Biotech tropicana Systems: Selected Policy Outline
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI
Biotech tropicana Systems
Selected Policy Outline
1. Sovereignty Policy
The sovereignty of the Biotech tropicana Systems IS NOT negotiable, under no circumstance.
2. Terrorism Policy
The BiotechTropicana Systems SHALL NOT negotiate with terrorists under no circumstance. Terrorism must be defeated.
3. Funding Policy
- The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL BE strictly closed to foreign capital. Foreign is defined as any institution other than the Biotech tropicana Systems,
- An internal activity of the Biotech tropicana Systems is funded ONLY by the Biotech tropicana,IncFINANCIAL unit
- A foreign institution SHALLNOT be eligible to fund an internal activity of the Biotech tropicana Systems: including foreign financial institutions.
- Capital acquired doing business with foreign institutions are properties of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
- Foreign investors and shareholders.
- The Biotech tropicana Systems may accept LIMITED foreign investment under a “foreign capital portfolio”.
- “foreign investors” operating under the “foreign capital portfolio” MUST designate a representative to the Board of Administration of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
- A “designated representative” of “foreign investors” to the Board of Administration of the Biotech tropicana Systems IS NOT a member of the Biotech tropicana Systems. (See dual status. Policy 13e).
- A designated representative SHALL be registered and codified upon acceptance by the Board of Administration and ratification by the founders
- Donations
- The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL commit at least 0.7% of its profits to the Biotechnology Development Fund as donations (SMARToda)) to the resource poor communities.
- The Biotech tropicana Systems MAY accept donations from foreign institutions or donors under execptional circumstances.
- Consistent with its “compassionate capitalism” philosophy, execptional circumstance is defined as a circumstance where refusal of a donation will cause “serious harm” to beneficiaries of products of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
- Solo acting “individum” or “small interest groups” ARE NOT eligible for coosideration under the “serious harm” standard.
- All donations MUST be approved by the Board of Administration, ratified by the founders, and published by Biotech tropicana,IncCOMMUNICATOR.
- If accepted a donation becomes an exclusive property of the Biotech tropicana Systems governed by internal policies of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
4. Collaboration Policy
- The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL conduct a background check on candidate partners.
- Candidate partners must pass the Biotech tropicana Systems eligibility test.
- Any candidate with a negative score SHALL NOT be admitted for partnership.
- A Candidate with at least a zero score may be considered for admission to the Biotech tropicana Systems threshold program.
- Collaboration between Biotech tropicana Systems and a foreign institution is established upon the signing of a collaboration protocol by supervising authorities of both parties.
- A collaboration protocol MUST be signed in duplicate.
- Each party SHALL keep an identical copy the collaboration protocol.
- Each activity performed jointly by the two parties SHALL be initiated by the signing of an “ACTIVITY SPECEFIC PROTOCOL” specifying the contributions and ownership of each party. See “Project Proposal”, policy 6 below.
- The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL NOT engage in any activity with a foreign institution without the support of a signed collaboration protocol agreed upon by both parties, under no circumstance.
5. Ownership Policy
Projects initiated by the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL specify the initiating unit, and ownership, as follow:
Project Initiator: Initiating Unit
Project Owner: Biotech tropicana Systems.
Joint Ownership: The Biotech tropicana Systems DO NOT accept joint ownership, to avoid,
- Reduced efficiency as a result of reduced authority, in future innovation using jointly owned components of previous innovation.
- Potential loss of capital in conflict management
Private Ownership:
- The founders Aboubakar are the owners of the Biotech tropicana Systems and all units and affiliated technologies and processes are exclusive properties of the founders.
See also founders policy 52. Biotech tropicana Systems.
6. Project “Proposal” Policy
- The Biotech tropicana Systems may participate in projects initiated by foreign institution.
- Project initiated by foreign institution SHALL be specified as “PROPOSAL”.
- The Biotechtropicana Systems SHALL reply to all “proposal”. A Reply to a “proposal” SHALL indicate in bold,at the first line of thereply letter,“Biotechtropicana Systems response to foreign institution owned proposal”.
- Response to a “proposal” is the solo responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer.
- Joint protocols of implementation of a “proposal” SHALL specify the contribution of each party in distinct subprotocols.Ownership of sub protocols SHALL be clearly specified as ‘Biotech tropicana Systems owned” or “foreign institution owned”.
- No “joint ownership’ SHALL be permitted.
7. Negotiation Policy
- A “negotiation request protocol” is initiated ONLY by the Chief executive Officer.
