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Biotech tropicana Journal: (1):(4):6, 2015

1) Roommates: Solving The Equation

BooK Abstract

Roommate is a collection of post dinner discussions of a black student and his white friend and roommate on the campus of Mazub University.

The once “white only” top University has been integrated to become a “best only” institution of higher education, just after the fall of the last government of the brutal and segregationist regime that dominated the country for centuries.

The hope of the two bi-racial friends is that their country could find insight to solve the transition equation of wealth sharing in harmonious and peaceful ways that demonstrated its capacity to overcome years of brutalities and racial wars that failed to put none of the racial antagonists. on control of power

The two friends worry that a failure of their country to find an internal solution to their wealth management equation could trigger partisans of hard line “white sup”  ideology to displace their methods and strategies from  the vicinity of the well organized and experienced “anti white sup and pro democracy” partisans, where they have no chance to succeed to less prepared and economically weaker nations.

More than their worries, the two friends fear the potential “unwritten isolation” of their Rainbow Republic, coordinated from the Union of the Republics of the Tropics (URT) and the potential economical consequences of such an isolation. Both remembered the economic consequences on their lives of a previous isolation as a measure against the practices of the brutal “white sup” government, coordinated form the Union. Both attended well equipped private high schools. The white friend attended a “white only” private high school and the black friend, a “black only” private high school. The isolation triggered a financial crisis that crippled the Rainbow Republic forcing their parents to move them to also race segregated overcrowded public schools. Both were lucky to be in the last year of high school attendance, thereby limiting the loss in learning opportunity and the chance to secure admission in the now “best only” Mazub University.

The two bodies became friends from the rugby game field near their separated schools, where they played white team against black team rugby games., to that day when the pro integration leader released from prison forbid the race line games to initiate the first ever integrated “best only” rugby championship in the Rainbow Republic.

After a successful democratic transfer of power, the Rainbow Republic faces another transitional challenge, solving the wealth management equation. Our view is that the Union should help again to definitively bury the race line ideology and not just displace it.

This novel is the story of the two biracial bodies followed by a synthesis of a collection of documents gathered from Josua Selassi, the coordinator of a new program of the Union titled “Revisiting International Relation Between The Founding Nations And The Rainbow Republic, A New Member”    



2) The absurdities of aid:

Book Abstract:

The story of the zamugo community : Coincidence or destiny?

All members of the zamugo community were born on a hospital bed provided by aid. They all drink a first non maternal milk provided by aid. They all attend a primary school, and a secondary school built with aid money. The luckiest became public workers that were provided a work office desk and a computer also provided by aid. Even the walls isolating the community burial site from the residencies were built with aid money.

When the great son of the zamugos upon return  from study abroad proposed reforms to free his people from “aid for consumption” to a self sustainable program where aid becomes a mere plus to be invested toward long term development programs, the major of the zamugos in collaboration the sheriff sent their son to a psychiatric hospital. “This lost son must be crazy” said the major. How can a community live without aid ? It is aid money that gave him the medal and the honour of being selected as the best major of the year. The first major in the nation to place solar energy in a community burial site. Plenty of energy for the dead. He did not forget the living without energy. He is working on that. As soon as he will get more aid, which should naturally come, he will provide some energy to those living in need. .

In his entire life the major knows nothing done without aid. For the major live on aid is just the natural way of life. The community preacher agrees with the major: “that; god; way. That ‘s the will of god”, he ascerted.

Can a community or a nation develop based on resources produced  by work of other communities or nations ?

There is no precedent in history since the dawn of man.

This novel is the story of the revolution of zamugos community. From passive lifetime aid recipients to active contributors to the global economy and to the advancement of mankind.


