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Biotech tropicana Journal: xxxxXxx(1):(5):10, 2016

January 2017

A Benin republic special page “Revealing Benin Republic, a five year development agenda” released.

Development Forum:  A Special Benin Page.

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator

Biotech tropicana Systems.


Revealing Benin republic: A Five Year Action Plan Of The New Departure Concept In Benin republic.



Original text titled as:

« Bénin Révélé »: le nouveau concept du Programme d’Action du Gouvernement 2016-2021

Original version in french.


Elu au second tour de la présidentielle de mars 2016 avec le soutient de la coalition de la « Rupture », Patrice Talon avait âprement défendu tout long de la campagne électorale le concept du « Nouveau Départ ». Mais depuis quelques heures, le vocabulaire du gouvernement du Président Talon, connait une nouvelle expression : « Bénin Révélé ».

En effet, dans l’après midi de ce vendredi 16 décembre 2016 à la salle du peuple de la Présidence de la République, le Président Talon et toute son équipe a présenté son ambitieux Programme d’Action du Gouvernement sur la période 2016-2021 sous la bannière du « Bénin Révélé ». Un nouveau concept dans l’arène politique béninois ? Se demande-t-on dans l’opinion publique.

Source : Benin web TV


Specific propsed actions :

  1. Nous possédons un potentiel agricole riche et diversifié, un atout majeur pour le pays.
    Nous sommes riches d’un patrimoine historique, culturel et naturel extraordinaire dont nous pouvons être fiers. Ce patrimoine doit nous permettre de développer le tourisme, un secteur largement pourvoyeur d’emplois et capable de faire rayonner le Bénin dans le monde.

Developing tourism

  1. Enfin nous avons un capital humain de grande réputation, avec de nombreux Béninois qui se distinguent dans le monde entier dans les domaines scientifiques, culturels, artistiques et même sportifs.

Developing human capital

  1. Je confirme que mon mandat sera celui d’une relance dynamique, une relance dont les effets se feront sentir dans 5, 10, 15 ans, voire au-delà.

Changing development philosophy that analysed government actions in terms of short (5years), mid (10-15 years) and long term (beyond 15 years) development impact.

  1. Je m’engage donc, aujourd’hui, devant vous, avec l’ensemble de mon gouvernement à mettre en œuvre un programme d’action clair, minutieusement élaboré avec réalisme au service de notre destin commun.

Promoting good governance.

  1. Mon équipe va vous décrire très concrètement la manière dont nous allons révéler le Bénin. Cette feuille de route définit les actions à mener au cours des prochaines années en vue de réaliser les objectifs du Gouvernement.

A practical plan over empty promises.

  1.  Cet ambitieux programme ne pourra néanmoins se réaliser sans l’engagement de tous les Béninois du secteur public, du secteur privé, de la société civile, de notre jeunesse si talentueuse, de nos femmes si vaillantes sans oublier notre diaspora.

A broad approach including the public sector, the private sector, and civil society. Acknowledging a clear distinction between public and private sector implied a supervisory role for the judiciary.



Speech contains fundamental approaches that are ambitious enough to unleash development. Concret actions are proposed elsewhere. This implied that a document containing details of the actions will be released in the future. No matter the content of the details, the success of this ambitious development program will heavily depend on

  1. whether the short, mid, and long terms actions will be carried out by citizens of Benin republic with capital owned by Benin republic through, technology transfers, or
  2. by foreigners with foreign capital that will further exclude citizens of Benin republic from the development process  of their country and result in substantial loss in country sovereignty.


The Biotech tropicana Systems DEVELOPMENT FORUM program shall monitor the document containing the details of the actions in future publications.



The New departure five years development agenda failed to address key development challenges of Benin as a republic and member of the ecowas economic integration platform and a member state of the African Union. The key development challenges of Benin republic, a resource poor country of the western coast of Africa is its population overlay. The southern part of country suffers heavy population density that rose land issues for sustainable agriculture. This makes the southern population heavily dependent on foreign aid without which their very existence is threatened. Reliance of foreign aid  for short term survival compromises mid term and long term objectives that are often cancelled even where there is a strong will by governments to achieve long term development objectives. Foreign aid donors on which they heavily depend will put conditions on aid packages that limit their sovereignty in the decision making process. 

In contrast the northern part of the country experiences low population density that frees lands for sustainable agriculture, breeding and exports of agricultural and breeding products that place aid free cash in their hands for sustainable long term development goals.

A classical north south arguments are land disputes where the people from the south will move north and with help of foreign donors will attempt to steal lands and homes from northerners.

For its business operations in Benin republic the Biotech tropicana Systems set clear guidelines to avoid being trapped into a south north land and home disputes.

