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Selected Policy Outline. PAGE B.

Biotech tropicana Systems: Selected Policy Outline. PAGE B.

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI


20.B. No Discrimination Policy.

  1. The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL NOT discriminate based on race, ethnicity, sex, religion, or national origin.
  2. “performance and availability” SHALL be the two basic criteria of admissibility and promotion in Biotech tropicana Systems.
  3. Availability MAY be achieved by properly filing an application for membership.
  4. A candidate admitted for membership of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL demonstrate an optimal performance, to maintain membership status.
  5. An external that attempts to associate with activities of Biotech tropicana Systems in violation of policy 20)a and policy 20b SHALL be classified as an enemy of the Biotech tropicana Systems under policy 27.
  6. All members SHALL declare any suspect enemy to their unit directors.
  7. All unit directors SHALL declare any suspect enemy to the Chief Executive officer within 24 hours.
  8.  The Chief Executive Officer SHALL notify  Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY TASK FORCE, Biotech tropicana,IncLITIGATOR, and Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS, within 24 hours, of any suspect enemy declaration.
  9. The Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS SHALL open an investigation file on suspect enemies within 24 hours.


31. Credit Policy

a) Credit SHALL be the last option in financial operations of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
b) Innovation programs of the Biotech tropicana Systems that relied heavily on knowledge SHALL be closed to credit.
c) Some last phase technology innovation programs such as technology transfer programs MAY be eligible for credit. 
d) A credit application or acceptance MUST be approved by the Board of Administration of Biotech tropicana Systems and ratified by the founders.


32. Trustee Policy

a) Is eligible for classification as trustee, any non-member of the Biotech tropicana Systems  that passed the “the Biotech tropicana Systems TRUST STANRD ARD test”.
b) A diploma or qualification criteria SHALL NOT be required in selecting members of the Board of Trustee.
c) A member of  the Board of Trustee. SHALL proceed in accordance with internal policies of the Biotech tropicana Systems. 
d) A member of the members of the Board of Trustee SHALL be assigned a grade for each file placed under the authority of the member, according to the grading system below:
i.    (0) for fist file completed in accordance with internal policies of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
ii.    (+1) for each additional file completed in accordance with internal policies of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
iii.    (-1) for violation of a clause of internal policies of the Biotech tropicana Systems.  The -1 point SHALL be assigned for each clause violated.
iv.    Grade SHALL be assigned on the basis of compliance with internal policies and NOT on the basis of success or failure to achieve file objectives. 
e)    A member of  the Board of Trustee with a (-3) score SHALL be excluded and SHALL NOT be eligible for readmission.
f)    A member of the members of the Board of Trustee with a (+3) score SHALL be selected for the New Year bonus of the Biotech tropicana Systems. 
g)    The Biotech tropicana Systems MAY solicit a non-member for trustee capacity activities if it determines the non-member to be eligible for trustee classification. 


33. Pro Life and Pro Development Policy.

a) All activities of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL align with the private sector of the host country.

b) While operating through the private sector, all activities of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL align with the “compassionate capitalism” philosophy of the company.

c)  Consistent with its “compassionate capitalism” philosophy, an activity of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL be designed to promote life (pro life), and promote development (pro development) in the host country.

d) The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL NOT participate in a joint activity with other stakeholders if it determines the activity to diminish life or development in the host country.

e) A member of the Biotech tropicana Systems willing to participate in joint activity with other stakeholders in violation of policy 33)d SHALL resign.

f) A member of the Biotech tropicana Systems that participates in a joint activity with other stakeholders in violation of policy 33)d SHALL be dismissed, and SHALL NOT be eligible for re-admission to the end of time.

g) An application submitted by the Biotech tropicana Systems before a foreign institution SHALL comport a section explaining the life gains or development gains for the host country.


