Since the turning to the new millennium in 2000, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) have become the world’s reference standards to approaching development issues in the resource-poor settings. Even where there are some differences in the implementation approaches of the UN MDG and the US MCC, the scientific concepts underlying the two development projects are basically the same. MCC relied heavily on self-directed promotion of private property to achieve its objectives, while MDG relied heavily on government directed promotion of private property. The scientific concepts to approaching development of the resource-poor settings in the two projects may roughly be broken down into three levels: 1) individual-centered level, 2) community-centered level, and 3) country-centered level. Relying on principles established in the MDG and the MCC projects, Aboubakar YARI and Venus YARI founded the Biotech tropicana, Inc GROUP, its mission is to contribute to sustainable development of the resource-poor communities by providing them with the necessary technological tools they need to achieve their development goals. Biotech tropicana, Inc is getting ready to unfold the second file of its development plan. Here we tell the story of Biotech tropicana, Inc execution of its first development plan. In 10 years, Biotech tropicana, Inc invested one hundred Thousands USD financial capital, to build up a human capital that produces a 10 Millions USD net worth wealth. The One Hundred Thousands USD breakdown into Ninety Five Thousands USD for activities in the United States of America, and Five Thousands USD for activities of Biotech tropicana, IncEXPLORER in Benin. The Ninety Five Thousands for activities in the USA breakdown into Ninety Two Thousands from the founder Aboubakar YARI, and Three Thousands USD capital input from the associate founder Venus YARI. The Five Thousands USD for activities in Benin breakdown into Four Thousands and Five Hundreds USD or 90% direct capital input from the founder Aboubakar YARI, and Five Hundred or 10% capital input from the founder’s family in Benin, that is 10% of 5%, or 0.5% of Biotech tropicana corporation total capital input., .
Keywords: Global Development; UN MDG; US MCC; Resource-Poor Settings; Alternative Technologies; Green Business; Biotech Company; Capital Input
According to Wikipedia encyclopedia, Sustainability, in a broad sense, is the capacity to endure. Sustainability is studied and managed over many scales (levels or frames of reference) of time and space and in many contexts of environmental, social and economic organization. The focus ranges from the total carrying capacity (sustainability) of planet Earth to the sustainability of economic sectors, ecosystems, countries, municipalities, neighbourhoods, home gardens, individual lives, individual goods and services, occupations, lifestyles, behaviour patterns and so on. In short, it can entail the full compass of biological and human activity or any part of it. By establishing quantitative measures for sustainability it becomes possible to set goals, apply management strategies, and measure progress. The Natural Step (TNS) framework developed by Karl-Henrik Robèrt examines sustainability and resource use from its thermodynamic foundations to determine how humans use and apportion natural capital in a way that is sustainable and just. The TNS framework's system conditions of sustainability provide a means for the scientifically based measurement of sustainability. Natural capital includes resources from the earth's crust (i.e., minerals, oil), those produced by humans (synthetic substances), and those of the biosphere. Equitable access to natural capital is also a component of sustainability. The energy generated in use of resources—referred to as exergy.—can be measured as the embodied energy of a product or service over its life cycle. Its analysis, using methods such as Life Cycle Analysis or Ecological Footprint analysis provide basic indicators of sustainability on various scales. There is now a vast number of sustainability indicators, metrics, benchmarks, indices, reporting procedures, audits and more. They include environmental, social and economic measures separately or together over many scales and contexts. Environmental factors are integrated with economics through ecological economics, resource economics and thermoeconomics, and social factors through metrics like the Happy Planet Index which measures the well-being of people in the nations of the world while taking into account their environmental impact. [1]
Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for future generations. The term was used by the Brundtland Commission which coined what has become the most often-quoted definition of sustainable development as development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development ties together concern for the carrying capacity of natural systems with the social challenges facing humanity. As early as the 1970s "sustainability" was employed to describe an economy "in equilibrium with basic ecological support systems." Ecologists have pointed to the Limits to Growth, and presented the alternative of a "steady state economy” in order to address environmental concerns. The field of sustainable development can be conceptually broken into three constituent parts: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and sociopolitical sustainability. The concept has included notions of weak sustainability, strong sustainability and deep ecology. Sustainable development does not focus solely on environmental issues. In 1987, the United Nations released the Brundtland Report, which defines sustainable development as 'development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.'The United Nations 2005 World Summit Outcome Document refers to the "interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars" of