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Biotech tropicana Journal:xxxx (1):(5):10, 2016

3 in 1 Combo: Science, Technology, and Innovation:

The Three Pillars of the Hegemony of the Biotech tropicana Systems.

Aboubakar YARI1 ; Venus YARI1 ; And Myra YARI2



  1. Biotech tropicana Systems
  2. Marketing Body,Biotech tropicana Corporation



Science is the basic knowledge acquisition platform of the Biotech tropicana Systems.  The Biotech tropicana Systems Human capital capacity building program is the main venue for acquiring scientific knowledge. The Human capital capacity building program operates primarily through collaboration with accredited knowledge institutions, primarily the academics. Additional knowledge acquisition venues include web based data mining and on site exploration activities.


Technologies made in the Biotech tropicana Systems relied primarily on internal capacities. Tech projects are incubated in the Biotech tropicana Systems incubators for the minimum incubation period, from ideas to products to market. The Biotech tropicana Systems value partnerships in tech development not only for external capacities needs, but also and most importantly for opportunities for exchange of experiences in tech development processes. Even where a capacity is available within the Biotech tropicana Systems may execute a process in partnership with a foreign institution.


Arts and sciences; Innovators: the scientific artist. From the African Homo habilis stone tool engineers, to ancient Egypt’s Imothep pyramids, to the Ohio, USA Wright brothers flying machine, to modern times transfer of the genetic information in DNA between species , innovation has been the arts of making something new that did not exist before. Innovator manipulates basic scientific principles to make tools that may be useful to human such as cars, or destructive to humans such as guns. What innovation is useful or destructive is a matter of the philosophy of the science applied. Modern innovation involves the understanding of some basic scientific principles and imagination in conceiving some new. To increase the possibilities of innovating the maximum possible for the benefit of mankind, any one who has the scientific knowledge and the imagination is permitted to innovate: the freedom to innovate. In the course of some 15 years in activities, the Biotech tropicana Systems claim over 100 innovations at different stages of development in different application fields of biotechnology.     



From innovation to market:

The Biotech tropicana Systems operate proprietary stores for its products. Knowing and protecting intellectual property rights. A  Biotech tropicana Systems store will market only products with copyrights, trademarks, and patents owned exclusively by the Biotech tropicana Systems.

The Biotech tropicana Systems 3 in 1 Model:

overcoming any handicap, academic, administrative, or legal barrier in company incorporation.  

Potential barriers:

  1.  Academic (Example: diploma)
  2. Administrative (Example: citizenship, immigration status)
  3. Legal (Example, criminal background)


  1. Here, all nuclear founding members hold diplomas sufficient to incorporate a company to perform activities tailored to the level of the diploma. The continued human capital capacity program is designed to upgrade academic diplomas for upgrading company activities to levels tailored for the upgraded diploma. The incubator approach central to the Biotech tropicana is well suited to the  upgrading strategy. Activities for which members do not hold equivalent diplomas will stay in incubators or covered through partnerships.
  2. Citizenship barrier is overcome by sitting the central unit, the Biotech tropicana Systems, in place of citizenship 6f the founder in Kandi, Benin republic. Specialized units may sit in the United States of America based on citizenship of the other founding members. Site director must be a citizen of the site of operations. Any other member is permitted  to operate in a non citizenship country based business immigration status that comes with authorization to incororate. For example even where the founder Aboubakar YARI has family members in the United States, the founder will not accept any form of immigration status but business immigration status. Family based immigration status is not acceptable in the Biotech tropicana Systems. Where business immigration status cannot be obtained for members of the board of directors, site in jurisdiction must closed.
  3. With a clear criminal background for all founding members, criminal back not an issue for incorporation purpose. Criminal background check shall be required for all non founding members.

The 3 in 1 Incorporation model:

A unit company may be incorporated from any of the three levels of daily work activities in the Biotech tropicana Systems:

L 1: Science

L2: Technology

L3: Innovation

provided that all conditions in the 3 in 1 model are met within a level. Work in the Biotech tropicana Systems are based on global development principles. Systems are designed based on abstract principles with rooms for specification and adaptation for a given country. Assuming simultaneous operations in 100 countries, there are 3100 ways to create one company unit that is consistent with the 3 in 1 model .  

Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (12.11.2016)
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