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Biotech tropicana Journal, article 5
Biotech tropicana Journal                              Short Communication

SMARTuniMDsystem: A United Nations MDG and United States MCC Guided Super Platform Universal Infectious Disease Monitoring System For The Resource-poor Settings.
                                                                 Aboubakar YARI1*; and Venus YARI 1.
                                                                 Biotech tropicana, Inc, Parakou, Benin
*Corresponding Author: Aboubakar YARI, Bioteh tropicana, Inc, 02 Po Box 1038, Parakou, Benin Republic, e-mail:

Aboubakar YARI and Venus YARI, SMARTuniMDsystem: A United Nations MDG and United States MCC Guided Super Platform Universal Infectious Disease Monitoring System For The Resource-poor Settings. Biotech tropicana Journal. (2009), 1(1):1x_xx

Keywords: Medical Diagnostics; Resource-poor Settings; Alternative technologies; Cost and Complexity

Published Online December 13, 2009.

Abstract :
The task force for innovation, science and technology, under the United Nations Millennium Development Project recommended platform technologies in support of global development , in the resource-poor settings. Biotech tropicana, Inc applied the platform concept to develop SMARThivPack, an HIV patient monitoring system for the resource-poor settings.
In 2004, the United States Congress revised its global assistance approach to favor high impact results on the ground over politics, the United States "new way” SMARTaid, and president George W. BUSH established the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation, its mandate is to enforce the United States Congress SMARTaid approach. To achieve high impact result on the ground. Biotech tropicana, Inc designed its SMARThivPack platform, with flexibility to create grounds for learning and long term self sustainability, for the resource-poor communities.
Here we describe a super platform system that extends SMARThivPack, from the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, to practically any infectious disease condition, a SMART universal Medical infectious disease Diagnostic system: SMARTuniMDsystem.
Keywords: Medical Diagnostics; Resource-poor Settings; Alternative technologies; Cost and Complexity
On 17 December 1998, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 53/202 by which it decided to convene the Millennium Summit as an integral part of the Millennium Assembly of the United Nations. [1]
On 15 March 2000, the General Assembly adopted resolution 54/254 by which it decided that the Summit will be held from 6 to 8 September 2000 under the overall "The Role of the United Nations in the twenty-first century". [1]
On 6 September 2000, the General Assembly proposed the Millennium Declaration which was adopted by 189 nations and signed by 147 head of states and governments. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight goals to be achieved by 2015 that respond to the world's main development challenges. The eight MDGs break down into 21 quantifiable targets that are measured by 60 indicators. [2]
In 2002 the United Nations Secretary-General commissioned the Millennium Project to develop a concrete action plan for the world to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and to reverse the grinding poverty, hunger and disease affecting billions of people. [3]
In 2005, the independent advisory body headed by Professor Jeffrey Sachs, of Columbia University, New York , USA, presented its final recommendations to the Secretary-General in a synthesis volume "Investing in Development: A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals”. [3] The Millennium Project was carried out by 10 thematic task forces, each of which presented its own detailed recommendations in January 2005. The task forces are comprised of a total of more than 250 experts from around the world including: researchers and scientists; policymakers; representatives of NGOs, UN agencies, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the private sector. After the presentation of the Millennium Project's final reports, the secretariat team worked in an advisory capacity through to the end of 2006 to support the implementation of the project's recommendations, with special focus on supporting developing countries' preparation of national development strategies aligned with achieving the Millennium Development Goals. [3]
In March 2002, at the Inter-American Development Bank, President George W. BUSH called for a new compact for development with accountability for both rich and poor countries. The Bush administration announced a new approach to development called the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA). The US press lauded the president as "an audacious attempt by the Bush administration to rewrite the rules of foreign development assistance”. [4]
Early in 2004, a bipartisan US Congress passed a law designed to boost a new approach in donor aid, the US MCC SMARTaid. [5] In January 2004, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) was established. The first CEO was Paul Applegarth, a private businessman with experience managing emerging market investment funds. Applegarth was followed by Ambassador John Danilovich, a private businessman who had previously served as the U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica from 2001 to 2004, and then U.S. Ambassador to Brazil. On November 20, 2009. Daniel W. Yohannes, an Ethiopian-born American businessman, was confirmed by the Senate as the newest CEO of the Corporation. [6]
 "Policy driven by the effective measurement of results has real impact on people”.
