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Biotech tropicana Journal: xxxxx(1):(5):9, 2016

The Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator.

Biotech tropiana Systems.



Volume 10:

101) Cash for mission

Redefining the missions of Universities in the Circle republic of the tropics.

Volume 1: Universities for sale.

Book Abstract:

When knowledge based institutions were transformed into cash driven institutions. It’s all about redefining the mission s of the Universities toward the interests of the cash donor. When you buy the mission of the University, then buy the University. It’s Universities for sale, through actions. The highest bidder gets the University. Public University managers get the cash. The University gets some unfit infrastructures not aligned with the knowledge advancement objectives of the original missions before sale. Once sold the University is no more controlled by academics, but by pseudo military mercenary units, paid for by the buyer.. The knowledge seeking youth will fight back to  return the Universities back to their original missions of advancing knowledge and contributing to the development of the nation.  It’s the beginning of a new type of war. The war for knowledge, fought by knowledge warriors. How do they fight?

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102) Cash for mission

Redefining the missions of Universities in the Circle republic of the tropics.

Volume 2: The Allies

This is the story of the alliance for food and drug management in Universities, against the contributions of the late big friends of the East.

Book Abstract:

The end by death of the big friends of the East marks the beginning of a new war. The war for heads. It’s red head or no head. It’s all about setting borders on knowledge. You can learn or teach A but not CC, the core concepts. You learn or teach A, then you get a red head. You learn or teach CC, then I burn the CC heads. They burn CC heads in Universities with food and drug. One ally provides the food, and the other ally provides the drug.  Code name 27.  The pioneers will fight back. Then it’s CC versus drug. They call themselves, the CC pioneers, in a new type of war. Like many other institutions in the Circle republic of the tropics, Universities are no more centres of excellence; they become war zones, in a new type of war.  How do they fight?

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Cash for mission

Redefining the missions of Universities in the Circle republic of the tropics.

Volume 3: The High tech corporate community.

Book Abstract:

The high tech corporate community likes the CC. The CC pioneer will receive full support of the high tech corporate business community. The low pay check public employees like the red heads. The CCs call them the pseudo patriots. The  pseudo patriots raise flags to fill their pocket and balance their low pay check deficient budget.  They will receive trucks, cars, bikes, and some cash from the red heads within the territory authority of the flag, to help the red heads in their CC killing process. There arose a conflict of interest that will drive many countries of the tropics into a new type of civil wars; the civil wars of interests. Group 1 wants knowledge, advancement, high tech, and development. It takes time and hard work. Group 2 wants to get rich quick from the opportunities of quick cash from the red heads who hate everything group 1 likes. The people of the tropics use to fight and die for the advancement of their ethnic groups; the civil wars of ethnic groups. The people of the tropics learn from the losses of properties and love ones, the hardships of ethnic civil wars. They quit; just to start another civil war; the wars of interests in civil wars of interest groups; a new type of civil war in the tropics. The war of white blood and silent deaths. Who are the main actors in this new type of civil war?

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104) Re-colonization test

Volume 1: Revisiting the days of slavery

Can the traditional relations of master and slave, colon and servant be re-activated in the 21st century human civilization?

Book Abstract:

They could hunt for strong and healthy young males and females in territories out of the control of the army of the king. Sometimes they will negotiate business deals with the king to get a war prisoner for one bike of for one gun. Stolen or negotiated the young males and females will become slaves in plantations of the new world to work for a thousand bikes or a thousand guns their entire life. The king gets one bike for his messengers to speed up his diplomacy. The king also gets one more gun for his army to protect his people from getting caught into slavery. The deal here is clear; it’s low value finished products of technological innovation for a human being to be put in slavery to work his entire life to produce many folds value of the finished product, for the donor. The context evolved. Now the state leader receives cars and bikes to place his people at the disposal of the donor to work for the interest of the donor and produce many folds value of the finished product of technological innovation donated. The donated humans become slaves of the donor who has even the right to kill them without a formal trial.   

