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Main » 2009 » December » 2 » bti Warnings and Clarifications
2:33 PM
bti Warnings and Clarifications
bti Warnings and Clarifications
Short Communication : 02_25_2011
The Biotech tropicana, IncEXPLORER unit is being recently receiving too many proposals for financing of some its projects. While we appreciate the interest on our work, many of the projects under incubation in the EXPLORER unit are not yet ready to accommodate more funds. Even where the Biotech tropicana Sysems are a commercial business entity, our work aims primarily to build capacity in the developing world. We therefore cannot accept funds when the capacity to accomodate these funds are not in place.
We will contact appropriate funders at the appropriate time. Therefore, we urge unsollicited funders NOT TO CALL again
Biotech tropicana,Inc  urges its collaborators and partners to regularly read its warnings and clarifications page. Because of the scarcity and underdevelopment of information technologies in the resource-poor countries, and considering the remoteness of some our activity sites misinformation is current. We regularly update this page to assist avoid confusions.
June 8, 2010
Debt Resoulution issues clser to closures
From the February 1, 2010 long list of parties under investigation at Biotech tropicana,Inc for failures to pay for services, only one (1) is definitively going to court.  A second party is further trying its way out of court.
We appreaciate the payments, of debts due to us. However, all parties that paid after the March 31, 2010 deadline are still barred from any services from Biotech tropicana, IncEXPLORER or any entity of the Biotech tropicana Systems, for negligent and irresponsible collaboration practices. 
February 25, 2010
On Academic Diplomas in the Biotech tropicana Systems:
There are rumors that the human resources in the Biotech tropicana system lack the necessary diplomas to pursue their work. Here the founder wish to bring some clarifications and demonstrated that these rumors are frivolous and, indeed we do actually hold more academic diplomas than we need to pursue our work. We hypothesize that these rumors may arose form the founders parallel pursuit of a PhD diploma, while working in the Biotech tropicana systems "innovation” programs with an engineering diploma.
1) Innovation programs:
Like any "tool development” innovation project, the innovation programs in the Biotech tropicana systems aim to take ideas to tools. There is no country in the world that set a diploma requirement for its citizens to express their ideas and transform them into tools to perform work. Such a regulation would hinder technological innovations, and result in a substantial development lost for the country. What countries do require is to submit developed tools (products) to designated authorities for verification in light of safety and usefulness, before the developing institution is permitted to sell its tools to the general population. For example, developed health related tools must be submitted to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for verification and permission to sell them to the general US population. Tool development in the Biotech tropicana system does not reach that level yet. At the appropriate time, we will submit our products to appropriate designated authorities for verification and permission to sell. With regards to diplomas issues, the founder and director of the Biotech tropicana innovation programs has completed a formal academic engineering training in biotechnology. In the Biotech tropicana system, we can show more diplomas than the Wrights brothers of OHIO, USA, who invented the flying plane without completing high school.
Available at Accessed%20February%2025, 2010.
The US  National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), parent of NASA did verify their invention and permitted them to sell it for flying the general population; one their their first clients being the US government who bought the Wrights brothers plane for $ 30.000 USD, including a $ 5000 USD bonus for exceeding US Army speed specification.
Available at  
AND .Accssed February 25, 2010.
Since then, regulations in the world of innovations did not change. It is unlikely that any country in the world would set a regulation that would inhibit its own development, by inhibiting technological innovations.
2) The founders parallel PhD program
In parallel to the innovation programs through the Biotech tropicana system, the founders applied and has been formally accepted in a PhD program at Georgia State University, Atlanta,USA, in 2004. (Available at  ). The founder did not complete the PhD program for immigration purpose. Here, to stop the rumors, the founder found important to clarify the distinction made by the United States University system between "ACADEMIC STANDING” and "ADMINISTRATIVE STATUS”. The founder administrative status is inactivated for not registering for more than one year, consistent with the regulations of the University. However, the academic standing remains, "GOOD STANDING” and will remain so, to the end of time. Academically, the founder will remain a PhD student or continue to PhD graduate. There is no academic means to set the founder back below the PhD level, when he did demonstrate the required academic performance to merit that classification. Here, the founder has developed a strategy to complete his PhD program, working with partner institutions of the Biotech tropicana system. We hypothesize that the rumors may be the art work of "confusionists” who may be pursing some underserved gains in the hard work acquired wealth of our company. We are pleased to get such enthusiastic interest on our work. We stay open to those who want to work hard to produce more results, without discrimination to ethnicity, sex, race, religion, or national origin. Here we want to make clear that, it is our policy not to collaborate with low performers, and partisans of arbitrary , anarchy, and unjustified brutality. Work in the Biotech tropicana system is guided by STRICT compliance with guidelines set by the authority. Development of the Biotech tropicana Corporation SMARTalternativeTECHS continues in order, consistent with applicable laws and regulations. We will continue to choose our collaborators in the manner that is consistent with our objectives and our policies, guided mainly by the factors of competence and availability. With regards to the frivolous diploma issues, we demonstrate the possession of more diplomas than we need, to pursue our innovation programs. Our development plan comports the necessary strategies for collaborations toward achieving our objectives. To the partisans of confusions, we clearly notified them, that we don’t need them. If we need the collaboration of some parties, we will contact them. Here, we call for all parties, to assume their responsibilities. We have hands full of work, running against time to beat deadlines set by the authority. We urge all parties to go to work, in their respective areas, for the common good. In the Biotech tropicana system, we will to do our part of the job. In response to unjustified violence, we must take appropriate measures to protect, our hard work acquired wealth in the form of private properties, and to protect ourselves. TO THOSE INTERESTED IN OUR INVENTIONS, WE INFORM THAT OUR INVENTIONS ARE FOR SALE. NO FREE GIFT OF HARD WORK AND EXPENSIVE INVENTED TOOLS.
January 22, 2010

