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Biotech tropicana Journal; 1(2):7, 2010
Biotech tropicana Journal                                            Tech Stories

Life For Sale: How The Biotech tropicana SMARThivTECHS Win the Market War in the Developing World.

Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI
Biotech tropicana, Inc, Parakou, Benin
*Corresponding Author: Aboubakar YARI, Bioteh tropicana, Inc, 02 Po Box 1038, Parakou, Benin Republic, e-mail:

Published Online July 17, 2010

We propose life for sale, at the very competitive cost of $ 120 USD per year of life. The proposed life is stored in the Biotech tropicana Life Box, now ready to get out for business. Before opening the store of life, we wish to thank those great leaders whose insight and vision, create the necessary grounds for the building of the Biotech tropicana life store, the builders of the 2001 United Nations General Assembly special Session dedicated to HIV/AIDS , the 2003 World Health Organization 3by5 project , and the 2003 United States Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Relying on the premises in these megaprojects, in designing the life store, we applied two common place concepts known to all, "compassion” , and "capitalism”, framed into a single theory of "compassionate capitalism” in the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation.
Keywords: Life; Death; HIV/AIDS; Alternative technology; Business; Capitalism; Compassion

Cover photo:
The United Nations Secretariat Building is lit with a red ribbon to demonstrate the UN’s commitment to the battle against HIV/AIDS and to spotlight the General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS on 25-27 June 2001. (UN Photo 206341C/Eskinder Debebe)
Available at .Cover photo at page 4, Accessed July 21, 2010. (further "UN Declaration on HIV/AIDS”)

On 25-27 June 2001, in New YORK, the United Nations General Assembly Special dedicated to HIV/AIDS (UNGASS) adopted the "Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS” in which the United Nations General Assembly appealed to the world to attack HIV/AIDS, with means equivalent to scale of the epidemics. [1] Humanity responded by reviewing the United Nations General Assembly resolution 55/13 of 3 November 2000, and by taking effective steps to materialize the vision established in the declaration. [2]
" In the war against H I V/A I D S, there is no us and them, no developed and developing countries , no rich and poor — only a common enemy that knows no frontiers and threatens all peoples. But we must all remember that while HIV/AIDS affects both rich and poor, the poor are much more vulnerable to infection, and much less able to cope with the disease once infected. The leadership and commitment shown in this Declaration will give new strength and inspiration to the thousands of health-care workers, teachers and community leaders fighting this disease in the poorest parts of the world , and to the millions suffering from its effects. They will now know that the world is finally summoning the will — and committing the resources — to win this war for all humanity”
Kofi A. Annan.
United Nations Secretary-General
Available in Un Declaration on HIV/AIDS, Page 7.
On 2003, the World Health Organization lunched its 3by5 project, aiming to provide AntiRetroviral (ARV) treatment to three (3) millions patients in the developing by 2005. [3]
That same year, in Washington DC, the BUSH Administration lunched the United States Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the largest project ever, initiated by a single government against a single disease, in the history of humanity. [4]
Increase access to ARVs, creates the needs for increase access to support, particularly support for HIV drug resistance monitoring. (Point 55, UN Declaration on HIV/AIDS). [1] That same year, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Aboubakar YARI and Venus YARI initiated the development of the SMARThivTECHS, a support platform containing all the essential components, for an effective HIV patients treatment monitoring, in the resource-poor settings. [5]
Since 2002, in numerous occasions, through short speeches, president George W. BUSH announced a "new way” of approaching global development assistance, termed the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA). [6] In January 2004, an act of Congress transformed president BUSH’s project, into law. The US Millennium Challenge Corporation (US MCC) was officially lunched. Essentially, the US MCC aims to reduce poverty in the developing world, by empowering the private sector. The US MCC megaprojects proposed approaches for effectively creating and sustaining a developing world interest oriented private company. [7]
Aboubakar and Venus YARI designed the Biotech tropicana Systems business model, for the developing world, using principles established in the US MCC, for guidance. [8]
"…..The growing divide between wealth and poverty, between opportunity and misery, is both a challenge to our compassion and a source of instability. We must confront it. We must include every African, every Asian, every Latin American, every Muslim, in an expanding circle of development. Many of the old models of economic development assistance are outdated. Money that is not accompanied by legal and economic reform are oftentimes wasted. During our lifetime, per capita income in the poorest countries has nearly doubled. Illiteracy has been cut by one-third, giving more children a chance to learn. Infant mortality has been almost halved, giving more children a chance to live. Today, I call for a new compact for global development, defined by new accountability for both rich and poor nations alike….”
