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Biotech tropicana Journal: xxxxx(1 xxxxxxxxx ):(5):9, 2016


The Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator.

Biotech tropiana Systems.




Volume 15:

151) Pavlov versus Henry: The conditional game of conditioning.

Pavlov experimented and discovered conditioning in animal kingdom, including humans, for good of for bad? This takes us into the philosophy of scientific discoveries.

Book Abstract:

Pavlov experimented and discovered conditioning in animal kingdom for the advancement of sciences, and the human beneficiary of the scientific discovery. Some humans may misuse Pavlov’s contribution for bad. That’s what Henry does. Is human conditioning consistent with regulations in ethics in human civilization? Pavlov’s contribution is clearly constructive. Henry’s actions are clearly destructive to others and to Henry himself. What are behind Henry’s objectives in violating the laws of ethics and norms of modern human civilization? Are henry’s actions a demonstration of strength or weakness? A demonstration of Henry’s ? in face of superior competition?

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152) Parasites

The choice for a worthless life.

Book Abstract

They chose to live a worthless life. When they are born like any other; fed by their families like any other; educated by their countries like any other. Yet they chose not to be productive to themselves, to their families, to their communities, and to their nations Then they are worthless. The nature shapes them with a head and two arms. They choose not use the head and the arms. They live on products of heads and arms of others. They are classical parasites; like viruses on their hosts. Why did they choose the hard life of parasitisism, when they have the better option of the free productive life?

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153) Henry’s troubles

When Henry’s confusions of multiplication with addition operations get him in big trouble.

Book Abstract:

Henry simple error of confusing a multiplication with an addition operation may have cost him anything he stood for, from his birth day. The error has serious implications. It placed Henry in conflict with his best and closest allies. Henry lost the world wide esteem of his art and diplomacy, one of the pillars of Henry’s international standing.  Lost of money may be reversed with another gain of money. However, lost of friends and esteem is hard tough to reverse. Henry must now negotiate any piece of deal with his subordinate, who one time just follow Henry’s order without thinking. The error may be fatal to Henry, and marks the beginning of the end of Henry’s glory. Henry is living an international coma; a pre irreversible death context for Henry’s glory. In memory of the late great Henry, we prayed, “Amen”. What Henry did to deserve his irreversible fall? What happens to Henry?   

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154) The Oboumi transition

Volume 1: The 3=1 diplomacy

Where 3 in = 1 out. A roommate discussion topic in Oboumi University.

Book Abstract

This is the story of the hand on board solving of the 3=1 diplomacy equation. The older J. Oboumi is notorious in the art of big gains from small crimes. He looks like his daddy. The church bound younger L. Oboumi is just the opposite. He looks like his grand daddy; that is the daddy of his mother.  L. Oboumi is a well respected graduate on Oboumi university campus. L. Oboumihad many opportunities to join his older brother abroad. He declined. He likes his life in his Oboumi state; and more his mother, he would not like to leave by herself. “Travel opportunities are ahead’ he thought, as soon as he will graduate from the school of international relations.  So when the 3=1 equation was put in the board , the other students listened more than they discussed. The seemingly straightforward on board equation may be a challenging diplomatic task in real life. Those are the one state (S) three political parties (p1.p2. p3) and the one commission (C) three sub commissions (o1, o2, o3) equations. The question here is straight forward; How do you coordinate a file Sp1 with foreign country F, and a file Co2 with foreign commission FC? One thing here is clear, Head of state HS, and head of commission HC are in charge of coordinating the diplomatic tasks for the success of the files. L. Oboumi thinks he has the answer for the scenario equation. What is his answer?

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155) The Oboumi transition

Volume 1: The structural reforms

Book Abstract

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156) The Oboumi transition

Volume 1: The tech revolution

Book Abstract

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157) Community alliance

Volume 1: the enemy brothers

Book Abstract

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158) Community alliance

Volume 1: Building foundations

Book Abstract

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159) Community alliance

Volume 1: The generation next

From local community to global community.

Book Abstract

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160) On the limits of confidentiality

Book Abstract

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Volume 16:

161) The untold story of the secret founders

From small farm to the United Nations ovation. The story of the rising of a man and a nation.