- Negotiations are conducted by members of the BOARD OF TRUSTEE
- A “negotiation requestprotocol” SHALL specify a timelinefor negotiation proceedings.
- Outcomes of negotiations SHALL be summarized in a “negotiation outcome protocol.
- One copy of the “negotiation outcome protocol” SHALL be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer and one copy to the founders.
- Conflicts in negotiation management between the Chief Executive Officer and the Board of trustee are resolved by the founders.
- The founder’s decision is final, and there is no appeal.
8. Judicial Proceedings Policy
- Judicial proceedings are initiated by Biotech tropicana,IncLITIGATOR unit.
- Biotech tropicana,IncLITIGATOR SHALL inform the Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Trustee before initiating a judicial proceeding.
- Submission of complains to competent foreign institution having judicial authority SHALL be approved by the founders.
9 Archive Policy
a) All closed files shall be transferred to the Biotech tropican,IncMUSEUM for archiving.
b) Reopening of closed files SHALL be approved by the founders.
c) A reopened file SHALL specify the “old” registration number followed by the “new” registration number.
10. Security Policy
The Biotech tropicana, IncSECURITY TASK FORCE SHALL protect the properties and members of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
11. Image Policy
- All members shall promote the image of the Biotech tropicana Systems, in a manner that is consistent with Biotech tropicana Systems image philosophy: “We advance our interest by advancing the interest of our partners”.
- The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL NOT advance at the expense of its partners.
- Violation of the Biotech tropicana Systems image philosophy IS an act of ‘bad moral character”.
- A partner that acts in violation of policy 11)c SHALL be barred for lifetime from doing business with the Biotech tropicana Systems.
- The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL NOT participate in any activity in which a former partner excluded under policy 11)c holds at least 50% of shares .
- The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL NOT participate in any activity operates on the premises held by a former partner excluded under policy 11)c
- A former partner excluded under policy 11)c SHALL NOT associate with any activity of any unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems .
- In case of violation of policy 11)g, the former partner SHALL NOT be eligible for negotiation. The former partner SHALL be prosecuted to the full extent of applicable laws and regulations.
- A former partner excluded under policy 11)c SHALL be clearly informed in written of its exclusion from doing business with the Biotech tropicana Systems and the consequences of any violation of policy 11)g.
12. Computer Policy
- All computer units of the Biotech topicana Systems computer network SHALL be marked as “ SECURED” or “ NOT SECURED”.
- Transfer of data from a “SECURED” to a “NOT SECURED” computer SHALL require approval of UNIT DIRECTOR.
- Transfer of data from a “SECURED” to a “FOREIGN COMPUTER” SHALL require approval of the Chief Executive Officer. “FOREIGN COMPUTER” is defined as any computer not owned and registered by the Biotech tropicana Systems.
- Data of competitive interest to the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL be saved as “BUSINESS SECRET”
- A member of the Biotech tropicana Systems that transfers a “BUSINESS SECRET” file from a “SECURED” computer to a “FOREIGN COMPUTER” in violation of applicable protocols, SHALL NOT be eligible for negotiation. The member SHALL BE dismissed without further inquiry, and prosecuted to the full extent of applicable laws and regulations.
13. Membership Policy
- Membership to the Biotech tropicana Systems is acquired by:
a)1) properly filing an “Application for Membership”
a)2) Admission by the Board of Administration
a)3) Ratification by the Founders
b) A candidate that failed to meet any of the conditions mentioned in policy 13)a) IS NOT a member of the Biotech tropicana Systems
c) Consistent with policy 13)a), “Aid Recipients” of the Biotech tropicana Systems financial and/or technical assistance program, registered as “SOCIETAIRES” under Biotech tropicana Association, ARE NOT members of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
d) Candidates admitted under the Biotech tropicana Systems “Training Program”
ARE NOT members of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
e) dual contract;
- A candidate having a full or part time contract with a foreign institution IS NOT eligible for membership of the Biotech tropicana Systems
- A candidate having a full or part time contract with a foreign institution may be eligible for part-time staff status upon successful completion of the training phase, if the candidate can demonstrate his/her ability to fully perform his/her duties for the Biotech tropicana Systems.
- A candidate having a full time or part time contract with a public institution IS NOT eligible for membership nor staff of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Biotech tropicana Systems operate through the private sector.
f) As of July 2018 update, any non founding member is an -ASSOCIATE-.