David Nummy, International Consortium on Government Financial Management.
Available at . Accessed December 02, 2009.
On 25–27 June 2001, Heads of State and Representatives of Governments met at the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) dedicated to HIV/AIDS. The meeting was a historic landmark, highlighting the fact that, in only 20 years, the HIV/AIDS pandemic has caused untold suffering and death worldwide, destroying entire communities, undoing development gains, and posing a serious threat to whole continents, as is currently the case for Africa. But UNGASS also served to remind the world that there is hope. We now know that, with sufficient will and resources, communities and countries can turn this epidemic around. However, the situation is urgent. As the slogan of the meeting indicated, it is a ‘global crisis’ requiring ‘global action. [7]
By January 2005, the United Nations HIV/AIDS task force set the scientific guidelines to fighting HIV/AIDS in the developing world. [8] That same year, the United Nations task force on innovation, science and technology set the scientific guidelines to applying technologies, as a support to sustainable development of the resource-poor settings. The task force recommendations emphasize the needs for platform technologies, the needs for uniform international standards in technology development and implementation, for the resource-poor settings, and the needs for the developing world to mobilize the energies of the engineering profession and young professionals. [9]
Successful development of infrastructure services to meet the Goals requires mobilizing the energies of the engineering profession. UN Task Force On Innovation, Science, and Technology.
Available at at page 85. Accessed September 13, 2009.
Guided by the United Nations and the United States Congress guidelines outlined above, Biotech tropicana, Inc proposed SMARThivPack for monitoring HIV patients, in the resource-poor settings. [10] SMARThivPack established the proof of concept of feasibility of the recommendations set forth in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, and the United States Congress SMARTaid package, as applied to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Therefore, Biotech tropicana, Inc is ready to expand its SMARTalternativeTECHS concept to practically any infectious disease conditions. We propose a universal infectious disease Medical Diagnostic system for the developing world: SMARTuniMDsystem.
SMARTuniMDsystem is an expansion of the Biotech tropicana, Inc SMARThivTECHS. [10; 11] The Biotech tropicana,Inc SMARThivTechs are built around two basic principles, DNA engineering principles, and protein engineering principles, that represent the core engineering principles demonstrated in the Biotech tropicana, Inc SMARThivPack. SMARTuniMDsystem expands the SMARThivDRmos component to a sub platform for incorporation in our SMARThivPack platform to produce a super platform designed to monitor any infectious disease in the resource-poor settings.
To achieve universal infectious disease monitoring in the resource-poor settings with our SMARTuniMDsystem super platform, we bring two major advancements to the SMARThivPack platform, 1) expansion of the SMARThivDRmos framework to a DRmos sub platform to create a universal signature sequence design framework, and 2) incorporation of the DRmos subplatform into the SMARThivPack platform to attain adaptability in the resource-poor settings.
Expansion to diagnosis of an unlimited number of infectious disease is achieved through expansion of the SMARThivDRmos framework to create the DRmos sub platform, [figure 1, Drmos sub platform. Available at ]. The system expands the Biotech tropicana, Inc SMARThivDRmos component to a sub platform (DRmos sub platform), using DNA and protein engineering principles. SMARThivDRmos is designed to import HIV "sequences” from HIV sequence databases, and isolate HIV specific disease condition subsequences called "signature sequences”. A diagnostic sequence called a probe is designed from the signature sequence, for establishing an HIV disease condition.
