The question now is whether the bag gains will balance for lost in stability of communities; a key factor for any sustainable development program.  

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216) Bypass: a purpose for codes

Circumventing laws and regulations with coded bags.

Book Abstract


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217) Saving lady X

Enforcing policies of the clan.

Book Abstract

Foreigners are weak spirits away from their home, their family, and their community, they depend on for protection. All clan members have an obligation to protect and support foreigners in the clan. S6 what happens when the foreigner is a lady X with established links warriors women Xs. The policies of the clan shall not be violated under no circumstance. Then lady X must be eligible for protection for all activities performed on the territories of the clan.

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218) De-bagging

The small art¡cle that makes the all d5fference

Book Abstract

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219) Path cho¡ce

Aid push or knowledge push?

Book Abstract

Arms or legs, sex or brain, cash or knowledge, a path choice to development.

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220) Judge 321

123 or 321, Head d6wn, foot up

Book Abstract

In trial of events 123, Judge 321 skips events 1, and applied 2, to get 3 without the 1. After Judge 321 gets 3, he will consider the 1 to become Judge 321. Judge 321 attempted to steal 3, by first stealing 1, a big cash, and applying 2, a petty credit. This is the beginning of the end of the mafia; the rise and fall of the mafia. How did the mafia fall?

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221) Military or ‘bracker’.

What’s the difference?.

Book Abstract

Big military or small military?  For civilians there is no big or small military. There is a military. There are civilians. That’s it. Like honest citizens  or ‘brackers’. The military puts his life in line for the defense of his country. The ‘bracker’  steals from his countrymen  against his country, for personal interest. So what happens when a country falls under the authority of ‘brackers’? or when the military mutates to ‘brackers’? Honest citizens will have to take their own defense in their own hands.  A confrontation is about to start in honest citizens versus ‘brackers’. Who will win?   

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222) Grass root

From green grass to brown grass

Book Abstract

It all started green. A green rooted in hope of hope giving to the hopeless.  A hopelessness born out of a struggle for hope for a better future. It did give hope to so many for so long, by so many hope givers; until it changes. A small change in selection criteria, that changes it all. A small change for quick big gains. What selected for best now changes to select for worst; that is the worst of the worst, that are best in doing bad. Not so many worst, but many enough to do serious damage. A change from green grass to brown grass. There is not much the many best can do. Their story smells like the story of the local black grass.  What happens to the grass rooters?                                      

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223) Contraphobes

They hate Contracts and transparency.

Book Abstract

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224) Pseudos

Project or Projects

Book Abstract

They all have same name, project, but also different name. projects.

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225) Sequences

Opened theft in arb¡trator small tricks. How to steal a bag?

Book Abstract

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226) Chasing out

To steal a property they must chase away the owner from the property. How to steal a home?

Book Abstract

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227) Borderline on women X

Volume 1; Combat zone.

He is the man for five millions women in one country. He will get zero woman out of five millions. Women or drones?.

Book Abstract

They will always come out with a fantasy to establish a linkage with a man. Then they will poison your food, and destroy your properties. They steal and they do prostitution. They are military dogs, extensions of some military forces just next to your door.  Everywhere they sit naïve deaths expand. They all claim sympathy for the man, but the man always score a zero. Not a bad score. Destruction of assets and properties inherent to the fantasies are the bad scores.  Well targeted and well orchestrated military style attacks and destructions, suggesting a training linkage to some military or para military units. They claim many victims, but the man will reverse the outcomes to make of them victims of superior self defense training technics. A sex and anti sex war is unfolded in domestic households; a female war, since the man was also trained by two females. Then it’s two females, one man versus five millions fantasy warriors, in a new type of war. The man wills set a borderline; trespass in at your own risk, then it ‘s life for life.   

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228) Borderline on women X

Volume 2: The mathematics of women X

They are five millions+ in number across the all country, in every city and every community. Every house has at least one, in every home. They all have a permanent partner or husband. They are all sympathetic to man X. However, man X always scores a zero; five millions zeros in ten years. Assuming one opportunity for a win, there ten times five millions or fifty millions opportunities for one win; yet man X scores a zero win. Zero out of fifty millions. Here, the mathematics is clear cut. The equations are set for man X to always loose. Man X did not complain. The bad side where man X complains are the losses in honest and hard work acquired assets and properties; losses always linked to women X. There are specialists for every kind of damage. Woman X1 damages computers, X2 damages radios, X3 switches new radio batteries for old ones, X4 steals mattresses, X5 damages beds, X6 puts tuberculoxid in bowls,  X7 steals televisions, X8 puts toxic gas on bed, X9 puts poisons in food, X10 breaks solar systems, X10 puts poisons in water, X11 switches electrical connections in houses to make man X pay more on electrical bills, X12 steals houses, X13 seals keys, XOs block documents in administrative offices, Xns wait for any damage role to be assigned. The mathematics of women is X one of zero win and numerous damages; a scenario of organized crimes. Five millions women X translates to five millions damage specialists. Man X should be dead long time ago, without the life saving rescue of two good women, women Gs, the only two women man X ever had on that planet; the two golden god given women will fight hard to give man X the only wins he ever scores. They are the two life women for life. Man X will set borderlines no other woman shall ever cross, but the two golden women. How did women Gs save man X from women Xs?

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229) Borderline on women X

Volume 3: Visa: A1 and A2.

An entry permission from the two black angels; the big angel and the small angel.