14. Performance Policy
- All unit directors SHALL maintain a “Daily Performance Sheet”
- At least 75℅ of time devoted to daily activities SHALL be allocated to technological innovation activities and/or wealth generating business activities
- Days in which the 75℅ threshold is not achieved SHALL be marked as negative ( - )
- Days in which a performance of 75 to 76℅ is achieved SHALL be marked as null ( 0 )
- Days in which a performance above 76℅ is achieved SHALL be marked as positive ( + )
- A unit director that scores a negative balance for two consecutive months
(that is for two consecutive 30 daysperformance sheet ) SHALL be suspended and management SHALL be transferredto the Board of Administration
- The Board of Administration SHALL reverse the negative trend within 60 days.
- The Chief Executive Officer who is also the Chief of the Board of Administration SHALL include the suspended director within the second level management team, as trainee.
- In case of failure to reverse a negative trend within 60 days, The Board of Administration SHALL transfer management to the founders
- The founders may at their owm discretion explore strategies to reverse the negative trend or order the unit closed
15. Sustainability Policy
- An activity initiated by a unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems is sustainable when it promotes further development of the initiating unit and at least one additional unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems
- The Board of Administration SHALL evaluate all new projects for sustainability
- A project evaluated as “UNSUSTAINABLE”, SHALL NOT be implemented in the Biotech tropicana Systems
- The Biotech tropicana Systems “continuity principle” required that no additional capital and no additional time SHALL be invested de novo on activities on which capital and time were previously invested for identical activities
- The “continuity principle” SHALL apply to all projects
- A project that cannot be “positively continued” SHALL be closed and transferred to the Biotech Tropicana.IncMuseum for archiving.
16. Reopening of Closed Files Policy
- A closed file may be reopened if it meets the “change circumstance favorable to the advancement of the file” standard
- The “continuity principle” SHALL apply to all reopened files.
17. Foreign Jurisdiction Policy
- A unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL NOT operate in a foreign jurisdiction without a WRITEN AUTHORIZATION of foreign authorities under no circumstance.
- Foreign jurisdiction is defined as any jurisdiction outside a legally acquired territory of the Biotech tropicana Systems
- A foreign institution SHALL NOT be permitted to make rules or vote in a rule making process n the Biotech tropicana Systems, under no circumstance.
- A foreign institution SHALL NOT be permitted to operate in the Biotech tropicana Systems without a written authorization, under no circumstance.
- An operation performed by a foreign institution without authorization within the jurisdiction of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL be classified as “Illegal Entry”.
- “Illegal Entry” by foreign institutions through the use of force SHALL be classified as “ FORCED Illegal Entry”
- “Illegal Entry” by foreign institutions whithout the use of force SHALL be classified as “ DELINQUENT Illegal Entry”
- A “ FORCED Illegal Entry” SHALL be reported IMMEDIATELY to the Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY TASK FORCE.
- A “DELINQUENT Illegal Entry” SHALL be reported to Biotech tropicana,IncLITIGATOR within 24 hours. A copy of the report SHALL be submitted to Biotech tropicana,IncFORENSICS, and Biotech tropicana,InCSECURITY TASK FORCE.
- A summary of an “Illegal Entry” file SHALL be reported to the Chief Executive Officer of the Biotech tropicana Systems within 24 hours.
- The Chief Executive Officer SHALL report any harm to member or property damage to the founders within 24 hours.
- “Serious Harm to Member” or “Serious Property Damage” SHALL be classified as an “ACT OF TERRORISM”, and processed accordingly,
18. Incubation Policy
- ALL units of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL be incubated before incorporation
- The incubated unit SHALL stay in incubation for the minimal incubation period of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
- A graduating incubator that after three attempts of properly filed applications for registration, failed to be approved by foreign authorities, SHALL be closed.
- All application attempts SHALL be documented .
- All documents SHALL be transferred to the Biotech tropicana,IncMuseum for archiving.
19. Donation policy;
a) The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL BE strictly closed to foreign donations. See Policy 3.
b) All donation proposals SHALL be transferred to the Board of recipients of the Biotechnology Education Funds for further proceedings.
c) The Board of recipients of the Biotechnology Education Funds SHALL include
- A member of the Biotech tropicana Systems (the primary donor)
- A member of the secondary donors
- A member of the tertiary donors
d) The Board of recipients of the Biotechnology Education Funds SHALL submit a
“ fund management protocol” to each of the primary, secondary, and tertiary donors on yearly basis.
e) The Board of recipients of the Biotechnology Education Funds SHALL maintain a website freely accessible to the public.
f) The website of the Board of recipients of the Biotechnology Education Funds SHALL comport a section clearly indicating the list of the donors. The list SHALL clearly identify the donors and the amount donated.
g) The Board of recipients of the Biotechnology Education Funds SHALL design a logo for the Funds
h) All official correspondences SHALL be performed on a letterhead paper comporting the logo and the name “Biotechnology Education Funds”
i) The letterhead paper SHALL comport a section clearly indicating: “The Biotehnology Education Funds IS NOT a property of the Biotech tropicana Systems”
20. No Discrimination Policy
The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL strictly enforce its no discrimination policy based on race, ethnicity, sex, religion, or national origin. The BTS seek for excellence and availability. The BTS are a knowledge driven economy.
