What Are The Biotech tropicana Systems: A Topical Work Flow Chart
Aboubakar YARI1: Venus YARI1: And Myra YARI2
- Biotech tropicana Systems
- Marketing Body, Biotech tropicana Corporation
The Biotech tropicana Systems are a private Biotech Company That specialized in innovation of biotechnologies adapted to the needs of the resource poor settings. The Biotech tropicana Systems operate on a global scale on planet earth with a window opened on applications of commercial space biotechnology. Here, we discuss an outline of workflow in the Biotech tropicana Systems.
Keywords: Biotechnology: Biotech Company; Resource Poor Setting Remote Areas: Space Biotechnology: Commercial Biotechnology: Workflow:
Structural and Functional System Description
Biotech tropicana Systems:
The Biotech tropicana Systems are a private biotech company that focuses on biotechnology innovations for the developing world. The anatomy of the system is organized at three structural levels:
LEVEL I: Administration and inter institutional relations
LEVELII: Science. Technology and Innovation (internal activities)
LEVEL III: Business and commerce.
Specific functions are assigned to each level. All three levels are coordinated by the foundation. Biotech tropicana Systems are owned and operated by the founders. The foundation is opened only to eligible founders. All other levels are opened to all without any form of discrimination but performance. [1]
The Biotech tropicana Systems are made of four structural sections:
1) The Foundation
2) Biotech tropicana Corporation
3)The Biotech ropicana,IncGROUP
4) The Business and Commerce section comprising The Biotech tropicana,IncSTORES, and Sabic Consulting,Inc
1) The Foundation:
Aboubakar YARI, Venus YARI and Myra YARI are founding members. Founding members are not excludable.
Aboubakar YARI and Venus YARI are owners of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
Myra YARI is the marketing coordinator for the Biotech tropicana Systems.
The founders operate in the Biotech tropicana Systems located in Kandi, Benin, African Union. All units are properties of the Biotech tropicana Sytems.
Decision making process is exclusively controlled by the founders. Foreigners are strictly excluded in the decision making process. Any decision made by a non founder is treated as an opinion or comment by externals, and processed accordingly. Opinions and comments are welcomed in the Biotech tropicana Systems.
Any other candidate may acquire membership status by properly filing an application for membership. A non founding member admitted by the board of admissions and ratified by the founders is excludable in accordance with applicable policies of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
Operation through the private sector:
Biotech tropicana Systems and all units operate through the private sector. A strictly enforced guideline is that a property of the Biotech tropicana Systems can not be negotiated under no circumstance. All completed processes and product technologies are transferred to the commercial units for sale. A process or product technology of the Biotech tropicana System shall also not be donated under no circumstance. Under exceptional circumstances a process or product technology of the Biotech tropicana System may be sold for zero Afro. A zero Afro sell must be documented with a bill of sale. A process or product technology acquired by a non member without a bill of sale is treated as stolen. Capacities in Biotech tropicana, IncFORENSICS, Biotech tropicana,IncLILITIGATOR, and Biotech tropicana, IncSECURITY TASK FORCE must be applied to return the stolen property to the Biotech tropicana Systems: no matter how much it costs and no matter how long it takes.. In case of mafiosi attack the Bioteh tropicana,IncSECURITY TASK FORCE is directed to protect members and properties of the Biotech tropicana Systems and neutralize the mafia, including execution without further order.
Public Private Relations:
The Biotech tropicana Systems operate through the private sector. The Biotech tropicana Systems are opened to public-private partnerships and collaborations under conditions agreed upon by both parties and supervised by the judiciary.
Business Philosophy: Compassionate capitalism
Compassionate capitalism is a central philosophy in business operations of the aiming to make profit while protecting the weak, neutralizing the bad, and promoting development.
The Biotechnology Development Fund: Corporate Citizenship
The Biotechnology Development Fund is a platform for advancement of biotechnology in the resource poor settings initiated by the founders Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI and donated to the resource poor communities of the development. The program is an upgrade of the financial and technical assistance program of the Biotech tropicana Systems to the resource poor communities. The program was previously attached to the Biotech tropicana,IncEXPLORER unit as an association of “societaires”. Once donated the Biotechnology Development Fund is no more a property of the Biotech tropicana Systems. The Biotechnology Development Fund becomes a property of the resource poor communities of the developing world. All “societaries” undr the Biotech tropicana,IncEXPLORER are now transferred to the Biotechnology Development Fund. Yet assistance from the Biotech tropicana Systems will continue in the form of donations of cash and knowledge. The concept of the Biotechnology Development Fund is aligned with the recommendations on the role of the private sector on development financing as proposed in the Monterrey Consensus on development financing (United Nations, 2002). [2]
Here, corporate citizenship does not meet alignment with the public sector but a contribution to development from the private sector. See also reference [5], page 142, on the role of the private sector.
Policy 33. Pro Life Pro Development. Biotech tropicana Systems.
2) Biotech tropicana Corporation:
Most administrative decision making processes are centred around Biotech tropicana Corporation. Biotech tropicana Corporation hosts the board of trustees and the Biodplomacy cell for coordination of inter institutional relations and analysis of state issued political decisions.