Book Abstract

When circumstances turn borders on territories into borders between life and death, then visas must me imposed to control movements across borders. When no response was received to calls for life saving help, until the two black angels were shipped in from space across seas to save man X, then the authority on entry visa to cross life borders is self evident incumbent to the two black angels; the big small angel and the small black angel. No foreign shall be permitted border crossing into any man X controlled territory without approved visas A1 and A2 from the two black angels. Even with an approved visa man X can still reject anyone on discretionary basis, with no opportunity for appeal of his decision. Visas A1 and A2 from the two black angels are mandatory prerequisite for any acceptance for residence on any man X controlled territory. How does the visa A1 and A2 processing work?

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229) Borderline on women X

Volume 4: Fighting back

How do you defeat an attack of five millions sex warriors with an army of three? It’s all about engineering the right strategies for a smart victory. It is one shot a thousand killed. How does it work?

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230) Fraud: women objects

A police conspiracy to steal bags.

Book Abstract

It’s all about who owns the white code. You own the white, you get the bag. The location does matter to, as well as the funding origin of the bag. You get any lucky opportunist to make you the white code, and the bag is yours. So what happens when the bag funder is the opportunist? The opportunist bag funder gets the white code and get own bag back. Then the bag theft scores a zero. So what happens when the opportunist bag funder get the white code in a no man land location? The opportunist bag funder still gets the white code, and get own bag back.. Here again the bag theft scores another zero.  What happens when the opportunist bag funder never accept a foreign bag? Then he will never score a white; a little bag mathematics for the little head of the little police. Who donate the bag?  Who take the bag? Who owns what?

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231) A question of legitimacy

Book Abstract

When leaders violate the very foundations that give them the power, thereby killing their own legitimacy; what remains in a power without legitimacy? A pseudo power that is a no power that looks like a real power. So what happen when a pseudo leader holding a pseudo power attempts to enforce his pseudo power out of the realm of the real power? He becomes a Mafiosi in leader coat. So what happens when the Mafiosi leader attempts to set a rule to push his Mafiosi interests out of the realm of the real power? You follow the Mafiosi rules for Mafiosi interests to become a little Mafiosi, or you stay in line with legitimate rules to deal with troubles from the mafia. When legitimacy dies and becomes a no value principle in a country, what do you do? It becomes a matter of life philosophy. Then a president can kill the very foundation of the state to exercise a discretionary head of state pseudo power. Then who will follow any decision arising from a president without legitimacy? It becomes a matter of vote. A yes vote is as good as a no vote; anyone can become his own president.  How does it work, in the Circle republic of the tropics? 

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232) Both ways: In race race.

Book Abstract

They are military. They receive same training for same skills, to fight for the same country. That’s what they do best, put their lives on line for their beloved country; until the race race becomes the new war. Now they must fight from different line, the race lines. To get info from the other race, they will create an alternative in home front line reaching out the other race. A one way solution may mean ending the race war. A second way failure may elucidate the reasons for the failures. Both ways are good ways. How does it work, in both ways?

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233) Back to square 1

An irony of faith and thank in wife sitting and baby sitting; the power of legality.

Book Abstract

Who get the legal document, get the wife.

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234) The fortune of mis fortune

When all the supposed troubles of man are transformed into a source of big wealth.

Book Abstract

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232) A matter of responsibility

Who is responsible of what in a wife game?

Book Abstract

You give your wife candidate to A. Then you deal with A. For the game, you give your wife candidate to A for transmission to B. The B never receives your wife candidate, then you still deal with A.  You give your wife candidate to A for transmission to B, and B rejects your candidate, then you still deal with A. Here A and B are two different entities. A wife candidate for A should be given to A.  A wife candidate for B should be given to B. Donating a wife candidate for A to B or reversely for B to A is a potential source of conflict of interest in the game. The non receiving party shall bear no responsibility for wife losses in delivery processes. Are the indirect delivery processes on purpose to create confusions in responsibilities in the wife game.     

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234) Humanity breach

Volume 1: The making of a sex warrior

Book Abstract

A human being is a complex machine made of physics, psychics, and intelligence; a complex machine built up through billions of years of the nature,s engineering ingenuity. Intelligence makes the animal human a human human, away from animals. Psychics keeps the human human within the animal kingdom. When greed and easy gains disregarded and bypassed human intelligence, psychics may take over. A female human is very sensitive to the choice of partner for any type of intimate relationship. When a female human is forced into a no choice relationship, she will complain and call for help. When those who are supposed to help are the one that chose the no choice relationship, the female human may commit at the expense of a psychic harm. When the psychic harm becomes so intense and routinely applied everyday, the victim felt no harm anymore. She becomes a hammer, ready to harm any target for any reason. The complex lovely machine engineered by the nature becomes a killing machine engineered by humans. When a small rural community of the Circle republic of the tropics, chose to engage into the making of sex warriors called women X, for quick and easy gains, the destiny of the all community is about to change. What happens to community X?

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235) Humanity breach

Volume 2: Dissecting the lady X Equation

Lady X versus rights

Book Abstract

Lady X is an alibi of interest groups for violating rights; a two faces conditional equation. Condition A X links the target for right violation to lady X; where A may be of any kind, from Personal to institutional. The target won’t get his rights enforced until target gets to lady X; a gift from an interest group. Condition B is designed to exclude the target from getting to the gift or lady X. Then it all becomes a game of time and number. The conditions are extended through time, and lady X is a gift to numerous targets, in numerous identical games of circumventing rights and pushing for the interests of the donor group. The target is trapped into a game of time and number, until the rights claims become irrelevant. Numerous lady Xs have successfully trapped many targets, until the lady X gets trapped into to the rules of target X.

How does it work? How does target X trap the trapper lady X?

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