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Selected Policy Outline. PAGE C

Biotech tropicana Systems:

Selected Policy Outline. PAGE C.

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI



52. Foundation Policy

a) Aboubakar YARI is the founder of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

b) Venus YARI is associate founder of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

c)  Is eligible for membership of the foundation of the Biotech tropicana Systems., any candidate

  1. born to a founder or an associate founder that
  2. Properly files an application for membership of the foundation of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
  3. Passed the founder performance test
  4. Passed the founder moral test

d) A candidate that passed all the tests in policy 52)c is admitted as ‘associate founder’ upon ratification by the founder.

e) A candidate that failed any of the test in policy 52)a is not an associate founder of the Biotech tropicana Systems. 

e) Is eligible to become founder

  1. Any associate founder that is elected by
  2. ¾ of vote of associate founders
  3. A positive rating of the Chief Executive Officer.
  4. A positive rating of the board of trustee.

f) A candidate that passed all the tests in policy 52)e is admitted as ‘founder’ upon attendance of an inaugural ceremony in presence of all associate founders, the Chief Executive Officer, and all members of the Board of trustee, in a manner that is consistent with applicable protocols .

g) An associate founder candidate that failed any of the test in policy 52)e is not a founder of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

i) An elected founder SHALL sign all documents of the Biotech tropicana Systems as ‘first name’ followed by ‘yari’ consistent with applicable protocols in policy 52)e.

k) An elected founder has discretion to amend a policy anytime. However, implementation of the policy SHALL require approval by

  1. ¾ of vote of associate founders
  2. A positive rating of the Chief Executive Officer.
  3. A positive rating of the board of trustee.

l) Where the elected founder failed to pass any of the test in policy 52)k, the amendment is not applicable. The founders may proceed by veto and propose another amendment within 21 days.

m) Only an elected founder has an absolute veto on all decisions in internal affairs of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

n) A veto of the elected founder is valid for 21 days. The elected founder SHALL amend the policy outline within the 21 days period to protect the interests of the system, in a manner that is consistent with policy 52)k.

o) An elected founder SHALL be dismissed and replaced by another associate founder,

  1. For violation of policy 52)i, signature policy.
  2. For committing an act that meets the ‘serious threat to the existence of the system’ standard.

p) An elected founder may choose to retire. A retired founder may actively participate in internal affairs of the Biotech tropicana Systems as “Founder Emeritus”.

q) A decision of a Founder Emeritus is an advice.

r) An elected founder has discretion to consider or not consider an advice of a Founder Emeritus, in a decision making process.   


53. File processing Policy

a) A file of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL be assigned a score, as follow:

  1. +/-, for files in process
  2. – 1, for negative outcome.
  3. 0, for no outcome or no response
  4. +1, for positive outcome


54. Veto Policy

a) Aboubakar YARI as the founder and owner of the Biotech tropicana Systems has an absolute veto right on all decisions internal to the the Biotech tropicana Systems.

b) A veto of Aboubakar YARI is definitive and there is no appeal.

c) There is no time limit on a veto imposed by Aboubakar YARI.


55. Collaboration Initiation Filing Policy

a. A collaboration request protocol is properly filed ONLY when it is

  1. Filed at least in duplicate, with one copy marked as “BTS COPY”.
  2. Receipt of the “BTS COPY” is confirmed by foreign institution signature mark and date of receipt.
  3. The foreign institution signature mark is placed on the first page of the submitted document.  

b. Submission of a collaboration request protocol that failed to meet any of the conditions in policy 55)a is not filed.

c. Any decision relative to a failed submission SHALL be invalid.

d. Consistent with policy 29)g, the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL inform the foreign institution in written of the status of “NOT VALID SUBMISSION” of the file, within 90 days.

e. A submission that meets the “NOT VALID SUBMISSION” standard SHALL be closed and transferred to the Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM for archiving.

f) The closed filed SHALL be marked “NOT VALID SUBMISSION” in bold.

h) Upon confirmation of closure of a “NOT VALID SUBMISSION” file, a new file MAY be submitted where appropriate, consistent with applicable policies of the  Biotech tropicana Systems.  