With later advances in the science of nucleic acid sequencing, the genomes of infectious agents are being sequenced and deposited in sequence databases for various applications, giving birth to the science of genomics. [12;13] Using the translation principles from DNA language to protein language established in the universal genetic code [14;15], genetic information stored in the genomes of infectious agents are being translated into protein language, giving birth to the science of proteomics. [16;17] Therefore, in principle using established infectious disease agent genome sequence databases, the SMARThivDRmos component of the Biotech tropicana, Inc SMARThivPack, may be expanded to a sub platform by adding infectious agent specific modules in the same manner, we create and add the HIV specific module in SMARThivDRmos to the ProbeMarker framework. The DRmos sub platform is designed to import infectious agent specific DNA sequences from genomic databases, through specific modules built for each infectious agent. [figure 1, mod_AN]. The DRmos sub platform processed the imported DNA sequence to produce infectious agent specific signature sequence [figure 1, naSQ] for probe design. The probe is used as DNA for diagnosis of the infectious agent using PCR technology [figure 1, PCR] or using a DNA-based rapid test [figure 1, RT]. Applying the universal genetic code, the information in the signature sequence may be translated to protein for diagnosis of the infectious agent, using ELISA technology [figure 1, ELISA] or a protein-based rapid test [figure 1, RT]. Where appropriate, a signal amplification component is added to the system to improve test result output [figure 1, SAC].
 We achieve adaptability to the resource-poor settings by incorporationg the DRmos sub platform, in to the SMARThivPack platform to create the SMARTuniMDsystem super platform. SMARThivPack demonstrated adaptability to the resource-poor settings through cost and complexity reductions, while improving test quality. To achieve adaptability to the resource-poor settings, SMARThivPack platform carried three components adapted to the resource-poor settings: SMARThivCD4mos, SMARThivVLmos, and SMARThivDRmos. [10]
The SMARThivCD4mos component of the SMARThivPack platform is a product of protein engineering that applied principles of protein-protein interactions to isolate CD4 cells from other immune cells, and count the CD4 molecules using Elisa plate reader. [18] Free proteins are engineered to specifically interact with bound CD4 specific protein markers at the surface of the CD4 cells, thereby marking the CD4 cells for separations from other immune cells such as CD8 cells. The isolated CD4 cells can then be counted using different cell counting technologies. The ELISA technology is a simple technology equipped with a software to take user submitted samples as input and yields a ready to use result output. The ELISA technology carries two major diagnostic potentials 1) identification of specific agent markers in a qualitative test, and 2) quantification of a specific agent using its specific markers after a first identification step. Test execution protocols are optimized for a qualitative or a quantitative output based on the user preferences. [19] Our SMARThivCD4mos retained the ELISA cell counting protocols for their simplicity, that make them suitable for application in settings with low scientific expertise.
Similarly, the P24 HIV viral load monitoring component of the SMARThivPack platform relied on the simple ELISA technology for viral load measurement. The drawback of the system is its low sensitivity when applied to HIV subtypes prevalent in Africa. [20]
SMARThivPack platform system overcomes the sensitivity limitation of the P24 system by aiding the P24 system, with a PCR based protocol. Here again viral load measurement is carried out through protein-protein interaction principles. Free proteins are engineered to specifically interact with the HIV specific P24 protein, to isolate the P24 protein from other proteins and count the number of the P24 proteins, using ELISA technology. SMARThivPack platforms overcome complex steps in the PCR based viral load and drug resistance monitoring protocols, using SMARThivDRmos, a system built based on DNA and software engineering principles. SMARThivDRmos is a probe design algorithm derived from ProbeMarker, a probe design algorithm developed by Johan Stenberg at Uppsala University in Sweden. [21;22] The system is designed to permit addition of application specific modules. We design the SMARThivDRmos component by developing an HIV specific module tailored to the expertise level of the resource-poor settings, and adding it to the ProbeMarker framework. We then incorporate the SMARThivDRmos component in our SMARThivPack platform that contained a test execution environment tailored to the resource and expertise levels of the resource-poor settings.
SMARTuniMDsystem expands SMARThivPack to any infectious diseases condition. Considering the universality of the genetic code, the potential of SMARTuniMDsystem in monitoring infectious diseases is practically limitless.