3) Overlooking the "faked" brown code

General Natimba loves his country. He also loves the colons but their brutalities against his people. The colons or foreign monkeys as his people called them did some good to his country, but also a lot bad. He will fix all the bad when he will get older enough not to need his father’s authorization. He is fascinated by their magic machines for their fidelity in execution of human given orders. He always dreams he can one day acquire the ability to make one those machines to free his family from the heavy duties of farming. So when the army of the Circle Republic of the Tropics gave an opportunity to pursue his training in the country of the colons, it was no surprise to anyone that he chose to specialize in army machinery section. Unfortunately, he was not permitted to enrol in the making process of the machines. His scholarship covered only training on the use of the machines. He was not happy, but he had to take only what he was given, “it’s an order” said the colon trainer. The young Natimba completed his training to become the president of the Circle Republic of the Tropics. When he was informed that one his citizens acquired the ability to not only use but make machines, he was excited. The citizen only needs a little help in overcoming known blockades in the registration process of  his machine making company, the first in the Circle Republic of the Tropics. He got personally involve in the making of the machine making company. He personally called the head of the registration office, “give him all the help he needs, and let me known when it is done” he said.  “we will do just that” said the head.. the head in person walked to the office of the chief registration officer with the application files in hand, “I want to monitor this registration myself, the president is interested in the outcome, so no delays”.  

The lady does just that, except a little detail, she kept for herself for long. The colons proposed her to ensure that the registration number contains specific numbers in a specific orders. If she does that the colon will be grateful. “ I cannot violate the law” she said. “you don’t have to. just adjust the numbers in my proposed order to fit in your regular order of your work book. That; s.”  said the colon. “and what do I get for that?” asked the lady. “a brown dress to wear on the day  of collect of the registration paper, a red car and one year salary in cash”. The lady laughs “I don’t believe you. All this gift for just adjusting numbers” asked the lady ? “perhaps, something more from more my boss, if you do that”. “I will do it, I’ am not violating any law”.

The registration was confirmed to the General President as requested with a copy faxed to him. “that’s good” said the president. The General overlooked and paid no attention to the order of the registration number, that triggers the third world war.

Every citizen of the Circle Republic of the Tropics knows that the General loves his country. Every citizen also knows that the General hates wasting his time on minor details. This neglect of the details will cost him. The colon fouls him once with numbers in the registration process. The colon again fouls him twice, in a family marriage affair. How does the colon foul him for the third time?

This novel is the story of overlooking minor details, and their consequences. That’s the story of the  “faked” brown code.


4)  The Tale of Development Killers: Bag Against Development.

Book Abstract:

BAG OR DEVELOPMENT?. It is water or oil. They don’t mix. The issues are here are clear cut. It’s one or the other. The choices should also be clear cut, expressed in a transparent and democratic election process. That’s the problem in the Circle Republic of the Tropics. Not respecting the democratic choice of others, where even the new election law recognizes the right to choose. Cheating is now rewarded with honour. Honesty is punished with extreme rigor to keep the country “in order”. Work is discouraged. Promotion of dependency on aid is encouraged, according to the leaders “to develop infrastructure” for reverse engineering of the future of the “new” Circle Republic of the Tropics., where crime fighters become crime leaders. Prisoners are honoured and rewarded with the best of the society. Laws makers everyday order law breaking.  . Country defenders every single day attack countrymen. The press has freedom without border to air borders on communities and reversely engineered one community against another for a “new” integration plan of the all communities. One bag here, one bag there. One bag a day, one reverse engineering of norms of society a day, step by step pseudo-citizens of the Circle Republic of Tropics are destroying their country with their own hands, for the defense of the “new values”. One bag a day, one pillar of development is reversed. One bag, the next day a second pillar of development is gone. One bag, the third day, a pro development fighter is dead. 365 bags in 365 days all development pillars of the late Circle Republic of the Tropics are gone. The former Circle Republic of the Tropics lost its republic status. The one time democracy light is now best known in the continent as the Bag Republic of the Tropics. You live by the bags or you die. Some kind of forced donation for honest workers. The rule of forced aid or the rule of bags. The aid rulers does not permit a recipient to request aid or accept aid. Aid is imposed. What’s some students joke as the dictatorship of aid. What do the aid rulers want to achieve? I’ am not sure they can tell for themselves. According to the leader of the student movement for freedom from forced aid, the aid rulers are no rulers, they are what they are “aid hostages:” trapped in the tricks of the new form of aid. Laziness, greed and the love for easy money drag them into traps that made them a “new type of slaves”, the slaves of the 21st century. In memory of the democratic Circle Republic of the Tropics, the freedom fighters say “Amen”.        

