The Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners
Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator.
Biotech tropiana Systems.
Volume 13:
131) Covers
Covering the real perpetrators with own body.
Book Abstract
They are suicide mercenaries; they cover their group with their body for something in return. Who are being covered? How do they cover them?
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132) Super tests
Testing the testers.
Book Abstract
In the test with intelligence, higher intelligence becomes the testers. Then who should test who becomes a matter of group appurtenance. This where testers can become takers of more sophisticated tests. Who tests who?
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133) Saving the explorer
A demonstration of the power in group acting out of group.
Book Abstract
When the explorer gets trap into infinite traps set by opportunists and their associates, the principle of loyalty of the group must be applied to save the explorer. You attack one, the all group fights back. The principle of “No one is left behind” is about to go to application. This leads the group into an adventure into the real world of quest for the unknown. You must known the unknown to save the knowledge seeker. How was the explorer saved?
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134) The wrong lovers
Who loves who?. This is the story of love tests.
Book Abstract
They all claim to love us. However, all good stuffs end up with their love ones, and all bad stuffs end up on us. This takes us to the task of deciphering the borders of love and the clues that to discriminate between what is said and what is done. Who is who in the so many lovers?
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135) Pushed to limits
The push story. Where the pushers get pushed to the limits..
Book Abstract
They choose to push the group to the limits. The group pushed them to the limit. Self repeating, turning around by re-setting equations that were addressed discussed and solved are signs of the reach of the limits of their intelligence. They lack the ability to formulate new equations based on existing solutions to move forward, where the group succeeded in new equation formulations to keep pace with its principle of zero or forward, and never backward. The opponents demonstrated the reaching of the limits of their intelligence, by violating the next day their own principles they set the day before; signs of confusion and despair. The group definitively wins the intelligence war, by demonstrating superior intelligence at all levels.
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136) The longest one topic data collection
Book Abstract
Where the data collection unit will have to collect data on itself to continue collecting data. For the data collectors, it is just another collection activity; what they do best.
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137) The Administrators
Administrative policies versus scientific methods.
Book Abstract
They are administrators. Poor and rich. They choose to attack science for aid. They all like aid that belongs to none of them. The aid package is donated by the people of the donor country to the people of the recipient country. The science attackers are just vehicles used by the donor people to reach the recipient people. The donor people’s aid package never reaches the recipient people. They are delivers; they call themselves aid donors and recipient governments. The recipient people called ADs for aid donor and RGs for recipient government. The aid package stucks between the ADs and the RGs. The delivery protocols gets in conflict with the old scientific methods. No negotiation platform exists. The scientists turn the delivery protocols into ridicule trash can materials. The scientific methods are not negotiable. The RG administrators show its fire power. The ADs will help the RGs. A protocol war is about to start. Who will win?
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138) The speech: We are not equal
On criteria and context.
Book Abstract
All men are born equal; but all men are not equal. I love you and I protect you, but I’am not your equal. When you say 1+1 =2, you first define the basis of the addition operation. Then you can make an inference that 2 is superior to 1. On which basis you can infer that one man is the superior to another? The situation is more complex here. It all depends on the criteria you set to measure the man. Criteria for superiority in one context may translate exactly to inferiority in another context. The debate is therefore shifted from superiority versus inferiority to criteria and context. When you start measuring the man without first defining the criteria, what do you get? “absurdities”, said the speaker,. To get into the debate,
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139) Head down foot up
The story of the fast reverse developing country.
Book Abstract
In the country where success means reverse, only secretaries are mandated to make scientific decisions, only fast food cooks can interpret and implement resolutions of the United Nations, lawyers are barred from looking in to acts of the United States congress; this is reserved only to illiterates. Judges are placed under the authority of sheriffs. In the fast reversing developing country professors may be overruled by students on academic decisions. 2 years university graduates from aid donor countries overruled university professors from the aid recipient country on academic affairs, because their aid donation aid management agency donated to the government. In the fast reversing developing country, everything is special. It is a special country of special people. Compared to other countries, what are the development trends in the fast reversing developing country?.
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140) When courts closed
What happen when courts closed for good in the Circle republic of the tropics.
Book Abstract
When courts closed for good and justice ceases to operate in a country, police officer can arrest judges without court order, secret services can enter private homes of honest citizens without court order, foreign intelligence services can spread out their poisons in communities without court order, the international human rights of honest citizens for work and doing business can be suspended by foreigners without court order, citizens can be executed because they refuse to give up their land without court order, any one can do anything without court order. What daily life looks like in such country?