56. Item identification policy

a) An item of the Biotech SHALL be identified with an ID number and an ID card as described in the item identification protocol.


57. SALAC Policy

a)  SALAC SHALL be mandatory in all programs funded by the Biotech tropicana Systems.

b)  A recipient of a program of the Biotech tropicana Systems MAY choose an additional foreign language from the pool.


58. P 1 Associated University Exclusion Policy

a. Any university or academic institution that permits the P 1 to alter scientific methods or scientific guidelines in conducting scientific activities SHALL NOT be eligible for partnership with Biotech tropicana Systems.

b. In P 1 active areas, particularly in developing countries,, the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL strictly monitor for compliance with its “Scientific Methods Requirement Protocol” as described in the Biotech tropicana Systems manual of procedures.

c. A university or academic institution in a developing country SHALL NOT be excluded for executing a valid partnership protocol with a P 1 Institution where compliance with “Scientific Methods Requirement Protocol” as described in the Biotech tropicana Systems manual of procedures. is demonstrated.

d. where an institution is excluded under policy 58, the Biotech tropicana Systems Shall issue a letter explaining

  1. The no discriminatory basis of its decision.
  2. The interests of the Biotech tropicana Systems to protect the scientific merit of its work before international scientific panels.
  3. The philosophy of the Biotech tropicana Systems that no discrimination should be not be used to abuse established norms against one group: a basis for a reversed discrimination.
  4. The letter SHALL inform the excluded university on the opportunity of a continued contribution to the advancement of Biotechnology in developing countries through the Biotechnology Development Fund, a biotechnology advancement platform initiated by the founders, Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, and donated to the resource poor settings.



  1. The Biotech tropicana Systems are characterized ny:
  • High standards
  • High complexity operations
  • Strict policy guidelines

All candidates are first considered under standards of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Candidates or members that failed to keep pace with at least one standard level are transferred to the Biotechnology Development Fund.

  1. The Biotechnology Development Fund are characterized by:
  • International standards
  • Average complexity operations
  • Average policy constrains

The Biotechnology Development Fund has the advantage of being free from the strict policy constrains of the Biotech tropicana Systems, while equally contributing to the advancement of Biotechnology in developing countries. Once donated the Biotechnology Development Fund is no more a property of the Biotech tropicana Systems. The Biotechnology Development Fund is a property of the resource poor communities of the developing world. Internal policies of the Biotechnology Development Fund are designed the board of members NOT the Biotech tropicana Systems. Candidates that failed to keep pace with standards of the Biotechnology Development Fund may be eligible for consideration under Biotech tropicana,ImcCOMMUNITY.

  1. The Biotech tropicana,ImcCOMMUNITY is characterized by:
  • International standards
  • .low complexity operations
  • relaxed policy guidelines

candidates that cannot read nor write are first transferred to the SALAC literacy training program. Candidates that failed to keep pace with the Biotech tropicana,ImcCOMMUNITY. Standards are transferred to the public soxial development programs.


  1. P1 Development Model

Most public social development programs are operated by the P1 cooperation-government development model.


59. Cames graduate admission policy

  1. For incompatibility of program (negligible to low research in cames curriculum) a graduate of the a cames accredited institution SHALL be ineligible for admission in a program of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
  2. A graduate from a cames accredited institution may be eligible for admission in a training program of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
  3. A graduate from a cames accredited institution that successfully completed the Biotech tropicana Systems training program SHALL become eligible for admission in a program of the Biotech tropicana Systems.


  1. Cames is a higher education accreditation ystem tht operated in frabcophony related countries in Africa.
  2. SLAC, the SMART African Language Commons is the official language of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Policy 28. Biotech tropicana Systems.


60. Program Implementation Policy

  1. A program of the Biotech tropicana Systems is initiated by the EXPLORER unit to coordinate the exploratory and development phase.
  2. To move to the implementation phase, a program of

the Biotech tropicana Systems MUST pass the FEASIBILITY TEST.