The Board of trustees under Biotech tropicana Corporation is suitable for accommodation of non experts in Biotechnology interested in our Biotechnology related work.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) operates the Biotech tropicana Systems on daily basis. The CEO operates in Biotech tropicana Corporation. The function of CEO may be Carried out by a qualified external hired by the Biotech tropicana Systems. The Founder may also accumulate the functions of founder and ceo.
3) tropicana,Inc GROUP
- tropicana,Inc GROUP is the science, technology, and innovation coordination center of the tropicana Systems.. Units of the Biotech tropicana,IncGROUP may be located anywhere on planet earth. Locations are chosen applying high probability of success criteria. Three locations are monitored during the incubation process. Where local authorities approved incorporation, the unit will be incorporated in location of first choice. Alternatively, other location choices must be considered.
Biotech tropicana,IncAU is a unit of the Biotech tropicana,IncGROUP that operates as a coordination center for activities of the Biotech tropicana Systems on territories of the African Union. Like any other of the Biotech tropicana Systems, Biotech tropicana,IncAU operates through the private sector consistent with recommendations of the High Level African Panel On Modern Biotechnology, in Freedom To Innovate. [3] Operation through the private sector is further supported the United Nations millennium project scientific task forces. See Innovation: Applying Knowledge In Development.(page 100). [4] Beyond simple company operation through the private sector the millennium project scientific task forces support private sector led development. See Responsible corporate governance and citizenship in Investing In Development. (Page 142). [5]
Biotech tropicana,IncEXPLORER is a unit of the Biotech tropicana,IncGROUP that coordinates exploration activities for the Biotech tropicana Systems on a global scale. Biotech tropicana,IncEXPLORER is incorporated in Parakou, Benin, African Union. Biotech tropicana,IncEXPLORER coordinates exploration activities from the Expedition Coordination Centre located in Kandi, Benin, African Union. It is worth noting Biotech tropicana,IncEXPLORER is the first incorporated unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems after six years of incubation, from 2000 to 2006. A unit of the Biotech tropicana,IncGROUP is incubated between 1 and 10 years depending on the technical complexities of its functions. A biotech system technology may be incubated for up to 20 years. See Florida, USA Biotech incubators for more information. [6] See also Applying Knowledge In Development.(page 101), and Investing In Development, (pages 92-94) [4;5]
Units of the Biotech tropicana,IncGROUP include
- Biotech tropicana,IncEDUCATIONAL,
- Biotech tropicana,IncFOOD,
- Biotech tropicana,IncFACILITATOR,
- Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY,
- Biotech tropicana,IncCOMMUNITY,
- Biotech tropicana,IncENVIRONMENT
- Biotech tropicana,Inc FORENSICS,
- Biotech tropicana,Inc DEEP SEA
and many more. See the website of the Biotech tropicana System for more details. Over 100 processes and technologies at different levels of development are under incubation in the units of the Biotech tropicana,IncGROUP,. SMARThivTECHS incubated under Biotech tropicana,IncHEALTH unit are the first and most advanced system technologies incubated by the Biotech tropicana Systems. Individual systems under the SMARThivTEHS passed the international scientific peer review test with at least one system per continent on planet earth.. See Sabic Consulting, Inc, Databases, Health Technologies. [7]
4) Business and Commerce:
Biotech tropicana, IncSTORES and Sabic Consulting, Inc.
- Biotech tropicana, IncSTORES coordinate business and Commerce for the Biotech tropicana Systems. The Sabic Consulting, Inc unit provides technical assistance and customer services for the STORES. Sabic Consulting, Inc also provides consulting services for external foreign institutions.
Cross sectorial activities coordinated by specialized panels. Unsupervised cross sectorial activity is not permitted under no circumstance. Decisions issued by the founders are strictly enforced within borders of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Decisions issued by external foreign institutions are not applicable within borders of the borders of the Biotech tropicana Systems. The decisions must be redirected to appropriate cells of the Biotech tropicana Systems for analysis and recommendations. The founders shall issue a response decision applicable within borders the Biotech tropicana Systems.
SUMMARY: A Simplified Structural Model Of The Biotech tropicana Systems.
Biotech tropicana Systems:
- Foundation
- Biotech tropicana Corporation
- Biotech tropicana,IncGROUP
- Business and Commerce (Biotech tropicana,IncSTORES, Sabic Consulting,Inc)
[1] Biotech tropicana Systems. A Workflow Chart at http://bitechtropicana.ucoz.com/photo/
[2] Monterrey Conference on Financing For Development
[3] Freedom To Innovate. The High Level African Panel On Modern Biotechnology at http://www.sarpn.org/documents/d0002770/Freedom_innovate_AU-NEPAD_Aug2007.pdf
[4] Innovation: Applying Knowledge In Development. (pages 100, 101) at http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/reports/tf_science.htm
[5] Investing In Development (pages 92-94 and 142 or 168 of 36) at http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/documents/MainReportComplete-lowres.pdf
[6] Florida, USA, Biotech incubators at http://www.casselsalpeter.com/general/biotech-specific-incubators-in-florida/
[7] Sabic Consulting, Inc, User Guide, Databases, Health Technologies at www.btsabic.ucoz.com