 As long as it is democratic, it is their choice for their country. Anyone should democratically choose the way for advancing his own country. What’s about the borders. The international community will watch for indirect disturbances in countryX that may arise as the consequence of election rules in the Circle Republic of the Tropics. This will take us again tp question of balancing interest equations Just watch time will tell a better story.

This story was told to me by a citizen of the Circle Republic of the Tropics, who chose to advance his internal country a different way.” He told me “violation may mean death” The  whole story is under development.


5)  The irony of results

where conditioners get conditioned by their own color games.

Book Abstract:

“That’s the story of reversing P to C. It’s all about, hope and despair, prestige and resources”.

It all started in a small office house in the small Ice Circle Republic, around the work of one man from the small Circle Republic of the Tropics. That is the cross irony of two small Circle Republics. The irony of faith, fate, inspiration, will, and destiny. Where the work of one man becames the work of one country, of two countries, of two continents, to become the work of one world. A work of hope for one and a work of fear and despair for another. Hope for change to a better life for one group. Fear of lost of prestige and despair in face of lost of resources for another group. Nothing unusual, when going global. Hot whether in one part of the globe may mean cold weather in another part, just at the same time. Nothing unmanageable. Conflict of views have always been beneficial to debate platforms. a driver of progress for all. Insight and mental keenness have always sided with hope. Fear and despair have always produced chaos in the lines of the fearful. Hope has always given a helpful hand to alleviate fear and promote reason. However where the selective rules of the nature have spoken, no group has the choice than to obey. It all started in that small office when the “fearfuls” initiated the war to reverse hope to despair, to reverse production P to consumption C. It is a simple equation that they should resolve in twenty minutes. They have always done it in less than twenty minutes. This time they miscalculated. They underestimated the complexity of the apparently simple equation. Lured by previous easy wins they overestimated their equation solving capabilities. This estimation error will cost them. It appears simple, just changing P to C. That’s the all equation. That’s the P to C equation. The sad thing is that the apparently simple P is more complex than it appears. Overlooking the complexity of P will cost them twenty years of pursuit, twenty thousands attempts to solve a single equation, twenty thousands failures. Twenty thousands attempts to reverse P to C, to control a superior intelligence with inferior intelligences. Twenty thousands zeros.

So when the color gamers came in to arbitrate, they were welcome by all, including the hopers. Do the arbitrators have the all story? Thousands of stories were made up to hypothesize a dispute to arbitrate. A neutral analysis suggests that none of the parties have the all story, resulting in the irony of results. The story of the irony of results will tell the all story. That’s the story of reversing P to C. it’s all about, hope and despair, prestige and resources. The hopers claimed to have the ultimate solution, just two solutions. The hopers will do their best to help. You can’t just boost people intelligence overnight. You can’t dismiss people’s irrational fears overnight. This will require time, and hard work. All the parties appreciate the contributions of the arbitrators.


6) The Bag Collectors: The tale of sex warriors

Book Abstract:

Bag, sex, and white gun, a trio of horror in a new type of war.