sustainable development as economic development, social development, and environmental protection. According to Hasna, sustainability is a process which tells of a development of all aspects of human life affecting sustenance. It means resolving the conflict between the various competing goals, and involves the simultaneous pursuit of economic prosperity, environmental quality and social equity famously known as three dimensions (triple bottom line) with the resultant vector being technology, hence it is a continually evolving process; the ‘journey’ (the process of achieving sustainability) is of course vitally important, but only as a means of getting to the destination (the desired future state). However,the ‘destination’ of sustainability is not a fixed place in the normal sense that we understand destination. Instead, it is a set of wishful characteristics of a future system. [2]
"…sustainability is a process which tells of a development of all aspects of human life affecting sustenance. It means resolving the conflict between the various competing goals, and involves the simultaneous pursuit of economic prosperity, environmental quality and social equity famously known as three dimensions (triple bottom line) with the resultant vector being technology…”
Sustainable business, or green business, is enterprise that has no negative impact on the global or local environment, community, society, or economy—a business that strives to meet the triple bottom line. Often, sustainable businesses have progressive environmental and human rights policies. In general, business is described as green if it matches the following four criteria: 1. It incorporates principles of sustainability into each of its business decisions. 2. It supplies environmentally friendly products or services that replaces demand for nongreen products and/or services. 3. It is greener than traditional competition. 4. It has made an enduring commitment to environmental principles in its business operations. A sustainable business is any organization that participates in environmentally-friendly or green activities to ensure that all processes, products, and manufacturing activities adequately address current environmental concerns while maintaining a profit. In other words, it is a business that "meets the needs of the present world without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.” It is the process of assessing how to design products that will take advantage of the current environmental situation and how well a company’s products perform with renewable resources. The Brundtland Report emphasized that sustainability is a three-legged stool of people, planet, and profit. Sustainable businesses with the supply chain try to balance all three through the triple-bottom-line concept—using sustainable development and sustainable distribution to impact the environment, business growth, and the society. Everyone affects the sustainability of the marketplace and the planet in some way. Sustainable development within a business can create value for customers, investors, and the environment. A sustainable business must meet customer needs while, at the same time, treating the environment well. [3]
"...Often, sustainable businesses have progressive environmental and human rights policies...”
The scale concept is well illustrated in both the UN MDG and the US MCC. The scientific concepts to approaching development of the resource-poor settings in the two projects may roughly be broken down into three levels: 1) individual-centered level, 2) community-centered level, and 3) country-centered level.
At the first individual centered level both MDG and MCC emphasizes the valorization of human capital, particularly human education. The UN MDG specifically addresses the education question at target 3 " ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling”, and at target 4 " eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than 2015” . [4] The US MCC did not address the education question. A fact that is inherent to the design principles of the US MCC. The Partnership and country ownership principles of the US MCC required recipients countries to propose their own development
challenges to the US MCC, for assistance. Furthermore, the education question was traditionally covered by various programs of the United States International development Agency (USAID). [5]
At the second Community development level, MDG emphasized the role of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in resource-poor communities, and some consideration for the importance of private businesses. (targets10; 11; 16) [4] US MCC relied heavily on private businesses to achieve its development objectives in the resource-poor communities. [6]
At the third country level, MDG emphasizes the needs for regional integrations and a global partnership for development of the resource-poor countries. (targets 9; 12, 13; 18) [4]. US MCC emphasizes the needs for "good governance” and zero tolerance on corruption. [6]
Below we discuss ten (10) years of activity in the development process of Biotech tropicana, Inc that relied heavily on the principles established in the UN MDG and the US MCC.
In ten (10) years, the Biotech tropicana, Inc SMARTalternativeTECHS have evolved from concept to structure, from "old way” to new way” to approaching developing questions, and from investment to wealth. In ten (10) years, from the beginning of year 2000 to the end of year2009, Biotech tropicana, Inc invested on average ten (10) thousands (10.000) US dollars per year to develop human capital, the primary capital at Biotech tropicana, Inc, to carefully harness and apply development principles applicable to the resource poor settings, in conceiving two dozens of components and system technologies estimated at a net worth of ten (10) Millions (10.000.000) US dollars in the United States technology market.
