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Biotech tropicana Journal: (1):(6):1, 2016

SMART2P MODELS:  A 2-Poles Or 2-Partnerships Development Model For The Resource Poor Settings.


Aboubakar YARI1; Venus YARI1 and Myra YARI2



  1. Biotech tropicana,IncCOMMUNITY
  2. Marketing Body, Biotech tropicana Corporation



We propose a new development model for the resource poor settings: SMART2P Model. Since the 1960s of independence of many developing countries and the emergence of the ‘Cooperation-Government’ centered development model, development strategies have been uni-polar.

At the dawn of the new millennium in 2000, new global development concepts emerged: the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and the United States Millennium Challenge Corpration. The new way global development models criticized the ‘Cooperation-Government’ centered development model for ‘big consumption of development fund and small output of results.

The newly innovated SMART2P Model of the Biotech tropicana Systems is bi-polar.’, exploratory data of Biotech tropicana Systems collected in the developing world suggest that the ‘Cooperation-Government’ centered development uni-polar model does have some achievements that justified the maintenance of the model and not its eradication.

For two years now the Biotech tropicana Systems are experimenting a bi-polar development model at  community level: SMART2P Model.  Our bi-polar model is based on a ‘2-Partnerships’ Model; a ‘cooperation-government’ partnership and a ‘diaspora-private partnership’.  We choose a country with characteristics of a typical developing country to conduct our experimentation: Benin Republic.

The Benin Republic experimentation site provides one additional advantage, the cooperation system is concentrated in the south of the country.  We sit our ‘dispora-private’ model in the north of the country.  This creates two poles of development in the country. We hypothesize that the two poles models will create incentives for competitions between the two models, a situation that is beneficial to the overall development of the country when properly coordinated.

Here, we discuss our preliminary results after two years of experimentation.  

Keywords: Development strategies; cooperation; development models; country development; Community Development. Partnerships;  




  1. The main objective of this study id to develop a complexity free and cost effective mathematical formula for objectively measuring development gains in community development programs.
  2. Make the formula available to community leaders through the Sabic Consulting, Inc unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems in the form of technical assistance is assessing community development programs.   


By mid 1940s the Soviet Union troops and the United States troops won freedom for their European allies. In all aspects of its existence the second world war seriously weakens the one time world super powers.  Europe will never recover again its super power status. Returning to their home countries after the war, African war veterans who fought bravely alongside their colonial masters soon demand not negotiate freedom for their African homelands. The African intellect will side with its military, and by early 1960s all former colonial lands of Africa became independent sovereign countries. In 1963, the leaders of the newly born states had a meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to found the Organization of the African Union that become since the Sitre declaration  in 1999, the African Union.

By early 1960s, the Europeans reorganized fragments of their colonial administrative infrastructures as embassies and cooperation for development agencies and requested accreditations that were granted by the authorities of the  new African states; the ‘cooperation-government’ development model was born. The model operated for almost half a century consuming trillions of dollars without producing a single emerging country. [1;2]

          In 2000 world leaders gathered at the United Nations and vote in favour of a new global development concept termed the Millennium Development Goals. In 2002 at the Inter American development bank, president George W. Bush called for a new model for global development termed the Millennium Challenge Account (mca). A year later year the United States congress transformed president Bush’s mca into a United States global development model by enacting the millennium challenge account act that founded the Millennium Challenge Corporation (mcc) to implement the  mca. The new models criticized the ‘cooperation-government’ model basically for low performance and waste of development funds. [3]

          In 2000, the founders of the Biotech tropicana Systems initiated a global development program to promote, apply and develop biotechnologies adapted to the needs of the developing world. The Biotech tropicana Systems operate through the private sector. [4]

          By 2007, a committee of African diaspora scientists issued guidelines for applying biotechnology for Africa’s development. The guidelines emphasize the importance f the interplay between the public sector, the private sector, the civil society and, the judiciary for the success of applications of biotechnologies as a development tool in Africa. A major innovation in the committee recommendation is the proposal to submit key long term African development decisions before the Pan African Parliament before execution by the executive branches of the African Union. [5]   



We created two development models at community level in our Biotech tropicana,IncCOMMUNITY incubation site in Kandi, Benin. We set one model as P1 ‘cooperation-government’ model operating in the public sector. A second P2 model was set to simulate operations in the private sector. The P1 model emphasizes negotiations classified as diplomacy to achieve a development goal. P2 operates through a strict rule based policies classified as scientific to achieve the same development goal..Development parameters were set in 1) health, 2) food, 3) energy, 4) environment, and 5) other parameters. Advancement was measured as development gains for each the sectors 1-5. A time frame was set and data was collected for each of the sectors 1-5. Data were collected and development gains were measured for two years between 2013 and 2015. Development scenarios were simulated and development gains were measured for each model P1 and P2 within that time frame.