Any trick is good, any reason may be forged to get the target in or target the target out with the sex partner. This is the story of loosers. Traditional wars are fought to be won. This new type of war is fought to be lost. The question now is what is the logic behind the choice of lost ?. Are sponsors winners or loosers? Where harm is done, who is the real enemy? The warrior or the sponsor or both? Who the sponsors are, and what is their story? And what’s about the warriors? A will to fight or a will to a earn a piece of a bag? This brings us to old question of linkage between poverty and despair in the emergence of a failed state, where “governments failed to meet the most basic needs of their people”. We have more to tell. Just read the full story as the new type of war is unfolding. There are more data to collect on the “making of apprentice terrorists: What may worth a worry is the potential utility to society of the skills being transferred to those people. Can their trainers manage those skills at the end of war? Those people are  potential timed bombs to themselves and to society, and their trainers more harmful to society. Who is training them? When the time and resources allocated to transfer of harmful skills may be used to transfer skills that should ,help those people lift themselves out poverty. We will just look and tell the story at a very competitive cost. It’s up to their leaders to take the right decisions on their behalf. We wish tem good luck.


7) The de-capitalisation of development

Reverse engineering development funds from centers of development coordination to centers of development destruction centers.

Book Abstract:

Developers versus anti-developers. One group earns by developing. The other group earns against development. The developers operate through private corporations. The anti developers operate through a complicated public consortium. What ordinary people interpreted as the private versus public development confrontation. The developers operate with small resources, but demonstrated high development yields. The public consortium operates with big resources but demonstrated low development yields. An objective analysis suggests an imminent disintegration and failure of the public consortium. For the basis of the inevitable chaos in the ranks of the public consortium are inherent to their internal strategies and operational framework. The public consortium builds itself on principles that makes it non competitive and self destructive. The fall of such is a system is inevitable. It is matter of time. Based on objective data, it is fair to predict a very short time. The private corporations rely heavily on applications of high level knowledge to produce new wealth. While the public consortium relied heavily on public funds not internally generated and highly mismanaged.

This is the story of confrontation of development trends in the developing world. A confrontation of construction engineering for development against demolition engineering against development. Each party is protecting its interest. A nice test scenario for development democracy. The de-capitalisation of development leaves no room for honest gain and advancement. Small honest operators are in big trouble. This confrontation can be won only from beyond. Biggest operators are advancing from beyond waiting for the inevitable fall of a capital destructive and inefficient public consortium. How and when the public consortium will close from within? Just read the full story.


8) Land title and poverty reduction

A US MCC approach to sustainable development at community level.

From fact to fiction

Book Abstract:

Households holding a land title are unlikely to become poor. Households unable to secure land title are at high risk of falling into extreme poverty. In it’s “new way” new approach to global development the BUSH administration initiated a new global development program termed the millennium challenge account. The US congress soon adopted the Bush program and transform it into a new United States global development program termed the millennium challenge corporation. Instead of just distributing aid as charity to the poor, the millennium challenge program aims to introduce new development mechanisms that transfer the power to the poor to take control of their own destiny by generating themselves the resources they need to sustain their own lives. Land title is an essential component of the new package of new mechanisms for poverty reduction at community level. Implementation of the land title package as proposed in the millennium challenge program brought new power shifts in control of community resources in favor of private owners. The land title of the us challenge program was implemented in many countries of the developing world with mixed results. Here we tell the story of the community level reactions to socioeconomic transformations brought by the implementation of the us land title challenge program in a small community of the Circle Republic of the Tropics. This is the story of a small war between the private winners and the public loosers. Just clean your glasses and look at the fall of an outdated counterproductive and corrupted bureaucracy.


9) Death Row: The ebola toll

Book Abstract:

The newly elected president of the Circle Republic of the Tropics is sincere with his campaign promises, to transform the small republic into an ‘eldorado’ of the most wonderful infrastructure aggregate of the tropics. Sky crappers will soon emerge from the remotest forest of the tropics. The largest highways will soon join its cities. The best equipped medical centres will be built to care for the people of the small republic of the tropics. Existing airports will undergo upgrades. New airports will be built to accommodate flights of the new planes that will soon connect the country with all top business centres of the world, from Asia to America ; of course with stops in Europe. Long ovations concluded all his campaign rallies. Voters that put in office did never wonder where their leader will get the money from. One thing they’re sure about is that their leader is a smart politician and a master in international relations with strong ties within highest institutes of the entire world. So when, shortly after he was sworn in a brand new president of the Circle Republic of the Tropics, this god given opportunity for big and quick money was proposed to the  new president, he didn’t need to investigate further. ‘That’s my luck; a gift from god’ he said.  The opportunity quickly produces the first bridge, a section of the first unprecedented highway to show to his voters.    Just violate s piece of a guideline for one donor and have it fixed by another donor to realize his campaign promises. That’s it; and he gets the big money. Everything went smooth according to plan, until that rainy day, when ebola hits to transform the foundations of the new big bridge into a row of death: the apocalyptic ebola death row.  Ebola hits hard, taking him the third wife of the president. ‘I should not violate that guideline’ he regrets.