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Volume 14:
141) Diluting development: the ban on complementary union
United against development
Book Abstract
Complementary pro development unions are banned in the in the Circle republic of the tropics. Counterproductive unions are encouraged. The results are a dilution of development; particularly in the area of capacity building in technology. Low technological capacity translates into low competitiveness in utilization of own natural resources; making the resources available to foreigners at lowest competition free cost. This is the story of the hidden linkage between social engineering and economic engineering for exploitation of developing countries of the tropics. Families, communities, and entire nations are re-engineered to promote the interests of the engineers.
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142) Suicide chain bombers
Where the public suicide chain bombs it all.
Book Abstract
The public sector directed its military, para military forces, and police to train suicide bombers to bomb out the private sector and the judiciary. The state governing authority becomes uni polar. All the power is concentrated sector in the public sector. Any error in the public sector may translate to chaos for the state. The error does happen and the chaos followed. How does the suicide bombers operate?
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143) Preference: the order of wins
Where order determines the value of equal wins
Book Abstract
The wins are equal; like the opportunities, fair and equal. The order, that is the order of preference makes the all difference in the hidden ethic and race war. The W wins first to advance many Ws. The B wins last, a win of equal value, to set back many Bs. Some Bs can win first for fairness in setting back many other Bs. When B wins in connection with a W, it will advance many Ws. Against many Bs. This is the story of a new hidden ethic and race that is more deadly than the older ethnic and race wars. If not handled properly, the new war may last longer and cause more damages than its predecessors; particularly where many race and ethnic warriors are not aware of the purpose of the war. For many it’s just about bags. How is it handled? .
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144) Size does matter
A story on relationship between size and impact in global development.
Book Abstract
When the equation 1=10 is true in relation to size coefficient, size becomes the determinant for win or lost in global development. Then when a country chooses to develop, who is the best ally of the president? A
preferred 1 or a rational 10? This was the first research topic of the newly born university of the northern states. What do they come out with?
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145) Color coding. Volume 1: Deciphering the top red on white code
Using the top on red code to kill journalism
Book Abstract
The red on white code is on top. It is applied to divert top bags for low jobs. You can go for “journalist” as a low job, but not “journalism” for top leaders. It fits well in the trend; “journalist” with no head has come out of a no head university. “journalism” requires a head; a red located abroad. How do you take control of the making of the head. All you need is a female couple, with red legs. The youngest lady is a “journalist”; she has red legs and also a red mouth. She’s nice with the target for head cutting. She also has in her office, a blue place for him that come with a white head on paper. The mummy lady is bad. She owns a street side fast food restaurant. She has red led too for a very bad male white hat head cutter to kill “journalism”. The target has a choice; either the youngest journalist that gives you a blue place for a red leg and white paper, with no head; or the older female with red legs that give you very bad food with a very bad head cutting white, that comes from the male partner. Both females in the couple has head cutting red and white; one cut the head nicely and the other cuts the head badly. It is the bag for head equation. Why is the head issue so critical?
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146) Color coding. Volume 2: the bottom black and red code
Using the top on red code to kill science to make a red head
Book Abstract
Like the top red on white, the bottom black and red cuts heads. A major difference being that the bottom has yellow bags in place of the top red on white blue bag. The equation is the same; it ‘s bag for head. A bag makes that kills the science. Be a good “journalist’ with my head to say what I tell you to say. Don’t do “journalism” with your own head to make your own voice. If you insist on doing “journalism”, then I burn the your head.
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147) Code name: Perturbations
Any way, any how?
Book Abstract
Any type of harassment is good as long as it kept the targeted competitors from advancing toward the common targeted market in competition. There is bag in return the pertubator. How does it operate?
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148) Crime school
They shall learn nothing, but crimes.
Book Abstract
The scientists shall top digging into the secrets of the nature. They shall be moved to literature to write and chant the glory of the master; that’s the nature made them to do and that’s what they do best. The students shall stop learning the secrets of technological inventions. They shall be moved to quick training schools to become public servants; to serve the interests of the master. The fidels shall become infidels, and the honest shall become thieves. Monogamy shall be discouraged and polygamy shall be encouraged. Workers shall be stopped and transfer to the new crime schools paid for by the master. What are the products of the crime schools? And how their contributions to society look like?
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149) Unbalanced: The cost of error
Getting into the mathematics of the umbalanced state.
Book Abstract
It is a new type of state that reorganize itself from the traditional form of states, with a public sector, a private, a civil society, a judiciary, and a free press controlled from a central press power point. In the traditional form of state the power is shared and balanced to control each other. An error in one sector maybe early detected by another sector and corrected. In this new type of state one sector holds all the power. So what happen when an error slips into the unipolar system, or when the master power holder is fouled around by another system?
