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Biotech tropicana Journal: xxxxxx(1):9, 2016

The Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES


Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator.

Biotech tropiana Systems.



Volume 21:


251) Death Row: The Ebola toll

Book Abstract

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252) Authority

Volume 1: The Undesirables

Book Abstract:

They are educators. They are businessmen and women. They are politicians. They are elite and undesirable. Strange things are occurring in their society.

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253) Authority

Volume 2: Surprise

Book Abstract:

They are powerful and well respected. They did things the elite didn’t like. The elite will do things they did not expect. Their fall was a surprise to many.


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254) Dead end lovers

Book Abstract:

They are excluded with promises of a brighter future with their new bride. The one way street is opened for entry toward their new paradise. The naive dead end lovers are unaware of their nightmares, until they reach the police road block at the dead end site of the one way street. The promises become nightmares. The promised bride becomes objects of neighbourhood conquests in foreign communities; a new type re-colonization strategy. Their new communities will adopt them. Together they will fight for the freedom and advancement of the homeland.  The re-colonization initiative has failed. How did they fight?    

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255) Brain tales

Volume 1: Brain theft

Book Abstract:

They steal brainy items for umbrainy donors. The brain thieves were not aware that their hat the brainy items can not be stolen.  


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256) Brain tales

Volume 2: The campaign trail

Book Abstract:

They campaign for vote and others.


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257) Brain tales

Volume 3: Counter campaign

Book Abstract:

They play the democracy game. They campaign and campaign and counter campaign.

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258) Time Game

Volume 1: Downing Side

Book Abstract:

Downing is the goal. Time is their weapon; on their side.


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259) Time game

Volume 2: Upping side

They put back up; on their side.


261) Time game

Volume 3: Digging

Book Abstract:

They then dig for fortunes.

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Book Abstract:


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263) Double aid

Home versus community.

Book Abstract:

They give aid for bigger aid; both in house and in community.

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264) Frontline

Book Abstract:

Inter continental war on raceline.


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265) Ethnic alliances

An alliance of fortune and misfortune.

Book Abstract:



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266) Pervasive arbitrators

They arbitrate first, and lean the rules of games then.

Book Abstract:


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267) Naive sistas

Patriotic logo on unpatriotic practice.

Book Abstract:

They are sistas; nice and lovely sistas. Most importantly very helpful sistas. They are patriotic, and they have a nice patriotic logo that goes beyond their internal circle, to produce a positive impact on the all community. The sistas must be encouraged. The nice logo needs improvements to align with its significance. The patriotic logo, unpatriotically promotes foreign nonlogo products against logo community products. Foreign relations need to be revised to promote logo products, while reinforcing partnership with foreigners. This will require some work around the significance of the logo. The sistas will work with the brothers and sistas in redirecting logo linked activities toward advancement interests of the community; with the slogan ‘logo community products must raise up and go out there to compete’. How did they do that?

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268) The unbalanced state

Small overcrowded versus big empty

Book Abstract:


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269) The anti bags

Election day

Book Abstract:

They are fighting a war against bags, in a country where any other is fighting for bags. They like everything the bag lovers hate. They hate anything the bag lovers like. They must share a common land, they call home: their common homeland. After a decade of war of principles, they are about to defend their achievements before the supreme power, the power of the people.  That’s the election day in the Circle republic of the tropics. The anti bags argument around their technological advancement and their unlimited potential to create diversified wealth. They claim to have emerged economically and to be moving toward an irreversible development and technological super power status. They criticized the bag lovers for reliance on thefts, crimes, and prostitution. They claim the power to save the country.  The bag lovers show their quick wins, and promise to do more. The country should move their way. Who will win?  

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270) Mixed up

The unbalanced state. Small overcrowded versus big empty

Book Abstract:

They are small territory with plenty of people. High population density raises land issues. Agriculture is a luxury reserved to the few fortunate. In face of scarcity of options, merging their economy with foreign donors is an option but a survival strategy under heavy selection pressure. The other side tells a different story: large territory with few people. Low population density frees lands available for farming. They are sustained farmers and breeders with excess production for exports. A controlled mixed is about to initiate for a supposed integration purpose. People can be easily mixed up by moving them around. So what about their way of life? This will require different technics. The small territory expatriates can not do without their foreign associates. The large territory inhabitants are sustainable and indifferent to opposing to foreign rule. What will be the outcome of the controlled mixed up?

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271) 3G

Volume 1: Accounting.

The triple game of Sheriff Joe Brown.

Book Abstract:

Everybody in the city likes Sheriff Joe Brown: he is a good sheriff, but his secret account abroad for in country intelligent activities. Sheriff Joe Brown likes interest groups, while the shooter is a proponent of law and order. Interest groups hate the law. Sheriff Joe Brown and the shooter there can go the same path. What is the story of Sheriff Joe Brown? What is the story of the shooter?

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272) 3G

Volume 2: The deputy

The triple game of Sheriff Joe Brown.