Principles established in the scientific framework of the United Nations Millennium Development Project (MDP) initiated from the political framework established in the United Nations Millennium Declaration (MD), and summarized as eight (8) United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG), and principles established in the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), thought us the wisdom that with discipline, hard work, and compassion, one may develop a sustainable (green) business to create wealth while producing measurable impact on poverty reduction in the resource-poor settings. We the founders, Aboubakar YARI and Venus YARI, learned to harness the necessary skills to successfully founding and developing a sustainable (green) business from two major sources: a) formal education in educational centers and, b) informal education through volunteering on various community development oriented programs. We received and applied these skills at the major three levels (scales) characteristic of sustainable (green) businesses as discussed above, 1) individual-centered level, 2) community-centered level, and 3) country-centered level. Key principles learned and applied in the development of Biotech tropicana, Inc and the "result oriented alternative technology concept” include but not limited to the importance of planning and careful management, the power of incentives over regulations in doing business with poor recipients, the power of discipline and rules of law in inter institution collaborations and country level regional collaborations. We also learned how to approach challenges specific to the resource poor countries, such as strategies to protect intellectual property as related to technology development, strategies to apply new approaches to global development as proposed in the "new way” SMARTaid packages and at the same time avoid or at best minimize collisions with partisans of the "old way” so as to focus on results over empty politics.
The fight against poverty is not only an expression of compassion and pursuit of profitable business, but also a confirmation of the principles of inheritance and adaptation characteristic of the adventurous spirit of mankind that makes us fundamentally different from all other living species on planet earth. An adventure with raises and falls but guided by intelligence acquired and applied to develop greater intelligence in a cyclic manner. A cycle that feeds on itself, since our ancestors stepped down from the trees five (5) millions years ago, to walk upright and started that adventure that leads us from Africa to out of Africa, from earth to space, from space to the moon, from the moon to the human’s home in space, the space station, from the space station to human made robotic explorers of MARS, a preparative step toward the inevitable human colonization of Mars. From Mars our adventurous spirit will take us further, beyond our solar system to other galaxies to face and overcome greater challenges, a competition for survival against extra terrestrial intelligence, the aliens.
At the first individual centered level, education was the primary focus of the founders of Biotech tropicana,Inc, Aboubakar YARI and Venus YARI. The skills and experiences acquired at individual centered level 1 are central in Biotech tropicana, Inc development at all levels. Acquisitions of these skills consumed a substantial proportion of capital investments at Biotech tropicana,Inc. However, Biotech tropicana, Inc owned most of its achievements to these acquired skills and knowledge. The story of Biotech tropicana, Inc first 10 years activities may therefore be summarized in a single equation. "Biotech tropicana,Inc invested its wealth to acquire knowledge. Biotech tropicana, Inc re-invested the acquired knowledge to produce more wealth”. As explained in greater details below, between years 2000 and 2009, the founders invested 100 Thousands USD ($ 100.000 USD) in the development of Biotech tropicana, Inc. Today Biotech tropicana, Inc has a net worth of 10 Millions USD ($ 10.000.000 USD). A two (2) scales increase in wealth in ten (10) years that is 10 power 2.
To build up human capital, Biotech tropicana, Inc relied on both formal and informal educations. The founder acquired formal education through attendance of high school in Benin (West Africa), College in Czech Republic (Europe) and graduate school in the United Stated of America. Education in both formal and informal ways, in the United States of America, consumed most the capital investments. Biotech tropicana, Inc is an auto founded and auto funded company, that is a company founded with no third party capital input. A company founded from grass root, and from ground zero, and with cleaned capital. An image, Biotech Tropicana, Inc strives to maintain. The founder accumulated the capital invested working for 7 years earning on average $ 20.000 USD per year, and applying the SMARTways of living to save half for education (US tax return exhibit; available at
http://bitechtropicana.ucoz.com/photo ). During the first decade, the founder received three (3) $1000 USD in the aggregate of $ 3000 USD from the United States federal government as tax rebate on behalf of the associate founder Venus YARI. The $ 3000 USD received from the United States federal government, on behalf of Venus YARI were rightfully credited to her and represent Venus YARI’s net capital input applied toward development of Biotech tropicana, Inc. This makes the associate founder Venus YARI, the second contributor in both capital and services, in the development of Biotech tropicana, Inc. A potential third founder, Myra YARI showed no interest to Biotech tropicana, Inc and was removed from the list of the founders at the early stages of development. However, in general Myra YARI’s management skills and guidance in acquiring and applying the American SMARTway of doing business had a measurable positive impact in the development and success of Biotech tropicana, Inc, justifying her rightful place in the Biotech tropicana, Inc GROUP.