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150) Precipitations
The story of war and poverty, freedom and democracy, quick wins and quick losses.
Book Abstract
After a long and impoverishing war, the young democracy is running after wealth, but the wrong way that may cost its people the very freedom they fought for so hard and so for long. They reorganize to disorganize. Disorganize to retake control on the hard wins with easy wins. Leaders and followers of the last war will fight the next wars from opposing lines. A people to people confrontation set a new order in which loosers become winners and winners become loosers. However, the gods of the tribes have spoken to the new prophet of peace and prosperity for all. The prophet will save the land. How?
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Volume 15:
151) Pavlov versus Henry: The conditional game of conditioning.
Pavlov experimented and discovered conditioning in animal kingdom, including humans, for good of for bad? This takes us into the philosophy of scientific discoveries.
Book Abstract:
Pavlov experimented and discovered conditioning in animal kingdom for the advancement of sciences, and the human beneficiary of the scientific discovery. Some humans may misuse Pavlov’s contribution for bad. That’s what Henry does. Is human conditioning consistent with regulations in ethics in human civilization? Pavlov’s contribution is clearly constructive. Henry’s actions are clearly destructive to others and to Henry himself. What are behind Henry’s objectives in violating the laws of ethics and norms of modern human civilization? Are henry’s actions a demonstration of strength or weakness? A demonstration of Henry’s ? in face of superior competition?
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152) Parasites
The choice for a worthless life.
Book Abstract
They chose to live a worthless life. When they are born like any other; fed by their families like any other; educated by their countries like any other. Yet they chose not to be productive to themselves, to their families, to their communities, and to their nations Then they are worthless. The nature shapes them with a head and two arms. They choose not use the head and the arms. They live on products of heads and arms of others. They are classical parasites; like viruses on their hosts. Why did they choose the hard life of parasitisism, when they have the better option of the free productive life?
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153) Henry’s troubles
When Henry’s confusions of multiplication with addition operations get him in big trouble.
Book Abstract
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154) The Oboumi transition
Volume 1: The 3=1 diplomacy
Where 3 in = 1 out. A roommate discussion topic in Oboumi University.
Book Abstract
This is the story of the hand on board solving of the 3=1 diplomacy equation. The older J. Oboumi is notorious in the art of big gains from small crimes. He looks like his daddy. The church bound younger L. Oboumi is just the opposite. He looks like his grand daddy; that is the daddy of his mother. L. Oboumi is a well respected graduate on Oboumi university campus. L. Oboumihad many opportunities to join his older brother abroad. He declined. He likes his life in his Oboumi state; and more his mother, he would not like to leave by herself. “Travel opportunities are ahead’ he thought, as soon as he will graduate from the school of international relations. So when the 3=1 equation was put in the board , the other students listened more than they discussed. The seemingly straightforward on board equation may be a challenging diplomatic task in real life. Those are the one state (S) three political parties (p1.p2. p3) and the one commission (C) three sub commissions (o1, o2, o3) equations. The question here is straight forward; How do you coordinate a file Sp1 with foreign country F, and a file Co2 with foreign commission FC? One thing here is clear, Head of state HS, and head of commission HC are in charge of coordinating the diplomatic tasks for the success of the files. L. Oboumi thinks he has the answer for the scenario equation. What is his answer?
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155) The Oboumi transition
Volume 1: The structural reforms
Book Abstract
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156) The Oboumi transition
Volume 1: The tech revolution
Book Abstract
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157) Community alliance
Volume 1: the enemy brothers
Book Abstract
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158) Community alliance
Volume 1: Building foundations
Book Abstract
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159) Community alliance
Volume 1: The generation next
From local community to global community.
Book Abstract
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160) On the limits of confidentiality
Book Abstract
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Volume 16:
161) The untold story of the secret founders
From small farm to the United Nations ovation. The story of the rising of a man and a nation.
