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Biotech tropicana Journal, 1(3):8, 2011
Biotech tropicana Journal                                          Tech Stories

From Aid Recipient To Aid Donor: The Sustainability Story Of The Biotech tropicana Systems

                                         Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI

                           Biotech tropicana, IncEXPLORER, Parakou, Benin

*Corresponding Author: Aboubakar YARI, Bioteh tropicana, Inc, 02 Po Box 1038, Parakou, Benin Republic, e-mail:

Published Online April 11, 2011


In 10 years, from the early 2000s to the early 2010s, applying its SMARTinnovationSTRATEGIES characterized by low capital input to high knowledge input, the Biotech tropicana Systems move from being aid recipient, to be coming aid donor. From a major, US government aid to the associate founder, the systems has by now accumulated  internal energy, in the form of net capital, sufficient to self sustain and expand on the global scale, without an input of a "single” capital, from external source. Interestingly, our achievement of sustanaibility creates more opportunities to additional capital.   Here, we tell the sustainability story of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

Keyword: Sustainability; Development; Foreign Aid; Technology; Resource-poor Communities


«The « core » guiding principle in the development of the Biotech tropicana Systems, as a « new way » wealth generating FOR PROFIT institution, is the concept of « sustainability ».  

The main operational objective of the Biotech tropicana Systems in the performance of its activities, is to build the capacity to perfom similar activities of equal or higher complexity in the future, without the need for external assistance. In other words, we are more interested in how much capacity we build, than in how much money we make, through a given operation. The development philosphy of the founders is that, by building capacity that is « sustainaible », while making less profit, or even in some cases losing in profit, we create an unlimited potential to make unlimited amounts of the profit lost to capacity building priority ; thereby creating an unlimited potential for wealth generation.

Applying our business development philosophy, with an initial capital of $ 1000 USD, donated by the government of the United States to the associate founder, in the form of tax reduction on houshold income, in one decade, the founders build a « new » type of business, its net value is currently estimated at more than a $ Billion USD.  

We applied the « center to global » multinational business development approach, with the global coordination headquarter « centered in » and « coordinated from » the United States of America. 

Biotech tropicana Systems are designed as a bridge between the developed and the developing nations, its primary mission is to innovate tools and processes, as technical support for multiplying the impact of development oriented operations, in the developing world. [1]
The bridge is built around two major global development principles, the United Nations Millennium Development (UN MDG), and the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (US MCC). [2 ;3]

To perform its duties, the Biotech tropicana Systems applied knowledge for development. The founding knowlede acquisition and management system being established, with the primary capital of $ 1000 USD invested by the associate founder, and applied to  fund the initial capacity building project, designed by the founder, to set the fondation of the Biotech tropicana Systems, a knowledge driven wealth generating machine.   

The Biotech tropicana Systems are designed to apply knowledge to innovate solutions, as technical support, in the form of processes and system technologies, particularly biotechnologies for development.

Market studies indicate that implementation of the Biotech tropicana SMARThivTECHS, the most advanced technology system developed by the Biotech troicana Systems, will generate  revenues in the order of $ billions USD, to cover the monitoring needs of some 40 millions targeted beneficiaries poor patients, in the developing world . The founders therefore warned Forbe publication of billionaires, to predict more « space » in their future publicationts, to accomodate the next  youngest american female billonaire, the associate founder of the Biotech tropicana Systems. The Biotech tropicana Systems will be there to celebrate its unquestional victory on sore loosers, in the developing world market war.

One of the major innovative features of the Biotech tropicana Systems, is its ability to generate more wealth for itself, by helping others to generate wealth for themselves. Our sytems technologies are designed to substantially increase the impact of foreign development assistance, on development.   

The March 06, 2011 issue of The GLOBAL ISSUES discussed the deficiencies of foreign aid implementation programs, that to some extent hold accountable both rich and poor nations. [4]

The article by Anup Shah, discussed in part :

« aid has often come with a price of its own for the developing nations. Common criticisms, for many years, of foreign aid, have included the following:

  • Aid is often wasted on conditions that the recipient must use overpriced goods and services from donor countries
  • Most aid does not actually go to the poorest who would need it the most
  • Aid amounts are dwarfed by rich country protectionism that denies market access for poor country products while rich nations use aid as a lever to open poor country markets to their products
  • Large projects or massive grand strategies often fail to help the vulnerable; money can often be embezzled away ».

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UN MDG), the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the United States Global Development Policy (US GDP) [5] are designed exactly to correct the above noted deficiencies of foreign aid implementation programs, in the developing world.  The Biotech tropicana System technologies are designed exactly to provide  technical support to the  « new way » global development concepts, in UN MDG, US MCC, and US GDP.

The Biotech tropicana Systems invested its private capital to build support to the implementation of the billions of dollars of foreign aid generously provided by rich nations to their poor nations friends. The Biotech tropicana Systems are out there in the private sector as a bridge, to help, any we can, the rich and the poor, without discrimination, in their business of development.

The Biotech tropicana Systems work hard to contribute to the giving of hope « with compassion ». The Biotech tropicana Systems must also work hard to generatae more capital, for the design of more technologies for the future, toward sustainability, guided by the principles of capitalism. Business, in the Biotech tropicana Systems, is therefore guided by the principles of « compassionate capitalism ». We use science and technology as tools, to challenge poverty.

The Biotech tropicana Systems by now won all the major battles, for the developing world market. The sytsem is now ready to scale up, the giving of hope with « compassion » by massively investing knowledge in the concepts of compassionate capitalism to help, without discrimination, the rich nations and their  poor friends of the developing world  in their business of development, toward sustainable development.

With its system technologies, the Biotech tropicana Systems promote sustainable development, by first ensuring sustainaibility within its owned system, guided by the principles of « compassionate capitalism ».

From 2000 to 2010, we develop the business incubator system for exploring, prospecting, and designing systems technologies adapted to the needs of the developing world. Our second decade 2010 to 2020 development plan, will develop a business system to take the product technologies to the global market. 

From the early 2000s  aid recipient status from the government of  the United States of America, the Biotech tropicana Systems is today, an aid donor to governments of poor nations. The founders are willing to provide technical assistance to governments of poor nations who are willing to take the lead, by enacting sound policies, and wisely investing aid money in their people

The Biotech tropicana Systems are ready for the conquest of the planet, from the United States of America.


« We are more interested in how much capacity we build toward self sustainability of the Biotech tropicana Systems, than in how much money we make through a given operation ».

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI

For the Biotech tropicana Systems

[1] Biotech tropicana Systems.
[3] US MCC.
[4] Global issues. Foreign Aid for Development Assistance.

Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (03.30.2011)
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