At the second community level, informal education through volunteering in various community development oriented organizations substantially increases Biotech tropicana, Inc human capital with respect to development and management of community oriented projects. The founder acquired awareness on the importance of "systematic” organization and planning through an unfortunate exposure to Mycobaterium tuberculosis, a pathogenic bacterium, at the New Orleans Mission, in Louisiana, USA. The bacterium is prevalent in resource-poor communities of the developing world. The prevalence of the bacterium is low to inexistent in the developed world settings. However, spots of high prevalence exist in the resource-poor communities in the developed world settings. The founder was exposed to Mycobacterium tuberculosis working as a computer registrar in a homeless shelter at New Orleans Mission. The medical team could definitively confirm that the founder was exposed at the mission based on three precedent negative TB tests. The founder passed two negative precedent obligatory TB tests for qualification for participation in two summer camp programs, in New York. The founder also passed a first negative test upon admission at the mission. After three months at the mission, the founder failed the second positive TB test, confirming exposure at the mission. The mission TB exposure hypothesis was also supported by two additional facts, a) homeless communities in the developed world settings are high prevalence TB spots, b) the founder position as registrar also increased the probability of exposure to TB compared to other volunteer positions. As a registrar at the main gate of the shelter, any homeless must talk with the registrar to get registered before getting into the shelter. Registration also involved material exchange, for the registrar must touch the ID card of any entrance candidate for registration purpose. This TB experience is unfortunate. However, the TB experience turned to be the best opportunity for the founder to become a successful business provider to the resource-poor communities, by helping to develop the core Biotech tropicana, Inc management strategy. The TB experience introduced the founder to the central notion of "PLANNING” and "INCENTIVES” over "REGULATIONS” in doing business with poor recipients.
"Planning” in TB monitoring by the United States Public Health Officials restricted the spread of the bacterium to defined spots. After a step of identification of the spots of high prevalence of the bacterium, cyclic three months free testing are performed in these spots, thereby increasing the probability of detecting the bacterium. In case of positive test, a six months preventive free treatment is administered to prevent the development of the disease, tuberculosis caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The founder took advantage of the treatment program. Interestingly, many homeless people diagnosed "positive” for TB declined the free treatment. The pastor at the mission explained "those people don’t have much. Many of them were decent citizens who, for some life circumstance loose everything. All they have left is their freedom to handle their business their way. To get them accept help to help themselves, my experience tells me to avoid interfering with their freedom by submitting them to rigorous regulated routines such as a six months TB treatment program. Our record confirmed that "incentives” produced high impact results over "regulations”. At the end of evening prayers that everyday preceded dinner, the pastor proposed his plan. A pack of a dozen hot doughnuts provided to the mission by Kryspy Kreme doughnuts, a private business, every night after dinner, to any homeless who will accept supervision of pills taking as prescribed by the medical doctor. The pastor had to supervise long lines of free will candidates. The "planning” and "incentives” concepts successfully applied by the pastor and the United States Public Health officials, at the second community level to help the poor aid recipients of the developed world settings, help themselves prevent development of tuberculosis, were later successfully applied by the BUSH administration "new way”, at the third country level to help the poor aid recipients of the developing world settings, help themselves overcome extreme poverty. Previous aid donor regulated "old way” approaches failed to produce long term and high impact results on the ground. The key "planning” and "incentives” concepts are central to the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (US MCC) poverty reduction strategy in the developing world settings. The two concepts are two of the basic implementation differences between the United UN MDG and the US MCC. UN MDG relied heavily on government directed implementation strategies, through enforcement of established regulations. Regulations are central to the UN MDG at all three levels of the organizational scheme , that are the first political level coordinated by the United Nations Secretary General, the second scientific level coordinated by the United Nations scientific task forces, and the third implementation level coordinated by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Most projects at Biotech tropicana, Inc are currently at the second level.
The "incentive” approach was proven to be more successful not only at the community level, but also at the wider country level development strategies for the resource-poor countries. The TB experience and its resolution approach help shape Biotech tropicana, Inc SMARTmirrorRULES package, the guiding management principles at Biotech tropicana, Inc. Each "hard”rule established at Biotech tropicana, Inc has its mirror "soft” image rule. Biotech tropicana, Inc can be very "hard” in applying laws and regulations at institutional level, but very "soft” at implementation level when doing business with poor recipients, in the resource-poor communities.
