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Biotech tropicana Journal: (1):(5)xxx:10, 2016

The Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES


Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator


301) Key games

Volume 1: Breaking into the key code

The mystery of key copying solved.

Book Abstract:

The key copying mystery was not a mystery. Keys were not copied. The key number just dropped from the key stock for sale. The missing keys are systematically linked to the remaining locks and keys for sale. A good neighbourhood diplomacy between the key vendor and the sex warrior partner of the key vendor will get the missing key to the targeted door. Where the sex warrior partner is identified, the mystery of key copying is solved. What’s next with the sex warrior? 

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301) Key games

Volume 2: Putting names on the key path

The mystery of key copying solved.

Book Abstract:

With a name put on key, additional names may be put on many other key mysteries. The key to many key mysteries may lie in the linkages of the first key name identified. Who is who in the key mysteries  of the key mafia ?

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301) Key games

The mystery of key copying solved.

Volume 3: Path confusion

Book Abstract:

Additional purchased keys may be stolen in house to confuse path leading to a stolen key. The house key stolen may suggest the key is stolen in house and not acquired from the vendor in store. An alternative path to confusion.  Where objective investigative data indicate a suspect, friendly color coding may be applied simultaneously to give weigh to subjective data against any formal objective prosecution, suggesting that the  friendly color operator is rather friend to the suspect. Acquired in store by sex warrior or stolen in house by another sex warrior, the stolen keys give access to foreign doors, without authorization.: a clear cut criminal activity. For what purpose?

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301) Angelic monsters

The hidden enemy in a race of race war.

Book Abstract:

The real enemy is an angel; an angel warrior fighting for the advancement of own race against the advancement of the other race. They are angels of sacrifice; the sacrifice of self for the advancement of the race. They are new type of suicide bombers not traditionally known in the activity of suicide bombing. Expanded poverty in the race will help their cause; another type of suicide bombers ready to make the sacrifice for the group for some cash. Cash makes the warrior, to fight against the advancement of their own race for the advancement of their group within the race. Then on the ground, you see only people of the same race killing each other, and the monster of the other race playing angel saviour. The angel will never get to the target for saving. There is always be made of reason for the failure to save. It’s  a new type of race war. How does it operate?

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301) Angelic monsters

Volume 2: The Making of New type of suicide bombers

Book Abstract:

They are all females. They all have two nationalities, an objective nationality and a subjective nationality. The subjective nationality being interest guided. The subjective nationality therefore makes of them mercenaries. Traditional suicide bombers will use conventional arms to shed red blood. The new type of suicide bombers will shed white blood instead. Sex is their best weapon to get to the target for attack with unconventional white weapon. Who are the new types of suicide bombers? Where are they from? Who make them?

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301) Angelic monsters

Volume 3: The trapping of suicide bombers

A New type of hostages

Book Abstract:

Guided by interests, the neo suicides are gradually dragged into crossing the line of freedom to become a hostage. The hostage must then perform slave work for the owner of the subjective citizenship. It’ s pay back time. The sad thing is that the suicoders must pay more than they take. How?

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301) The Savana jungle

Volume 1: Tripping into elephant park

Book Abstract:

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301) The Savana jungle

Volume 1: The elephant connection

Book Abstract:

Real B owners. Fake W owners. How the right makers will decide ? extremism or reason ?  How the real owners will proceed irrespective of the decision of non owners?

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301) Timing

Volume 1: The early show

An early show would take you to circle one.

Book Abstract:

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301) Timing

Volume 1: The late show

Book Abstract:

An early show would take you to circle two.

Both way you circled. So what about an alternative way?

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301) The power of salute

Volume 1: Type or order of salute

Book Abstract:

Where order of salute makes the all difference between wealth and poverty, between ownership and release of ownership, and why not between life and death. They will make up a falsed claim of authority on properties that rightfully belong to others. Then demand the rightful owner to salute him first  to give some value to the stolen authority: that is the rightful owner to recognize the bogus authority by saluting first. By saluting them first the rightful owner accepts the bogus authority, therefore release his authority on his properties. There is a penalty of increasing degree up to death for not obeying to the bogus authority. Many will pay the ultimate the cost, the cost of life for not saluting first. Who should salute who, and how?