Others use alibi such as civilizations, education, soul saving to get the kingdom of god, to settle in local communities and in collaboration with governments of their country or origin, they will steal natural resources of great value from those communities. The context evolved. Now they will buy natural resources of high value at low cost or steal technological innovations of high value to transfer them to their country of origin. To ensure that the locals can not get in competition  with them for the natural resources and the inventions they are stealing from those locals, they will use alibi such as development assistance, diplomacy, and many other bull shits tricks to make the brains of the locals red.

  Can the traditional relations of master and slave, colon and servant be re-activated in the 21st century human civilization?

In a 21st century high tech globalizing world, the slave master hopes and the colon status hopes, mis calculated. They failed to take the power of technology in modern society, in their equations for conquest hopes. What’s happened  when a re-colonization attempt was transformed into despair for both the colon status hopes and their local associates? Associates? Not so sure. Local “valets” of international imperialism. That’s what they are.  To hide their shameful qualifier, they call themselves, ‘interest groups”. Why did the slaver master hopes and colon status hopes fail?

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106) Re-colonization test

Volume 2: What’s the date?

The date of abolition of slavery.

Book Abstract

A reminder for partisans of illusions of slave masters colon status in the 21st century where any one can reach any part of the globe in a minute with a just a common household hand set device.

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107) The order of salute

What’s the order of salute?

Book Abstract:

You salute your master and he feeds you. Your master salutes me and I feed your master. Then what’s the order of salute between you and me? A simple equation in a simple mathematics of salute; Theory: the colon colonizes you. We colonize the colon. To learn more.

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108) Like father like son

Volume 1: The illiterate wife

The failed balance of the colon hope.

Book Abstract

The colonized mind of the father makes of him of wise servant of the colon. The father is literate  in the sense of the colon but chose an illiterate wife. His will, his decision. Must the choice and will of the father translate into choice and the will of the son? Here again, the colon hope overestimated his control if any in his former colonies. The illiterate wife equation is not the real equation of the colon. The wife equation is fake. The real equation of the colon is the wealth equation. Wife or wealth? The father is old and have young kids. The old head and old arms of the father cannot produce wealth anymore to take care the youngest. The colon proposed to help to take wealth from the oldest son with or against their will, for the care of the youngest.  Is the colon nice with the father or the youngest sons? Definitively no. the family has enough wealth to care of all of its member even without the contribution of the old father. Then what’s the point of the colon? The colon is trying to steal the wealth of the family instead, using the illiterate wife parallel as alibi. How?

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109) Like father like son

Volume 2: Avoiding competition

Using the illiterate wife parallel, the colon can mobilize poor communities in despair against the son to steal more resources from the son. The late illiterate wife for the son will further reinforce the alibi of the colon, for theft. The son will like the father have young kids, own kids or not,  at older age.  The son will like the father abandon alder kids to take care of the youngest. The colon will propose to help again; like father, like son. Late, late, late illiterate wife, to wait for late age; like father, like son. That’s the trick of the colon. More, with new young kids with illiterate wife, the son will be busy taking care of his young family, leaving no time to focus on business to compete with the colon.   The colon failed against the son. The son beats the colon. The son demonstrated superior intelligence. How?

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110) Like father like son

Volume 3: Land games

You give your land or you die.

Book Abstract

Did the give your land or die game reach the like father like son territory? No evidence. The land game became a common game in the Circle republic of the tropics since sometime. Anyway, the son has set clear cut strategies to overcome any overcoming land war, including advanced mobile technology solutions. Anyway any property of the son shall sit on a jointly owned land. Any property of the son acquired from joint ownership shall be clearly bordered as son ownership. No ambiguity on ownership shall  be permitted.   “This is mine with my name on, and this yours with your name on” rule shall apply. .Will there be a land war? 

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Volume 11:

111) Wife games

The hidden paths to destruction of entire communities.