Good governance has is another important factor that contributes to success of the Biotech tropicana, Inc. We get awareness on the importance good governance, through projects like the Bill Clinton foundation CHAI. CHAI applied the "incentive” concept to promote self-sustainability in the resource-poor settings. With incentives in the form of increase sales and profit the CHAI program convinced drug developers in the developed world to willfully reduce per unit cost of anti-hiv drugs, to promote accessibility of these drugs to the developing world. With reduce cost the, CHAI program convinced government in the developing to willfully revise their governance practices and adopted more disciplined approaches to payment for anti-hiv drug, a win –win situation for all parties. With increased accessibility of anti-hiv drug developing governments produced more results, to convince more SMARTaid partisans that the resource-poor settings deserve more aid money. More aid money when coupled with improved governance set the path toward self-sustainability in the resource-poor settings. The CHAI approach helps shape Biotech tropicana, Inc "green business” strategy, reduce per unit product cost while increasing profit for all parties, and set the path toward self-sustainability consistent with recommendations in the "new way” assistance packages of the BUSH administration MCC.
"Small and medium-size enterprises need to play leading roles in the development of new opportunities and the use of technology. To help them do so, governments can support regional and national road shows, technology days, trade shows, advertising, workshops, and online discussions. Policymakers need to develop, apply, and emphasize the important role of engineering, technology, and small enterprise development in poverty reduction and sustainable social and economic development. They need to support business and technology incubators, export processing zones, and production networks”.
UN Task Force On Innovation, Science, and Technology. Available at http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/documents/Science-complete.pdf . at page 5. Accessed September 13, 2009.
Challenges faced by Biotech tropicana, Inc through EXPLORER activities in the resource-poor settings, include data protection from potentials pirates and resistance that can be sometimes very tough to aggressive from partisans of the "old way” approach. Awareness acquired through informal learning help overcome these challenges, and in some cases transform the "problems” into source of wealth by developing additional project to address these "problems”, as is the case with regard to Biotech tropicana, Inc intellectual property project for the resource-poor settings.
We acquired awareness on potential intellectual property challenges from experience of international development practioners like the Canadian International Research Centre intellectual property project for the developing world. [7] Based on our analysis, these "problems” arose from two main factors, ignorance and or greed. For example, we classified as ignorance some intellectual property challenges that may arise as the result of wrong definition of new technology. Technology development at Biotech tropicana, Inc is two dimensional, adaptation of existing technologies to the needs of the resource-poor settings, and development of new technology adapted to the needs of the resource-poor settings. We received concerns on intellectual property ownership of some of our adapted system. An analysis of these concerns clearly established that they are the results of ignorance. Here, Biotech tropicana, Inc is guided by the definition of new technology as established by the United Nations task force on innovation science and technology for the developing world. The task force stated in part "This report defines "new technologies” in two ways. First, new technologies include applications in new areas, irrespective of whether the technologies have been used in other parts of the world. Second, the concept of "new technologies” is used to denote the use of emerging technologies, including information and communications technologies (ICTs), biotechnology, nanotechnology, and new materials. "New Technology” development guidelines at Biotech tropicana, Inc are consistent with these definitions. We adapte technologies to permit new applications in the resource-poor context. We also develop emerging technologies, particularly biotechnologies for the resource-poor settings. in traditional relationships in society. ([8, at page 15].
Greed may sometimes motivate attacks on intellectual property. International protection schemes appear to be ineffective in the resource-poor settings. To protect our inventions from pirates we design our own "adapted” securities strategies by engineering existing international laws and regulations. Three basic regulatory systems routinely applied for protecting intellectual ownership, copyrights, patents, and license. Copyrights are protected by international laws, but copyrights emphasize protection of literarily works over technological inventions. Patents are more suitable for protecting new inventions, but patent is country owned. License provides proprietary ownership of a product and license is enforced under international laws, but license is more effective in protecting products, not new ideas. [9] Patenting ideas in the resource-poor settings appears to be ineffective. A weaknesses that is inherent to the general weakness of these settings. There are stories that ideas submitted for patenting may sometimes disappear from the system. Biotech tropicana, Inc did not experience any disappearance, because we did never submit our ideas for patenting. To protect our intellectual properties, we design a strategy based on a combinatory use of segments of the three systems of copyrights, patent and license. We first publish basic principles with little details underlying a new invention at Biotech tropicana, Inc. Publication in an official journal provides a copyright protection of the published data. To avoid lost of primary data into the hands of the pirates, no hard or soft copy of the data are created before publication. Data are applied directly in the computer of the publishing agency. Upon completion of manuscript preparation, a hard copy showing the publication references is immediately printed and collected by the author. An article with the same publication references will appear the next day in the local daily papers. Copyright does protect our idea from being stolen or copied. However, copyright does not protect from imitation. Protection from imitation requires patenting. Because a clause in valid patenting process requires the patent seeker to do a search that the idea has not been previously published by another party, any false patenting of our published data by another party would be invalid. We limit the possibility of imitation to almost nil, by not publishing, nor creating a hard or soft copy of the development details of a given technology. No one can imitate a system that does not exist, unless there is parallel invention. We reserve publication of some details on a system, after licensing. License protects against imitation or duplication. Experience established that the international intellectual property protection regulations as applied in the developed world, are not equally efficient in the developing world. The United Nations task force on innovation, science, and technology noted that fact and proposed the formulation of developing world specific intellectual property protection regulations. Biotech tropicana, Inc proposed its self developed protection strategy to small technology development oriented businesses in the developing world.
