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Biotech tropicana Journal: xxxxxx(1):9, 2016

The Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES


Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator.

Biotech tropiana Systems.





Volume 19:

181) Path Search

Volume 1: The smith clan.

An original model derived from traditions.

Book Abstract

Discipline, Development Model And Progress: The Success Story Of An Original African Development Model As Applied By The RIYUS.


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182) ) Path Search

Volume 2: Gearing Up


Book Abstract

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183) ) Path Search

Volume 3: The Fall of the smith clan

Book Abstract

The death of the founder of the smith clan and the exclusion of his advisor will mark the beginning of the end of the hegemony of the smith clan. The smith clan will be cut off in piece meals and to eat their death, and die in row. The one time powerful smith clan masters will be reduced to slavery, the wives rapped, their lands hypothecated ,and their descendants mis educated thought every single day the lessons of submission to the masters and to forget their past glories. What happened to the smith clan? What are the basis their fall from lords to slaves?

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184) ) Path Search

Volume 4: Resurrections: The waking up of the deads.

The story of resurrection of the smith clan to a greatest glory.

Book Abstract

He calls himself the master of slave masters, friends called him the super master.  When the slave masters isolate the super master they made fatal error that will cost them everything they have ever stolen from their defeated slaves. The isolation frees the super master from any trap. The super master is a double super master in pattern recognition of traps. The conquest hopes have no chance anyway. You put the super master in and he will recognize their traps. You put him out, then he is out of your traps.   

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185) Path Search

Volume 5: beyond the smith circle; the fall of communities.

A demonstration of the key importance of guidelines in group management.  

Book Abstract:

When the master guideline in nullified; and groups are permitted to self set guidelines that are enforceable, the concept of guideline becomes senseless. The  multiplicity of group specific guidelines reversed the very purpose of setting guidelines. With no or  poor notions in guidelines setting, communities will set guidelines that harm them. By the time they learn through experiences, too much damage is done; sadly and often, irreversible damages.    What happen to communities beyond the smith circle?

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186) Path Search

Volume 4:Lessons from the fall of the smith clan.

Book Abstract:

One thing is evident; the smiths violate core rules in the policy package they inherited from their founders. Simple but powerful rules focused on generating new wealth and avoiding waste and conflict. Their violations will cost them. Basic rules in work organization, such as

  • production groups. Production groups are set not necessary based on blood affiliation, but based on skill affiliations. You operate only within your production group; you’re just a foreign visitor with no right in any other production group.
  • simple wisdom, such as you take nothing from the other group without their permission avoid troubles and  devoted  more time to increasing production yield.  
  • No land ownership for females. They are expected to leave the clan at one point in their life. Placing land authority on females may bring in troubles from their marriage clan, waist time devoted to increasing production toward crisis management.
  • Accommodate foreigners and be nice to them; help them when they need so but no right should be conferred to a foreigner unless born in the clan.

What is in the full content of the smith policy package? What can be learned from and applied toward the advancement of clans and communities? Does the smith policy package have any value on the global market?

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187) Chaining the chainers

Big simplicity versus small complexity in distribution lines.

Book Abstract:

They all call their business business. One type of business is big long and stretch; it is also simple. It is just about moving around finished products from a point of storage to a point of distribution. The other type of business is small short and focused; it  is also complex. It requires complex analysis and sophisticated trading terms. Type 1 and type 2 businesses are about to engage in a confrontation on market ideology. Who will win?

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188) PC War

Volume 1: Suicidal attacks

Book Abstract;

They make their wealth on PC, doing PC business in a business friendly environment protected by regulations promoted by the PC community. One day for some reasons, they turn their back on the very regulations that protected them for so long. They damage the credibility of a very useful and credible machine; and cause serious harm to the PC business; their own world. They attack PCs, a suicidal attack on own interests. The PC business community is not happy on the suicidal on their interests. Suicidal  attackers or victims of attacks. They claim to be victims of outer attackers  who are wrongfully using their logo to confuse on responsibility. Suicidal attackers or innocent victims?

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189) PC War

Volume 2: Outer attacks

Book Abstract:

They are masters in disguise. They are notorious in doing wrong and putting the blame on others. Did they attack the PC world?

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190) PC War

Volume 3: Counter attack

Book Abstract:

The PC business community will fight back. An investigative file is opened. What they come out with? How did they fight back?

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Volume 20:

191) The Book of the books

     A book partnership story.

Book Abstract:

The authors like books; for read or for write. One author writes on how things are; narratives. The other author writes on how things should or could be; fictions. For one, a good book should be colourful. For the other, a good book should meaningful. For both, the best book should be educational.  Both write early in life. The original book that gives birth to the series and then to the book  stores is a colourful book, full of meaning; just good for the book taste of both authors. This is the story of the book of the books, the mother of all books in the  Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES.

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Book Abstract

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193) Property rights

Book Abstract

On the management of joint property ownership in the Circle republic of the tropics; a judicial saga that will elevate the judiciary system of the small nation from common chicken theft cases to specialized and global trade and commercial justice; a revolution in the judiciary system is born. This where wrong to one  gives birth to good for all. How does it happen?