Book Abstract

Aid donors have only one wife. Aid recipients have many wives; one for each aid package. What’s about communities?

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112) The Illusions of nationality

What make a great man great? Intelligence or nationality?

Book Abstract

Anything they ever own in their entire life, they own it because of their nationality. Their low IQ brains are modulated to think only in terms of nationality. Their low IQ brains do not contain sufficient intelligence to discriminate between intelligence and nationality. They think to make good or to make bad only in terms of nationality. This brings us to the debate on the partition of determinants of intelligence and nationality in generating and adding value on ownership. This is the debate on what makes a great man greater and greatest. To debate with us,  

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113) Foreigners cannot vote

Book Abstract

As election day was announced the debate on who can vote hits up, in the small Circle republic of the tropics.  Group 1 position is clear cut; foreigners cannot vote because they cannot meet the citizenship requirement to vote. Group 2 insists on foreign voting as long as they can pay for vote. Who should vote and who should not vote?

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114) Order of command

What is the order of command in the business of science technology?

Book Abstract:

The company claims to be under the command of the panel of scientists, and the panel of scientists under the command of the presidents. Does the logic of command permits the president to give a direct command to the company? The company says no. the presidents proposed to his followers to change the logic of command. The borderless universal scientists declassified the president’s argument as ridicule. This takes into a debate on the order of the command.

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115) Fake browns and fake pinks for red heads.

Book Abstract

One ally makes up a fake brown. Another ally makes up a fake pink. For the allies the fake brown and the fake pink should add to a red head. The mathematics of color addition prove them wrong. The mathematics of head coding comes out with the colorless head. In the mathematics of head coding which operation applies, addition or interaction? 

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116) New context old klan

The troubles of the neo klan. The neo klan is in big trouble.

Book Abstract

The klan organization is well known for cross burning and giving hard time to negroes. This is true in the good for klan old times. When the new neo klan chose to give hard time to negroes in the bad for klan new times, the noo klans mis calculated. The old time time negro did not have a gun. The new time negor loves guns. The old time negro could not buy gas. The new time negro can. So when that faithful night the grand dragon of the neo klan decided to make a parade in the negro quarter, the negros decided not to use their guns; “don’t waste bullet”, said the chief negro. They used gas instead; a gas from a gas station to burn the outfit of the grand dragon of the neo klan. The other klans ran away to save their skins. On that faithful night, the inhabitant of the negro quarter did see a burning cross. What they saw, was a burning klan. What’s happened to the grand dragon and his followers on that night?

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117) Community development pioneers

When poverty chose to kill their community, the pioneers chose to kill poverty.

Book Abstract

They adhere to the one aid package for good principles. Success means no more aid shall be needed. They took advantage of the new way aid donated by one of them to the group. The small internal board of directors learn the concepts and applied them to the benefits of their peers.  The major gave full support to the beneficiary community youth, and the local bank supported them in their war against poverty. Poverty has no place in the community of the pioneers; until disaster hits on. The new major stops the program and poverty was about to win the war. What the major did? How he did it?   

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118) Who is the killer?

A search for a killer or killers.

Book Abstract

Who is the killer and who will be the next? In face of raising death toll in silent deaths, in all segments of society, a private investigator opened an investigation file. His search for a killer or killers will take drag him into a long trip, on all continents and beyond. A passionate search a killer or killer is about to start. Will he find them? 

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119) Technological solution

A discovery for a solution of an apparently solution less problem.

Book Abstract

When politicians seek for a political solution; administrators for an administrative solution; scientist for a scientific solution; teachers for a teaching solutions; law groups a legal solution; kings for a custom solution; and everyone else for every one oriented solution, innovators discover the solution in technological innovation. A solution that makes a place for everyone with a solution. That’s the story of the ultimate solution that puts an end to an endless search. The three bodies solutions for everybody.

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120) The taking of marketing to remote televisions

That the story of the marketing pioneers that took scientific journalism to marketing and from to remote televisions.