  1. Programs of the Biotech tropicana Systems shall permanently sit only on lands owned only by the Biotech tropicana systems.
  2. Mobile programs of the Biotech tropicana Systems may sit on lands rented by the Biotech tropicana Systems.
  3. Provide technical and financial assistance to southerners that will keep them away from property disputes with Biotech tropicana Systems.
  4. At this point in time the Biotech tropicana Systems will discuss only three points with the southern part of Benin republic:
  1. A bar on any new activity with the southern part of  Benin republic until full payment of all funds due to the Biotech tropicana Systems.
  2. Where condition 1 is met, provide assistance in population control programs that will in mid term and long term free lands to sustain life in that part of the country. Policy 37 and policy 38. Biotech tropicana Systems.
  3. Where land issue resolved and agriculture made sustainable open the Biotech tropicana Systems sasep stock market to theses populations at affordable cost to favour sales of their products on the global market. Such a development trend will stabilize the region, keep them on their lands, and avoid unnecessary troubles caused by these populations in other parts of the country as a survival strategy.


Any authorized crossing in jurisdiction of the Biotech tropicana systems shall be addressed by the Biotech tropicana,IncSECURTIY TASK FORCE strictly in accordance with applicable security protocols. Here, we must recall that properties of the Biotech tropicana Systems are not negotiable under no circumstance. Sovereignty policy 1. Under exceptional circumstances a property of the Biotech tropicana Systems may be sold for zero Afro with a bill of sale. Buy-Sell policy 35. Any unauthorized negotiation of a property of the Biotech tropicana Systems shall be construed as a theft and processed accordingly. 


Development is not necessary politics. Development is governed by clear cut established mathematical formulas. Conditions A must be met to get results B. strictly applying development principles established by development experts from 2000 to 2015, the Biotech tropicana Systems emerge as a technological super power with established characteristics of an emerging economy. 

Population control is a key parameter in any development process. Where population growth cannot be stabilized “ecological stress will offset any development gains to negative”. Benin republic is a small country of about ten millions inhabitants located on the western coast of Africa. By 1972, the population of the country was estimated at three millions. By 2005, the population grows to ten millions more than tripled in the life time of a human being. Author 1 studies in a small country of approximately the same size like Benin republic, Czechoslovakia. The country was founded after the first world war as  a federation of Czech republic and Slovak republic with populations of ten millions and five millions respectively, in the early 1900s. As of early 2000s the populations remained stable around the ten millions and five millions over a century. The country succeeded in controlling population growth. Technology evolved over generations together with means of production. Production therefore increases while the population remained stable. Therefore the share of each citizen of the wealth of the country increased over generations, and quality of life improved from one generation to the next. In 1975, Benin republic previously proposed a long term development program. The programs established many state owned enterprises. A major characteristic of the 1975 development program is its reliance on know how of citizens of Benin republic and capital owned by Benin republic. By late 1980s many of these state owned enterprises will experience bankrupt because of poor governance. The country will turn to market economy that will transfer many of the state owned enterprises to the private sector. “Revealing Benin” program of 2016 is the next systematic long term development program. The program was titled as an action plan “PAG”, but contained only guidelines on major development principles without the concrete actions. Without any prejudice, we must theref6re wait and expect the “PAG’ document to come out soon.  

Benin republic: Toward a federal republic?

From a science of development perspective, Benin republic may roughly divided into two parts:

  1. North

Low population density, sustainable agriculture and breeding, export of products of agricultures, access to aid free cash for investment in long term development programs.

  1. South

High population density results in land scarcity to sustain life, unsustainable agriculture, and heavy dependency of foreign aid.

From a science development perspective, it is clear that development parameters in the two regions are not compatible. The people from the south likes their foreign donors and they get along. It is our view that they should be permitted to develop their development programs based on realities on their settings, in collaboration with partners of their choice. The north should develop a long term development program based on realities of their settings, in collaboration with partners of their choice. In our view, in light of disparities in realities between the north and the south a federal republic in the model of Czechoslovakia could promote development of Benin republic and avoid unnecessary troubles to both parties.

The Biotech tropicana Systems are a private biotech company founded in 2000,owned and operated by Aboubakar YARI, a citizen of Benin republic and citizen of Africa, and Venus YARI, a citizen of the United States. With respect to ownership we therefore classify our company as African-American. The company operates on a global scale based proprietary principles innovated using global development principles in the United Nations millennium project and the United States millennium challenge corporation. Consistent with our pro life pro development policy 33, we design our programs to make profit while contributing to the development of host countries and improvements of lives of their citizens. Our Biotechnology Development Fund is designed to contribute to the advancement of resource poor communities of the developing world through donations of cash and knowledge. A major requirement of the Biotechnology Development Fund is the mandatory publication on any contribution in the official journal of the recipient country. Here, we want to make sure that we are contributing to the development of nations, and not filling the pockets of a couple of corrupted officials with our wealth acquired through honest and hard work.


Development Forum:  A Special Benin Page.

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator

Biotech tropicana Systems.



Two foreign languages French and Engthlish of the 11 foreign languages of the language pool of the language department of Biotech tropicana,IncEDUCATIONAL are used  in this design.

Design of the Biotech tropicana Systems DEVELOPMENT FORUM in progress for incubation as an independent unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

Incubation Site:

Kumasi, Ghana, African Union.



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