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194) The debate on Linear evolution

Book Abstract

One group seeks for pre set objectives guided by scientific development principles; the linear evolution group. They oppose aid. The other group seeks for opportunities they take as they arrive, They like aid. The opposition in views will soon be transformed into an opposition in practice. The liner group criticized the opponents for turning in a round along a circle of errors and corrections of errors and not to advance. It doesn’t matter how fast they go. They are going fast around the same circle going nowhere beyond the circle. The opportunity proponents show their quick achievements. The electoral debate is lunched in the Circle republic of the tropics. Who will win?


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195) Enigmas

Volume 1: The enigma of life

To abide by their own rules, they must save the life of those threatening their very existence.

Book Abstract

Life has always been associated with enigmas.; the enigmas of creation and the enigmas of maintenance.  From miracles of god creation to deep sea evolution and creation, enigma remained associated with life.  One created life must be maintained and sustained across generations. So when the business of life is threatened by the business of death .decisions will have to be made. They will fight for life guided by their life philosophy; a life is a life whether embodied in a friend or a enemy.. Saving the life of the enemy may threat own life. Yet they will adhere by their principles to fight for life. They will have to save the life of the enemy while protecting their own.  How do they fight?

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196) Enigmas

Volume 2: The enigma of tropical deaths

To protect life, they have to take lives. They kill to save life.

Book Abstract

They call themselves the secrets of the tropics. They have to kill own to save own interests. when some on their own chose to compose with the enemy in interest to advance their own interests, the secrets of the tropics must do their job to save the interests of the tropics. They have no choice left than to kill own to save own. they are the secrets of the tropics. How do they kill ? Why do they kill ?

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197)  Enigmas

Volume 3: killer daughter of saviour dad

Howa a daughter kills her dad.

Book Abstract

She loved dad and she respected her. She also loves her brother and sisters. Simply she loves her lovely family. So when her family chose for higher love for easy cash, she aligned with her family to become easy cash lover. When food, sex, and drug become a secure path to easy cash, her family designated her to secure food for her old dad. For each meal served she gets an easy cash bag. Then the cash bag increased for adding a white powder drug to the meal, to make the old dad sexier; a little fun for a little more easy cash. The white powder is harmless; the  daughter was convinced. The illiterate daughter dad lover had no clue to understand that the white powder she putted in the last meal of her dad was switched for a deadly one.  The lovely daughter kills the lovely dad. How a lovely and wisdom prone family becomes killers for cash?  What the basis for the transition from traditional pro life value attitudes to frivolous sex for cash and cash for drug and drug for death family?. 

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198) Enigmas

Volume 4: Tuberculoxid

The story of the killer chemical tuberculosis; codename: tuberculoxid.

Book Abstract

When business becomes big and the money coming with becomes bigger to reach the billions of the highest currencies, competition becomes even bigger and the problems that come with it become bigger and bigger. Tuberculosis is caused by specie of bacteria today under the control of antibiotics of the 21st century medicine. Tuberculosis is no more a public health threat it has been the 19th and early 20th century.  Instead, tuberculoxid is the public health threat beyond the control the 21st century medicine; code name: Tuberculoxid is not a bacterium but a chemical weapon known only to secret services and not for sale to the general population.  The master plan was simple. Use a faked tuberculosis positive test result to socially kill the magnate billionaire; convince the population that he has TB. Then physically kill him  with tuberculoxid; a chemical weapon that produces the same symptom like the pathogen bacterium of tuberculosis. For the general population, the billionaire is dead of tuberculosis as confirmed by symptoms the all population observed. Then all properties of the billionaires becomes properties of secret services and their masters. Here, the smart brain that knows how to make billions will be smarter in protecting those billions. The tuberculoxid conspiracy will fail.; the smart billionaires has played smarter. How does the smart billionaire fight back ?     

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 199) Enigmas

Volume 5: On the origins of white powders

Book Abstract:

Where are the white powders coming from in the sex, drug, and white gun new type of war.

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200) Enigmas

Volume 6: Deceiving the missionary

Manipulating roles and outcomes.

Book Abstract;

For the missionary, she is coming to save a life. . For the country, she was leaving to kill.  The missionary was given her right; the right to love, and to save using her own means. To use the means of the country to save your love one, she must first serve the interest of the country to deserve the use of means of the country for personal use. By the time she serves the interest of the country, her target for life saving will be dead. There will be nothing left to save. The missionary becomes a state property. The interests of the missionary become link to the interests of the state.  If the missionary then follows her interests, the missionary will become herself the state. It’s all about what belongs to who?  A citizen has the right to love anyone and the right to leave with love ones, but only by using own means, not the means of the state that belong to the state. Here, the missionary should use own means or the combined means of the missionary and her lovely target for life saving. She failed to do that., to avoid a deception. The missionary failed to reach out to her target, to achieve the combination of means that could free her from dependency on state properties. The missionary travelled a long way, but stayed short of some few distances to achieve her goals, thereby putting her goals into questioning. Naïve innocent victim of the state, or a clever conspirator to achieve some easy gains?  The target will never know. because  of the short distance the missionary failed to complete. Anyway, the target wishes a nice trip back to your home, and best wishes to the missionary’s family.  Manipulating roles and outcomes. This is the story of the role of roles in a mission.   

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