Book Abstract:

It didn’t take too long for the old man to identify the special potentials of his little Nadu son.  He named him Nadu, meaning a gift from god in his tribe language. Nadu was a gift from Nadutu, the god of new births; the only brother of six sisters born after the seventh  rituals of the mother begging for a baby boy before the Nadutu god. Little Nadu early learns the hardships of jealousy from his older brothers. The old father places too much family responsibilities in the hands of his youngest boy; the oldest brothers didn’t like it. Beyond his family circle, the young  Nadu moved on to make more jealous for being elected as the first freshman president of the student union. He performed well to merit the attention of the president of movement M, of the freedom fighter of his country. Here again, his outstanding performance will take him to the head of the movement. Mister Nadu did not realize his importance, to that day, when he received an invitation letter from the king of the only free country to attend the birth day parade for the king. After the parade, the king shared a cup of coffee with mister in his garden; an honour reserved only to guests of honour.  In this that day when the king discussed with him the importance of building up a continent wide liberation movement. Nadu took the concept very seriously. The next meeting, it was five of them, kings and movement leaders. Unfortunately, Nadu did not make to the official proclamation of the continent wide Union of the tropics. His country will send him to prison before that memorial day. The king was saddened but not weakened. He set a secret agenda to all leaders of the Union. “free Nadu, and put on him power in his country. That’s what happened. Another unfortunate event, the king did not leave long enough to see the inaugural day of president Nadu, and his memorial speech before the general assembly of the United Nations. This is the story of Nadu; a secret founder of the great Union of the tropics. What was inside the secret agenda of the secret founders? What the secret founders did to free Nadu? Why the rise of Nadu became link to the rise of his country?

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162) Guillotine: The double bribe

One good bribe can hide a bad one and reshape the destiny of a nation. .

Book Abstract

For the success of making the invisible knife, the guillotine, they avoid using the ugly “bribe” qualifier. They just make up a different nice name; what’s about contribution to campaign fund, assistance in capacity building, or a donation for lifetime achievements and sacrifices for a cause. No matter how they call, it’s fresh cash that the naïve leader is receiving for not having worked for it. The appellation of the first round cash doesn’t matter for the briber either. It’s not important. What is important is the acceptance of the cash and the documentation of the acceptance ceremony. The documents will end up in the hands of the ugliest opponent of the naïve leader with an additional round of fresh cash, a “double bribe”. The ugly opponent will take the issue before the court of all people, with only one purpose,  destabilize the naïve leader to take over his power . A third round of cash targets both the naïve and the ugly opponent using a third uglier opponent. A fourth, sixth and more will follow until the all poor nation is trapped into a circle of bags. The destiny of the poor country is about to be reshaped by rich and powerful interest groups. When the leader of the  poor nation realizes that he;s being trapped and the set for the guillotine, he called upon the courage embodied in the mind of his ancestors. The poor leader fought back; to win or to loose?

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163) The citizens

The story of the backward citizens.

Book Abstract

It all starts at a bus station, in one the nice big cities of the republic of southern states. “ Brother, I’ am serious, can you help to get back home?”, “I’ am sorry I don’t know your home”, “ I mean my real home, back to my origins”. Mister B likes freedom; too much. He hates prisons, for their depravation of freedom. Mister B has been during more than of his young life in prisons; “by mistakes”, he said. He asked for “5 box” bus fair to get home. I gave him 10.  Mister was coming just out prison. Mister B has difficulties adapting to his stranger birth place. He lacks the basic skills required just to live a free life in the big city with so many rules. He violates rules; “by mistake”. I will create the opportunity for all mister Bs to live a free life in both homes, the new home and the old original home; their decision. Mister B became a good friend of mine. He told me his all story. I teach him so many rules. Mister B never again returns to prison.  What is mister B;s story? What is my opportunity for all mister Bs?

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164) The biggest theft

Where one theft must force the thieves into another theft. To stay alive, they must become serial thieves.

Book Abstract

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165) Deciphering the chair code.

Volume 1: The chair linkage

Bike chair or house chair; still chairs.