George W. BUSH,
for the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation.
Available at , Page 2. Accessed July, 21, 2010.
Still in 2002, The United Nations General Secretary commissioned a scientific task force , the United Nations Millennium development Project (UN MDP) to establish the scientific principles for achieving the 2000 United nations Millennium Development Development Goals (UN MDG). By 2005, the UN task force led Professor Jeffrey Sachs, from Columbia University, New YORK, presented its findings to the UN Secretary General. [9]
By 2005, all the ingredients needed to affectively eliminating extreme poverty on planet earth, were assembled. According to UN General Secretary, "All what is needed is action”.
"We have the opportunity in the coming decade to cut world poverty by half. Billions more people could enjoy the fruits of the global economy. Tens of millions of lives can be saved. The practical solutions exist. The political framework is established. And for the first time, the cost is utterly affordable. Whatever one’s motivation for attacking the crisis of extreme poverty—human rights, religious values, security, fiscal prudence, ideology—the solutions are the same. All that is needed is action”.
Koffi A. Annan
Available at, Page 1 (21). Accessed July 20, 2010.
The Biotech tropicana Systems choose to act. We get the scientific framework to attacking extreme poverty from the UN MDP reports. [10] We get the business framework for implementing and selling our scientific gains, from the US MCC. [11] This UN MDP and US MCC, duality in principles, is expressed in all aspect of the works in the Biotech tropicana Systems. By closely monitoring the evolution in trends in the UN MDG and the US MCC, we are progressively improving our models.
With the political, scientific, and business frameworks set by world leaders, at the turning to the new millennium in 2000, a race for market control in the developing world was lunched, in the private sector communities. In the case of HIV/AIDS, this race is driven, according to the Biotech tropicana Systems, by what we call the pepfar effect, by analogy to the US MCC effect. [11] The Pepfar injection of billions of US dollars, transformed the pessimistic view on any biotech in the market in the developing world, to an optimistic one, even before the biotech companies win a single contract with the US pepfar.
In the developing world The Biotech tropicana Systems engaged in that race, with its SMARThivTECHS platform. The race is a challenge to human intelligence, experiences, and spirit, and defined by new knowledge oriented rules, set forth by the authority. Unfortunately, when some parties loose according to the rules, passion may take over the rational of the rules, and the nice non violent race of knowledge may turn into, a violent war, the market war. The sore losers will create pseudo rules, to disguise their weakness. Below, we discus how the Biotech tropicana Systems SMARThivTECHS win the market war, in the developing world, beyond all morass of rules and violations, guided by compassion and capitalism, to move its Life Box, from the laboratory to the Biotech tropicana Systems Life Stores, across the developing world.
"Unfortunately, when some parties loose according to the rules, passion may take over the rational of the rules, and the nice non violent race of knowledge may turn into a violent war, the market war”. The sore losers will create pseudo rules, to disguise their weakness.
Aboubakar & Venus YARI
Available here.
The secrets of the victory of the SMARThivTECHS are straightforward, hard work, hard discipline, and though human spirit. The major challenges to overcome include, scientific knowledge, material logistics, political support for business value chains, ethics and human rights. To overcome these challenges, particularly from the developing world, a strong human spirit is a valuable companion, in situation not unusual, when rules loose any sense, passion takes over, and the nice non violent race, turned into a violent war.
In our view, we won the philosophy war, by adhering to the UN MDG common agenda for humanity against HIV, beyond national egoist interests. We won the scientific and technical war by formulating the "right” development oriented hypothesis, where according to us, many of our competitors missed the point in formulating the "wrong” public health oriented hypothesis. We won the market war, by adhering to the "new way” "help yourself concept”, against the "old way” concept, "we give you help, if you do it our way ”. The "country ownership principle” embodied in the US MCC guided the design of our business value chain, by emphasizing adaptation to local economy. The Biotech tropicana Systems operate beyond the US MCA "country ownership” principle, from the US MCC "global ownership” principle.
