Book Abstracts:
Volume 2:
19) Clusters
The story of the backward cultural solidarity revolution.
Book Abstract:
Doctor Sam applied simple mathematics to profile the advantages of clustering. The same methodology highlights the counterproductive profile of other types of business clustering. It’s all about results outputs. Applying the same mathematics to cluster 1 yields a positive 3 for 1+1.Cluster 2 yields a negative 3 for the same operation.It’s all about culture and civilization. That’s the story of mathematics of natural or cultural selection in human populations. To learn more about the mathematics of cultural selection,
Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK ` STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
20) Roll call
The missing link that shuts the dormitory down.
Book Abstract:
Once again little edu smiles when mammy called his name. Once again as always the two small holes appear on each side of his face. Just like his daddy; an inherited trait. Since the closure of the dormitory and the departure of his daddy to pursue his studies abroad, little edu became the favourite companion of his mammy. It was a sad story. A story of cheating and abuse by human society that the nature transforms into a story of love and life. That’s the story of little edu and the same story of the roll calls of missing links. The missing link was misused hundreds of time, until authorities became aware of the abuses and shut down the dormitory. Some victims demand and receive justice. Some just let it go. Few like little edu’s mammy appreciate it; for the daddy? She’s not sure. ‘It doesn’t matter anyway’. We get little edu. A gift from god’ said the grand mammy of that church bound family. Little edu’s mammy agrees with the grand mammy. ‘I love edu and his smile’, said the mammy.
What’s happened at the ‘cheaters dorm’? Why did authorities shut it down.
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
Volume 3:
1) Counter selection: The cost of intelligence
Selection, counter selection and advancement; a human pollution story of the old Darwinian selection story.
Book Abstract:
Where intelligence promote in one ecology, the same intelligence may counter select in another ecology. How does operate in human populations? A Harvard professor previously proposed a laboratory experimental scientific answer. Here, we tell the real life experimental story of mister Issif. Friends called him IS.
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
2) Graveyard city
When the graveyard engineers community leaders excluded youth to embody the future on the elderly.
Book Abstract:
‘A reversed development strategy that transfers mid term development capacity to neuron less old brains and strength less old arms that cannot produce wealth generating work. The reversed development strategy transfers long term development capacity from development bodies to graves; a secured path to enduring poverty’?
This is the story of the city of rich deads and poor livings. It is the story of the graveyard city.
The question rolled over and over in their heads, for days, months, and years. The question has been their main discussion topics all along. That’s the discussion story of Al Fasat and his Udoru friend. To decipher the apparently harmless tricks for engineering sophisticated poverty traps ?
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
3) Impact
Damage prevention scientific journalism or gongoner post damage listing of consumed damages? A search for an approach for the Circle republic of the tropics.
Book Abstract:
The rating constants of the impact of the new way scientific journalists on custom norms of the Circle republic of the tropics are variables. Some appreciate it. For some, it doesn’t matter . Some even hate it. One thing is becoming clear, the time when successive governments come to power to criticize former governments for mismanagement and propose reforms to be criticized by next governments, also for mismanagement and for another reforms that will similarly be criticized for the same solutions is about to change. The new way preventive approach to solutions is challenging the traditional gongoners approach of just listing the lists of damages done by former governments, singing the gloryof current governments just to stay alive long enough to list damages they did after their departure. ‘To break poverty circles and unleash a dynamic sustainable development, we should be reading and listening on confrontations of ideas for advancement, in the news, not a listing of consumed damages inherited from former governments’,argue the chief science journalist of the Circle republic of the tropics. The new way science journalists are producing an impact on balancing powers and all segments of society in the Circle republic of the tropics; the civil society, the private sector, governments, and legislatures, on regional and continental organizations. But how?What’s about the traditional gongoners? That’s another story. The get the full impact story,
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
4) The service secrecies
The story of the backward spies. It’s all about direction of mission; the direction of interest; a distinction between country interest and self interest; in a world of competition, the driver of evolution since the dawn of man in Africa.
Book Abstract:
Secret services in almost all countries but one, tend to steal tech related secrets from foreign countries and transfer the secrets to the their country of citizenship or to other countries of particular interests. The exception country is the Circle republic of the tropics. The service secrecies as their citizens called them do the job reversely. The service secrecies of the Circle republic of the tropics take from their people for transfer to foreign countries or to countries of particular interests. No in country target of interest elude them. How do they do it?