Short Communication # 1: Debt files resolution incentive proposal

From: CEO, Biotech tropicana,Inc

To: All institutions that owe money to Biotech tropicana, Inc


Dear collaborators and partners

The CEO of Biotech tropicana, Inc is pleased to announce a debt reduction plan to all institutions that owe money to Biotech tropicana, Inc with a late payment of more than one year. Considering the global financial crisis, and its impact on weak economies, consistent with our compassionate capitalism philosophy, Biotech tropicana, Inc is proposing a 10% debt reduction to all institutions that owe more than $ 3000 USD and incur a late payment of more than one year.

We propose to all concerned institutions, to propose us a voluntary payment plan accessible to their budget. This incentive debt reduction proposal is opened to all participants form February 1, 2010 to March 31, 2010 at midnight, Greenwich Mean Time.

Starting April 1, 2010, all debt files will be transferred to our legal coordination center for  elaboration of a debt collection scheme.

We understand that the international financial crisis has a greater negative impact on weak and least diversified economies, and we are willing to work with structures that can demonstrate a good performance, should circumstances have permitted us to do so. We , ourselves, are a private business, and we must abide by the rules imposed to us by capitalism principles, to stay in business.
In conflict of interest situations with our partners, Biotech tropicana, Inc manual of procedures ordered us to avoid legal remedies as much as possible. To preserve the good image of our partners and create grounds for future collaborations we emphasize negotiations over legal remedies, particularly with partners that demonstrated a good will but have limited financial resources. However, we must bring to the attention of those partners that demonstrated a bad will, despites numerous incentives, that legal remedy is justified. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to their image.

bti Warnings # 1
To the attention of Biotech tropicana, Inc collaborators and partners,
we report suspicious activities : From our activity site in Parakou, Benin, West Africa, we have reports and witnesses of some rather bizarre looking individuals, in sect-like structures, mostly white males and white females, with some indigenous males and females, walking in the streets, wearing military style hats and black eye glasses, claiming that they work for some American and Europeans governments.
They failed to produce any ID or any form of documents to establish any affiliation to any official government. We have reports that they may write to institutions in Europe or America, claiming they own someone else company in Africa. We are bringing to the attention of our partners, to verify any suspicious mails about Biotech tropicana,Inc, with the CEO at, CONTACT, and report the mails to law enforcement for further proceedings.
Clarification # 1
About Biotech tropicana,Inc HIV/AIDS Program :
We bring to the attention of our partners and collaborators that Biotech tropicana,Inc is involved in two HIV projects in Benin Republic: a government owned database project (further "HIV_DB project”), and a private Biotech tropicana,Inc owned HIV diagnostics project (further "SMARThivTECHS).
There are seldom confusions between the TWO INDEPENDENT PROJECTS.
HIV_DB: The HIV_DB project is a government owned population survey of HIV drug resistance, consistent with recommendations of the World Health Organization. Aboubakar YARI, the founder and ceo of Biotech tropicana,Inc helped develop the government HIV_DB project as a graduate student research visitor in a government owned institution (isba) in Cotonou, Benin. The population study aspect of the HIV_DB project justified its strict public ownership, as recommended by the World Health Organization. For details on the scientific basis of the government owned population-based HIV drug resistance survey,
See World Health Organization, Scaling up antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings : guidelines for a public health approach (2002) at page 39. Available at, accessed October 19, 2009.
Documents related to the HIV_DB projects are deposited in the library of the Benin government medical research coordination center, in Cotonou, Benin, for consultation.
SMARThivTECHS are a serie of individual centered HIV diagnostic tools for the clinical management of the HIV patients in the developing world. A project initiated and still under development at Biotech tropicana, Inc, a private company ,owned and operated by Aboubakar YARI and Venus YARI. For details go to , keyword, yari aboubakar. See also 
Should you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us, at , CONTACT.
December 14, 2009
Update to Clarification # 1.
Update on the Biotech tropicana, Inc HIV/AIDS programme
Again,we have received concerns related to confusions between our HIV/AIDS programme (SMARThivTECHS) and the government HIV/AIDS programme (HIV_DB) in which we have participated.
To respect privacy of other parties identified in the documents, we will not published official documents related to the government project. However, we do have copies of the documents and we are willing to provide the documents to any of our partners, for clarification.
Most of the concerns revolved around ownership. Here we clarified that all work owned by Biotech tropicana, Inc is copyrighted and deposited in the United States of America.
We must clarify that based on data in the documents in which the government acknowledged that we did do the job we were required to do, we have not been paid so far, and the government still owns us about $20.000 USD. In case any of our partners received conflicting mails about Biotech tropicana, Inc HIV/AIDS programme again, we urge them to request the documents from us and challenge the senders of the conflicting mails to show any pay stub. They can not.
Category: Biotech tropicanaNEWS SPECIALS | Views: 990 | Added by: Biotechtropicana | Rating: 0.0/0
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