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Biotech tropicana Journal: (1): 3):10, 2016

The Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES


Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator.

Biotech tropiana Systems.



Volume 6:

  1. The Handling of the dead case

The border story.

Book Abstract:

It’s all about borders, families and communities. Borders between families and state men, borders between pieces making the state, borders between race in communities, borders between continents, borders between cultures and civilizations.

That;s the story of the Mixers family that crosses all borders. That;s the story of the transformation of the “no case” into a “dead case”.

For what purpose ?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.


  1. The Lost winners

Where the celebrations of early wins come out to be the foundations of late tears, in the lost cities of the Circle republic of the tropics. 

Book Abstract:

When peoples, families, communities and all nations win their lost in the pursuit of baseless irrational gains. They destroy their owned foundations of rational “real” gains for prosperity. Mister X warns from the earliest days of celebrations of lost wins. Will the loosers learn from past mistakes to rebuild their future  or will they continue to thrive in the illusions of easy irrational lost wins ? It will all depend on decisions they will have to make by themselves and for themselves.

What happened to the lost cities of the Circle republic of the tropics ?  Mister X lately celebrates the lost of his lost.

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.


  1. The power of vote

Where an apparently complex situation is in fact a simple decision on who can vote and who cannot.

Book Abstract:

Mister X has made unambiguous that foreigners do not in his country. For mister X it’s not about foreigners voting for him or against him. Foreigners cannot vote; period. You must become citizens of his country, to vote. Who really hold the power in a country where foreigners can vote?

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  1. Military or mercenary?

The story of a trained military without a country to defend.

Book Abstract:

When a country invests the contributions of its citizens to build military capacity and then sell the country to feed the military, what will then be the mission of the military?

Will the military fight back to regain sovereignty of their country or will they fall into mercenary activities to get more food?

What make a military a military? The uniform or the mission?

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  1. Trainees and trainers

Where small manipulated tricks in the training protocols reversed the outcome of trainings.

 Book Abstract:

Protocols are made to be implemented with fidelity. Manipulation of single step in a protocol can dramatically alter the outcome of an experiment, beyond the control of the game changer. It;s all about who controls what. The changes in outcome may be of any form, from reversing crime fighters to crime leaders and country defenders to country destroyers. The country spies may be reversely spying on their own people and leaving no skill for spying on foreign people. The sills you practice everyday are the skills you develop; good skills or bad skills.

What are the manipulations in the training materials of the new experiments of the circle republic of the tropics?

What are the outcomes of the manipulations?

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  1. Scale illusions

Where a developing country is trying to colonize a developed country.

Book Abstract:

To succeed the developing country must put the planetary globe in his country and the seas in the rivers. The leaders of the developing country swear for a total success before their people; an interesting development strategy.

What are the success formulas of the leaders of the developing country?

What are their methodologies?

 Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.


  1. Train collisions

This is the story of frequent and deadly collisions between the south-south and the north-south cooperation trains.

Book Abstract:

The south line or the north line? A cooperation train regulator and deputy ministry of foreign affairs embark in a search for guidelines to avoiding train collisions and maximising cooperation benefits for the Circle republic of the tropics. Mr. deputy relied heavily on collaboration frameworks in his search for a universal framework. That’s the story of the double picks on segments of trains running in opposite directions. The double picks will often turn deadly.

Will he get them?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.


  1. The Manuscripts

The story of the manuscript that changes so many lives.

Book Abstract:

The manuscript contains many. The manuscript also worth much both in abstract and market values. The question is whether the troubles of the writer arose from the content of the worth of the manuscript. Many copy machine versions of the manuscript disappear to reappear later or never. According to the story of the writer, the manuscript is still in process. The manuscript may be the basis of the forced and quick exodus of the writer and the origin of  the continued thefts stories. The copy machine story further supports the writer’s hypothesis.  There are numerous continuity events of mis thefts that support the writer’s hypothesis. This is the story of the quest for an answer on the “content” or the “worth” of the manuscript.  To get the answer,

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


  1. Reversing roles

The joke that costs the freedom fighter their reason to fight; freedom.

Book Abstract:

The freedom fighter cherished their freedom. They are ready to risk their lives for their cherished freedom.  So when an opportunity to fight for more freedom was given to them, they took the opportunity with both hands. The freedom fighters missed one point; while one hand was given them the expected more freedom, the other hand was taking more than more freedom. The balance was nit in their favour. When the freedom realized they vow more fight for a total freedom. That’s the story of the freedom war. How do they do that?

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  1. The Strangers

Taking on the landlords.

