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Biotech tropicana Journal: xxx(1):(5):10, 2016

1) The Book of the books

A book partnership story

Book Abstract:

The authors like books; for read or for write. One author writes on how things are; narratives. The other author writes on how things should or could be; fictions. For one, a good book should be colourful. For the other, a good book should meaningful. For both, the best book should be educational.  Both write early in life. The original book that gives birth to the series and then to the book  stores is a colourful book, full of meaning; just good for the book taste of both authors. This is the story of the book of the books, the mother of all books in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES


2) Tale of the smith clan

Book Abstract

Volume 8: Adjustments in troubled time


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Tale of the smith clan

Book Abstract

Volume 9: The missing link

The missing link in the smith clan  conquest strategy.

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Tale of the smith clan

Book Abstract

Volume 9: The fall of the smith clan

Conflict of interest will result in  the death of a smith: one more dead smith: one more smith is dead to lengthen the line of dead smiths. One more. One smith. One dead. A dead smith. Another file in the failed leadership of the smith clan. An innocent smith trapped into conflicting interests of a two subunits of the same unit? This brings us to the concept of illiteracy and leadership. The illiterate get information only from what he can see around, or what they have been told. Limited by the illiteracy factor, they have no mean to collect more data to verify what they have been told for false/true hypothesis. For their limitations in access to information, they can become dangerous to themselves and to others.  They should not be permitted to get involved in the making of complex decisions on complex issues beyond their inner circle.

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Tale of the smith clan

Book Abstract

Volume 10: Beyond the smith circle; the fall of communities.

A demonstration of the key importance of guidelines in group management.  

Book Abstract:

When the master guideline in nullified; and groups are permitted to self set guidelines that are enforceable, the concept of guideline becomes senseless. The  multiplicity of group specific guidelines reversed the very purpose of setting guidelines. With no or  poor notions in guidelines setting, communities will set guidelines that harm them. By the time they learn through experiences, too much damage is done; sadly and often, irreversible damages.    What happen to communities beyond the smith circle?

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Tale of the smith clan

Book Abstract

Volume 11: Resurrections: The waking up of the deads.

The story of resurrection of the smith clan to a greatest glory.

Book Abstract

He calls himself the master of slave masters, friends called him the super master.  When the slave masters isolate the super master they made fatal error that will cost them everything they have ever stolen from their defeated slaves. The isolation frees the super master from any trap. The super master is a double super master in pattern recognition of traps. The conquest hopes have no chance anyway. You put the super master in and he will recognize their traps. You put him out, then he is out of your traps.  

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Tale of the smith clan

Book Abstract

Volume 11: Re-structuration: a new strategy

Illiteracy exclusion from leaadership

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Tale of the smith clan

Book Abstract

Volume 12: the neo smith clan

The educated smith. It shall be mandatory for all smiths to learn to read and write in their native language. Those in leading positions must also master the use of the translation platforms.  

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Tale of the smith clan

Book Abstract

Volume 13: Going beyond: toward a greater glory

The great smith

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Tale of the smith clan

Book Abstract

Discussion forum: Lessons from the tale of the smith clan.

An essay:

Book Abstract:

One thing is evident; the smiths violate core rules in the policy package they inherited from their founders. Simple but powerful rules focused on generating new wealth and avoiding waste and conflict. Their violations will cost them. Basic rules in work organization, such as

  • production groups. Production groups are set not necessary based on blood affiliation, but based on skill affiliations. You operate only within your production group; you’re just a foreign visitor with no right in any other production group.
  • simple wisdom, such as you take nothing from the other group without their permission avoid troubles and  devoted  more time to increasing production yield.  
  • No land ownership for females. They are expected to leave the clan at one point in their life. Placing land authority on females may bring in troubles from their marriage clan, waist time devoted to increasing production toward crisis management.
  • Accommodate foreigners and be nice to them; help them when they need so but no right should be conferred to a foreigner unless born in the clan.

What is in the full content of the smith policy package? What can be learned from and applied toward the advancement of clans and communities? Does the smith policy package have any value on the global market?

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  1. Who get the power

One is in office, on power. The second is out office, out of power. Both belong to different interest groups. Power decisions are documented and enforceable. Out of office interest groups decisions are not documented nor enforceable. Who follow who for what reason?


  1. The battle on regulatory body

The cost of lack of a regulatory body in city management in a small rural community of the Circle republic of the tropics., split the community in two sided pro and counter regulation bodies. A regulation war is about to start. Who will win?


  1. The great friend in battle


Volume 1: The great speech on line

In a country where actions of chaos always preceded speech of blames, the great leader initiated a revolution that reversely it. the great speech program will precede any action. The great speech will set the line to follow for the next many decades of ambitions for development, freedom, liberty, and dignity to all.

Volume 2: The great error

The great friend in battle is great fighter; no doubt about that. He teaches us all how to fight for right, against anything wrong. He also has his weaknesses. On his order, he told him. He smiles, and took note. “I appreciate that, I will work hard on that’, he promised. The weakness of the great friend in battle that will cost him so much is love, what we as followers call over love: a serious weakness in leadership. The great leader is weak in sanction against his people. “It’s not mine. I’ am doing everything for you.  When you mess it up, then you get to fix it. Form another group to fix the mess’.  With regard to sanctions, the great leader has always been tougher on non nationals than on nationals. How the successive mess scenarios harm the great speech program?   

Volume 3: The great revenge

Where the opportunists mess makers accumulate so much mess to mess it all, the great leader will take his revenge on them. We will get ride of them, all of them with one speech: the next speech. How did it do that?

Volume 4: The Great Exit

The next speech will be followed by the great exit and the great comeback for another great exit. How?

Volume 5: Going for peace greater

  After the last exit, the great leader will fight his last    battle to win again the last victory before going to rest greater, and greater.

Volume 6: The next generation

Learning from the great error of their great leader, the next generation will balance rewards and sanctions on both sides to move forward along the line set by their great leader. In sustainable development appropriate sanctions are as good as appropriate rewards. Light sanction will select for the worst, and kill good programs.  


  1. The bar effect

Lessons from the East Asian Confucianism: The impact of discipline on development processes.

You cannot open file 2 until a conclusion on file 1 is reached. unconclusive status on file 1 makes you excludable from file 2.  Self-imposed discipline is at the centre of the East Asian Confucianism. Application of Confucianism discipline in East Asian technology incubators resulted in quick technological emergence of the countries, and substantial positive development gains. Though rules excluded the worst and selected for the best to invest to add value on public sector investments toward giants incubators make available to the private sector. The United Nations scientific task forces will transfer some aspects of the confucianism cultural zone into the world of science, applying scientific methods. The universality of science makes the proposed science for development protocols available to all, on a global scale. Introduction of the new science for development protocols into old development models settings will encounter though resistance in some settings. Why, and  How? 

  1. Corporate citizenship versus political leadership

Lessons from the Mounterry consensus on development financing

On a call by the United Nations the Monterry conference receives an increase commitment to invest in development, but also an increase responsibility and accountability in development management for all stakeholders involved in the business of development. In developing countries, development is no more the solo business of governments, but the business of all citizens who directly or indirectly benefit from the outcome of development processes. All citizens within their area of activity have responsibility and accountability to contribute to the development of their countries. The global consensus on development was reached at the  Monterry conference, in Mexico. A special responsibility was placed on the corporate world to conduct business in a manner that would promote the wellbeing of their fellow citizens and the development of all countries in which they do business. From the Rockefeller foundation to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the concept of corporate citizenship is well established in developed countries. The Monterry consensus will bring corporate citizenship into developing countries. See also the Biotechnology Development Fund, initiated by the founders of the Biotech tropicana Systems and donated to the resource poor communities.  The introduction of this new development concept into developing countries, will alter the balance of forces between the corporate citizens and the old political establishment. A new model versus old model clash is about to start. Will the introduction of the new concept be a development opportunity for developing countries, or a source of conflict between corporate citizenship and political leadership?  It will all depends on the interplay of the two forces.      

Private and public investments to meet the MDGs

The public and the private sectors both have a role in almost every form of investment needed for the Goals. In some areas the private sector is predominant—as for business growth, generating employment, raising incomes, and raising productivity. In others the government is predominant—as for governance and a regulatory framework to foster the private sector. In still others there is a mix of responsibilities—as for human capital, infrastructure, science and technology, and environmental sustainability. Public and private investments, when well designed, tend to be complementary, not rivals or substitutes. It is therefore a huge mistake to be dogmatic about public versus private investments. Both are needed.

In Investing In Development

The UN Millennium Project.