"Protecting intellectual property rights is a critical aspect of technological innovation. But overly protective systems can constrain creativity. Intellectual property protection systems need to be designed to take into account the special needs of developing countries. Provisions in international intellectual property agreements that promote technology cooperation with developing countries need to be identified and implemented.”
UN Task Force On Innovation, Science, and Technology. Available at http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/documents/Science-complete.pdf . at page 7. Accessed September 13, 2009.
Challenges in the form of resistance from partisans of the "old way” must be taken very seriously in technology transfer processes to the developing world. These challenges may vary form tactical disturbances to violent aggressions. It is a risky business. Both the UN MDG and the US MCC anticipated the resistance effect. They still call for action. Biotech tropicana, Inc responded to the call. We choose to do the job. We will do well. We expect to succeed by applying the wise advises of the authority. That are to avoid collisions with partisans of the "old way” as much as possible, while preparing for the inevitable confrontation. We are aware that the "new way” is designed to change traditional ways. These changes will interfere with the interest of those that profit from the "old way”, both in the developed world and in the developing world. They will react. It is a normal. But the "old” way” must die, because it cannot live. The "old way” is just not adapted to the new framework set by the authority at global level. The "old way” lacked all what it needs to survive. Development financing has been re-structured to exclude the partisans of the "old way”. Partisans of the "old way” suffers from intellectual deficiency, to overcome the intellectual barriers imposed by the scientific framework of the "new way”. Partisans of the "old way” must change or die, under the pressure of cultural selection. We expect to succeed with the help of the authority. When we are executing the orders of the authority, then the authority has the moral obligation to protect us, when we are being attacked. Biotech tropicana, Inc is designed to give no room of action for partisans of the "old way” to interfere with its development. There is no way for partisans of the "old way” to interfere with Biotech tropicana, Inc activities, without being in conflict with laws and regulations, unless they choose to disregard laws and regulations. In this case, the rules of the jungle applied. Both the UN MDG and the US MCC clearly anticipated the potential for attacks from partisans of the "old way” in the developing countries and their partisans in the developed world. The task force on innovation, science and technology for the UN MDG states in part: "Developing countries must have the courage to break with traditional approaches and explore the role of science, technology, and innovation in their development strategies. Doing so will demand a degree of intellectual courage that would resonate with the words of the Dutch philosopher Benedict de Spinoza (1632–77): "I do not know how to teach philosophy without being a disturber of established religion.” ([8] , preface, page xiv). For the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation, president George W. BUSH confirmed: "Today, I call for a new compact for global development, defined by new accountability for both rich and poor nations alike.”
"Perceptions about the benefits and risks of technological innovation have become a major aspect of international discussion and dialogue. Managing the risks and responding to public concerns are necessary if science and technology are to be effectively deployed to meet the Goals. New technologies have been credited with creating new industrial opportunities but also with disruptions to the status quo.” UN Task Force On Innovation, Science, and Technology.
Available at http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/documents/Science-complete.pdf . at page 12. Accessed September 13, 2009.
"Developing countries must have the courage to break with traditional approaches and explore the role of science, technology, and innovation in their development strategies. Doing so will demand a degree of intellectual courage that would resonate with the words of the Dutch philosopher Benedict de Spinoza (1632–77): "I do not know how to teach philosophy without being a disturber of established religion.”
UN Task Force On Innovation, Science, and Technology. Available at http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/documents/Science-complete.pdf. at preface page xiv. Accessed September 13, 2009.
For the US MCC president’s BUSH remarks are telling the same story:
"Many of the old models of economic development assistance are outdated…Today, I call for a new compact for global development, defined by new accountability for both rich and poor nations alike.”
George W. BUSH. Available at http://www.helvidius.org/files/2004/2004_Hodari.pdf Accesssed November 28, 2009.