Book Abstract:
It didn’t take too long for the old man to identify the special potentials of his little Nadu son. He named him Nadu, meaning a gift from god in his tribe language. Nadu was a gift from Nadutu, the god of new births; the only brother of six sisters born after the seventh rituals of the mother begging for a baby boy before the Nadutu god. Little Nadu early learns the hardships of jealousy from his older brothers. The old father places too much family responsibilities in the hands of his youngest boy; the oldest brothers didn’t like it. Beyond his family circle, the young Nadu moved on to make more jealous for being elected as the first freshman president of the student union. He performed well to merit the attention of the president of movement M, of the freedom fighter of his country. Here again, his outstanding performance will take him to the head of the movement. Mister Nadu did not realize his importance, to that day, when he received an invitation letter from the king of the only free country to attend the birth day parade for the king. After the parade, the king shared a cup of coffee with mister in his garden; an honour reserved only to guests of honour. In this that day when the king discussed with him the importance of building up a continent wide liberation movement. Nadu took the concept very seriously. The next meeting, it was five of them, kings and movement leaders. Unfortunately, Nadu did not make to the official proclamation of the continent wide Union of the tropics. His country will send him to prison before that memorial day. The king was saddened but not weakened. He set a secret agenda to all leaders of the Union. “free Nadu, and put on him power in his country. That’s what happened. Another unfortunate event, the king did not leave long enough to see the inaugural day of president Nadu, and his memorial speech before the general assembly of the United Nations. This is the story of Nadu; a secret founder of the great Union of the tropics. What was inside the secret agenda of the secret founders? What the secret founders did to free Nadu? Why the rise of Nadu became link to the rise of his country?
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162) Guillotine: The double bribe
One good bribe can hide a bad one and reshape the destiny of a nation. .
Book Abstract
For the success of making the invisible knife, the guillotine, they avoid using the ugly “bribe” qualifier. They just make up a different nice name; what’s about contribution to campaign fund, assistance in capacity building, or a donation for lifetime achievements and sacrifices for a cause. No matter how they call, it’s fresh cash that the naïve leader is receiving for not having worked for it. The appellation of the first round cash doesn’t matter for the briber either. It’s not important. What is important is the acceptance of the cash and the documentation of the acceptance ceremony. The documents will end up in the hands of the ugliest opponent of the naïve leader with an additional round of fresh cash, a “double bribe”. The ugly opponent will take the issue before the court of all people, with only one purpose, destabilize the naïve leader to take over his power . A third round of cash targets both the naïve and the ugly opponent using a third uglier opponent. A fourth, sixth and more will follow until the all poor nation is trapped into a circle of bags. The destiny of the poor country is about to be reshaped by rich and powerful interest groups. When the leader of the poor nation realizes that he;s being trapped and the set for the guillotine, he called upon the courage embodied in the mind of his ancestors. The poor leader fought back; to win or to loose?
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163) The citizens
The story of the backward citizens.
Book Abstract
It all starts at a bus station, in one the nice big cities of the republic of southern states. “ Brother, I’ am serious, can you help to get back home?”, “I’ am sorry I don’t know your home”, “ I mean my real home, back to my origins”. Mister B likes freedom; too much. He hates prisons, for their depravation of freedom. Mister B has been during more than of his young life in prisons; “by mistakes”, he said. He asked for “5 box” bus fair to get home. I gave him 10. Mister was coming just out prison. Mister B has difficulties adapting to his stranger birth place. He lacks the basic skills required just to live a free life in the big city with so many rules. He violates rules; “by mistake”. I will create the opportunity for all mister Bs to live a free life in both homes, the new home and the old original home; their decision. Mister B became a good friend of mine. He told me his all story. I teach him so many rules. Mister B never again returns to prison. What is mister B;s story? What is my opportunity for all mister Bs?
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164) The biggest theft
Where one theft must force the thieves into another theft. To stay alive, they must become serial thieves.
Book Abstract
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165) Deciphering the chair code.
Volume 1: The chair linkage
Bike chair or house chair; still chairs.
Book Abstract
The many little girls of about 12 to 15 years, I had to chase out the chair of my bike any time I get out of the night club may be the clues to deciphering the chair code; I mean the bike chair code. The cyber house chair may be the clue that highlights the linkages between different types of chair. All cyber house chairs but one, are “gas”ed. The cyber supervising lady will always sit on the only good chair, before proposing the good chair for cyber operations. On next return to cyber house, only the lady knowing the good chair will coordinate all operations, for client X. so what happens when the lady with good chair is busy with other clients, while other male or female cyber supervisors are free? The result is always the same. Client X will have to wait for the lady with the good chair. The conclusion is straightforward; a chair linkage is established between client X and the lady with the good chair. This leads us to a rational hypothesis: if client X was linked to the cyber lady through a house chair, then client X must have been be linked to the 12-15 years girls outside the night club, through the bike chair. This hypothesis is further reinforced by the sex similarity of the actors. The cyber ladies are older and the bike chair girls are younger, but they are all females. Then there is a chair code that links client X with females. For what purpose?
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166) Deciphering the chair code.
Volume 2: A Chinese linkage or a French linkage on chairs?
French speaker females on Chinese made motorbike chair.
Book Abstract
The bike chair is Chinese made and the little girls, client X will have to chase out of the bike chair for every night club visit are French speakers. Is there any Chinese French connection, through chairs?
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