Our study was based on simulations. The results are therefore subjective and need to be confirmed with objective experimental data. The study is in progress, Preliminary data are available at Sabic Consulting, Inc at



Our preliminary results suggest that both the P1 and the P2 models produce development gains.P1 requires advanced knowledge of diplomacy principles, comport more error risks and is time consuming. P2 is a more secured approach to development gains but requires more human input of local populations.

At community level the P1 model should be implemented in one community subdivision and coordinated with public development agencies. The P2 model should be implemented in another community subdivision and coordinated with academic scientific institution preferentially operating in the private sector. The two models should be sited as far as possible from each other.

We previously innovated a four parameters development model for the resources settings: SMART4P partnership model for global development. Our SMART2P Model is designed not to interfere with the SMART4P model but to promote the co-habitation of the models in designing development strategies. [6]   

The adoptions at the dawn of the new millennium in 2000 of the United Nations millennium development goals and the United States millennium challenge corporation global development models at country levels create incentives for competition with the previous uni-polar ‘cooperation-government’ model that was operated in developing countries since the early 1960s. Numerous studies conducted by development experts in the new un mdg and us mcc criticized the old uni-polar for low performance and waste of development funds. In our view the co-existence of two development models is an opportunity for developing countries to increase their development gains, when properly coordinated by country managers. Our SMART2P Model puts at test the two models at community level. The capability of SMART2P Model to objectively measure development gains and assign a score on development programs in different sectors of development permit an objective evaluation of each the two model in their ability to produce advancement in development. So far evaluations are expressed through televised big conferences in which experts in each model self evaluate and advertise the merit of their program.  SMART2P Model is an independent and objective development gain evaluation tool. Consistent with transparency guidelines of the US MCC, evaluation outcomes of development guidelines are made freely accessible to the public at the SMART2P Model website.

Our analysis of implementation programs of the SMARt2P Model identified incentives to promote development in different as aspects of development programs in resources limited countries at community level. [7]

Incentives and Development Gains for the country

Both models are implemented in a country. In country institutions irrespective of their location (south and north) can approach one pole (P1) to acquire capacity developed in the other pole (P2).


  1. Incentives for competition: Country managers (legislative, executive, judiciary) can allocate country resources based on results of each pole toward advancement of the country, a merit driven model that proves its effectiveness in countries developed today.


  1. Incentives for country stability and integration: pole 1 and pole 2 will promote integration of the country and dilute regional conflicts and tribal and ethic conflicts that were demonstrated to be the sources of civil wars in developing countries, particularly in Africa. In country institutions located south must interact with north to acquire capacity of pole 2. Reversely in country institutions located north must interact with south to acquire capacity of pole 1. This situation will trigger interest guided institutions and thus their staff to interact with each other nationwide, thereby promoting the emergence of a nation-state beyond tribal states inherited from colonialism.  It was demonstrated many tribal wars in Africa were triggered by foreign interest groups that used their internal allies to create conditions that results in wars, for the purpose to send their troops in as peace keepers and steal the resources of these countries. A situation that has delayed the economic emergence of Africa. Africa was then stigmatized as the continent of wars and hunger. Fortunately this situation is downsizing. This time of dictators leadership by Africans born under colonialism is now over. New Africa of new generation of Africans born after the independence is one that seeks for integration, peace and prosperity.


  1. Incentives for the diaspora: Our SMART2P Model will create more secured environment for the diaspora t to invest. Traditionally the locals who are used to receiving aid and develop easy gains mentalities will steal investment projects of the diaspora.; a situation that is frustrating for the diaspora that work hard to build wealth in environment were aid does not exist. Many diaspora will go away, resulting in development opportunity losses for the country.


  1. Incentives for a place for everyone with good intentions: our SMART2P model creates a place for everyone in a globalizing world; a place for foreigners and a place for nationals; a place for Africans and a place for non Africans as long as their intention is to operate their businesses and gained while promoting development gains for the host country consistent with policy 33 of the Biotech  tropicana Systems.


  1. Incentives for promotion of human rights: Our SMART2P Model creates incentives to promote “free” integration of opposing interest groups, and opposing ethnic and tribal groups where people freely choose to integrate. Our innovation overcomes the limitations of previous methods of integration that “forced” opposing interest groups to integrate through the use force, coercion, or misleading in violation of human rights, international laws, and custom norms of a society. Integration and evolution guided by incentives have been at the centre of human evolution from the earliest hominids to contemporary Homo sapiens sapiens. 

The SMART2P Model tool is another demonstration of the Biotech tropicana Systems pro poor business strategies that are consistent with our compassionate capitalism philosophy.

