SMARTccpENTREPRISES Project, under Biotech tropicana Community Center is a business incubator designed to help microentrepeneurs in the developing world, help themselves develop their owned entreprises.
After a period of incubation, the projcet is now being upgraded to a five centers pilot implementation phase. Here, the Biotech tropicana Systems aim to demonstrate how, applying the « new way » global development principles in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UN MDG) and the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (US MCC),a single shot of aid from London, Uk, may be transformed into a development chain reaction, toward sustainaible development in the resource-poor settings.
The aid from London contains in itself the basis of the funding of its own implementation. The Biotech tropicana Systems designed the implementation process so as to create 50 jobs per center and 50 additional project related jobs around the center, for a cumulative of 500 jobs for the pilot implementation phase.
The programs are designed to train local entrepeneurs to engineer their entreprises so as to create stable jobs for themselves and for theirfellow citizens, while producing a positive impact on the development of their communities. Development gains in communities will create more jobs, and increase the need for more entreprises that will create more jobs, thereby unleashing a chain of development reaction catalyzed from London, through the Biotech tropicana Systems, to the remote villages of the developing world.
Like any « new way » guided development project lunched by the Biotech tropicana Systems in the developing world, we expect resistance from partisans of the « old way ». Our previous projects passed the « old way » barriers, to prevail to implementation phase. Our analysis on the ground predicts the outcome of theSMARTccpENTREPRISES not to be diffirent from that of our previous projects. Here again, the « old way » will defeat itself through accumulation of its own absurdities.
Unlike the « old way » that demonstrated its capacity to consume billions of aid dollars to trap its own people into a circle of poverty, and produce obvious negative economic growth, the Biotech tropicana Systems strictly aligned its projects with guidelines set forth in the UN MDG and the US MCC. We refrain from commenting our obvious results on the ground. In the Biotech tropicana Systems, we aim to demonstrate on the ground, that development aid when properly applied, may be used to help the poor aid recipients of the developing world free themselves, from chronic dependency on international aid.
The SMARTccspENTREPRISES project are being developed according to the Biotech tropicana Systems core project implementation principle, low capital input into engineered global development principles to produce high positive impact on development on the ground.