"In our view, we won the philosophy war, by adhering to the UN MDG common agenda for humanity against HIV, beyond national egoist interests. We won the scientific and technical war by formulating the "right” development oriented hypothesis, where according to us, many of our competitors missed the point in formulating, the "wrong” public health oriented hypothesis”.
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI
Available, here.
From a philosophy perspective, we owned our unquestionable victory against all forces, by demonstrating superior spiritual performance, by keeping pace with the rules, even when we are loosing grounds, to the violators. As explained in our web site, work in the Biotech tropicana Systems are guide by the UN MDG and the US MCC. The spiritual component of the work, are no exception to these core rules. In though times, we let ourselves guided by the wise findings of those great scientists who dare to get out of the air conditioners of the developed world bureaucracies, to step in the real world, in their quest for valuable scientific knowledge. Here, we strongly believe in the philosophy that no material force on planet earth can defeat a human spirit convinced by the righteousness of its activities. The wise advices of Professor Jeffrey’s SACHS, director of the UN MDP scientific task force teaches us in part:
"……This has been a labor of love for the many participants in the task forces and Secretariat…..I believe that all of the participants have contributed in such a manner because they recognize the special nature of this effort. Part of that is the honor and privilege of working on behalf of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who launched the UN Millennium Project and who has played an unparalleled role in promoting the global fight against extreme poverty…Another special aspect of the Project is the rare and powerful opportunity to help give voice to the hopes, aspirations, and vital needs of the world’s poorest and most voiceless people. We have met countless heroes and heroines of development in the three years of our work—in the villages and slums of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and other parts of the developing world. We have seen people preserving their spirit, integrity, commitment, and hope for the future even when they have little else, when tragic circumstances have left them bereft of health, education, possessions, and a means of livelihood. The human spirit, we have seen on innumerable occasions, is truly indomitable. This triumph of the human spirit gives us the hope and confidence that extreme poverty can be cut by half by the year 2015, and indeed ended altogether within the coming years. The world community has at its disposal the proven technologies, policies, financial resources, and most importantly, the human courage and compassion to make it happen”.
Professor Jeffrey D. SACHS, Columbia University, New York, Director of the United Nations Millennium Development Project Available at .  Preface. Accessed July 21, 2010.
These wise lessons form professor SACHS have been very important in helping the Biotech tropicana systems and its SMARThivTECHS in securing victory, and in defeating the absurdities, and ignorance, of partisans of the "old way” who are stubbornly refusing to abide by the rational set forth by the authority, in designing a new path for humanity supported by new rules, toward the new millennium. It was no surprise to us, to see such an absurd approach defeats itself, through accumulation of mistakes, despite substantial amount of material means at their disposal. Our view is that, partisans of the "old way” are better off investing their efforts in acquiring a selective advantage, by attempting to adapt to the new evolutionary trend, instead of trying to resist the irresistible rules of the nature, imposed on all of us, by the principles of evolution. Humanity is under threat by a new biological entity, that through millions of years of evolution acquires the potential to feed on us, without discrimination with regard to sex, ethnicity, race, religion, or national origin. Here, we agree with the authority in the UN MDP, that traditional human community groupings have no choice than to revise their egoist interests, to set "a common agenda, to tackle a common enemy” on a global scale. In face of such a strong message from by such strong authorities, it is obvious that partisans of the "old way”, must adapt or meet their faith, counter selection and elimination. They cannot win, and where they are only two alternatives, they must loose.
From innovation, sciences, and technology perspectives, we claim to have won the war, by successfully developing systems that meet the major criteria set forth in the United Nations resolution 55/13 of November 3, 2000 , particularly criteria related to economic, social, an ethical implications of failures to meet the deadlines. (Points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 17, 24, 26, 33, 41, 46, 58 of the UN Declaration on HIV/AIDS). See also the UN task force report in "Combating AIDS in the Developing World”. [12]
Our careful exploration of systems proposed by competitors showed that none of the systems meet all these fundamental criteria, within the deadlines. Missing the deadlines will cause irreparable harm, in the form of irreparable loss of lives with irreparable increase in the number of orphans, and substantial loss in development gains achieved by other successful projects, such as the US MCC. The 2001 Declaration of Commitment, [1] and the 2005 UN MDP task force report, [12] are construed to avoid just that. SMARThivTECHS meet the deadline and set grounds to avoiding the projected avoidable targets by, a) by aligning our hypothesis with that of the UN MDP HIV/AIDS task force report in "combating AIDS in the Developing World”, and approaching HIV/AIDS as a development question that cumulatively address the issues of social, economic, and ethical implications of a public health problem, in modeling our systems, b) by formulating a "step wise” technology design hypothesis comporting three evolutionary steps, designed as versions 1, 2, and 3 of the SMARThivTECHS, to permit implementation within the deadlines, to avoid the avoidable predicted catastrophes . Version 1, of the SMARThivTECHS is immediately implementable, within the UN 2010 deadline.
"Version 1, of the SMARThivTECHS is immediately implementable, within the UN 2010 deadline”.
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI.
Available, here.
We meet the deadline by innovating a technology development approach, for the developing world, working from "outside to inside” of the systems, contrary to traditional approaches used by most biotech developers for the developing world, that work from "inside to outside”. Our "outside to inside” approach, first designed a support framework adapted to the economy and expertise level of the resource-poor settings, and then, through technology prospecting, adopted and adapted existing technologies to fit in our support framework, by manipulating technical parameters, and by very cautiously avoiding to manipulate any established basic scientific principle. By choosing technologies that passed the United States Food Drug Administration (FDA) test, while NOT altering the basic scientific principles in these systems, our system framework becomes immediately implementable, in the resource-poor settings, without a requirement for additional FDA time, or minimal requirement of FDA time. See SMARThivPACk model, its version 1, confirmed through simulation trials, is immediately implementable. [13] In version 1 of the SMARThivTECHS, all scientific decisions are centralized in a single global decision unit. [14] Version 2, predicts substantial technical and scientific improvements of version 1, to decentralize scientific decision to units of regional value chains, by incorporating systems now under development in the Biotech tropicana Systems. Version 3, will further decentralize scientific decisions to local level of the SMARThivGLOBALmos value chain, by technically and scientifically improving the systems.
Based on our explorations, only, our stepwise approach, in SMARThivTECHS, permits immediate implementation of HIV patients monitoring systems, in the resource-poor settings, in a manner that would avoid the avoidable targets as set in the UN Declaration of Commitment to HIV/AIDS, by avoiding the social, economic, and ethical issues raised in the declaration. We challenge, any group on that planet, to come out with a superior system.
"Based on our explorations, only, our stepwise approach, in SMARThivTECHS, permits immediate implementation of HIV patients monitoring systems, in the resource-poor settings, in a manner that would avoid the avoidable targets as set in the UN Declaration of Commitment to HIV/AIDS, by avoiding the social, economic, and ethical issues raised in the declaration. We challenge, any group on that planet, to come out with a superior system.”
Aboubakar & Venus YARI 
Available, here.
In the "inside to outside” approach, Biotech developers tend to first develop the system, and them design a framework for implementation of the system in the developing world. This is exactly the reverse of our reverse engineering approach. The "inside to outside " approach appears not to be efficient enough in complying with the guidelines, and recommendations specific to the developing world context, as set by the authority. [1;12] The weakness of the "inside to outside” approach is evident, in the failure of these systems to meet the critical ethical question free, and development promotion objectives, as sought by the authority.
"In the "inside to outside” approach, Biotech developers tend to first develop the system, and them design a framework for implementation of the system in the developing world. This is exactly the reverse of our reverse engineering approach. The "inside to outside " approach appears not to be efficient enough, in complying with the guidelines, and recommendations specific to the developing world context, as set by the authority. The weakness of the "inside to outside” approach is evident, in the failure of these systems to meet the critical ethical question free, and development promotion objectives, as sought by the authority” in the UN MDG, and the US MCC”.
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI
Available, here.
These systems cannot meet the critical deadlines, to avoid the irreparable negative impacts, our SMARThivTECHS overcome. To explain this situation in plain language, the situation we have now, is patients dying by the thousands every day, the majority of them, in the resource-poor communities, particularly in Sub Saharan Africa, that hold the notorious record of 70% of all cases. [2] We don’t have the technology to save them. The authority called for development of required technologies. If we initiate the development of new technologies, this will take roughly a decade for design, development, passing the regulatory tests, and setting the quality control framework. By the time theses technologies are out, there will be no need for them. Why? because all patients would be dead by then. Then, we will have the new technologies, but we won’t have any patient to treat. This is easy mathematics. Unlike the developed world, where HIV patients relatively live "normal life” because of better general living conditions in addition to higher medical standards, the poor patients in the developing world do not have these luxuries, and are therefore more vulnerable compared to the developed patients. Many of the developing world patients live with less than $ 1 USD a day. See the UN declaration on HIV/AIDS, for details. Therefore, improving standards with systems such as the SMARThivPACK, and keeping pace with expert set guidelines are critical, in the resource-poor settings. Any modification to these guidelines must be referred to the authorities, who set them. Don’t come to us. We don’t set guidelines, we applied them.
Only our three steps, reverse engineering approach demonstrated its capacity to meet the deadline, and avoid the irreparable harm. Then, it is fair to say that SMARThivTECHS win the innovation, sciences, and technoogy war on HIV/AIDS, in the developing world.
From a political perspective, SMARThivTECHS win the war by, a) complying with the United Nations General Assembly resolution 55/13 on HIV/AIDS, in a point per point manner, and b) by complying with the US Congress Act that creates the US MCC, that contained the implementation principles of the SMARThivTECHS. Our point per point incorporation of the principles set forth by the authority in the UN MDG, and the US MCC conferred SMARTHivTECHS, a superior performance, and a selective advantage, in support of treatment programs, in the developing world. We challenge any group to come out with a superior system. Because SMARThivTECHS are strictly aligned with guidelines and recommendations set forth by the authority, we protect SMARThivTECHS from any interference by unfair competition. Interference with SMARThivTECHS will first interfere with the power conferred to the authority. Then, all we have to is just continue our work, and let the violators deal with the appropriate authorities. The strict discipline rule of the Biotech tropicana Systems, insured political victory to the SMARThivTECHS.
We previously discussed the basis of the success of our business strategy, in SMARThivGLOBALmos. [15] To achieve immediate implementation of the SMARThivTECHS, within the deadline set by the authority, we adhere to ethical guidelines commending us not to delay treatment to wait for the completion of our owned systems, by incorporating FDA approved systems on the market, developed by other companies, in our "outside” framework adapted to the economy and expertise level of the resource-poor settings. Here we will loose a profit margin to the owner of these systems, but in return, we gain in competitive advantage, in market control. An advantage that gives us an edge, in securing the market for our own products, predicted for incorporation, "inside”, in version 2 of the SMARThivTECHS to increase our profit margin, consistent with our "compassionate capitalism” philosophy. With the establishment, in version 1 of SMARThivTECHS, of the feasibility principles for large scale ‘individual centered ”three tests”, as performed in the developed world, in monitoring HIV patients, in the developing world, the Biotech tropicana Systems is ready to get into business to "capitalize” its decade private investment, by setting its Life stores across the developing world, to sell life to the poor patients of the developing world, with compassion at the very competitive cost of $ 120 USD per year of life. The life for sale, is stored in the Biotech tropicana Life Box. We call for all customers, to stop by the Biotech tropicana Life Stores to shop, for life.
"With the establishment, in version 1 of SMARThivTECHS, of the feasibility principles for large scale ‘individual centered ”three tests”, as performed in the developed world, in monitoring HIV patients, in the developing world, the Biotech tropicana Systems is ready to get into business to "capitalize” its decade private investment, by setting its Life stores across the developing world, to sell life to the poor patients of the developing world, with compassion at the very competitive cost of $ 120 USD per year of life. The life for sale, is stored in the Biotech tropicana Life Box. We call for all customers, to stop by the Biotech tropicana Life Stores to shop, for life”.
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI 
Available, here.
We must give back, the only thing we can give back, thanks, to these great leaders who, at the turn to the new millennium, demonstrated great courage and compassion, to initiate changes to improve life on planet earth for both the rich and the poor alike. The insight and vision of president George W. BUSH in the United States Millennium Challenge Corporation (US MCC), and the UN secretary, Kofi Annan in the UN MDG, gives us today, the opportunity to dare setting our place, in the Biotech Corporate community. The SMARThivTECHS, now ready to get into business, is a materialization of the vision expressed in the United States Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which aligned with the philosophy of compassion expressed in the US MCC through massive capital investment in the developing world, and a materialization of the 2001 United Nations Declaration of Commitment to HIV/AIDS, which aligned with the philosophy of compassion in the UN MDG through a massive investment of sciences in the developing world.
All the ingredients needed to attack extreme poverty in "all of its dimensions”, have been generously provided to the developing world, by visionary leaders. Kofi Annan said it all, now "….all what is needed is action……”.
The Biotech tropicana Systems chooses to act, by harnessing the knowledge provided by the UN MDP, engineering them, to innovate solutions on the ground, and selling these solutions, in a manner that is consistent with principles established in the US MCC, guided by the principles of "compassionate capitalism” expressed in both the UN MDG, and the US MCC. SMARThivTECHS are the products of an application of these principles set by the authority to give hope. SMARThivTECHS must go on, against all odds. We must not deceive the hope. We cannot afford to see the hope created by the insight and vision of these great leaders die, in our hands. We must nourish it, and pass to the next generation, against all odds. That, s the way, it will be, and no one can change that.
We are not in the business of war. We are in the business of hope, that we play according to the rules. The best wins. We expect all parties in the competition set by the authority, to play by the rules. When sore losers, choose to deliberately violate the rules, and weigh an unfair war on us, we have no choice than to counter attack, to protect ourselves, and our hard work acquired selective advantage. To those who deliberately chose to attack the Biotech tropicana Systems, we clearly say, that they must step back. Otherwise, they must get the war they ask for. Here again, we will not permit the violators to drag us, into violation. We are confident to defeat them, by playing by the rules, to permit them to defeat themselves, through their own violations, and ignorance.
"We must give back, the only thing we can give back, thanks, to these great leaders who, at the turn to the new millennium, demonstrated great courage and compassion, to initiate changes to improve life on planet earth for both the rich and the poor alike”.
Aboubakar YARI and Venus YARI
Available, here.
Unfair competition violates laws and principles of Bioethics to gain some undeserved "advantages”. Our strict respect of guidelines and recommendations set forth by the authority slowed us to some extent. However, our analysis of the facts, convinced us that we will reach the final line as victorious, as our competitors already defeat themselves, through accumulations of their own violations that is now catching them up, and putting them down.
An analysis of applicable scientific, political, and economical principles clearly demonstrates that we are now alone in the HIV/AIDS market race, in the developing world. After all the competitors eliminate themselves, we have now only ourselves to defeat. We expect to do that, by continuing to work harder and harder to improve ourselves, for the poor patients of the developing world, guided by the philosophy of compassionate capitalism. We must also improve ourselves, to forgive the violators and protect them because they are weak, a weakness that deprive them of the means to keep pace with the rules, consistent with the philosophy of compassion that inspired a great leader in proposing the US MCC for a better a life on planet earth. President George W. BUSH said it all "….today I call for a new compact for global development, defined by new accountability, for both rich and poor nations alike”. The president can count on the Biotech tropicana Systems, in materialization this vision.
We must fight to win, according to the rules. We must also fight for the wisdom of forgiveness and protection of the weak, by giving the losers, including the violators, a chance to stay in business, by accepting to share our victory; a wisdom the founder get from his pastor, Pres Riley, in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
With SMALL TECHS , for BIG SOLUTIONS, for the developing world. The Biotech tropicana Systems win the philosophy war, for the developing world. The Biotech tropicana Systems win the innovation, sciences, and technology war, for the developing world. The Biotech tropicana Systems win the politics war, for the developing world. The Biotech tropicana Systems win the market war, for the developing world. SMARThivTECHS are ready to get into business. Then it is fair to say that the Biotech tropicana Systems are the way, the truth, and no one get to the developing world biotech market except through the Biotech tropicana Systems.
"The Biotech tropicana Systems are the way, the thruth, and no one get to the developing world biotech market, except through the Biotech tropicana Systems”.
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI
Available, here .
[1] United Nations General Assembly. Declarartion on Commitment on HIV/AIDS.  
[3] World Health Organization. 3by5. 
[5] Biotech tropicana,IncHEALTH.
[7] US MCC.
[8] Biotech tropicana Systems.
[12] UN HIV/AIDS Task Force. Combating AIDS In The Developing World.
[14] YARI V; and YARI A. The Mobile Life Box.
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