P 46


The power in ownership

Volume 1: The partnership

He owns a knowledge, and a knowledge application centre. We own a knowledge, and a knowledge application centre. We propose a partnership. He accepts with doubts. We can freely sign any partnership. He cannot. Why? Hypothesis: He may be a pseudo owner, when we are real owners. Someone  may have paid for his training, and establishment of his knowledge application centre.   Where we fully pay for our knowledge acquisition process and establishment of our application centre. We are real owners and we have a real power. He is a powerless pseudo owner. In this scenario who real have the power? The pseudo owner or his funder?  A quest for the role of power is opened. What has come out the quest?  


Volume 2: A basis for attack on ownership

\You set your political agenda. You fund it yourself. You won’t take our properties to fund your program. No one force you to be a candidate for political leadership: Your free will to political leadership: your obligation to find your assets, to fund your program agenda. We build our assets to fund our program agenda. If you cannot lead, then you step down, then we take over to fix it. This is the story of a classical scenario of clash between corporate citizenship and political leadership in developing countries: a basis for attack on ownership.  



301) Groupings

Volume 1: The power in position

Book Abstract:

W with knowledge in, w with knowledge out.  B with knowledge with knowledge in, B without knowledge out. W majority in. B majority out. There is no way the B in can win against the W in or out. The positioning is biased in favour of the W in advance. How does positioning determine outcome in this scenario? 

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301) Groupings

Volume 1: The position in property

Book Abstract:

B is real owner. W is not owner. W organizes a scenario to acquire a pseudo ownership. A deal is proposed to avoid conflict. The deal will support another second property of the B. Is there any basis for deal? The w owns nothing in both scenarios. The deal is biased in advance in favour of the w. What’ s the outcome of the pseudo deal?  

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301) Groupings

Volume 3: Value impact


Book Abstract:

The W grouper proposed grouping of good Bs with bad Bs. The good Bs have high value. The bad Bs have low value. The grouping will dilute the average value in the groups B population: thereby decreasing the competiveness of Bs against Ws. When the grouper is a W the grouping model is biased to confer a competitive advantage to low value Ws against the high value Bs. What ‘s behind the value grouping scenarios?

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301) Groupings

Volume 4: Number grouping

Book Abstract:

Many low value Ws are mobilized to distract high value Bs from positive results in activities. The many low value Ws are coordinated by higher value Ws to push for competitive interests of Ws of lower value to the high value Bs. Low value Ws will push for the interests of Ws in country or objective citizenship, as well as Ws in country origin and of country of subjective citizenship. The clear race line is sold to the general population with a flag label of racial integration. A supporting cash bag hinders any further investigation from local investigators: a clear cut war of origins. Who fight for who? 

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301) Groupings

Volume 5: wife grouping

Book Abstract:

To give competitive advantage to a low value Ws in competition with a high value Bs, the male W will propose a W wife to the high value B.  The male W blocked all competitive advantage of the high value B, in violation of country laws. The high value won’t get his right restored until he accepts the W wife, Part A of the trick is unveiled.

So what’s about the part B. Part B is exactly the reverse of part A. The female W barred the high value B from getting the W wife proposed by the W male, but the rights of the high value B will stay blocked based on W wife proposal by the W male. The trick here is to block the rights of high value Bs, to give a competitive advantage to low value Ws, using the W wife scenario as alibi to violate country laws, and block the right of high value Bs.

Now let’s look at part C, part C will deliver the high value Bs to low value female Bs in W uniform, who are the best friends of a Bc assassins. The low value Bs will propose either sex or food, or both for a cash bag  donated to put the W uniform of the low value Bs. If the high value B accept the low value female Bs with W uniform , then high value Bs will now be coated with W uniforms. That’s not the all story.

Now let’s look at part D.  The female W that was proposed by a male W and used as alibi to block the rights of high value Bs, in violation of country laws, will be donated to a low value B male.  The low value B males had another wives. With many low value Bs being donated many low value wives both low value female Bs and low value Females Ws, low value B males are having many low value children supported by cash bags.

Now let’s put all together, what ‘s the balance of the wife equations, high value Bs are not permitted to have children, low value Bs are encouraged to have many low value children to propagate the low value criteria in the B population. The rights of high value Bs are blocked, in violation country laws using female Ws as alibi, to give a competitive advantage to low value Ws. It doesn’t matter what the reasons anyone formulates in formulating their wife equations, what matters is the result, the outcomes. The outcomes are clear cut, sex and food games are designed against Bs to favour low value Ws. The success of the program heavily depend on necessary contribution of cash lover Bs, the Bc, at all level of society. A set of negative selection scenarios; the worst you are, the better your chance of survival. Good attitudes are counter selective.  Who is who in the sex and food game?