Book Abstract

The many little girls of about 12 to 15 years, I had to chase out the chair of my bike any time I get out of the night club may be the clues to deciphering the chair code; I mean the bike chair code. The cyber house chair may be the clue that highlights the linkages between different types of chair. All cyber house chairs but one, are “gas”ed. The cyber supervising lady will always sit on the only good chair, before proposing the good chair for cyber operations. On next return to cyber house, only the lady knowing the good chair will coordinate all operations, for client X. so what happens when the lady with good chair is busy with other clients, while other male or female cyber supervisors are free? The result is always the same. Client X will have to wait for the lady with the good chair. The conclusion is straightforward; a chair linkage is established between client X and the lady with the good chair. This leads us to a rational hypothesis: if client X was linked to the cyber lady  through a house chair, then client X must have been be linked to the 12-15 years girls outside the night club, through the bike chair. This hypothesis is further reinforced by the sex similarity of the actors. The cyber ladies are older and the bike chair girls are younger, but they are all females. Then there is a chair code that links client X with females. For what purpose? 

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166) Deciphering the chair code.

Volume 2:  A Chinese linkage or a French linkage on chairs?

French speaker females on Chinese made motorbike chair.

Book Abstract

The bike chair is Chinese made and the little girls client X will have to chase out of the bike chair for every night club visit are French speakers. Is there any Chinese French connection, through chairs?

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167) Deciphering the chair code.

Volume 3:  The bench mattress connections.

Where bench and mattress may be linked to the chair enigma.

Book Abstract:

Client X ordered a living room mattress (m3) set for own bench (bench-o). The order of m3 was delayed considerably compare to previous orders from the same vendor. Another illegal bench (bench-i) was placed in client X house without authorization. While waiting for m3, client X sat and laid on bench-i. On arrival of m3, client X removed bench-i from house. Based on a bench-chair analogy, if sitting on a chair can create a linkage between client X and  females, then sitting on a bench can create the same linkage reasoning.

The question now is what is the purpose of the linkages?

Mattresses may provide the answer to the question. Client X purchased a mattress m2 in city C that was stolen in strange circumstances. Water vendors at a water point in city K claim to own a mattress store. The store has no mattress. Client X slept on that mattress before the mattress being stolen.

The common factor in the chair-bench-mattress equations.

Sleeping on a mattress or sitting on a chair or a bench all have one common factor: contact with client X. therefore, there may be a contact code that is essential to complete an operation.


The mattress m2 stolen in city C contains the contact code that may be needed to fill the empty mattress store in city K.


The hypothesis needs to be verified. Assuming that the hypothesis is true, one may infer that there is a cell that operates in both city C and city K that needed the mattress contact code from city C to fill the mattress store in city K. The cell at issue may have therefore organized the theft of the mattress m2 in city C. Therefore, the theft of mattress m2 in city C may be part of an organized crime. 


The contact codes may be needed for some gains.   


What the gains are? Who profits from any hypothetical gain?

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168) Different colors, same citizenship

Citizenship, color, and interests, a three factors equation.

When interest groups mask citizenship status with the fantasy of their imaginations to boost their interests, color and citizenship linkage become significant. They have different skin colors. They all have one citizenship. The citizenship of their common beloved country. Some interest groups disregarded race and show best regards to race blind performance standards. Race bound or race free, a new race  of interest groups is about to start. Who will win ?

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169) The confrontation of decentralizators

Volume 1: Conflict of power

The act, the governments, the majors and the markets. A conflict of power and interests.

Book Abstract

One thing is clear, the major is caught in the middle of an interest war, of interest groups. He will have to make the decisions, or quit, or chase out against his will. What is the side choice of the major? Is the major race bound or race free? Here again, it is a decision the major will have to make; by himself; a hard side of holding power. Acts and laws are clear. Their applications may not be so clear, nor so easy. All parties wish the major good luck, while getting ready for the ultimate battle. This is the battle for power and interests in a small city of the Circle republic of the tropics.  Who will win? 

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170) The red and white combat line

An internal mission to the valets of external interest groups.

