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Biotech tropicana Journal: (1):(5):9, 2016


A Section of the Biotech tropicana Systems development Forum

A simple abstract of a development concept.


Volume 1:

  1. Development: a definition.
  2. Why are developing  world political leaders scare of local technology innovators.
  3. Why are Europeans scare of the African diaspora.
  4. Why the African  private sector does not protest abuses of the African public sector
  5. On the origins of capital of the African private sector
  6. All languages are created equal in development
  7. Why some Africans beg Europeans to recolonize them
  8. Why some rich African communities are not getting developed
  9. The cost of not following guidelines in development
  1. The  myths  of the “all” powerful leader in African politics

Volume 2:

  1.  Building real power: The US model
  2. Secrets of development: The Benin republic missed lessons from king Guezo
  3. The power of size in number: the Biotech tropicana Systems model.
  4. The African Union (AU), The European union (EU), and the American Union (US) : Impact of the Biotech tropicana Systems toward an equilateral triangle in commercialization of biotechnologies.
  5.  AU-EU-US  to AU-EU-US-UK. from an equilateral triangle to a square : A post brexit analysis of global development  trends from a  Biotech tropicana Systems perspective.
  6. The power of union: the early insights of the Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah  for Africa.
  7. The power of order: The  JJ Rawlings Ghana.
  8. Wisdom in development: The scientific call of Koffi Annan
  9. American communism: The settler mentality in American capitalism.
  1. Assimilation power: The unwritten rules of the American immigration system.


Volume 3:

  1. The power of private ownership: At  the heart of the United States Millennium Challenge Account.
  2. The right to choose: Lessons from the  Biotech tropicana Systems board of trustees.
  3. Biotech tropicana Systems: A new planet in the solar system.
  4. X
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  6. X
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  8. X
  9. X
  1. X



The Development Forum is development platform of the Biotech tropicana Systems operated by the Biotech tropicana,IncCOMMUNICATOR  unit. Program design is in progress.


Abounakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator.

Biotech tropicana Systems



Incubation Site:

Kumasi, Ghana, African Union


Site Development Model: P2



Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (09.03.2016)
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