Biotech tropicana, Inc adopted "new ways” and Biotech tropicana, Inc is making "new wealth”. We have a development plan guided by the principles established by the authority. Our plan is working. We are getting projected results even faster than we plan. As long as our plan is producing results, we will not change it. We urge the partisans of the "old way” to abandon resistance to the orders of the authority, to join us in our quest for results and sustainability, in the resource-poor settings. The”new way” is proving itself as the best way to results and poverty alleviation, worldwide. We must keep pace. The UN MDG affirmed:
"The report draws on the experiences of developing countries that dramatically alleviated poverty and grew their economies in past few decades, especially those in the Asia Pacific region. In every case, scientific and technical information was a crucial factor in their success. These countries and economies could and should help other developing countries meet the Goals by sharing their best practices and experiences in the spirit of South-South cooperation. These lessons are not offered as recommendations that can be readily adopted but as sources that can generate new ideas and evidence.”
UN Task Force On Innovation, Science, and Technology. Available at http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/documents/Science-complete.pdf. at preface page xiv. Accessed September 13, 2009.
The same story goes on:
"Developing countries need to acquire global knowledge. The process of technological innovation has become intricately linked to the globalization of the world economic system. The shift from largely domestic activities to more complex international relationships demands a fresh look at policies that seek to integrate science, technology, and innovation into economic strategies.”
UN Task Force On Innovation, Science, and Technology. Available at http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/documents/Science-complete.pdf. at pages 8-9. Accessed September 13, 2009.
To promote changes in policies in support of poverty reduction and promotion of sustainable development, the UN Task Force On Innovation, Science, and Technology, and the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC) proposed the promotion of scientific journalism, in the resource-poor settings. [10] Biotech tropicana, Inc created Biotech tropicana Journal, a reader friendly scientific journal aiming to increase awareness on the importance of technology, particularly alternative technologies, for both policy markers and the general population, in the developing world.
"Expanding open access for scientific publishing Open access publishing has the potential to make all published knowledge available to anyone with an Internet connection. The United Nations has been at the forefront in the drive to establish open access to information and technology.”
UN Task Force On Innovation, Science, and Technology. Available at http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/documents/Science-complete.pdf . at page 8-9. Accessed September 13, 2009.
Biotech tropicana, Inc development story is not only made of success stories, but also falls. The most dramatic being the founder lost of his United States Immigration status as a result of neglect in the form of failure to attend set appointment on time. A small negligence with big consequences, resulting in the founder’ s immigration detention and subsequent removal from the United States. Here the founder experienced in practice a fact characteristic of the United States civilization, the powerful principle of RULE OF LAW. Here again the US civilization demonstrated that it is not only powerful, but also fair and mature. The same principle that penalized the founder for negligence reinstated the founder in his rights upon demonstration of valid excuses. The combination of such powerful values "power, fairness, and maturity” within one institutional body further convinced the founder that the American way is the way.
By late 1990s world leaders started exploring ways to defeat extreme poverty on earth. By year 2000, the political framework for eliminating extreme poverty was established. By year 2005 the scientific framework providing guidance in poverty reduction strategies was established. Indicators for effective measurements of progress were established in both the UN MDG and the US MCC. [11] Biotech tropicana, Inc was closely monitoring evolution in trends in the strategies to fighting poverty, and adjusting its development plan accordingly. Through a careful application of guidelines set by the authority, Biotech tropicana, Inc achieved most, if not all its objectives set for the first ten years of its development plan; a) we design a Biotech tropicana, Inc specific scientific methodology focused on "alternative scientific methods that emphasizes modeling” guided by approaches developed by pioneers such as professor Linus Pauling of the California Institute of Technology, the master of "unconventional result oriented scientific methodology”,b) we develop a political framework for a "global partnership for development” consistent with guidelines under the UN MDG and the US MCC., c) our "small tech, big solution concept” achieved international scientific recognition as illustrated by numerous scientific peer review publications deposited in pubmed central, the world authority in medical publications references, d) we achieve our year 2009 main objective to establish our owned scientific publication journal as illustrated by numerous publication in Biotech tropicana Journal. In ten (10 years), Biotech tropicana, Inc increased its net wealth by 102. The Biotech tropicana, IncEXPLORER unit in Benin Republic received a remarkable support for our alternative technology concept as illustrated by a massive registration of members of Biotech tropicana Association in Benin, a group of "societaires” affiliated to Biotech tropicana, Inc EXPLORER. We appreciate the tremendous support of our family in Benin for the work of Biotech tropicana, IncEXPLORER. Our family contributes up to 10% in the $5000 USD capital of Biotech tropicana, IncEXPLORER. $5000 USD is 5% of the total 100.000 USD capital input of Biotech tropicana Corporation. The 10% contribution of our family in Africa, therefore represents 10% of 5% that is 0.5% of the total capital input for Biotech tropicana Corporation. However, considering that Benin Republic is a very poor country, the 0.5% percent contribution is a remarkable effort. The founders Aboubakar YARI and Venus YARI have decided to double the value of the contribution of their family in Benin to 1%, for the second development phase, as an incentive to promote private business development concept in Benin.