Book Abstract:

The homeless stranger was given a small piece of land to make himself and to his family a home. The landlord will soon learn at his own expense that a land should always belong to someone. The strangers will make alliances with other strangers to take on the landlords. They demand the all lands. Give your land or die. That’s the story of the war of lands. Who will win?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON.


Volume 7:

  1. Death game

Killing for fun or fun killers? What’s the difference?

Book Abstract:

When the republic dies and supervision with it, the mafia takes on the country. Life and death becomes a game of gain or lost. In training activities many are killed for fun. It’s the death game republic. How does it work.  


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  1.  Flag pocketers

Putting flags in pockets.

Book Abstract:

When the flag becomes the symbol of access to easy gains to fill the pockets of flag holders, against country development and the advancement of nations; What will the people do?

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  1. The big shup

Big shup or big push

Book Abstract:

When development experts recommended the big push for extremely weak countries to push them toward development, some development practioners  may understand the call as big shup. The big push is designed to reinforce development pillars. The big shup destroys development pillars. Big push or big shup? What’s the difference? That’s the shup shup story.

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  1. Die games

Tracing the moving dies of the mafia.

Book Abstract:

When the mafia positioned die 1 to steal resource 1, and positioned die to create resource 2 of inferior value; then positioned dies 3,4,5,and 6 to create the puzzle for more thefts, where do the criminal activities originate.  To trace the criminal dies of the mafia,

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  1. Arena Switch

Where arena choice may make all the difference between win and lost.

Book Abstract:

In a society where all bodies will have to make their own rules to save their interests, who will then make the rule of the rules? The good luck is that all bodies rely on tools derive from sciences to make and enforce their rules. It the dawn of the rule of scientists, a scientosocry society.

How does it happen?

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  1. Like tutus and like husis: which one are the good ones? A: they’ re all bad.

The untold story of a civil war.

Book Abstract:

Who is behind the incitation to war? Who is the killer in the small circle republic war zone?

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  • ----------------------------------------------------------
  1. Alibi for war

Where alibi transforms a judicial battle into a military confrontation.

Book Abstract:

When alibi are made up to transform a judicial battle into a military confrontation, who will then be the judge for society?

The people will have to decide for themselves. How?

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68) Game changers: the revolution for development.

This assay was born out televised debates from the African TV, on the future of the African Union.

Book Abstract:

Should the youth clean out the old generation born during the old time? OR should the youth clean out the old mentalities of dependency? OR should the youth work with proponents of change within the elderly?

This essay discusses different scenarios under all the questions as tentative responses to the inevitable reforms of the African Union system.

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​69) Death game

Killing for fun or fun killers.

Book Abstract:

When the republic dies and the mafia took over, who will protect the citizens and their properties? Under the rule of the mafia every citizen protects own corner with life or death. It’s killing time. Some kill for gain. Some kill for lost. Some kill for fun. Others for training.  There is only one choice, to kill. But when some decided to choose for another choice; kill the killers, the rules of killing game change. The new rules kill the killers for freedom of life.  How do they all kill?  

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70) Organized crimes

Circumventing the international law. The story of the stolen warriors of the Circle republic of the tropics.

Book Abstract:

They steal women mostly illiterates to train them into warriors. To circumvent international laws, they operate within borders. To make a warrior they trapped the women into pseudo crimes they initiate. Here the crime initiator is the crime investigator and at the same time the final judge, in long series of thefts and  deaths. How do they do that?

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Volume 8:

71) Linking

Where linkage make the degree.

Book Abstract:

Here the engineers link one factor with another reversely or forward to make the case. Which cases? It appears that cases are color lined. What is intelligent engineering in a color group may be the dummiest case in another color group. A case may be applauded in one color group and the same case blamed in another color group.All cases have a defined beginning. Do cases have a defined end?

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72) The Macro profilers

Profiling the profilers.

Book Abstract:

Who is the inventor of this new technique of mass profiling? Everybody knows him. The main issue here is how much does it cost to use the tools with or without permission of the owner? In the new macro profiling, you are face or tail. You can also choose ways to loose or to win. The question is why the macro profiling?  

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73) Cost evaluation

Putting a value on the priceless manuscript.

Book Abstract:

How much should they pay for the services of the priceless manuscript? This is the story of quest for a cost on pre sales.

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74) The Developers?

The simple formula that kills it all, including the rating of the president in future elections.

Book Abstract:

It’s all about balance. Balance toward or against development. For some it’s all about time; and balance too; balancing time to maximize output within time; the time in office. This can harm development. Does it matter?

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75) The killing of the coco plan

Where order makes the all difference.  

Book Abstract:

The new coco development comports one additional adjustment from all preceding coco plans that makes the new plan likely to succeed. Success of the new plan is the basis of failure of all previous old coco plans. A large coco consortium vows to kill the new coco plan? Will they succeed?

