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Biotech tropicana Journal:xxxxxx (1):(5):10, 2016


SABIC: The SMART African Biotechnology Information Centre. A Development Strategy.

Development Strategies.

Aboubabakr YARI1: Venus YARI1:And Myra YARI2



  1. Biotech tropicana,IncAU
  1. Marketing Body, Biotech tropicana Corporation

SABIC, The SMART African Biotechnology Information Centre is a privately owned databank designed to systematically organize biotechnology related data of specific importance to Africa and Africans. Here, we discuss a development strategy for SABIC.

  1. Exceptions

Unlike many other programs of the Biotech tropicana Systems that are strictly closed to foreign capital, SABIC is selected subprograms of the SABIC platform are eligible to accept foreign funds under policy 3)g: ” refusal of a donation would cause serious harm to beneficiary of the eligible sub programs”. Eligible sub programs include but not limited to global health issues of special interest to Africa and Africans. Where refusal of a donation would delay a health benefit to many, particularly where time is a critical factor between life and death, delaying treatment to protect company interest would raise an ethical issue, in violation of the Biotech tropicana Systems pro life pro development policy 33. Policy 3)g is designed to overcome any conflict of interest between the tech owners and the beneficiaries of the technology. The philosophy governing policy 3)g is that the donor is helping the recipient population and not the Biotech tropicana Systems, a self sustainable biotech company. 


  1. External relations with the public sector

The SABIC program of the Biotech tropicana Systems shall fully cooperate with any officially accredited public institution in data sharing and data protection, provided that the Biotech tropicana Systems owned will be used solely for the public interests. Eligible public interests include but not limited to country security, or DNA identity protection.

  1. External relations with the private sector

As a unit of the  Biotech tropicana Systems, a private biotech company, SABIC Consulting, Inc unit that operates the SABIC Platform is a private entity of the  Biotech tropicana Systems.

  1. Analysis for indirect impact on development

SABIC and SABIC Consulting, Inc are privately owned for profit programs systems. Yet a scientific analysis of sub programs operated under the SABIC Consulting, Inc will indicate indirect positive development impacts, even without a single monetary input from the public sector. Positive development impacts include but not limited expert reviewed scientific information systematically organized in one place for ease of access to the public.


[1] SABIC at   

[2] SABIC Consulting, Inc at


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