34. Pro Advancement Policy

  1. “ADVANCEMENT” is defined as a positive development gain for all parties involved in a multiples stakeholders activity.
  2. A multiples stakeholders activity in which at least one party concluded the activity with a negative development gain SHALL be marked as “COUNTERPRODUCTIVE”.
  3. To be eligible for victim status, the party with the negative development gain MUST demonstrate compliance with all applicable regulations in the process of the activity.
  4. In a multiples stakeholders activity, a party that deliberately violates applicable regulations to increase its development gains at the expense of another party SHALL be classified as a party with “BAD MORAL CHARACTER”.
  5. A party that demonstrated “bad moral character” in a multiple stakeholders activity SHALL be excluded from doing business with the Biotech tropicana Systems, to the end of time.


35. Buy-Sale Policy.

a) A property of the Biotech tropicana Systems  SHALL only be SOLD to a foreign institution.

b) A sale operation MUST be documented with a “Bill of Sale”

c) A property of the  Biotech tropicana Systems  SHALL NOT be donated to  a foreign institution  under no circumstance.

d) A property of the  Biotech tropicana Systems  SHALL NOT be negotiated in any manner with   a foreign institution  under no circumstance.

e) Under exceptional circumstances the  Biotech tropicana Systems  MAY sell a property for zero (0) Afro.

f) A zero (0) Afro sell MUST be approved by the Board of Administration and ratified by the founders.

g) A zero (0) Afro sale MUST be documented with a “Bill of Sale”.

h) the  Biotech tropicana Systems MAY buy properties from foreign institutions ONLY when the  Biotech tropicana Systems cannot manufacture that property.

h) A member of the  Biotech tropicana Systems requesting a “Permission to Buy”  MUST demonstrate that the  Biotech tropicana Systems cannot manufacture that property.

i) A BUY operation MUST be documented with a “Foreign Bill of Sale”.

j) A “Bill of Sale” and a “Foreign Bill of Sale”. MUST be kept in separate portfolios.


36. Poverty Eradication Policy.

a) A Program of the Biotech tropicana Systems designed for implementation in poor countries SHALL aim to eradicate poverty, NOT manage poverty.

b) The poverty reduction principle SHALL be construed according to the following standard: “Instead of just managing poverty, we need to find ways to actually get people out of poverty. That is to move from poverty to prosperity.”

c) ALL programs of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL be checked for impact on poverty persistence in host country. 

d) A candidate partner SHALL NOT be eligible for partnership if the Biotech tropicana Systems determine that the joint activity would promote poverty persistence in the host country.


37. High Risk Business Area Classification Policy

a) An area in which contracts or agreements have been violated three times by three different institutions within a thirty miles radius SHALL be classified as a “High Risk Business Area”

b)  Initiation of contract or agreement with a foreign institution located within a  

 “High Risk Business Area” SHALL require a “SPECIAL APPROVAL FOR PARTNERSHIP” of the Chief Executive Officer.

c) The Chief Executive Officer SHALL maintain a list of institutions involved in contract violation within a “High Risk Business Area”.

d) The Chief Executive Officer SHALL check all request for partnership from a foreign institution against the list of institutions involved in contract violation within a “High Risk Business Area”.

e) The Chief Executive Officer SHALL NOT discriminate against an in institution solely for its location within a “High Risk Business Area”.

e) In making a decision for a “SPECIAL APPROVAL FOR PARTNERSHIP” The Chief Executive Officer SHALL comply with the guidelines set forth in the Biotech tropicana Systems “RISK ASSESMENT PROTOCL’.

f) A “SPECIAL APPROVAL FOR PARTNERSHIP” decision letter SHALL clearly inform the foreign institution requesting partnership of its location within a Biotech tropicana Systems determined “High Risk Business Area” and the basis of any denial or approval.

g) A “SPECIAL APPROVAL FOR PARTNERSHIP” decision letter denying partnership SHALL comport a section specifying:

START (Do not include in letter)

“ Dear                               You may appeal this decision denying partnership to the founders within thirty days. Sincerely. The Chief Executive Officer”.                  

END (Do not include in letter).


h) The note section MUST be written in

  1. Times New Roman script
  2. In BOLD
  3. size 12 points,
  4. using the black color
  5. placed one line below the signature section.