Having successfully completed our phase_1, 10 years plan, we are now ready to move to phase_2, 10 years plans with the main objectives being to incorporate Biotech tropicana Corporation in the United States in the year 2010, incorporate Biotech tropicana, IncFACILITATOR in the United States by 2012, and establish a physical presence of Biotech tropicana, Inc on all continents on earth by 2015. We project a growth in net worth of another two scales by 2020 from 10 power 2 to 10 power 4.
Based our experience working in Africa in the frameworks of the UN MDG and the US MCC, and based on our opinion, the lower performance of Sub Saharan Africa compared to other part of the world resulted mainly from the lack of discipline. Sub Saharan Africans are attempting to modify the principles established in the UN MDG and the US MCC. These principles derived from analysis of multiple factors at multiple dimensions. Modification of a single factor will produce a casual effect of a cascade of modifications of all other dependent factors, necessitating the re-analysis of all principles in light of the new conditions affecting all factors at all levels. Such a complex analysis will require a high level expertise that is scarce to inexistent in the resource-poor settings. This led to Sub Saharan African being confused and trapped into a circle of poverty that caused them to become even poorer. Our approach at Biotech tropicana, Inc is NOT to modify these principles, but to interpret and apply them in light of specific resource-poor settings development context, on case by case basis. The Scientific task forces did most of the required analysis for the developing world. To avoid "common mistakes”, our advise is simple "don’t think, just respect and apply, and you are out of trouble, and ready to move from the "old way” to the "new way” and from the "new way” to "new wealth”. There is no way from "old way” to "new wealth”.
"The Goals for hunger and disease are part of human capital. The Goals for water and sanitation and slum dwellers are part of infrastructure. The Goal for environmental sustainability is part of natural capital. The first Goal for income poverty is part of economic growth. And because meeting the Goals for hunger, education, gender equality, environment, and health is vital for overall economic growth and development, it is a mistake to talk simply about the rate of economic growth needed to achieve the Goals in a country”
United Nations Task forces, Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Available at http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/reports/index.htm. at page 4. Accessed December 23, 2009.
The Development of Biotech tropicana, Inc is intricately linked to developments of the United Nations millennium Development Goals ‘(MDG) and the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). Abiding by the guidelines set forth, in the UN MDG and the US MCC, at Biotech tropicana, Inc, we demonstrate that with discipline and hard work, one may develop Millions of dollars worth, science and technology oriented business, from ground zero. In light of indications toward future developments of the UN MDG and the US MCC, there are good indications that we may further expand our business beyond two continents (America and Africa) to all continents, on planet earth. Our work in Africa, through Biotech tropicana, IncEXPLORER suggests that discipline more than hard word is needed to improve the performance of resource-poor communities in Sub Saharan Africa, compared to other parts of the world.
[1] Wikipedia, Sustainability. Availbale at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainability . Accessed December 27, 2009
[2] Wikipedia, Sustainaible Development. Availbale at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_development . Accessed December 27, 2009
[3] Wikipedia, Sustainaible Business. Availbale at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_business . Accessed December 27, 2009
[4] United Nations Task forces, Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Available at http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/reports/index.htm. at page 4. Accessed December 23, 2009.
[5] USAID,. Availbale at http://www.usaid.gov/bj/menu-education.html. Accessed December 27, 2009
[8] UN Task Force On Innovation, Science, and Technology. Available at http://www.unmillenniumproject.org/documents/Science-complete.pdf . at . Accessed September 13, 2009.
[9] Intellectual Property in the Resource-poor Settings. Available at http://www.ipmenu.com/country/srilanka.htm. Accessed January 02, 2010
[11] Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI. Available at http://btropicanaforum.ucoz.com/publ/biotech_tropicana_journal_article_5/1-1-0-2 Accessed January 02