The contributions of the diaspora in the specific area of biotechnologies further improve the conditions for the success of biotech business in Africa. The diaspra contributes in many areas to promote the advancement f biotechnology in Africa. [5]  In our view, the major innovation in the contribution of the diaspora will have a significant impact on the advancement of biotechnology in Africa is the distinction made between short term aid programs and long term biotech development programs that considered the inclusion of the Pan African parliament in key decision making process. The recommendation states in part:

 ‘Undertaken at the request of heads of state and government this report demonstrates what is needed to build the required capacity to harness and apply biotechnologies to improve agricultural productivity, public health, industrial development, economic competitiveness, and environmental sustainability (including biodiversity conservation) in Africa. This report has placed these systemic considerations in the context of the role of innovation in economic transformation. It challenges Africa’s heads of state and government to take seriously the importance of a coordinated approach in promoting technological innovation in development. In the context of the African Union (AU), African leaders resolved to take a common approach to address issues pertaining to modern biotechnology and biosafety by calling for an African common position on biotechnology. Regional economic integration bodies are key institutional vehicles for mobilizing, sharing and using existing scientific and technological capacities, including human and financial resources as well as physical infrastructure for biotechnology R&D and innovation. The most important starting point in pursuing the recommendations outlined in this report is the urgency that African heads of state and government place on the strategic role that technological innovation plays in economic transformation. They must step forward with courage and firmness so that their footprints can guide future generations. One important innovation is the provision of science advice inside government, both at the level of the executive, as well as the legislature. The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) is an ideal institutional locus for harmonizing regulations and promoting biotechnology missions. There is need to strengthen PAP engagement in developing regional and continental programmes for biotechnology. Strengthening it will involve establishing for it advisory mechanisms, providing its committee with evidence-based policy studies, and equipping it with technology monitoring capabilities.’.


To ensure the sustainability of development programs for the benefit of the country, long term development programs must be coordinated by the legislative branch in coordination with the people beyond the morass of political parties battles for short life executive positions. The SMARTtax Value process product of the Biotech tropicana Systems was designed in line with the same reasoning logic. [8]Traditional form of aid will promote short term programs at the expense of long term development programs, thereby creating a situation of chronic dependency on foreign aid. Simply expressed as ‘ you resolve s small problem in short term by creating a bigger problem in mid or long term’. In our view it’s a wrong unsustainable solution. Programs of the Biotech tropicana Systems are designed to resolve a problem in short term while creating grounds for the use of the solution as a foundation for further development of the concept in mid and long term. The more development the clients get the more they will need the expertise capacities of the Biotech tropicana Systems. The more business with the client; consistent with policy 33 (pro life pro development policy of the Biotech tropicana Systems).     



We recommend the simultaneous implementation of both P1 and P2 models in community development strategies in resource limited countries with low expertise human resources.  


Biotech tropicana Systems are a private for profit corporation. Consistent with the Monterey consensus on contributions of corporate leaders, the Biotech tropicana Systems will continue bringing its modest contribution to the advancement of countries in which its units do business. SMART2p Model is an illustration of one theses many contributions. All foreign and nationals and Africans and non Africans who adhere to our pro development principles are welcome.  Those that do not want to adhere to these principles in our view must pack out and go back their countries.  See foreigners accommodation policy 51. Biotech tropicana Systems. Using guidelines set forth in the United Nations millennium development project and the United States millennium challenge corporation, the Biotech tropicana Systems innovate a new type of pro poor business driven by knowledge that is consistent with our compassionate capitalism philosophy.; a challenging nightmare for competitors of the system. To address the special needs of Africa in the area of biotechnology, the Biotech tropicana Systems create Biotech tropicana,IncAU.



A more detailed description of SMART2P Model is under development in the Biotech tropicana Systems for international scientific peer review.

SMART2P Model is a process product of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Available at , projects.



[1] Margaret Dennis. A New Approach To Foreign  Aid: A Case Study Of The Millennium Challenge Account. Institute for International Law and Justice Emerging Scholars Papers.

[2] Steve Radelet; From Pushing Reforms to Pulling Reforms: The Role of Challenge Programs in Foreign Aid Policy. Center For Global Development.

[3] James W. Fox and Lex Reifell. The Millennium Challenge Account: Moving Toward Smarter Aid. The brooking Institutions. Washington DC.

[4] The Biotech tropicana Systems at

[5] “Juma, C. and Serageldin, I. (Lead Authors) (2007). ‘Freedom to Innovate: Biotechnology in Africa’s Development’, A report of the High-Level African Panel on Modern Biotechnology. African Union (AU) and New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). Addis Ababa and Pretoria.”

[6] Biotech tropicana,IncLITIGATOR at

[7] Randall Wood; Incentives and Capacity at the Millennium Challenge Account. Program Officer, Millennium Challenge Corporation.

 [8] SMARTtax Value. A Biotech tropicana,IncCOMMUNITY. Available at, Projects.

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