SMARTuniMDsystem expands SMARThivPack HIV patient monitoring system to practically the monitoring of any infectious disease condition. SMARTuniMDsystem relied on DNA sequences of infectious diseases deposited in databases to produce infectious agent specific signature sequences. The signature sequences may be further processed for DNA based diagnostic testing. Using the universal genetic code, the information in DNA may be translated to protein for diagnostic purpose. Considering the universality of the genetic code, SMARTuniMDsystem may be "adjusted” to monitor practically any infectious disease condition. The potential of the system for diagnosing infectious diseases is practically unlimited. The system may be expanded to monitoring plant, as well as animal disease conditions.
 SMARTuniMDsystem is limited to monitoring infectious diseases. The system is not designed for monitoring non infectious disease. The whole human genome sequence is now available. [12;13] The human genome is now being processed for different applications, including the monitoring of non infectious diseases, leading to the establishment of the field of metabolomics. [23;24] Through a collaboration with metabolomics based disease monitoring systems, SMARTuniMDsystem may be expanded beyond infectious diseases to a universal disease monitoring system, to include non infectious diseases. Biotech tropicana, Inc is exploring the applicability of a metabolomics based universal diagnostic system, in the resource-poor settings. Because SMARTuniMDsystem expands SMARThivPack, SMARTuniMDsystem carries the charateritics of SMARThivPack, in addition to its own specific characterics. SMARThivPack is designed to produce not only short term high impact, through cost and complexity reductions consistent with UN MDG recommendations, but also long term sustainable development by creating rooms for learning for the resource-poor communities, consistent with US MCC recommendations.
The SMARThivPack system is conceived to be consistent with the United Nations Technology Task Force platform and standard concepts, and the United States Congress result oriented high impact on the ground concept. [9;25] The system achieves the individual centered "three tests” standard recommended by the United States Panel of the International AIDS Society (US-IAS), [26] and the United States Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS). [27] The SMARThivPack system established the proof of concept of feasibility of the findings the United Nations task forces with respect to the United Nations Millennium Development universal treatment Goals on HIV/AIDS by 2010. The SMARThivPack system also demonstrated feasibility of the United States Congress high impact result objectives. SMARThivPack reduces cost and complexity while improving standard, in monitoring HIV patients, in the resource-poor settings. Using a guideline engineering approach, our SMARThivGLOBALmos (under development at Biotech tropicana, Inc) combines cost reduction with promotion of free market, and complexity reduction with spots of deliberate complexity tailored to the expertise level of the resource-poor settings, as to create rooms for learning for the resource-poor communities in the technology development and implementation processes. We believe that education of the resource-poor communities is essential to achieve the high impact result requirements of the United States Congress.
In 2000, the United Nations convened the World Summit to set the world agenda for the 21st century , as agreed upon between 189 Nations and archived in the United Nations World Summit Declaration [1;2;3]; Humanity declared war on extreme poverty. Since their adoption by the United Nations General Assembly, The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have become the world’s time-bound and quantified targets for addressing extreme poverty in its many dimensions. The United Nations poverty reduction system operates through three major frameworks, 1) a political framework coordinated by The United Nations Secretary General, 2) a scientific framework of task forces coordinated by the director of the Millennium Development Project, professor Jeffrey D. SACHS, of Columbia University, New York, USA, and 3) an implementation framework, coordinated by the Chairman of the United Nations Development Group, professor Mark Malloch Brown, of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Boston, USA. [3]
On March 2002, before the world press, president George W. BUSH promised to turn the 21st century world summit’s promises to end extreme poverty, into concrete actions. The BUSH administration announced the United States (US) Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). The US press lauded the president as "an audacious attempt by the Bush administration to rewrite the rules of foreign development assistance”. [4;5] Other development programs like USAID (United States Agency for International Development) have been thought by critics, to suffer from many different and sometimes conflicting goals, which often are a result of political pressures, and for not delivering long-term economic improvements. [6] The MCA was designed to be free from the constraints of contradictory, and sometimes self-defeating, Congressional earmarks that have historically reduced or crippled other organizations ability to react efficiently. In addition, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), which manages the MCA, would also be above the morass of legislation that makes many government bureaucracies cumbersome and inefficient. The MCA was designed to be less constrained by American foreign policy considerations, which would increase the amount of time and resources that the MCC could dedicate to promoting transformative change. [4;5]
The MCA was designed to be less constrained by American foreign policy considerations, which would increase the amount of time and resources that the MCC could dedicate to promoting transformative change.