Book Abstract

When they propose a, it fits with the A; the b fits well within the B; as does the c within the C. when they propose journalism the pioneer had it in their science to make scientific journalism; and when they took journalism to television, the marketing pioneers took marketing to remote televisions. And finally, the new high tech information and communication technologies took all products to the remotest sites on the planet. That’s the story of a new type of business that took the pioneers everywhere, from nowhere.

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Volume 12:

121) Dead enders

Volume 1: confusing mandates.

What is my mandate? What did I sworn for? I’ am not sure myself.

Book Abstract

This is when confused leaders get trapped in their own tricks. They destroy their power and standing. They will drag their nations into failures, when the people permit that. Some by wisdom will quit when they realized the absurdities of their actions. Many are chased out of power by the very people who elected them. The confused leaders and their dead ender followers always at some point stuck in dead ends. This is the story of a search for a meaning for a mandate; a search for meaning for power, and limits of power in a troubled world. To join the search team,

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122) Dead enders

Volume2: The freedom power in technology

How technology secures freedom and independence for all continent and its people.

Book Abstract

Technological innovation kept a all continent under slavery and dependency for centuries; the irony of faith. The continent gave birth gave to technological innovation. Technological innovation frees the continent from slavery for good. Technological innovation frees the continent from chronic dependency for good. That’s the story of the wheel of technological in the will of its people; if not all people, surely the real people.  That’s the story of the end of old good times for the red heads and the beginning of the new good time for the continent and its people. As they demonstrated themselves the gradual decline to extinction of the dead ender friends of the red heads is irreversible. The  neo red head system will die from within; without fight as a result of the absurdities of promotion of the wrong rules. Systems that select for the worst and counter selects for the best, always die from within;  a classical rule of natural selection. The real people will rise up. How does it happen in the Circle republic of the tropics?

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123) Dead enders

Volume 3: raising up

The story of the re-waking up of a continent.

Book Abstract

Up, down, then up again. How a continent raises up from marginalization and domination to a strong and competitive business partner in a globalizing world. A continent that is progressively integrating, when others in chaos are progressively disintegrating. A continent that is gaining in power, when  others are loosing in power.  Read the story of the continent and its people, the story of adaptation, selection, and evolution in populations of humans.

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124) The book

The story of the book of the books.

Book Abstract


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125) Dog job

Balancing time and interest in time management.

Book Abstract

They destroy the development pillars of their country for foreigners in exchange of some little change, good enough for survival to the next dog job. Time has no meaning for them since the dog master has excluded them from the chain of production to the line of condemned consumers. A five minute destruction work may require five hours diagnostics to identify the problem, and another five hours to fix the problem. They are the new dogs for the new dog jobs. They operate in two directions, one male directed, another female directed. The results are always the same. Destruction of constructive work. ‘ I give you aid to destroy your country for me’. Which ones are the good ones? The donor or the recipient? Who are they?

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126) Security Interests

Getting into the mathematics of security gains.

Book Abstract

One group applies good governance to promote security. Another group collect valuable security information for his country by degrading governance in other countries. All groups share one universal country, the earth, on which the very existence of all depend. This take us to the mathematics of security. Poor security in the remotest village on earth may threat the very existence of the most technological advanced country on earth. Successful terrorist attacks of advanced countries from lest developed countries are not uncommon. The success of the least demonstrated the vulnerability of the most. Can a country level security strategy be isolated from global security strategy?  This is the story of individual experiences in multiple levels security issues. What are the factors to learn from  these experiences? .This takes us to the mathematics of  factors in security equations.

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127) Ownership, heritage and will: O1, O2, and O3, OR O1 +O2.

Getting into the mathematics of ownership, heritage, and will.

Book Abstract

The X family rightfully claims property on numerous properties built through a life time work and investments. Here we get into the mathematics of ownership of the three of the numerous properties; that’s the ownership story of three buildings (b2,b3,b4), and heritage story of 3+1 = 4 buildings (b1, b2,b3,b4).