38. Mapping Policy

a)  All areas of business interest to the Biotech tropican Systems SHALL be mapped on the global business map according to the following code:

b) An area with zero contract violation SHALL be coded as GREEN and termed a GREEN ZONE

c) An area with at least one contract violation SHALL be coded YELLOW and termed a YELLOW ZONE

d) An area with three or more contract violations SHALL be coded as RED and termed RED ZONE.

e) Business area SHALL be defined as an Area of 30 miles radius.

f) An area with zero “no response” to letter SHALL be bordered as GREEN

g) An area with at least 1 “no response” to letter SHALL be bordered as YELLOW

h) An area with three or more “no response” to letter SHALL be bordered as RED


An area with zero contract violation and three “no response” to letter will appear in the map as GREEN with RED border. 


39. Biodiplomacy Policy

a) The Biotech tropicana Corporation headquarters SHALL maintain a biodiplomacy unit.

b) The Biodiplomacy unit SHALL classify a file as 1) politics and admiistrative, 2) sciences and technology, 3) commercial, 4) security, 5) ownership and judiciary

c) The assignment of the controlling authority for each category under policy 39)b is the solo responsibility of the biodiplomacy unit.

d) A  controlling authority assigned to one category under policy 39)b SHALL NOT be permitted to exercise authority out its jurisdiction under no circumstance.

e) In case of conflict of authority, the file SHALL be transferred to the founders.

f) The founders may at their own discretion explore additional data necessary to resolve the conflict, including requesting advice from officially recognized competent authorities in the fields.

g) Where the conflict cannot be resolved, the file SHALL be closed and transferred to the Biotech tropicana,IncMUSUM for archiving.

h) A file SHALL NOT be arbitrary assigned to the control of a non competent authority under no circumstance.

i) Where a foreign institution attempts to arbitrary impose an authority on a property file of the Biotech tropicana Systems, the Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY TASK FORCE SHALL without further order protect the properties and members of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

j) Where policy39)i  applies, the Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY TASK FORCE SHALL  within a period of 24 hours submit a summary of the issues to the Chief Executive Officer. A copy of the summary SHALL be submitted to the Biotech tropicana,IcLITIGATOR, and to Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS.  


40. Partnership with Benin Republic Policy

a) The Mathieu Kerekou  Model for a wining Benin,  that recognizes  distinct private sector, public sector, judiciary, and the civil society and supports public-private partnership SHALL guide all partnerships with institutions of Benin Republic, the incorporation site of the EXPLORER unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems.. Biotech tropicana Systems operate in the private sector.

b) The function of the EXPLORER unit SHALL be exploratory, to collect and organize data for technology modelling.

c) Consistent with its exploratory function equivalent to research in a research and development (R&D) for technological innovation activity, the EXPLORER unit SHALL operate under a NOT FOR PROFIT status as incorporated.

d) Consistent with its unit status of the larger Biotech tropicana Systems, a FOR PROFIT private Biotech Company, ALL post exploratory activities are FOR PROFIT. THERFORE, ALL activities of the EXPLORER unit SHALL be classified as FOR PROFIT.

e) Any other partnership model in Benin Republic, the incorporation site of the EXPLORER unit, that violates policy 40)a SHALL be invalid and NOT APPLICABLE in the Biotech tropicana Systems.

f) A model technology designed by the EXPLORER unit is a property of the Biotech tropicana Systems  and SHALL be transferred to the appropriate specialized unit for further development.

g) The EXPLORER unit SHALL coordinate the exploratory phase activities for ALL projects initiated by any other units of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

i) Additional exploration sites may be incorporated in other countries as needed.  However, ,an  exploration sites MUST be located in a resource poor setting.


Using the mapping policy 38 for guidance, the Biotech tropicana Systems defined two development entities (DE) in Benin republic. DE 1 in the north and DE2 in the south. Three control points (CP) are defined for regulating development activities in each DE; CP1 for DE1, CP2 for DE2. CP3 supervises CP1 and CP2. CP3 is implemented in relation with CP1 and CP2. Cross regulations between DE are not pertmitted. Security data analysis demonstrated that cross regulation is a major source of conflict and instability  in the two development regions. The Biotech tropicana Systems aim to focus TIME and RESOURCE in technological innovation activities; not conflict management.