Randall Wood, Program Officer, Millennium Challenge Corporation.
Availabale at . Accessed December 13, 2009 
Other development programs like USAID (United States Agency for International Development) have been thought by critics, to suffer from many different and sometimes conflicting goals, which often are a result of political pressures, and for not delivering long-term economic improvements. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Millennium Challenge Account.
Available at . Accessed December 5, 2009.
Following the evolution in global development trends, Aboubakar YARI, formulated his fragmented concepts on development into a uniform theory based on the use of technology, particularly Biotechnology as a mean to fighting poverty.
In 2003, president BUSH lunched the United States Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), for the developing world. Aboubakar YARI registered to the AIDS ATLANTA volunteers HIV/AIDS program for Atlanta poor communities. Aboubakar YARI initiated Venus YARI on the concept of alternative technologies. The team established their electronic library on the topics of HIV/AIDS for the resource-poor communities.
In January 2004, beyond party lines, a bipartisan United States Congress passed the law that created the US MCC, its mandate is to enforce the US innovative approach to managing global assistance for development: the "new way” guided by high impact "results” on the ground, over the "old way” guided by politics. MCC was founded in January 2004 by the Bush administration, as a parallel organization to USAID, with the objectives to ‘reduce global poverty through the promotion of sustainable economic growth.’ Key principles are : ‘Reducing poverty through economic growth’; ‘Good policies matter’; ‘Operate as partners’; ‘Focus on results’. Obviously commonplaces, which no development organization worldwide would contest. Payment is for performance, not promises, (the new way). Unlike traditional aid (the old way), the MCC programme rewards poor countries whose governments have made the ’right’ decisions to boost growth and alleviate poverty. No money will be paid either for promises of reform nor for a ’political dialogue’ aimed at reforms. It is hoped the MCC’s ’rewards’ will convince the citizens in the receiving countries that the right decisions have been made even before they begin to produce real growth. [4;5 ] MCC is based on the principle that aid is most effective when it reinforces good governance, economic freedom and investments in people. MCC’s mission is to reduce global poverty through the promotion of sustainable economic growth. [25]
MCC is based on the principle that aid is most effective when it reinforces good governance, economic freedom and investments in people. MCC’s mission is to reduce global poverty through the promotion of sustainable economic growth.
Available at . Accessed December 11, 2009.
Aboubakar YARI and Venus YARI refined their theory on "technology for development” to "result oriented alternative technology for development”. The team intensified its education on alternative technologies. Not all parties lauded president BUSH for his ambitious war plan against poverty. Other parties like Jamie HODARY form the Columbia University school of Anthropology sharply criticized the president. [28] . The president replied and made his point. Beyond all criticism, after less than five years in business, president BUHS’s MCC is making measurable positive impact on poverty reduction in the resource-poor countries, worldwide.
At the Inter-American Development Bank and another to the United Nations in Monterrey, Mexico, president BUSH made his points clear. The president stated in part: "As you all know and we all know, America is engaged in a global struggle, a mighty struggle against the forces of terror. Yet, even as we fight to defeat terror, we must also fight for the values that make life worth living: for education, and health, and economic opportunity. This is both the history of our country and it is the calling of our times”. [28] .President BUSH’s historical remarks are consistent with those of his predecessor, John F. Kennedy on the historical commitment of the United States to assisting the poor people of the developing world in their struggles "against injustice, tyranny and exploitation”, for "freedom and liberty”. President Kennedy stated in part," The great battleground for the defense and expansion of freedom today is the whole southern half of the globe. The lands of the rising peoples. Their revolution is the greatest in human history. They seek an end to injustice, tyranny and exploitation. More than an end, they seek a beginning”. [29;30]. President BUSH called for a war on poverty, "it is the calling of our times”. The United States Congress responded in a bipartisan manner, to support BUSH’s war on poverty. The United Nations affirmed. Biotech tropicana, Inc responded to the call with its SMARTalternativeTECHS, and engaged in a total war on poverty, for a total victory. The authority has talked and set the path and has clearly given the necessary orders. There is no turning back. The war on poverty continues. Biotech tropicana,Inc will not permitted to be diverted by partisans of the "old outdated way” abandoned by both the United States Congress and the United Nations General Assembly. President BUSH stated in part: "Poverty doesn’t cause terrorism. Being poor doesn’t make you a murderer. Most of the plotters of September 11th were raised in comfort. Yet persistent poverty and oppression can lead to hopelessness and despair. And when governments fail to meet the most basic needs of their people, these failed states can become havens for terror. Many of the old models of economic development assistance are outdated. Money that is not accompanied by legal and economic reform are oftentimes wasted. In many poor nations, corruption runs deep. Private property is unprotected. Markets are closed. Monetary and fiscal policies are unsustainable. Private contracts are unenforceable. When nations refuse to enact sound policies, progress against poverty is nearly impossible. In these situations, more aid money can actually be counterproductive, because it subsidizes bad policies, delays reform, and crowds out private investment. Today, I call for a new compact for global development, defined by new accountability for both rich and poor nations alike.” [28]
"….when governments fail to meet the most basic needs of their people, these failed states can become havens for terror. Many of the old models of economic development assistance are outdated. Money that is not accompanied by legal and economic reform are oftentimes wasted. In many poor nations, corruption runs deep. Private property is unprotected. Markets are closed. Monetary and fiscal policies are unsustainable. Private contracts are unenforceable. When nations refuse to enact sound policies, progress against poverty is nearly impossible. In these situations, more aid money can actually be counterproductive…"
George W. BUSH. Available at  Accesssed November 28, 2009.
According to professor Jeffrey D. Sachs of Columbia University, New York, USA, director of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, "The world community has at its disposal the proven technologies, policies, financial resources, and most importantly, the human courage and compassion to make it happen”. [3] Biotech tropicana, Inc investigated professor SACH’s statements, and has proven them to be true. Inspired by human courage and compassion, Biotech tropicana, Inc engaged into a risky exploration to demonstrate feasibility of the individual centered "three tests” in monitoring HIV patients in the resource poor settings. Our investigations showed that most technologies to achieve the "three tests” standard as applied in the developed world were in place in the developing world, long before the establishment of the "three tests standard, in the developed world. We presented our findings in our SMARThivPack platform, for improving HIV patients monitoring standards in resource-poor settings. [10]
Through careful management of its meager resources, and careful following of the guidelines set by the authority in the "new way” approach, in less than three years on the grounds Biotech tropicana,Inc produced more results than many older institutions, that received tons of financial assistance, for so many years. The success of our SMARThivPack in establishing the feasibility of the individual centered "three tests” in monitoring HIV patients in the developing world, within the United Nations targeted 2010 deadlines, gives us the courage and determination to continue the development our SMARTalternativeTECHS concept. Here we propose SMARTuniMDsystem model. As stated above Biotech tropicana, Inc will not permitted itself to be distracted by partisans of the "old way” that failed to provide any tangible results, thereby deserving their abandonment by the authority. However, we are opened to collaboration with any party, that demonstrated pass results or established its capacity to produce future results. Biotech tropicana, Inc collaboration policies forbids discrimination based on ethnicity, sex, race, religion, or national origin. We are strictly guided by the potential to produce results, in choosing our partners. We cannot afford to permit failed structures to dilute our hard work acquired results. At Biotech tropicana,Inc we believe that with determination, courage and respect of the guidelines set by the authority, in the United Nations millennium Development Goals, and the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation, extreme poverty can be defeated.
Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs’s of Columbia University, New York, USA optimistic philosophy about the potential for success of the UN MDGs support our philosophy on the potential of Biotech tropicana,Inc to make a difference in the global war o poverty. Professor SACHS stated in part "We have met countless heroes and heroines of development in the three years of our work—in the villages and slums of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and other parts of the developing world. We have seen people preserving their spirit, integrity, commitment, and hope for the future even when they have little else, when tragic circumstances have left them bereft of health, education, possessions, and means of livelihood. The human spirit, we have seen on innumerable occasions, is truly indomitable. This triumph of the human spirit gives us the hope and confidence that extreme poverty can be cut by half by the year 2015, and indeed ended altogether within the coming years”. [3]
In support of the MCC poverty challenging package, president BUSH affirmed: "The advances of free markets and trade and democracy and rule of law have brought prosperity to an ever-widening circle of people in this world. During our lifetime, per capita income in the poorest countries has nearly doubled. Illiteracy has been cut by one-third, giving more children a chance to learn. Infant mortality has been almost halved, giving more children a chance to live. Nations from India to Chile have changed old ways and, therefore, found new wealth. Nations from Turkey to Mali have combined Islam with progress. The growing divide between wealth and poverty, between opportunity and misery, is both a challenge to our compassion and a source of instability. We must confront it. We must include every African, every Asian, every Latin American, every Muslim, in an expanding circle of development”.
Unfortunately unlike India and Chile, Sub Saharan Africa, is not sufficiently taking advantage of the opportunities created by the UN MDG and the US MCC. Trapped in a circle of poverty, Sub Saharan Africans are adopting, behaviors and attitudes that make them even poorer. The scientific task forces of the UN MDG noted. The task forces are taking additional steps to address the particular Sub Saharan Africa situation. [32;33] Biotech tropicana, Inc opinion is that, unless Sub Saharan Africans stood up to "confront” extreme poverty, change "old ways” and adopt "new ways” like India and Chile as noted by president BUSH in his remarks, poverty will have a long way to go in Sub Saharan Africa. However, there is still hope, countries like Cape Verde has demonstrated that with discipline and hard work, a Sub Saharan African country can graduate from the United Nations list of the "Least Developed Countries”. [34;35]
As noted by professor SACHS, "The world community has at its disposal the proven technologies” to address extreme poverty. Our investigations on the grounds suggest these findings to be true. All what is needed is to apply them at scale to reduce extreme poverty. Here we warn against waste in producing more technologies, where the existing old one can be adapted to get results in shorter time and cheaper ways. We also warn against over sophistication in technology development for the resource-poor settings. Overly sophisticated and overly automated systems leaves no room for learning, for the communities of the resource-poor setting. Such a technology may produce excellent short term results, but would dilute development efforts of the aid donors, and sustain chronic dependency on international aid consistent with the "old way” approach , rather than sustaining long term development sought by partisans of the "new way” approach in the developed world. Biotech tropicana, Inc is developing its SMARTuniMDsystem by abiding by the long term high impact results requirements of aid donors like the US MCC.
Biotech tropicana, Inc is definitively engaged in the war against extreme poverty. The authority gave the necessary orders and the necessary means to secure a total victory. Biotech will keep pace, with partisans on the "new way”. Unless the authority reversed its orders. There is no indication that the authority will reverse its orders. Indeed the new administration in the White House and the United States Congress are exploring ways to further empower the US MCC. [36]; The UN task forces are exploring ways to address the special development needs of Sub Saharan Africa. [33;34]
Biotech tropicana, Inc’s definitively sided with partisans of the "new way”. We respect the choice of those who choose to stay with partisans of the "old way”, consistent with our believes in the principles of democracy. According to George W. BUSH, the "old way” is counterproductive. Biotech tropicana, Inc’s investigations on the ground suggested that the "old way” is counter selective”. With new measures adopted by the authority, the old way” will surely die from within itself, as a result of its failure to produce results to sustain itself. We urge the partisans of the "old way” to join us, in our quest for results. The slogan at Biotech tropicana, Inc summarized it all: "no result, no collaboration with Biotech tropicana, Inc.
We design a universal infectious disease monitoring platform for the resource-poor settings: SMARTuniMDsystem. Our system complied with the United Nations platform technology recommendations, and with the United Nations cost and complexity levels recommendations. We design SMARTuniMDsystem to comply with the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation high impact results on the ground requirements, by creating rooms for implications of the resource-poor communities in the development process of the system.
References :
 See addendum to article 5.
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