Book Abstract

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Volume 17:

171) The educator

From two men one building to space exploration.

Book Abstract

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172) Subjectivity city

 A city where life is only subjective.

Book Abstract

In city S everybody lives on subjective data; youngest to oldest; male and females; new born babies and pregnancies; officials and the people. Subjectivity is the norm. The surrounding world is evolving based on objective data. What happens to objectivity in that city in 5, 10, 15 or 20 years?

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173) The road

Destroyers or constructors; The road side advertising board dispute.

Book Abstract:

One group voted for destruction and reconstruction. Another group voted conservation and addition. It’s the road side advertising board debate that will lead the road committee into an unprecedented committee war in the history of the city. Invisible interest group hands will add oil in the flame; the board war will divide the city into circles of proponent and opponents; that’s the story of concept for development war in the small Cross city. Who will win?

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174) Saviour dad of killer son

Can the dad save the target from the wrath of the son?

Book Abstract

When the mafia attacks the interests of the old dad, they miscalculated, the invisible killer son is about to hit back; the killing spray has just started. The speculations on coffin market hits the news. Nothing will be like before in the small ice republic. Death of love one becomes the main discussion topic in friends group. The saviour dad ordered the cessation of killings; “it’s an order”, said the dad. Will the dad succeed in reversing the wrath of the son?  

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175) The reunification

In ice circle or in tropics circle? The result is always the same; what’s matter is the reunification.

Book Abstract

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176) Offensive leagues

When cultural leagues attack economic commonwealth and nations; the higher nations will fight back.

Book Abstract

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177) Killing the killer

Where the hunter became the prey.

Book Abstract;

He was hired to kill.He  took ransoms from his victim before killing them; a ransom deal to delay the killing of his victims. This time, no ransom was paid; instated the killer was asked to pay a ransom to avoid an immediate death. “ So what if I kill you before you kill me?, asked the pretended victim. This time, he met a stronger prey who became the hunter. The reversing faith was executed and the killer was killed before killing his target. How does it happen?

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178) The confrontation of decentralizators

Volume 2: The major crisis

On the basis of cascade destitution of majors in the Circle republic of the tropics.

Book Abstract:

Firstly, a group of majors violate community constitutions and imposed a “coup d’’etat” on community councils.

Secondly, foreign interest groups imposed a “colonization regime” by taking the power from the majors that isolated themselves from the constitutional protections of community councils.

As a consequence of the “coup d’’etat” the destiny of the community is decided by the dictatorship of a single man or woman; they call themselves majors. Many dictator majors  will align with foreign interest groups against the community councils. The foreign interest groups will impose their super powers on the weak stolen power of the dictator majors.; a second degree theft. The major steals the power from the community council and the foreign interest groups steal the power from the major. Some community councils will fight back to retake their stolen power from the major. The community council will destitute the major. Alternatively, the communities themselves will fight back against the community power establishment that violates their rights on daily basis. In such circumstances the foreign interest groups who invested in the community will abandon their friend major and align with the community council to protect their investments from the wrath of the community. The community council will either destitute the puppet major or keep a powerless major in office; particularly when the term of the major is near ending. Majors in the Circle republic of the tropics are not directly elected by the people. They are in fact secretary of the community council elected by the people. The community council will designate one of them as secretary to run the community affairs on daily basis, and report to the community scheduled assemblies. Once designated some secretary officially called majors will rise themselves as elected presidents of the community; A “coup d’ etat” that will cost many their secretary status; the community council will destitute them. The community constitution confers the power to members of the community council elected by the people of the community. Key decisions on community affairs and long term development objectives of the community must be decided by the general assembly of the community council not the secretary officially called major. When constitutions were put aside in the Circle republic of the tropics, and subjectivity fuelled by foreign interest become the norm, many majors will themselves trapped in interest wars of interest groups. Many will fall in a cascade of major destitutions. The good news are that the fallen majors are a minority. Many majors will stick with their community councils and fight for the  advancement of their communities in line with development objectives set forth by the general assemblies of the community councils. These tough majors demonstrated the maturity in democratic governance of the small Circle republic of the tropics. They will save their country from re-colonization by foreign interest groups. They are the majors of honour that saved the country from the “errors” of central governance structures.  The re-colonization initiatives of the interest groups failed with the cascade falling of their puppet majors. A new republic is about to emerge in the small Circle republic of the tropics. What are the foundations of the new republic?   