Equation 1 come out with three owners on b2, b3, and b4; the father, the mother, and the elderly son 1. The mother has the highest contribution in cash in b2, b3, and b4. The son 1 has the second highest contribution in cash, and the father has the lowest cash contribution with main contribution in the initial capital in the form of technical skills in raising livestock’s that provided in the initial capital.  The initial capital was invested in trade activities coordinated by the mother, and operated by the son 1. The son 1 raises his cash contribution by re-investing his gains in operation activities toward the capital of the trade activities. Profits from trade activities were applied toward building b2, b3, and b4; with buildings b2 and b3 in city P, and the twin building b4 of b3 in city K. Equation 1 clearly comes out with three owners with respect to contribution, (father O1,mother O2, and son 1 O3). The X family has many kids. The contribution of older daughter is rather negative with thefts of cash yield in trade activities. Son 1 operated all activities on the ground, and travelled back to city of departure in train with employees. Daughter 1 contribution was limited to securing cash movement through quick flights in small airplane between city of sale and city of departure. Son 1always recorded the shortages in cash held by older daughter 1 between the city of sale and the flight back to the city of departure. The other kids are rather too young to contribute. The story clearly comes out with three owners of buildings, b2 andb3 in city P, and the twin building b4 of b3, in city K; equation 1 yields O1,O2, and O3 as owners of b2, b3,and b4.

Equation 2 of building b1 was the first built in city P. Son 1 then in city K has only limited data on the story of the building. An exploratory data collection phase may be required to re-construct the story of the building. Like any other son of the X family, son 1may make an heritage argument. However, consistent with son 1 resilience on joint ownership, son 1 will limit his arguments on ownership leaving heritage issues to owners father O1 and mother O2; this takes us into the concept of will in a will.   

Here, it is important to make a clear distinction between the concept of ownership and the concept of heritage. How does the two concepts apply in the family X story? Hard work secures ownership, the rights in the law secure heritage, and the love in the will secures the will. To learn more on the three concepts of ownership, heritage, and will.

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128) Community development in concept

Volume 1: the major, The major office, and the community: who owns what?

Who owns what? Clarifying ownership on properties and words?

Book Abstract:

Who owns the major office? The major or the community or the major office employees? Who makes the major? The major or the community? Who runs the major office? The major or the internal regulations? When confusion becomes the rules, and confusionists and bandits promote confusion, then who is in charge of what? Then everyone gets in charge of oneself, and self defense becomes the primary mean of defense. When law ceased to apply, then everyone  has the right to arm to protect own properties. Who is who? Who owns what? In the no article world? Then war becomes the way of life. Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


129) Community development in concept

Volume 2: contributions for destabilizations

A “bad aid” story in a small developing country community.

Book Abstract:

Beyond the short stories of private and individual ownerships, beyond the daily activities in small community offices, this is the story of how civil wars are born and expanded in developing countries. When life time honest work of honest citizens is destabilized by small interest groups armed with unconventional weapons, it creates frustrations and promotes hate in society. More than small lost here and there it is the overall destabilizing effect on the foundations of development that is harmful to nations and to the peoples of these nations. The few smartest will come out with strategies to protect their interests, but larger number of average and weaker people will loose. The question here is not what I bring in as contribution to development. The main question here becomes, what I destroy by the way I implement my contribution? Then at a nation level it becomes a matter of balance. When the balance is negative, the nation is better off without your contribution; a concept at the heart of the new way global development concepts. If you cannot contribute positively, keep your contribution in your country. How “bad aid’ harms a small community in a developing country?        

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130) Cooperation or aid donor. What’s the difference?

Book Abstract

Cooperation is a mutual exchange of development capacity that is beneficial to all parties involved. Aid may be donated without cooperation. Aid donated without may be beneficial to recipient when properly implemented. Equally, aid donated without cooperation may be harmful to recipient. From case story to concept, in a small village of the Circle republic of the tropics.

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Volume 13:



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