That’s the ebola story, of the Biotech tropicana Book Stores.


10)  Gongoner news

The story of the death of journalism in the Circle republic of the tropics.

Book Abstracts:

Crior was in office in time; that is before time for his colleagues. Mister C, as friends called him always arrives before time; to make time for his coffee machine. While the machine was heating the coffee, he walked to his office to turn his computer on. Mister C made a quick summary of the daily to dos and return by his coffee machine, to quickly scan the daily news written by his peers from other journals. That’ the daily routine before returning to his computer for the all day, to do what he likes best, write.

Like many of his peers, his boss made him the proposal to boost the operating capacity of the broadcasting company while at the same time boosting his own professional and social standing. Mister C denied the proposal. ‘You are a crazy boy to deny such an opportunity but I still like you. I will always respect you for the finest of your pen’, said the boss. ‘I, am sorry boss. I’ am trained to be a journalist not a public gongoner. What’s about, ethics in journalism’ explained mister C. ‘I understand but I’ am a business man. I get to have the place running. That’s the rule of the new game. We must play like everybody’ said the boss before leaving the office for his daily routine.

‘Journalist works out the news. Public Gomgener relied on his drum to echoe the voice of his funder. I’ am a journalist. I will practice journalism under all circumstances’. Thinks mister C.

Mister C was unaware that his orthodox insistence on ‘applicable principles’ was becoming an embarrassment for his colleagues that took the proposal to play the new game by the new rules. To that day, he was fired.

Mister C is a good friend of mine. He told me the all story. Mister C’s story is the story of the new journalism of the Circle republic of the tropics. That’s the story of the backward revolution in journalism that transforms university educated journalist into traditional public gongoners and set the death of journalism in the Circle republic of the tropics. Just read the full story from the Biotech tropicana, IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.


Volume 2:

     11) The Self Denial of Development

When communities and countries vote to fight the development their nations. The slogan ‘Kill innovators’, is the story of community engagement in the country’s leaders declared war on advancements in science, technology and innovation.

Book Abstract:

The head.  Always remember. We are told to set the head as the primary target. You must learn how to sharpen the pen to hit the head’, explained the group leader to the next candidate. They call themselves the ‘national sex warriors unit’. They are all female warriors. Males called them trucks for pleasure. Lady code named L1  always remember her first victim. It was almost a two feet tall heavy man from the military. She used to like the man who trained many of them. Sympathy soon turns to hate, from that day he gets her rapped by three men for minor violation of the conduct protocol. She waited for a day to exercise her trained skills of the trainer. It works. In five minutes, the man was dead. It was a stomach attack, her area of specialization. ‘I’ am ashamed of him’ said the training coordinator. All the ladies in the unit pissed on the victim before giving his body back to his family for burial. They are bad girls, but good in mission in the type of war, coordinated by the leader himself. ‘kill innovators, that’s good money for the country, for you and for myself’, explained the leader. How many they kill? Why they kill? How they kill? Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana, IncBook Stores. COMING OUT SOON.


   12) The Doctors of Death

The story of the virus x outbreak that eradicated the central hospital.

      Book Abstract:

Little Bony quickly dies of stomach ache. His mammy first thinks of a joke when she was informed that her son just past out. ‘I saw him playing soccer, when I left the house for the market’. She explained. Little Bony ran back to the house after the soccer game to eat the unsold food his mother brought back from her restaurant. Once again the community surgeon diagnosed virus x as the killer of little Bony. Consistent with applicable protocol, the community surgeon reported the appearance of an unidentified virus in the community to the central hospital virus reference unit. Little Bony was the fifth in the month.