Book Abstract:

The deputy is an extension of his sheriff boss. His order was to eliminate the help branch. It doesn’t matter. since the help is not acceptable anyway. The help will go another way; parts of which will be used to fund for another trouble toward the shooter. The help has another purpose that can be more damaging in the source country. It is used to show a justification of violation of rights of big value, to the people of source country. In principle, a reasonable explanation is that the help is used to compensate, for right violation. Ironically the compensation will fund for further violations of rights abroad. The good thing is that, it is the cycle of violations that will kill the violation system, including the deputy.. The shooter did not shoot the deputy. Killing the deputy will make no difference. One of the many deputies can be assigned to the order. How does the violations operate in the source country?. How does the deputy operate?   

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273) 3G

Volume 3: The death of Sheriff Joe Brown.

The triple game of Sheriff Joe Brown.

Book Abstract:

It was a pen attack. The shooter hits straight the head. It was kill or be killed. A pen bullet made up the ultimate outcome. Joe brown was dead. The shooter shot the Sheriff, but he didn’t kill the deputy. In memory of the late Sheriff Joe Brown, we pray. Amen.

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274) Order of character

Mother versus daughter competition for position with one man.

Book Abstract:

Who should be at the top female position of the family’s company? Mother or daughter?

Mother is nice, cook well, and work hard in both household and office. However mother does not support pressure and mother is vulnerable to manipulation by extra family members. Mother will quickly abandon position on little pressure.

Business environment is a high pressure competition area.

Daughter is very smart, innovative, and quick learner. Most important, daughter is tough and hard headed when it comes to fighting for keeping position in face of pressure.

Making a decision was easy for the man. Daughter is boss in the company and mother is boss at home. Both contribute at home and in the company. How do the three work together

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274) Death land

The land of death.

Book Abstract

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275) Smith head

The red head and smith head linkages.

Book Abstract:

Their mission is to make reds. Where they failed, they made smith heads. They make up something to fill the mission report: not so good, but better than nothing.

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276) The B game

It’s one B forward, for a million Bs backward.

Book Abstract

One is civilian, the other is military. They are all set back one million of own Bs each for one step forward. It’s plus one, minus one million in advancement impact at community level.  How does it work:?

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277) Wrong dealers

They want something and its contrary at the same time.

Book Abstract:

They make deal A and deal nonA the same day. It doesn’t matter. What matter is the gain. A gain for A and a gain for nonA. You make a deal with them, you loose. They will get caught in traps of contradictions of principles. For every fault, they will suffer a penalty. How?

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278) Crime lab

Volume 1: Mutations

Book Abstract

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279) Crime lab

Volume 2: Transfers

Book Abstract


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280) Crime lab

Volume 3: death list

Book Abstract


Book Abstract

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281) Crime lab

Volume 4: Uprising

Book Abstract

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282) 3N

Volume 1: Race war

Book Abstract

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283) 3N

Volume 2: Biz war


Book Abstract

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284) 3N

Volume 3: Top game


Book Abstract

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285) 3N

Volume 4: Hegemonic

Book Abstract

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286) Roling in line

Volume 1: settlers

Assistant roles for locals.

Book Abstract

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287) Roling in line

Volume 1: Controlled education

Small office jobs roles for locals.

Book Abstract

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288) Roling in line

Volume 3: Expansions: Moving in land

Demarsher roles for locals.

Book Abstract

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289) Roling in line

Volume 4: Pushing out revolution

Roles as local valets of international imperialism.

Book Abstract

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290) Roling in line

Volume 5: Coming back with tacts

Roles as demarshers in land with a nice meritless title of spy. Additional role include petty thefts during demarsher missions.

Book Abstract

Demarshers for foreigners for some little change for survival on return. A traditional role from grand dad to dad to son. 

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291) Roling in line

Volume 6: millennia

New roles, new hopes for a diversified and more secured sources of revenues. Path toward end of survival, and begining of real life. 


Book Abstract

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292) Roling in line

Volume 7: Analysis

Book Abstract

Hypothesis on basis for characteristic bad moral character in the region:

  1. Demarsher roles for foreigners for centuries. Mission roles include thefts of data, materials, and goods.  Foreigners thought them how to steal and they develop those skills in their communities.  
  2. Scarcity of resource per inhabitant because of high population load and subsequent scarcity of land for production.
  3. Where foreign rule is no more official, population load is the main challenge for this region to overcome to improve their lives.


We propose a population control task force to work with the population fund to de-load that population and balance population and availability of resources to sustain life .To get the full de-loading strategy,

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293) Developers

Volume 1: Quick winners

Book Abstract

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294) Developers

Volume 2: Slow winners

Book Abstract

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295) Developers

Volume 3: Balancers


Book Abstract

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296) Printers

Volume 1: Snake gift

Book Abstract

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297) Printers

Volume 2: Snake gift

Book Abstract

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298) Printers

Volume 2: the psycho conspiracy

Book Abstract

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299) Printers

Volume 3: Ticketing out

Book Abstract

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300) Printers

Volume 4: Photo cloning


Book Abstract

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300) Printers

Volume 4: Men in arm: Arm and poverty


Book Abstract

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