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301) The power of salute

Volune 2: the mathematics of salute

Book Abstract:

What is the science behind the saluting scenario? The order of salute has some value in the military and in cultural norms of many human societies. In the military the least ranking member shall salute first the highest ranking member. In many human societies, the youngest must salute first the oldest. In both contexts the concept of line applies, in a 1,, 2, 3 fashion. Then when someone demands to be saluted, that person assumed a highest ranking in an order of value. So what happen when ownership or reward becomes link to order of salute; that is the mathematics of salute?

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301) Raising degrees

Volume 1: transfer of power

Book Abstract:

Naïve transfer of legitimate and documented power for promises of a bigger of power that has no legitimate ground or supported documents: a bogus power. What happened then? The risk to loose a small but real power for a bigger supposed power held by others: a no power. The real power owner has by now transferred the r-power. What happened then?

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301) Raising degrees

Volume 2: Taking of power

Book Abstract:

The r-power is transferred to the ally in a form of a t-power, a transferred power. The t-power is taken. The now holder of the t-power will alliances to consolidate the t-power raising the degree of transfer. What happened next?

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301) Raising degrees

Volume 3: Overtaking power

Book Abstract:

The allies of the t-holder of the t-power will make larger alliances beyond their borders to overtake the t-power in the form of an o-power, that is a no power. The owner of the real r-power is now trapped hostage by the owners of the supposed bigger but bogus power. The allies of the t-holder of the t-power are trapped hostage by their stronger allies. Now who really hold what power?

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301) Raising degrees

Volume 4: The s-power

Book Abstract:

A smatter strategy will go for the small but real power that is documented and hold the potential to bigger and bigger in a real sustainable path. The holders of the s-power reversed the time game t6 their advantage. As time goes the o-power decreases and the s-power increases in line with advantages coming with each type of power. The advantages for the people will then decide which type of power should prevail. Then only the people now control the power. Who is who in the power game? Who really controls what? 

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301) Opposing sides

Book Abstract:

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301) Population aid

Another ground where aid hurts development.

Book Abstract:

It doesn’t matter the number of kids per family Aid food will feed them. It doesn’t matter how is a parent. Aid will cover for the failing production capacities. Then aid becomes the way of life across generations, leaving no place for sustainable long term development agendas. When people cannot secure food for the next day, any 10 years term development program shall appear ridiculous to them. When in the life time of a human being the population of country raised from 3 millions to 10 millions, more than triple, there is no need for expert investigation to conclude that this country is suffering a population crisis. Means of production to sustain did not evolve in the same trend, but reversely. Aid fuelled population growth and hurts development. If that development trend continues for one more generation, that country will collapse from within. Aid will become the only means of survival. The country will have to abandon its sovereignty and become a colony of aid, a bag republic. This won’t happen. The development pioneers will reverse the negative development trend. Not without the fight, proponents of aid now, aid then, aid forever will fight back. How the battle for development was fought in the Circle republic of the tropics?         

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301) Demo war

When semi-literate step in to the puzzles of the high tech world.

Volume 1: stealing the unsolvable

Book Abstract:

Stea3ing a released demo is not a theft on technical grounds.

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301) Demo war

When semi-literate step in to the puzzles of the high tech world.

Volume 2: A reason to simulate theft

Book Abstract:

To create an environment that is unfavourable to the development of the real tech. In reality nothing is stolen.

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301) Origins: Balancing powers

Volume 1: Calling in

Book Abstract:

They all call him in to their origins. Who are they?

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301) Origins: Balancing powers

Volume 2: Calling back

He properly and decently respond to all

Book Abstract:

They all move from their origins to come to his origins; to the root origin of his power, the city origin and capital city of all of his objectives. What the objectives are?