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301) Groupings

Volume 6: Uniform grouping

Book Abstract:

The uniform grouping is designed to achieve exactly the same objectives as the value grouping, the number grouping, and the wife grouping. That’s to place a high value B under the authority of low value Ws. Like the wife grouping, the uniform grouping arbitrary striped high value Bs of rights they would otherwise be entitled to. Striping of rights of high value Bs give a competitive advantage to low values Ws: to place high value Bs under the authority of low value Ws. A pure race equation that aims to condemn one race to inferior status and another race to superior status, irrespective of their merit. This race equation theory is further supported by the fact all involved in the design of the race equation belong to the same race, irrespective of their citizenship. The pink uniform rights logo bar will always, somehow, be placed on any B who will move to higher value.  The pink uniform is an invention of the fantaisies of Ws to bar rights on high values Bs, even where on objective legal grounds, the rights cannot be altered. The pink uniform groupings confer a competitive advantage to low value Ws over high value Bs. Bs should b uniform, and Ws should wear w uniform. The trick here is to place negative w uniform on positive Bs, in exchange of a cash bag. A small cash bag for a big dilution of good value in the B population. In a new high communication tech and globalizing world, the uniform trick has failed’ new context, old klans.  How does the uniform trick operate?  

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301) Groupings

Volume 7: Timing grouping

Book Abstract:

Time grouping is designed to achieve the same objective as the value grouping the number grouping, the wife grouping or the uniform grouping. Rights of high values Bs are arbitrary blocked, on grounds to associate to a group, male or female W groups, on a false grounds of improving race relations. The high values won’t know of the existence or the where about of the W groups, until the high value Bs posed in time an act exclusion from the group. After the high value posed the excluding act, the Ws will appear. Because the high value Bs commit the act of exclusion some time in time, te high value Bs can no longer join the Ws group, but the bars of rifgts of the high value Bs are maintained. A compensation solution for rights violations is placed in the W group.The high values Bs cannot longer have their rights enforced anytime, and cannot no longer join the W group for committing the act of exclusion.  The timing trick is designed to strip high value Bs of rights they are objectively entitled to, to confer a competitive advantage to low value Ws over high values Bs. The low value Ws that now hold any alternative solution to violation of the rights of the high value Bs, will make alliances with low values Bcs, to further attack the interests of the hugh value Bs.

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301) Groupings

Volume 9: Exclusion grouping

Book Abstract:

Exclusion of Bcs associated with bandits, vandalism, and apprentice terrorists, organized into little cash bag mafias.  Zero association with Bcs. They demonstrated a lack of ideals and principles. They go for any cash bag. A single Bc body can be W today for one cash bag: B tomorrow for another cash bag, the net day chin for another cash bag; the following day the same Bc becomes jpn for another cash bag. Established association with petty crimes and thefts make them eligible for exclusion for life time. How do they operate?     

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301) Groupings

Volume 10: Victory  V-grouping

Book Abstract:



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Volume L: Lessons from the grouping scenarios

Book Abstract:

In all those different scenarios but same contexts, the result is always the same: rights of high values Bs are arbitrary violated using a false flag of good purpose. The violation of objective rights of high value Bs to confer a competitive advantage to low value Ws over high values Bs. The now low values that acquired a competitive advantage without merit, will make alliances with low value Bcs to further attack the interests of the high value Bs. All those scenarios are controlled at higher levels by Ws of different citizenships but of all the same race. The redundancy of resukts, always against the high value Bs in favour of low value Ws, suggest that the scenarios and the results are not random,but well orchestrated to put always produce the same outcome. Evidences to definitively exclude randomness support a human controlled pre set outcomes.  A clear cut cross border attack on high values Bs, by Ws. A race war of race and origins fought in a misleading manner to be perceived as a race relation improvement efforts.   Discriminating between expressed intentions and concealed intentions would require high analytical capabilities. Redundancy in outcome will clearly tell the real story behind the secret war of secret groups. The requirements high IQ for perform complex analysis to discriminate between friendly and unfriendly with a friend uniform, may explain the preferences for low educated to illiterates allies. There is no way  low educated to illiterates can make the required complex analysis. They just go for what they see around or what they are told, most importantly with the help of poverty for cash bags. Cash bags that may be deliberately set to trap them into fighting against their own interests. the trciks are complex enough to fool poor low educated to illiterates. not the three victorious that work on daily basis around more sophisticated concepts.







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