In –from aid recipient to aid donor-, we previously discussed how in one decade, the Biotech tropicana Systems moved from aid recipient to become an aid donor. Here, we discuss how in about another next decade the Biotech tropicana Systems moved from –emerging economy to emerged economy- or from a –pushed Biotech Incubator- to a – puller Biotech Company-
We include a discussion of selected case scenarios that highlight key differences between the Biotech tropicana Systems company level development model, and the country level development models of selected developing countries.
We conclude with a tentative definition of the concept of –development- from a Biotech tropicana Systems perpective; what is development?
Establishing international scientific authority of the Biotech tropicana Systems
Biotech Incubator: building science, technology, and innovation capacity
Biotech Company: From science to market; converting scientific knowledge into goods and services.
Sustainable long term development gains versus opportunistic quick gains
Selected case scenarios in the Biotech tropicana Systems company level development model versus country level development model of selected developing countries.
Sustainable development. A tentative definition from a biotech Tropicana Systems perspective
Unleashing change. From pushed to puller . how the Biotech tropicana Systems change from a pushed biotech incubator to a puller biotech company
Designing the Biotech tropicana Systems owned for profit biotech business development protocol to align with global development challenge programs.
Case studies of selected guidelines of global development challenge programs made complexity free and reader friendly by the Biotech tropicana Systems communicator program; to make the concepts accessible to the resource poor communities.
A common heritage of humanity
We are all bound to perform our daily activities to achieve our selfish interests in a manner that protect common heritage of humanity.
We are all bound to perform our daily activities to achieve our selfish interests in a manner that preserve our common planet for future generations.
Case studies:
Designing proprietary activities of the Biotech tropicana Systems to support global development challenge programs:
a)Global security: Global stability and peace on which we all depend to perform our daily activities. bts contribution through activities of Bt,IncSECURITY TASK FORCE
Climate Change: bts contribution through activities of Bt,IncENVIRONMENT
Reducing global poverty: bts contribution through activities of Bt,IncCOMMUNITY and bt,IncFINANCIAL
Ethics: Access to equitable health services to all: contribution through activities of Bt,IncHEALTH
Energy: promoting clean energy available to all. contribution through activities of Bt,IncENERGY
Business: public sector or private sector: supporting the public sector while operating from the private sector to promote a balanced co-existence. Weakening one sector will further weaken the other resulting in loss in development gains for the country. Private or public ? both are equally neded ( Sachs et al; In Investing In Development pp xx), contribution through activities of Bt,IncSTORES.
14. Biodiplomacy :
We innovate a pro poor bug business biodiplomacy model for making profit while contributing to the development of host country.
Coordination: Biotech tropicana Corporation, Delaware, USA and Liberia, African Union.
Principles of the Biotech tropicana Systems Biodiplomacy Program:
Pro Life Pro Development
In countries for profit nbusiness activities of the Biotech Tropicana Systems are designed to make profit for the bts while advancing life and development in the host country. Policy 33.
Technology Transfer: Giving Back To The Communities.
The bts SHALL re-invest at least 0.7 percent of profit made in a host country back in the host country communities in the form of assistance for advancement of wealth creation abilities of the community. The bts will fund in country biotech business initiatives and make his expertise available to the communities; SMARToda. Policy 3.
Doing Business With Humanity
Business programs of bts are designed to be implemented on a global scale. The bts biodiplomacy program therefore supports inclusion, not exclusion. Policy 20.
15. Private Sector Led Develoment
Juma et al; In Innovation: Applying Knowledge In Development.
Sachs at al; Investing In Development.
Yari et al; Developing From In Country Chamber Of Commerce and Industry.
A no discriminatory performance guided Biotech company, there is a place for everyone with a good moral character, in a globalizing world.
Aboubakar Yari & Venus Yari
For The Biotech tropicana Systems
Operating through the private sector, the Biotech tropicana Systems are a knowledge driven economy, as emphasized in , Innovation: Applying Knowledge in Development.