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301) Backward assistance

Volume 1: The economic war

Book Abstract:

Assistance to evolve and develop backward. Backward projects will receive funding. Forward projects for advancement are barred from funding: in a new type of war, an economic war.

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301) Backward assistance

Volume 2: The economic response

Book Abstract:

Bypassing conventional funding mechanisms. Innovating forward funding mechanisms: will require high level of knowledge.

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301) Backward assistance

Volume 2: The ‘forced’ economic aid

Book Abstract:

They don’t propose aid. They impose aid. If you refuse their aid, they will find ways to put their aid in your economy. Who aid who, and why? What's behind the forced aid ?

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301) Triangles of death

Volume 1: In home triangles

Book Abstract:

From ‘just’ poor to poor ‘criminal’, still poor but a worst poor. Food is their deadliest weapon. If you refuse to eat their poisoned food, they will find ways to their poisons to your food. Securing food is not enough. You find ways to secure your secured food. Many naïve food lovers will pay the ultimate cost: the cost of life. They are trained food assassins. They trade sex and food for life. They are sex warriors in regular family homes. How do they operate?

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301) Triangles of death

Volume 2: Local triangles

Book Abstract:

Increasing population, decreasing means of production, increasing crime rates, reversing inherited sustainability. That’s the equation of the new local triangles. Lured by quick gains, they are progressively destroying their inherited strength: the only one spot of strength remaining for the nation they have been elected to lead. When the only spot from where any organized resistance can organized will be taken over: what they will do?  They are local triangles. They kill self in killing others. How do they operate?


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301) Triangles of death

Volume 3: Regional triangles

Book Abstract:

Linkages of opportunists with despair, transfer of a culture of crimes to sustainable regions. Where linkages cannot be established, rule by terror and deaths. They are the regional triangles of death. In one region despair forced them into crimes for survival. Are they terrorists? Terrorists kill for an ideology. The despair killers kill for survival. They kill others to save their lives; a type of ideology. The ideology of survival. Then they are terrorists. Opportunists have the minimum required for survival. They don’t have to kill for survival. Just living in an area of abundance and surplus for export secure for them the minimum for life. They don’t have to kill to stay alive.  When the opportunity for easy wealth shows up, why not grasp it?  they make linkages with the region of despair, the masters in killing technics: an alliance of death. Opportunists will provide the physical grounds for despair to sit; established command centers from where operations will be lunched to attack the owners of abundance. Everybody knows their slogan: ‘release your land or die’. They go lands, homes, any property of big value using unconventional arms of terror. Not without a fight. The owners of abundance will fight back, raising the death toll on both sides: a death line for the same country. That’s the story of the story of the regional triangles of death. How do they operate?

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301) Triangles of death

Volume 4: Continental triangles

Funding regional cells of terrorists.

Book Abstract:

The continental triangles do not kill. You can kill what you cannot see. They’ re just to far away from the target. Yet their contribution is not negligible. They will fund the regional alliances of death. They will become by funding, owners of anything stolen. They are the continental triangles of death.

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301) Triangles of death

Volume 5: Global triangles

Funding continental cells of terrorists.

Book Abstract:

Richer funders will go safe. They will fund regional alliances of death operating on site. They will also fund the continental triangles to be safe. Excluding the holders of higher power at continental level from the sharing of the cake, would be unsafe. How does it work ?  

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301) Piss Gun

Volume 1

Commensal Attack

Book Abstract

They are warriors.They fight to kill. They kill to win.Their weapon is extremely deadly but simple, just a piss.They piss germ bullets in foodto initiate a slow byt irreversible feath of the target.Wash out.This is te story of commensal deaths; friendly commensals in natural host that hold the ability to turn deadly in foreign host.Who invented the commensal bullets to feed the piss guns.Are the warriors aware of te deadly nature of the commensal germs in a trans ecological system. Erudite targets will fight the commensal back with the power of fire. It is ten piss versus fire. Who will win.

Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (12.02.2016)
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