After completing his protocol with the director of the morgue, the community surgeon did not return to his office. He slowly walked to the back of the building toward the isolated small resting room reserved for smokers. He lights up a cigarette. The community surgeon analyzed his reports on virus x in light of a conversation he had with his best friend surgeon of the nearby Sarou community. It was after the monthly meeting of community surgeons in the central hospital. His description of a diagnosis of a food linked pathogen parallels his five diagnosis of the pathogen he named ‘virus x’. ‘We have a food linked killer virus coming to our communities’, he taught. In addition to the regular protocol he submitted to the virus reference unit of the central hospital, he taught he should inform the community major. However, this is the job of the virus reference unit, not his. Furthermore, he should not create an unnecessary panic in the community for a common virus that the reference unit will soon identify and control. The community surgeon lights up another cigarette. As the sun disappears from the sky and the moon shows up, he slowly walks to his car to take him back to his family. ‘Fix some food for the kids to take to school and make sure they don’t eat outside’, he told his wife.

When the community surgeon diagnosed the 10th case and signed the 10th protocol with the director of the morgue, he decided to do something about virus x. Respectful of his orthodox reliance on regulations, he thinks he should come out with a strategy to inform the major without violating established regulations. He will visit the major in his home instead, just to say hello and virus x will be just an unofficial information. The major took the allegations on virus x very seriously and initiated his own unofficial investigations before any formal notification from the virus reference unit. The major actions will transform the virus outbreak into a community outbreak that eradicated the central hospital. What the major did, and how he did it? What the community did and how it did it? What happen to the central hospital?

Just read the full story in the Biotech               tropicana,IncBOOK `        STORES. COMING OUT SOON.


  13) The Pharmacy store

The story of the drug deal between the store owner, the suppliers and the chief storage administrator.

Book Abstract:

“Fast food or late food? Sweet food or hot food? We        have it all in our pharmacy store of the third millennium      medicine. Food for good health. The food suppliers made   it clear,” Just keep the store opened. That’ s the deal.         We take care of the rest”. The chief storage officer will    provide security around the storage sites to maintain the    “health food” under international standards. The potatoe      vaccine, a food for disease prevention was made available         to human populations using genetic engineering    techniques. What’s about food for curing disease or even food for making disease? Aza store for common         customers of the  pharmacy store may provide the     answer. 

        Just read the full story in the Biotech       tropicana,IncBOOK ` STORES. COMING OUT SOON.



     14) Grouping The Diaspora: Balancing Factors

        This is the story of the country development       revolution project of the diaspora of the Circle      republic of the tropics.

        Book Abstract:

        Marcello never thinks of the other side of the    story, that is the counter thesis of his thesis   project until he arrives at the International         Airport of the Circle republic of the tropics.  He        left as a young student and now returning to visit         his beloved Circle republic as a promising         entrepreneur and developer supported by a wife         and two sons.

        ‘it is two thousands circle change for each”,         explained the police officer.

        “For what ? My passport is not expired and they have        the visas”.

        “you pay or you sit that bench here”, clarified the police     officer.

        He paid but with great deception. Marcello was deeply        saddened not for the money, but for the fact. His        sadness was complicated by anger and even fear; the fear   to loose. Marcello is a winner. He knows how to manage         successes and apply past success to create greater     future successes. Because he never loose, he has no       experience in managing losses; that’s the basis of his        fears. He left the country just after completing school      under a close collaboration with his supporting parents.   The parent’s collaboration won’t be no good in his new development projects around complex development     concepts, totally unknown to them. He visited many   countries on many continents on planet earth. He had    never had to pay to enter the countries, as long as he had   his travelling documents ok. Now he has to pay without    receipt to enter his own country, even where his     travelling documents are ok. That is the basis of his         fears. “If I cannot succeed in a small project like       crossing into my country borders with good crossing        documents, how can I successfully implement and operate     my complex enterprises in my country? What’s happened     to Marcello’s projects? What the organization of the     diaspora did? What his countrymen did?. What other       parties did ?