41. Biotech tropicana Systems Policy.

a) Biotech tropicana Systems are a business and technology incubator.

b) All units of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL be incubated for the minimum incubation period.

c) A unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems that failed to meet a least one graduation requirement SHALL NOT graduate and SHALL stay under incubation.

d) A graduating unit that after three attempts failed to obtain a ”written” incorporation approval issued by incorporation site authorities SHALL return to incubation, under supervision of the  Biotech tropicana Systems.  Under no circumstance SHALL a unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems operate in foreign jurisdiction without a written approval of foreign authorities.

e) ALL units are properties of the Biotech tropicana Systems. THERFORE, ALL properties of ALL units are properties of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

f) Biotech tropicana Systems are owned and operated by Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI.

g) Biotech tropicana Corporation SHALL coordinate ALL business related activities of ALL units of the  Biotech tropicana Systems,

h) Biotech tropicana Corporation SHALL permanently maintain  a Board of Trustee to coordinate Biidiplomacy  activities with foreign institutions.

i) The Chief Executive Officer of Biotech tropicana  Corporation SHALL coordinate ALL Biodiplomacy activities with the Board of Trustee

j) Conflicts between the Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Trustee are resolved by the founders. The founders decision is final and there is no appeal.


42. Biotechnology proficiency Policy

a) Membership to the Biotech topicana Systems SHALL require demonstration of proficiency in Biotechnology and related fields.

b) All membership candidates SHALL pass the Biotechnology proficiency test

c) A membership candidate that failed the Biotechnology proficiency test and willing to work with the Biotech tropicana Systems  SHALL be transferred to the Biotechnology proficiency  training program


43. Illiteracy Exclusion Policy

a) a person who is illiterate, that is cannot read and write SHAKK be excluded from associating with any activity of any unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems .

b) A person who is illiterate and willing to work with the Biotech tropicana Systems  SHALL be transferred to the SALAC  literacy training program.


44. Capacity Transfer File Initiation Policy.

a) A file initiated toward a foreign institution and seeking for a foreign institution owned capacity MUST be designed in triplicate (3X), marked as ‘A-FILE’, ‘B-FILE’, and C-FILE.

b) Each file design MUST seek for the capacity from a different foreign institution. The three designs will therefore be addressed to three different foreign institutions.

c) Each design MUST be printed in at least two copies; one copy being registered as ‘BTS COPY’ for archiving.

d) Each design MUST contain a section specifying the outcome of the capacity transfer initiative as ‘AQ’ for acquired, and ‘NQ’ for not acquired.

e) A capacity transfer initiative file is opened for 90 days from the date of initiation.

f) If the capacity is acquired from one source ‘AQ’, the two other files MUST be closed and archived in the Biotech tropicana,InCMUSEUM.

g) If the capacity is not acquired, ‘NQ’ from any of the three sources, all three A,B,C FILES MUST be closed after 90 days, and archived in the Biotech tropicana,InCMUSEUM. Three new strategies MUST designed for further proceedings.

h) Where the capacity is acquired, further development of the capacity in the Biotech tropicana Systems MUST proceed in collaboration with the first responder institution.

i) A second late responder institution MUST be evaluated for compatibility with the first responder, for admission in the collaboration team.

k) In case of incompatibility between a first and a late responder, the late responder SHALL NOT be accepted in the collaboration team. A Reply letter MUST be sent to the late responder with a note specifying:


Dear                            , we appreciate your response to our request of capacity transfer. However, another party provided the required capacity to the Biotech tropicana Systems before you. We regret that we can no longer accept your proposal for capacity transfer.  We may contact you in the future if we need another capacity. SINCERELY.


