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Benin Development PAGE

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Abounakar YARI & Venus YARI

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator

Biotech tropicana Systems


On the role of the legislative branch;


Early April, 2017

1-6 April, 2017

A all panel of the Benin legislative branch dismissed a project proposal for institutional reform and constitutional amendments proposed by the Benin republic new departure government: a serious set back for the Benin republic new departure government and a confirmation of the strength of democratic rule in Benin republic.


The vote distribution of

The government failed to achieve the 63 yes vote required to pass the consideration test in a

60 (yes)

22 (no)

1 (no response) voting ratios.

This is a demonstration of the freedom of the legislative branch in decision making processes as part of its role of controlling government actions: another demonstration of the maturity of democracy in Benin republic..

Supported by a new constitution, Benin republic initiated and since implemented democratic rule back in the early 1990s. In the late 20116s and early 2017s, a ”new departure” government initiated institutional reforms that proposed numerous amendments to the constitutions adopted in the early 1990s. The legislative branch disagrees: a typical executive branch versus legislative branch debate in a democratic governance system.


Analysis and opinion:

On April 6, 2016, the leader of the “new departure” president Patrice Talon of Benin announced numerous reforms in a inaugural speech [1}. The Biotech tropicana Systems DEVELOPMENT FORUM would group the proposed reforms into three major classes:

  1. Reforms in innovation, science, and technology
  2. Reforms in governance systems, including administrative and institutional reforms
  3. Political reforms to reach out to the global market, empower the private sector, and expand Benin republic’s diplomatic partnership profile.



  1. Reforms in innovation, science, and technology
  1. A digital economy and commerce program was initiated. The program is in progress.


  1. Reforms in governance systems, including administrative and institutional reforms
  1. Administrative and institutional reform package was rejected by the legislative branch


  1. Political reforms to reach out to the global market, empower the private sector, and expand Benin republic’s diplomatic partnership profile.
  1. Some minor adjustments of taxation system and functioning of the chamber of commerce and industry were initiated
  2. No major innovative diplomacy to reach out to the global market was initiated. The “new departure” diplomacy stayed focused on traditional partners of Benin republic endorsed by former government, the African Union, and the European Union. No innovative diplomacy was initiated to reach to the United States and the Americas, nor the Asian market.

Development Trend Score Board:

The Biotech tropicana Systems development trend score board would score:

  1. A no score: the e-commerce program is at early stage of development; to early to be evaluated and scored.
  2. A minus 1 (-1), the rejection of the proposed reforms by the legislative branch is a set back for the “new departure” to receive a a negative score.
  3. A no score. No major innovative market diplomacy was proposed for scoring.

Benin republic “new departure”’ scored a balance of minus 2 (-2) to date, for total of minus 3 (-3) on date.


Score on date:-3 out of 10

Score to support re-election +10 out of 10

Score to support step down before end of mandate: -10 out of 10.



Countries that successfully implemented reforms to emerge from poor to not poor or rich, such as the Asian tigers share some major characteristics:

  1. Reform in innovation, science, and technology, to improve the means of production and create new wealth and jobs.
  2. Reforms in governance systems to manage the wealth and jobs created to improve the lives of the common people.
  3. Political reforms to improve technology and know how transfer IN, and products exports OUT to increase revenues for the country.

As of its one year anniversary, the Benin republic “NEW DEPARTURE” reforms demonstrated NONE of the characteristics previously demonstrated by countries that successfully implemented reforms to improve the economic status and well being of their people, such as the Asian tigers. It is therefore fairto conclude that that minus 3 (-3)score determined by the Biotech tropicana Systems DEVELOPMENT TREND SCORE BOARD is FAIR enough to be considered as a core characteristic of the Benin republic ”new departure” as of the date of its first year anniversary.

A computerized digital format of the development trend score board system is under development in the Biotech tropicana Sytems, for the developing world. Using benin “new departure” governance as model, we conclude that our development performance measuring system is fair enough in assessing development trend for developing countries.

Founded in 2000, the Biotech tropicana Systems are a biotech company that focuses on innovation of biotechnologies adapted to the needs of the developing world. Strictly applying new science based global development concepts adopted at the dawn of the new millennium, the Biotech tropicana Systems emerge from aid recipient to become an aid donor in about a quarter of a century; with advanced technological capabilities in the areas of biotechnologies. Many developing countries, that are still ignoring these new way science based global development concepts are still lagging behind as aid recipients after more than half a century of implementation of development processes.


Biotech tropicana Systems: A Knowledge driven economy as emphasized in Innovation: Applying Knowledge In Development. Our most important asset is KNOWLEDGE.

Aboubakar YARI &Venus YARI

For the Biotech tropicana Systems



[1} Benin Development PAGE, Development Forum, Biotech tropicana Systems. At

Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (04.06.2017)
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