        Just read the full story in the Biotech         tropicana,InCBOOK STORES. COMING OUT        SOON.


15) Coming out

Physical presence VS Physical absence.

Where the wrongful physical presence is wining the case against the rightful physical absence in the court of the people.

Book Abstract:

“We are wrong. It’s their stuff. We all known the true.” explained the wrongful team leader.

“We took the risks for the country. They didn’t. We came out. They stay in.  Anything we collect on the path to risk belong to us”, disapprove her assistant.

The all issues come to two points: the ‘philosophy of right” and the “philosophy of wrong”. When the philosophy of thoughts reached the border before reaching compromise, then the philosophy of guns may be the other alternative. White gun or black gun ? It doesn’t matter; simply a gun. We are progressing steady consistent with our procedures. We are listening to the thoughts behind the philosophy of each party. We are the watching the battles in guns. Who will win? This is the ultimate decision of selection factors. We wish all parties good luck. This is the story of confrontations between the “physical presence” members of New A City and the “physical absence” members of New B city.  It is the story of confrontation between risk takers and risk avoiders. Who will win?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,InCBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.


16)         The fake theft: colonizing the colons.

Where the former colons get colonized by the new advanced civilization of the nearby island people.

Book Abstract:

The new president of the Circle Republic of the tropics was excited. ‘All profits’, he said. Based on the equation of the new leader, the theft operation will generate some profit for the country; something to show his people to secure the next election before they are even lunched. Most important are the personal profits that will secure his life and that of his descendents, forever. ‘everything you need in my country is at your disposal, I’ am with you 100%’, he said. By the time the leader of the small Circle republic of the tropics realized that his dreams were nightmares instead, it was too late. ‘The theft was fake’, he lately realized. The colons may have stolen their own properties to create an alibi for the re-conquest of their former colony. Alternatively, the colons may have not themselves realized that that the precious good they were stolen belong to them. Since the settlement of the advanced alien civilization on the nearby island, no business ran as before in the Circle republic of the tropics. All business operations became puzzling both for citizens of the Circle and their former colon allies. The island people colonized the colons. The new president of the Circle Republic who once fought the settlement of the island people, now turn to the ‘aliens’ for help.

Will the alien people? What happens to the people of the Circle? What happens to the colon?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK `        STORES. COMING OUT SOON.


  17) Providing the late surgeon

The story of the irony of order.

Book Abstract:

We did it boss. We have the surgeon’, he said.

‘Congratulations, but we don’t have the patients anymore. By now what we need are flowers to save the thumbs’’. The boss saved his saviour machines but all his attempts to save the patients failed. The boss did never blame himself for the lost; a situation beyond his control. The patients were abandoned by the very people they vote for to protect them. ‘I feel comfortable, We violate no rule. Not our rules. Not their rules’. We must now focus on saving the new patients that can be saved. Fortunately for them our saviour machines have been substantially improved since then. God be with them’, argue the boss.  This is the story of irony of order where 1 + 2 is not 2 + 1. That’s the story of race for time against time.

What happen to the new patients? What happen to their elected protectors?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK `        STORES. COMING OUT SOON.


18) Clusters

The story of the backward cultural solidarity revolution.

Book Abstract:

Doctor Sam applied simple mathematics to profile the advantages of clustering. The same methodology highlights the counterproductive profile of other types of business clustering. It’s all about results outputs. Applying the same mathematics to cluster 1 yields a positive 3 for 1+1.Cluster 2 yields a negative 3 for the same operation.It’s all about culture and civilization. That’s the story of mathematics of natural or cultural selection in human populations. To learn more about the mathematics of cultural selection,

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK `        STORES. COMING OUT SOON.


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