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179) The confrontation of decentralizators

Volume 3: The community council fights back

Who is who in the decentralization process in the Circle republic of the tropics.

Book Abstract

The secretary of the community council called major in the Circle republic of the tropics is in fact a parliamentarian at community level. Parliamentarians are called officially called deputy in the Circle republic of the tropics. The major is therefore a community deputy under the authority of the national deputies of the General Assembly of national deputies. The major is the secretary of communities deputies designated by his peers to run community affairs on daily basis. As a community deputy the major is under the authority of the legislative branch, not the executive branch. The chief executive can therefore not order the major nor interfere with decisions of the community council in community affairs. The president of the republic is the chief of the executive; therefore the president cannot directly order the major in community affairs. Like the General secretary of the United Nations, the major or secretary of the community council collaborates with the chief of the executive for the advancement of community affairs. The central government maintains a department focused on decentralization affairs for coordinating capacity sharing between the central government and community governments.  The relationship between the department of decentralization of the central government and the major is one of collaboration and partnerships. The structural model for community governance in the Circle republic of the tropics mimics the structural model of that of the United Nations.; with a General Assembly (Community Council) that designated one its members (the General Secretary) to coordinate operations of the United Nations on daily basis and report to the General Assembly. So when members and affiliated members of the executive decided to place the major under their authority, the community council fought back to protect the interests of the community.  The community council demands its rights to decide by vote, in a manner that is consistent with the will of the people that elected them. A confrontation of decentralizators is about to start. Who will win?  

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180) Futurers versus nowers

Volume 1: Com attack

The communication little war in the Circle republic of the tropics.

Book Abstract:

The new communication corporate circle is its infancy in the small Circle republic of the tropics. What pleased the president is the sustainability of the com system of his country. “Our com system contains sufficient energy to grow and to soon cross our borders. Anything I can do, let me know”, said the president in his welcome speech at the 6th anniversary of the “com for future” project. The 7th anniversary was postponed and then cancelled. The new president hates the “low performance” of the com system of his country. “We need a lot more speed in the com system. I will bring it in”, said the new president in his new year speech. The president not only hates the low speed of his com system, more he’s tired of the annoying and repetitive request of tax rebate from the com corporate leaders. The high speeders are not only faster but also “nicer” with the political leaders. “You bring in foreigners to take over the market and endangered the future and the independence of our com system. “It won’t be so easy”, argue the president the com corporate leadership. “I’am the president elected by the people. I will give the people, the speed they need”, replied the president. A futurer versus nower com war is about to start in the small Circle republic of the tropics. Who will win?

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Volume 18:

181) Futurers versus nowers

Volume 2: Conflict of values

Book Abstract:

What is of great value for futurers has no value for nowers. What is of great value for nowers is of least value for futurers. A new type of war is about to start. The silent but visible new war hide another noisy but invisible war, the value war of the conflict of values.    The futurers like car design and building principles to make up own brand. Nowers like luxry foreign car brand with the best confort to unbalance their household budget and be forced to steal from public monetary fund, in efforts to achieve  equilibrium  against the desequilibrum introduced by the unfit new luxury brand mew car. Futurers develop their com system to control their system security with own system entry keys. Nowers bring in advanced but estranged foreign com systems to put parliamentarian and government communications in foreign companies and state secrets in the hand of foreigners at the expense of the security of their people.. futures work hard to build technological capacity that is competitive on the global market to sell out and bring in cash in their countries. Nowers consumed  finished products of advanced foreign technology to take their cash out and increase their country dependency on foreign cash. Futurers prefers independence in false poverty. Nowers prefers dependency in false wealth. Despite the opposition of views and strategic approaches both futurers and noweres have one thing in common, a common land and common home and common laws they call their country and theirr nation. Opposing views in a common land will take them into a confrontation for the advancement of the common nation, in a new type of war. Who will win?    

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