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Biotech tropicana Journal; xxxxxxx, 2018


Advocacy and Health in Developing Countries

  1. Yari1; V. Yari1; and M. Yari2;3



  1. Biotech tropicana,IncHEALTH, Kampala, Uganda, African Union
  2. Biotech tropicana Corporation, Delaware, USA
  3. Biotech tropicana Corporation, Monrovia, Liberia, African Union



Adovocacy proved very effective in advancing a field of science by raising awareness through effective communication. Health advocacy is a fast expanding field in developing countries. Numerous advocacy groups are making substantial contribution to the advancement of health in developing countries. Yet, knowledge in applications of health related ethics need to be improved. We argue that, infusion of knowledge in health related ethics in developing countries will substantially and positively impact health gains  by increasing benefits and reducing drawbacks of health related advocacy activities in developing countries:

Keywords: Health; Advocacy; Ethics; Developing Countries;



Advocacy proved very effective in advancing a scientific field or any field on interest to society. Advocacy groups operate effectively in field such human rights, health, environment; and more. Health related advocacy is a fast expanding field in developing countries. The Biotech tropicana Systems operate a health biotechnology incubator unit in Kampala, Uganda, African Union, Biotech tropicana,IncHEALTH. Work in Biotech tropicana,IncHEALTH focuses in innovation and commercialization of health related biotechnologies adapted to remote areas. Biotech tropicana,IncHEALTH does not operate a health related advocacy program. Yet, analysis of numerous health related advocacy programs in developing countries suggest that the Biotech tropicana,IncHEALTH may contribute to advocacy activities by providing financial and technical assistance to developing world interests focused health related advocacy groups.


We monitored the activities of health related advocacy groups in developing countries foe eligibility for assistance from Biotech tropicana Systems SMARToda (official development assistance) program- Policy 3, Biotech tropicana Systems). Compliance with basic health ethics rules in funding raising activities was set as the eligibility criteria.


We found that a number of health related advocacy groups operating in developing countries did comply with ethical rules in funding raising activities. Yet a number of actively operating groups failed the test.


Health related advocacy groups are making substantially contribution to the advancement of health in developing countries. Yet, knowledge of health ethics need to be improved. The Biotech tropicana Systems therefore initiated a developing world tailored health ethics program as part of its financial and technical assistance program to the developing world. The Biotech tropicana Systems will provide assistance to eligible advocacy groups that demonstrate their ability or willingness to comply with rules of health ethics in fund raising activities.


Health related advovacy, a fast expanding field, is making substantial contribution to the advancement of health in developing countries, by raising awareness through effective communication means.

References: , keyword: Health ethics



-Aid alone is not development. Development is helping nations to actually develop. That is to move from poverty to prosperity, and we need more than just aid to unleash that change-

Barack Obama;

For the United Nations Millennium Project

(Advocacy in favor of science of development)


-We argue that more than just aid, infusion of knowledge is needed to positively change the outcomes of health related activities in developing countries-

Aboubakar Yari & Venus Yari

For the Biotech tropicana Systems

(Applications of science of development in technological innovation)


Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (07.02.2018)
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