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76) City for sale

How much cost a city?

Book Abstract:

Who set the price? The community or the community leaders?.

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77) The Private city

The building up of a private city.

Book Abstract:

When the leaders of the circle republic of the tropics sell their country, and community leaders followed to in the “city for sale” business, they open a door to private cities. Any one now can buy or build a city of his own. Who will regulate the private cities.? :

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78) Fair and equal opportunities:

Volume 1:The fair and equal funds of the senator

Where group performance matters..

Book Abstract:

The opportunity clearly penalizes personal’s abilities.; particularly in the B group. .Groups may be roughly classified into two: The B group and the W group. Good Bs are penalized. Bad Ws are rewarded. All that matters is the group.; more importantly the color of the group. The funds may be fair and equal, what’s about the number of groups; more important the number of the groups of the same color.,; the impact of group number on competition of groups of different colors. for the fair and equal fund. The W group isw color in but may mutate to b color out. The B group is always b color, and caanot operate out, therefore the B group is not permitted to mutate like the W group. The fund is not the big issue, nor the fairness and equality factors.. Want’ s about the interest groups? That’s the big deal. Whens interest groups hit on, Bs end up with negative projects that promotes destruction. The W group end up with positive projects that promote prosperity? Both Bs and Ws fairly and equally receive the same amount of fund to finance their respective projects. No doubt the funds are fair and equal; what’s about the mathematics of outcomes?. We keep this for volume 2. It’s all about interest groups. Who are they? Where is their status in the puzzle? What is the real worth of the decisions of the interest groups?

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  1. Fair and equal opportunities

Volume 2: The insightful analysis of the professor

Book Abstract:

Getting into the analysis of interactions of factors in the games and outcomes of the game.

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  1. The Demolition majors

They revive cash bags to demolish their people and their communities. The better their results, the more the cash bags.

Book Abstract:

More cash may translate into more constructions. Equally, more cash may translate into more demolitions. It all depends on the context. The construction of an infrastructure may promote development of a community. The demolition of a community may be triggered by the construction of an infrastructure. How?

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Volume 8:

  1. The Development interest of the nation

Volume 1: A parliamentary seminar.

Book Abstract:

Who is responsible of the development of a nation?

Policymakers? The executive? The people? Or all of them, with all parties playing their roles with responsibility?

To get involve in the quest for an answer,

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  1. The Development interest of the nation

Volume 1: A people’s seminar seminar

Book Abstract:

How communities can contribute to their own development?

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  1. A Police of criminals

They commit crimes against their own people

for foreigners, as long as some money will come in for each crime,

Book Abstract:

When police officers use their training and skills paid for by communities to take from communities what belongs to communities, did they commit a crime against the community?.

When police officers take an investment toward their host community tore-invest in their community of origin, did they commit a crime against the nation?

When those who are supposed to protect and investigate are the criminals, then who will investigate?

These scenarios take us an investigation into the very world of forensics, and forensics science. To investigate with us

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


  1. Re-vote

king out the projects for society. Where the opposition fought back.

Book Abstract:

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  1. Red Heads

It is sex for head. The story of the sex mercenaries and head killers..

Book Abstract:

You get the sex and I blow out the heads. The foreign red monkeys like the people of the Circle republic of the tropics, as long as they don’t seek for education. If You look in the concepts, then I will use y allies sex warriors to blow out your head. Be a wise dump B, and I feed you more. This is the story of the business of head blowing. How does it operate?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


  1. Air Control: The private airports

Tech or politics; the path to the air revolutiom in the Circle republic of the tropics..

Book Abstract:

Politicians apply politics to build a single airport. Tech group applies tech to make private airports and planes accessible to all citizens. That’s the tech revolution of air control in the Circle republic of the tropics. Who get the power?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


  1. The Mathematics of the deal

Where 1 + 1 = 0

Book Abstract:

All debates focuse on bag size and number for themselves. No one count for the losses and gains of the country. Until one of them choose to do just that. This will take us into the mathematics of the deal.

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  1. Origins: A conflict of nationality

Where do I belong? I’am not sure myself.

Book Abstract:

When interests cross borders, nationality may need to be redefined. How?

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100) Reversing roles

When thieves organized an opened media campaign to put the blame of real owners..

Book Abstract:

How do they do that?

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  1.  Overdominance

Where sophisticated analysis of superior intelligence overdominates all parties.

Book Abstract:

Some relied on subjective color games to push their interests.Others relied on the objective rules to do the same. There is an interface between the two groups. An independent superior unit overdominates all groups with sophisticated analysis of superior intelligence. Will the dominated parties acknowledge the limits of its intelligence or will they continue faking false existence.

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON




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