  1. Feasibility tests are scored on a PASSED-FAILED basis.
  2. A program of the Biotech tropicana Systems that passed the feasibility test SHALL require approval of the founders to move to the implementation phase.
  3. A program of the Biotech tropicana Systems that received appr oval of the founders is implemented by a specialized unit.
  4. To be eligible for program implementation, a specialized unit MUST have received incorporation approval by an accredited authority.
  5. To comply with the sustainability policy , a specialized unit under incubation, that has no program to implement SHALL NOT be incorporated.

61. Ownership Transfer Policy

  1. A Property of a founder may be transferred and classified as a property of the Biotech tropicana Systems
  2. A founder proposing a property for transfer MUST submit an – Application For Transfer of Ownership – to the Board of Founders.
  3. The application in point 61)b MUST demonstrate ownership beyond any doubt with supporting materials
  4. The Board of Founders MUST issue a written decision accepting or rejecting the proposed transfer of ownership
  5. A copy of the application in point 61)b and the decision in point

See also ownership policy 5.


62. Cooperation Exclusion/Inclusion Policy

a. Cooperation defined

Cooperation is defined as a group of foreign institutions operating in developing countries under a visa acquired through accreditation by developing world govrnments.

b. Cooperation Exclusion

A cooperation affiliated entity is EXCLUDED from any form of collaboration in internal science based activties of the Biotech tropicana Systems that have not been submitted to an accredited scientific panel for evaluation and approval.

c. Cooperation Inclusion

A cooperation affiliateed entity may be eligible for INCLUSION in a  collaborative program of the Biotech tropicana Systems, where the program has passed the scientific peer review test.

d. An eligible cooperation affiliated entity may collaborate in funding and counseling  of a developing world targeted community, but under no circumstance the Biotech tropicana Systems. See also policy 3. Biotech tropicana Systems.


Where a cooperation affiluiated entity is collaborating with the Biotech tropicana Systems in a joint activity, the contribution of the cooperation affiliated agency MUST be coordinated with either:

a) The accreditating government.

b) Decentralized units of the accreditating government.

c) The United Nations cooperation with the private sector program (see private sector program; United Nations Development Program, New York City, New York, USA).

d) In country cooperation with the private sector program (See for example JICA-Japan- cooperation with the private sector).


63. Cooperation With Organs of the African Union

a. An African Union related sceintific activity is coordinated with the High Level African Panel On Modern Biotechnology.


The High Level African Panel On Modern Biotechnology is a Biotechnology related scientific panel focused on biotechnology related activities in territories of the African Union. The panel is a group of scientists from the the African diaspora and Africa based institutions. The Panel maintained a permanent secretary  at NEPAD-The New Partnership For Africa,s Development- in Pretoria, South Africa, African Union. The Board of Administration of the Biotechnology panel coordinates its activities with the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, African Union. Therefore, the Biotech tropicana Systems WILL NOT CONSIDER an out panel directive on its biotechnology related scientific activties on territories of the African Union. Any out of panel instruction will be transferred to the panel for evaluation and recommendations.


Policy 64. Banking Policy

  1. A financial operation is valid only when approved by the Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL Unit

Financial operation MUST be tagged as intra or inter financial zones; where a financial zone is aligned with the Biotech tropicana Systems defined development zones. See bts development zones at

  1. Consistent with the United States and others in country security related laws and regulations, data generated by financial and money transfer operations SHALL be classified as security sensitive data.
  2. Finance related security sensitive data SHALL be stored ONLY in
  1. A Biotech tropicana Systems Secured computer. See computer policy 12.
  2. A Format that makes the data immediately available for in country authorities for security purpose.
  1. Security sensitive financial data may be transferred only to authorities in jurisdiction where the data have been generated.
  2. Where an out of jurisdiction authority requested a Biotech tropicana Systems owned data for security purpose, the data SHALL be transferred to the within jurisdiction authority and the out of jurisdiction authority SHALL be referred to the within jurisdiction authority for further processing.


Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI


Biotech tropicana Systems


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