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
5) 0 or 1: The making of static minds
Where human brains were programmed to operate on only two statuses, 0 or 1.
Book Abstract:
With the new rule human brain complexity and flexibility and ability to solve complex problems and provide complex solutions is penalized with a 0. Following the new rules is rewarded with an incentive 1 gain, everything the subject obeys without thinking. As time goes, the brains that win many 1s became programmed to think only as a 1. The 1 wining brains lost even the 0 status, to become monostatus brain that thinks only for the 1 donor. How does it happen? What is the experimental design? What is the purpose of the experiment?
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
6) The big conference
The story of the revolution of development.
Book Abstract:
For many, in the Circle republic of the tropics country development is government business, until the big conference clarified the rules. Country development is the business of all citizens and non citizens operating on the territory. Equally. The principle of equality in responsibility is the main innovation of the big conference. Implementation of the new concepts of the big conference is changing all customs in the Circle republic of the tropics; positively for some; negatively for others; like in all revolution. It ‘s a matter of roles; a role for each segment in the business of development. This is the story of the confrontation in assuming roles between the governments and non governments; the locals and the diaspora; the corporate and the not profit; with only one ultimate winner, the common ownership; the country. ‘ We will not permit a small segment of the country to destroy the all country on which we all depend for our freedom and business operations’, said the corporate leadership.
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
9) Opposing weapons
Where the weapons of construction are opposing weapons of demolition in a type of war.
Book Abstracts:
All parties are fighting for a total victory. One party relied on weapons of construction to win. The opposing party relied on weapons of demolition to win. Who will win? The people decide that constructors win in advance, because there will be nothing left for the demolishers to win. The demolishers demolished anything they could win; leaving themselves nothing to win. That’s the new type of war in construction engineering versus demolition engineering. While the constructors were accumulating achievements in wealth generating constructions, the demolishers were gaining in the numbers of graves. To make money, the constructors build sustainable life saving infrastructures. To make money, the demolishers build nice graveyards with golden doors. How do the constructors secure victory?
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
10) Trade deal
Where the suppliers are the clients and the consumer always scores a zero.
Book Abstract:
Volume 4:
1) Ordered Charity; The Waking up of a nation
A story of good will in well ordered charity that starts with self. Where the president demonstrated a love for his country through ‘the donation’ of all of his properties to the state.
Book Abstract:
To replace the infected water system of the country, the leaders of the Circle republic demonstrated an unprecedented patriotism. All citizens of the country voluntary choose to donate their properties to the state; a solidarity with the initiative of the first citizen, the president of the small republic, who publicly declares any property he ever owned and donated them all to the state. All members of the government followed the initiative of their chief. The entire parliament followed and did the same, by publicly declaring all their properties and donating them to the state. Actors of the judiciary and the civil society did the same. Where all their leaders made the ultimate donation, many citizens all the Circle republic voluntary did the same.
How does the infection came out about and was the donations processed.
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
2) Getting rich
How a citizen of the Circle republic of the tropics became richer than his country and richer than all the ‘cooperation’ aid donors combined budget for his country.
Book Abstract
3) Theft or bad joke
The story on assignment of ‘appropriate’ qualifiers on facts. Here, any joke is good to strip someone of something.
Book Abstract:
4) Borderline
When the military crosses in deep into civilian territory, it was unaware of the limits of its training in a new type of war. This is the story of bloody Sunday. When the civilians fought back to get on top of the military.
Book Abstract:
5) Deciphering the pink codes: O or B or G ?
Volume 1: The faked O-pink.
A reversed analysis of the amendments for impact.
Book Abstract:
Mr Oboumi did not show up for lunch nor for dinner. He should be busy with his case work. Perhaps. Mr Oboumi may be meditating on another deception. Perhaps. “We can just guess”, said his best friend. Only Mr. Oboumi knows himself the truth. Mr. Oboumi did show up before bed time. He asked me some quick questions on my immigration files and then disappear. That’s was always trouble me. I did have many friends from Oboumi state, but Mr. Oboumi is not my body. He is not one of them. Then why his sudden interests on my personal files ? the question that troubles my mind for so many years was perhaps my best clue to deciphering the pink codes.