45.  Mail Notification Policy.

a) A correspondence from the Biotech tropicana Systems to a foreign institution may be served directly by ‘walk in’.

b) A correspondence from the Biotech tropicana Systems to a foreign institution may be served indirectly through a third party service provider.

c) A correspondence under policy 42)b SHALL include a delivery confirmation step from the service provider.

d) A correspondence from the Biotech tropicana Systems to a foreign institution may be served through addressable machine, capable of confirming delivery.

e) A correspondence from the Biotech tropicana Systems to a foreign institution MUST be printed in duplicate, with one copy marked as ‘BTS COPY’ for archiving.


46. Business Country Selection Policy.

a) To be eligible for implementation of a program of the Biotech tropicana Systems, a country MUST meet the ‘FAVOURABLE COUNTRY’ standard.  

b) ‘FAVOURABLE COUNTRY’ is defined as a country with development interest guidelines aligned with country development guidelines set forth by the United Nations scientific task force under the millennium project.

c) Country development guidelines set forth by the United Nations scientific task forces under the millennium project stressed the importance of the private sector and good governance in the public sector. The  Biotech tropicana Systems  adhere to these principles.

d) Country that are not in line with Country development guidelines set forth by the United Nations scientific task forces under the millennium project are counter selected as  ‘NOT FAVOURABLE’.  A program of the  Biotech tropicana Systems  Shall not be implemented in a country that is ‘ NOT FAVORABLE.

e) The  Biotech tropicana Systems  SHALL operate in the private sector of a host country. Internal business development guidelines aligned with guidelines of the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation that  promotes  the private sector.

f) The Chief Executive Officer SHALL NOT invest time and resources in negotiations with a ‘NOT FAVOURABLE country’, beyond the negotiation period permitted under policy 7.

g) A file that is not eligible to proceed in a ‘NOT FAVOURABLE’ country SHAL be closed as < not implementable in a ‘not favourable’ country >. 

h) A copy of a file closed under policy 45)g SHALL be transferred to the biodiplomacy unit under Biotech tropicana Corporation for further processing. A copy of the SHALL be transferred to the Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM for archiving.

i) The biodiplomacy unit SHALL register the file for further processing for < change circumstance favourable to the advancement of the file > standard. See Policy 16.


In interpreting internal policies of the Biotech tropicana Systems to align with guidelines of the United Nations scientific task forces, the adjudicating team in the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL discriminate between internal regulations of the United Nations enforced by United Nations teams and universal scientific principles for development enforced by the scientific authorities who graciously donated their time and knowledge to the United Nations for the advancement of mankind.

The Biotech tropicana Systems team  SHALL align with scientific principles to comply with policy 33.

Under no circumstance SHALL a team of the Biotech tropicana Systems interferes with an internal regulation of the United Nations. Implementation programs of the Biotech tropicana Systems are designed to  promote collaborations and partnerships with in country programs of the United Nations and development programs of the host country, in the areas of biotechnologies. See BTS program Guide at


 46. ‘RED’ partnershp candidate exclusion policy.

  1. An individual candidate not affiliated to an institution and seeking partnership with the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL be classified as a ‘trainee’ or a ‘consultant’.
  2.  An individual Candidate affiliated to an institution excluded under policy 37 or 38 (high risk business area or red zone) SHALL NOT be eligible for partnership with the Biotech tropicana Systems.
  3. An individual Candidate affiliated to an institution with no exclusion bar but located in a ‘high risk business area or a red zone SHALL be processed consistent with policy 37)e as a candidate from ‘a red zone or a high risk business area ’.


47. Risk Assessment guidelines Policy

a) In assessing risks for classification of an area or an institution, the Chief Executive Officer SHALL proceed in accordance with policy 20 (no discrimination policy).

b) The Chief Executive Officer SHALL check the candidate against any past ‘low performance data’ in the records of the Biotech tropicana Systems. See also policy 14.

c) The Chief Executive Officer SHALL check the candidate against any past ‘bad moral character’ data in the records of the Biotech tropicana Systems. See also policy 21.

d) The Chief Executive Officer SHALL check the candidate against any past ‘low performance and/or bad moral character’ data in the available external records.

e) The final decision SHALL be the solo discretion of the Chief Executive Officer.

f) In excursing discretion the Chief Executive Officer SHALL comply with policy 37)f and 37)g.