See Page B for updates.
21. Exclusion Policy
- IS EXCLUDABLE, any member, staff, trainee or parther of the Biotech tropicana Systems that commits an act that meets the “ Serious harm to the Interest of the Biotech tropicana Systems” standard. OR " Bad Moral Character" standard
- Members, staff, and partners are excluded under policy 21)b)
- Trainees are excluded under Policy 21)c)
- A member, staff, trainee, or partner excluded under policy 21 SHALL NOT be eligible for re-admission under no circumstance.
- The Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL inform the excluded member, staff, trainee, or partner in written on a letter headed official paper
- An exclusion letter SHALL clearly state the basis of the exclusion
- An exclusion letter SHALL be certified by a legal authority
- A copy of the certified exclusion letter SHALL be transferred to the Biotech tropicana Museum for archiving
- A member , staff, trainee, or partner excluded under Policy 21, SHALL NOT associate in any manner with any activity of the Biotech tropicana Systems
- The excluded member, staff, trainee, or partner SHALL be clearly inform of the UNNEGOTIABLE legal prosecution if the member, staff, trainee, or partner associate in anyway with any activity of the Biotech tropicana Systems after the date of the exclusion.
22 : Three violations Policy:
- A staff, member or partner that commits three " minor violations" that DOES NOT MEET the “serious harm to the Biotech tropicana Systems” standard (policy 21) or “bad moral character” standard (policy 11)c SHALL be suspended.
- A staff, member or partner suspended under policy 22)a MAY be re-admissible upon approval by the Board of administration and ratification by the founder.
- A staff, member or partner suspended under policy 22)a IS NOT eligible for any form of application to the Biotech tropicana Systems.
- The suspended staff, member or partner may write a re-admission letter to the Board of Administration. The re-admission letter SHALL state the reasons why the suspended staff, member or partner think he/she should be re-admitted to the Biotech tropicana Systems.
- Re-admission is granted if approved by the Board of Administration and ratified by the founders.
23. Policy Making Policy
- A policy is implementable in the Biotech tropicana Systems ONLY after ratification by the founders.
- In collaboration with Biotech tropicana,IncLITIGATOR, and Biotech tropicana,IncCOMMUNICATOR the Board of Adminstration SHALL monitor trends in law, regulation, and policy making on daily basis, in countries of business interest to the Biotech tropicana Systems..
- Where a policy of the Biotech tropicana Systems is in conflict with a law, regulation, or policy of a country in which an authorized unit operates, the policy at issue SHALL be amended to be consistent with laws, regulations, and policies of the country.
- Where an amendment under policy 23)c IS NOT favorable to the interest of the Biotech tropicana Systems, the unit at issue SHALL be closed.
- A member of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL NOT in any way be involved in law, regulation, or policy making processes of a foreign country.
- A member of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL NOT in be a registered member of a political party; (neutrality principle; dual status).
- A member of the Biotech tropicana Systems willing to register to a political party SHALL resign from the Biotech tropicana Systems.
- The Board of Adminstration MAY propose policy frameworks to the founders
- The founders MAY at their own discretion amend a policy anytime to promote the business or security interests of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
24 Hiring Policy
- Any candidate that can demonstrate its ability to innovate IS ELIGIBLE to apply to the Biotech tropicana Systems INNOVATION PROGRAM
- There is no diploma requirement to innovate: “freedom to innovate”. However, each unit may had additional requirements specific to their programs.
- Applications are processed by the Board of Admissions
- Admission is granted upon ratification by the founders.
25. Backward Processing Policy
- An opened program of the Biotech tropicana System SHALL “sustain” its position or move forward
- A program of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL NOT be processed backward, under no circumstance.
- A program that cannot be continued positively SHALL be closed and transferred to the Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM for archiving.
- To be eligible for re-opening a closed file SHALL meet the “change circumstance favourable to the advancement of the file standard”.
See Also Policy 15. Sustainability Policy
26, No Deal Policy.
- An aborted or any uncompleted collaboration or partnership request initiated by the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL be classified as a “NO DEAL”.
- All processing information SHALL be documented.
- All documents SHALL be transferred to the Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM for archiving.