The O-pinks, the universal pinks, reinforced my suspicions on the value of the question; particularly when analysed in connection with Oboumi state. Many pinks, if not almost all pinks are linked to citizens of Oboumi state, like Mr. Oboumi. Many are females, not like Mr. Oboumi, a male.
B-pink is where my criteria classified Mr. Oboumi. He one day told his story to the group. “small crimes; that”s it”, that “s all the wrong he did to become eligible for deportation to his Oboumi state. He did never spend more than two years in prison. Based on his description of the ‘small crimes’, I would characterize them as series of frauds that did not meet the felony standard in court. Then it is not the degree but the number of fraudulent activities that caused irreversible harm to his immigration privileges. When analysed in light of the amendment that made moral turpitude a serious crime, the new law left Mr. Oboumi with no opportunity to commit another “small crime” in the people”s republic of countryC. The last time he walked home after serving his two years terms for small larceny. He also walked free the previous time. The amendment changed all that walking home free. This time, two deportations officers were waiting at the prison exit door to give him a free ride to the deportation waiting camp. “The amendment is being unfair to him”, he taught. He became a B-pink, that is a bad pink with a bad criminal record for bad moral character.
G-pinks came to the camp from the street or from home. They have no criminal record and therefore considered to be of “G-ood moral character”. The amendment made them G-pinks and mixed them with the B-pinks.
The O-pinks made no distinction between the B-pinks and the G-pink. All they care about is the money for their code propagation activities. Because many O-pinks are females, and Mr. Oboumi is male, then there must have existed a female in the people”s republic of countryC that collaborate with Mr. Oboumi to create the original O-pink code. The original O=pink was ten transferred to Oboumi state, and propagated with rewards. The O-pink was then amplified to many states beyond Oboumi state with a lot of rewards..
Amplifying the O-pink code demands a lot of investment. The funders must have a lot to gain to engage large amount of investment in so long time just to amplify a fake and misleading code. Amplifying the O-pink code also require a lot of time and effort investment from the rewarded code propagators. The reward in the form of bag is a compensation for the time and effort toward the interest of the original O-pink code creators.
This scenario creates a dog and master relationship. Then, Who is the original O-pink in the people”s republic of countryC ? who are the funders and what are their objectives ? what are the benefits and drawbacks of the amendment for all parties ?.
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
6) Deciphering the pink codes: O or B or G ?
Volume 2: The Making of the G a pink
Book Abstract:
How do you make a bad pink from a color less good? And what purpose ?
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
7) Catch on flights
Volume 1: The negative gainers.
This is the story of the confrontation between quick winners of losses and painstaking partisans of maturity of concept in development trends in the Circle republic of the tropics.
Book Abstract:
In the Circle republic of the tropics catching up development projects on flight and striping the diaspora from opportunity to demonstrate their known how become the norm. Flight catchers catch some few words from an idea. The diaspora holds the keys to positive development gains. The clue less flight catchers face negative development gains.
This is the story of the confrontation between the development trends. That’s the story of positive versus negative in the waking up of a nation. Who will win ?
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
8) Catch on flights
Volume 2: The super police.
The story of a puzzling investigation.
Book Abstract:
The flight catchers catch the expected negative gains. The super police come in to investigate. Will the investigators unravel the puzzling tricks of the flight catchers ?
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
9) Catch on flights
Volume 1: Contribution to Development Camps.
Opened prisons or no prison. This is the story of the opening for closure of all prisons in the Circle republic of the tropics.
Book Abstract:
The recent visit of the international human rights organization strengthened the will of the leaders of the Circle republic of the tropics to implement their innovative project: the first prison free state on earth. The successes of the super police may set the grounds for the failure of the new administration. The prison population is already overcrowded and the international human rights organization is watching. The new leaders refuse to fall. They have three solutions, increase the prison budget or decrease the prison budget or more, nullify the prison budget. In the first prison less state on earth, prisoners pay to secure their human rights consistent with the norms set by the international human rights organization. Inhabitant of the newly innovated Contribution to Development Camps must also payback for the harms done to society to secure a total freedom. How the Contribution to Development Camps function in the prison less state ?
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
10) The hard to come decision
Where the group must take the decision that strips the group of the wrongfully held wealth of the people. The people will decide for themselves ?
Book Abstract:
Just read the full story, in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.
Volume 5: