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Biotech tropicana Journal: (1):10): 4,2016

SATEC: The SMART African Technology Evaluation Centre.

An Analysis For Impact On Security, Economics, And Integration Of The African Union.


Aboubakar YARI1; Venus YARI1. And Myra YARI2


  1. Biotech tropicana,IncAU
  1. Marketing Body, Biotech tropicana Corporation.


SATEC: An Overview Description.

Evaluating a technology before implementation was proven beneficial for the recipient and many countries established quality assessment and quality control QA/QC programs.

We design a platform for process and technology evaluation that is amenable to the resource poor settings: the SMART African Technology Evaluation Centre: SATEC. In addition to the direct benefit of quality control, our SATEC platform brought many indirect benefits including:

Economics: as data accumulate the SATEC platform may be used as data source for design of investment strategies for further technology development at a continental scale. Data accumulated in SATEC will clearly highlight areas of technology scarcity and areas technology overload. The types of technology that are needed to support development of all areas will also be highlighted. SATEC will also provide a single platform for monitoring clearance fees collection and tax collection on technologies. on a continental scale.

Security: types, location, and ownership of technology and processes may be easily monitored from a single office on a continental scale. Good technologies such as health technologies, and bad technologies such as weapons of destruction developed in, entering in or exiting out, may be monitored from a single office.

Integration: SATEC is designed for implementation on territories of the African Union. The need to establish member country level data collection centres for a single reference centre creates a productive ground for establishing member country level presence of the African Union. Direct interactions of the African Union with local institutions will promote the integration process on the agenda of the African Union since its inception in the 1960s.

We previously design a platform for systematically recording biotechnology development and commercialization on the territory of the African Union: the SMART African Biotechnology Information Centre, SABIC. ( ).

SATEC® is an exclusive private property of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Here we provide an overview of the system for marketing purpose. More information is available at SABIC Consulting, Inc. A detailed design and development principles may be released to the scientific community as of the date of expiration of the patent on SATEC, as part of our contribution to the advancement of sciences.   

Keywords: SATEC; Technology Evaluation; African Union; Economics; Security; Integration.

Program Development Model: P2.


[1] SATEC: at

[2] SABIC at

[3] Sabic Consulting, Inc at

Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (09.09.2016)
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