48. African Union Citizenship Requirement Policy

a) A non member of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL demonstrate African Union citizenship or permanent resident immigrant ID card of a member country of the African Union to participle in an activity performed on the territory of the African Union.

b) The Biotech tropicana Systems are a privately owned biotech company, and NOT an entity of the African Union. Membership of the African Union SHALL NOT confer membership of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

c) To acquire membership of the  Biotech tropicana Systems, a candidate MUST submit an application that is consistent with policy 13 (membership policy).

d) The Biotech tropicana Systems MAY apply for permanent resident status before a member country of the African Union on behalf of a noncitizen, upon acceptance of the candidate as a member of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

e) Foreign nationals of African origin MAY be eligible to participate in programs of Biotech tropicana Systems, under a ‘special status’.

f) A ‘special status’ of the Biotech tropicana Systems MUST be approved by the founders.

g) An activity of the Biotech tropicana Systems performed on the territory of the African union SHALL promote the development interest of the African Union. See policy 33 (pro life pro development policy).

h) A noncitizen of the African Union admitted in a program of the Biotech tropicana Systems MUST comply with policy 48)g.


49. Country profiles policy

a) The Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS SHALL maintain a profile of all countries of business interest to the Biotech tropicana Systems.

b) In collaboration with Biotech tropicana,IncFACILITOR a digital global business area map SHALL be developed.

c) Countries of business interest to the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL be color coded in the global business map. See Policy 38.


50. Foreign Financial Institutions profiling policy

a) In Collaboration with Biotech tropican,IncFORENSICS, the Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL unit SHALL maintain a profile of all financial institutions in countries of business interest to the Biotech tropicana systems.

b) Areas of activities and types of services of each financial institution shall be highlight.

c) Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL unit SHALL be the only one unit permitted to perform financial activities for all other activities of all other unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

d) A member of the Biotech tropicana Systems that perform a financial activity related to Biotech tropicana Systems without advising Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL SHALL NOT be eligible for negotiations.

e) A member that violates policy 50)d SHALL be dismissed without further inquiry and prosecute to the full extent of applicable laws and regulations.

f) Policy 50 and policy 12 (computer policy) SHALL be included in all training programs for new members. The instructor SHALL make sure that all trainees understand policy 50 and policy 12, and the consequences of any violation of the policies.

Biotech tropicana Systems.



51. Foreigner accommodation policy

a) In collaboration with Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS, Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY, and the Biotechnology Development Fund, the Chief Executive Officer SHALL develop a program to promote settlement of foreigners with productive and pro development profile,  in and around activity sites of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

b) Consistent with policy 51)a the Chief Executive Officer SHALL include a section that deters the settlement of foreigners with counterproductive  and anti development profile,  in and around activity sites of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

c) The program in policy 51)a and 51)b SHALL be approved by the board of trustee and ratified by the founders.

d) In Hiring foreigners, the Chief Executive Officer MUST comply with the ‘brain hunter foreign assessment’ guidelines maintained by Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS.

f) Consistent with the ‘brain hunter foreign assessment’ guidelines, to hire a foreigner  the Chief Executive Officer MUST demonstrate that a national of the site of operation cannot perform in the skill required in a manner that is equivalent to the performance of the foreigner.

g) Consistent with policy 33 (pro life pro development policy), for equivalent performance, the Chief Executive Officer SHALL hire the national of the site of  operation against the foreigner.

h) Consistent with policy 33 (pro life pro development policy), for operations in the territory of the African Union, the Chief Executive Officer SHALL hire the citizen of the African Union against the non citizen.

i) In collaboration with board of trustee, the Chief Executive Officer SHALL set a ‘diversity rule’ for each country of business interest to the Biotech tropicana Systems. A ‘diversity rule’ MUST be ratified by the founders.

k) The ‘diversity rule’ SHALL set a proportion threshold for national preference and reserve the remaining proportion for foreigner preference.

l) Under the ‘diversity rule’, where policy 51)f,g, or h applies, the Chief Executive Officer SHALL hire the foreigner against the national or the citizen of the African Union. 


Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI


Biotech tropicana Systems.


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