- The file SHALL be marked “NO DEAL”, in BOLD using the PINK color.
27. Enemy Classification Policy
a) A country that uses its secret services, military, police, or any other officially recognized force to directly attack the interest of the Biotech tropicana Systems, without a written order of an officially recognized court SHALL be classified as “ A Terrorism Sponsor Enemy Country”.
b) The Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY Task Force SHALL report any terrorist attack on the interest or members of the Biotech tropicana Systems by a “Terrorism Sponsor Enemy Country” to officially recognized terrorism sponsor countries list databases.
c) The Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY Task Force SHALL maintain an internal database of “Terrorism Sponsor Countries” and all other Terrorists identified as enemies of the Biotech tropicana Systems,
d) A country identified as “Terrorism sponsor Enemy Country” SHALL be barred from doing business with Biotech tropicana Systems,
e) Consistent with its no discrimination policy the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL NOT discriminate against private citizens or private companies from a “A terrorism Sponsor Enemy Countries”.
f) The Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY Task Force SHALL clearly inform private citizens and private companies from “Terrorism Sponsor Enemy Countries” of their “citizenship” or “company” of a “Terrorism Sponsor Enemy Country” of the Biotech Tropicana Systems STATUS.
g) The Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY Task Force SHALL permit private citizens and private companies from “Terrorism Sponsor Enemy Countries” to operate in the Biotech tropicana Systems under a special security protocol.
i) noncitizens or private companies owned by noncitizens involved in terrorism activities and sponsored by “Terrorism Sponsor Enemy Countries” SHALL be classified “ Mercenaries”.
j) The Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY Task Force SHALL include all “ Mercenaries” in the same security protocol as private citizens and private companies of “Terrorism Sponsor Enemy Countries”.
h) In case of direct attack on the interest or on members of the Biotech tropicana Systems by terrorists or bandits sponsored by a “Terrorism Sponsor Enemy Country” the Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY Task Force SHALL use all means available to neutralize the attackers.
28. Language Policy
a) The official language of the Biotech tropicana Systems is SALAC (the SMART African language Commons).
b) For commercial purpose the language department of Biotech tropicana,incEDUCATIONAL SHALL promote the acquisition of capacity in foreign languages, particularly the languages retained in the ‘language pool’.
Updated July 29, 2016. Original version available in Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM, archives.
See African Specific Language Database (ASAD) at
29. Three Months Processing Policy
a) A file that requires additional data for further processing may be maintained for a maxim of three months in an office of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
b) If for any reason the file cannot be further processed after three months from the initiation date of the file in the office, the office SHALL closed the file.
c) The closed file SHALL be transferred to the office of the Chief Executive Officer, with a note and any supporting material explaining the basis of the failure to further proceed.
d) The Chief Executive Office SHALL overcome the barrier to further proceed within a three months period, from the date of reception of the file, OR closed the file.
e) The Chief Executive Officer SHALL transfer the closed file to the founders, with a note and any supporting materials, explaining the basis of the failure to further proceed.
f) The founders may at their own discretion explore venues to overcome the barriers to further proceed, OR order the file closed and transferred to the Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM for archiving.
g) As a consequence of policy 28, all new files initiated by the Biotech tropicana Systems toward foreign institutions SHALL comport a note section specifying:
START (Do not include in letter)
Dear, , Internal regulations require our office to report your reply to this letter to a supervising office within 90 days. If you are unable to reply within this period, please cancel this letter and consider any data therein as VOID. We may submit a new letter. We appreciate your understanding. Sincerely. Policy 29)g. Biotech tropicana Systems.
Updated July 29, 2016. Original version available in Biotech tropicana,IncMUSEUM, archives.
With Best Regards. Biotech tropicana Systems.
END (Do not include in letter).
* where X indicates the supervising authority of the recipient foreign institution. (Do not include in letter)
h) The note section MUST be written in
- Times New Roman script
- size 12 points,
- using the black color
- placed one line below the signature section.
30. Ban on Demolition Engineering Policy
a) An activity of the Biotech tropicana Systems SHALL aim to promote “construction engineering” of pro-life systems.
b) An institution engaged in demolition engineering activities SHALL NOT be eligible for partnership with any unit of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
c) A candidate with a background of demolition engineering SHALL be inadmissible for membership of the Biotech tropicana Systems.
d) A member of the Biotech tropicana Systems that engages in demolition engineering activities on properties of the Biotech tropicana Systems or on properties of a foreign institutions SHALL be dismissed and prosecuted to the full extent of applicable laws and regulations.
The Founders
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI
Biotech tropicana Systems